blob: 35e788cf0db68b5c039ebdb00a4c9613adffb327 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "./dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="&XercesCFullName;">
<s2 title="&XercesCName;++ Version &XercesCVersion;">
<p>&XercesCName; is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++.
&XercesCName; makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write
<jump href="">XML</jump> data.
A shared library is provided for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML
documents. &XercesCName; is faithful to the
<jump href="">XML 1.0</jump> recommendation
and associated standards (
<jump href="">DOM 1.0</jump>,
<jump href="">DOM 2.0</jump>.
<jump href="">SAX 1.0</jump>,
<jump href="">SAX 2.0</jump>,
<jump href="">Namespaces</jump>),
The parser provides high performance, modularity, and scalability.
Source code, samples and API documentation are provided with the parser. For
portability, care has been taken to make minimal use of templates,
no RTTI, no C++ namespaces and minimal use of #ifdefs.</p>
<s2 title="Applications of the &XercesCProjectName; Parser">
<p>&XercesCProjectName; has rich generating and validating capabilities. The parser is used for:</p>
<li>Building XML-savvy Web servers</li>
<li>Building next generation of vertical applications that use XML as
their data format</li>
<li>On-the-fly validation for creating XML editors</li>
<li>Ensuring the integrity of e-business data expressed in XML</li>
<li>Building truly internationalized XML applications</li>
<s2 title="Features">
<li>Conforms to <jump href="">XML Spec 1.0</jump></li>
<li>Tracking of latest
<jump href="">DOM (Level 1.0)</jump>,
<jump href="">DOM (Level 2.0)</jump>,
<jump href="">SAX/SAX2</jump> and
<jump href="">Namespace</jump> specifications.</li>
<li>Source code, samples, and documentation is provided.</li>
<li>Programmatic generation and validation of XML</li>
<li>Pluggable catalogs, validators and encodings</li>
<li>High performance</li>
<li>Customizable error handling</li>
<s2 title="Platforms with Binaries">
<li>Win32 using MSVC 6.0 SP3</li>
<li>Linux (RedHat 6.1) using egcs-2.91.66 and glibc-2.1.2-11</li>
<li>Solaris 2.6 using Sun Workshop 4.2</li>
<li>AIX 4.2.1 using xlC 3.6.4</li>
<li>HP-UX 11 using aCC A.03.13 with pthreads</li>
<s2 title="Other ports...">
<li>SGI IRIX</li>
<li>and more!</li>