blob: cea6d43a61ad511a506a9a0d087ae32f1db51caf [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 1">
<s2 title="SAXCount">
<p>SAXCount is the simplest application that counts the elements and characters of
a given XML file using the (event based) SAX API.</p>
<s3 title="Building on Windows">
<p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
build the project marked SAXCount.</p>
<s3 title="Building on UNIX">
<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
cd SAXCount
<p>This will create the object files in the current directory
and the executable named
SAXCount in '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
<p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
<source>gmake clean</source>
<s3 title="Running SAXCount">
<p>The SAXCount sample parses an XML file and prints out a count of the number of
elements in the file. To run SAXCount, enter the following </p>
<source>SAXCount &lt;XML File&gt;</source>
<p>To use the validating parser, use </p>
<source>SAXCount -v &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
<p>Here is a sample output from SAXCount</p>
<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
SAXCount -v personal.xml
personal.xml: 60 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars)</source>
<p>Running SAXCount with the validating parser gives a different result because
ignorable white-space is counted separately from regular characters.</p>
<source>SAXCount personal.xml
personal.xml: 10 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars)</source>
<p>Note that the sum of spaces and chracters in both versions is the same.</p>
<note>The time reported by the program may be different depending on your
machine processor.</note>