blob: fb4bbdedf8b19c2ff34986c7d088af3427676b94 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">
<faqs title="Other &XercesCName; Questions">
<faq title="I can't use C++. Do you have a Java version?">
<q>I can't use C++. Do you have a Java version?</q>
<p>Yes. The Xerces family of products also has a Java
version. More information is available at: <jump
<faq title="I found a defect - whom do I report it to?">
<q>I found a defect - whom do I report it to?</q>
<p>Send the defect reports to &lt;<jump
&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt; with the version number,
the exact OS release number, the compiler version number,
and a copy of the XML document that generates the
error. Do mention the archive (source or binary) you are
using. If you have rebuilt the samples/library then please
mention that too. The more information we get, the faster
we will be able to reproduce and fix the defect.</p>
<faq title="Is there any kind of support available for Xerces-C/XML4C?">
<q>Is there any kind of support available for Xerces-C/XML4C?</q>
<p>Limited support is available with <em>no
guarantees</em> via the Xerces-C mailing list &lt;<jump
and <jump
discussion forum on Alphaworks</jump>. We strongly
recommend all &XercesCName; users to subscribe to the
Xerces-C mailing list and monitor the discussions on the
XML4C discussion forums.</p>
<p>IBM, in the past, has set up some separate special
support contracts for customers who absolutely insisted on
having support. If you have similar requirements, then you
may contact IBM via email at <jump
<faq title="I have a question not covered here -- who may I contact?">
<q>I have a question not covered here -- who may I contact?</q>
<p>Hopefully, you have read this entire FAQ and still
could not find the answer to your question.</p>
<p>Next, we would like you to search the archives
(addresses given below) and on going discussion threads
(URL's mentioned in the answer to the previous question
above) to see if someone else has already asked the same
question. Its been a while since the first public release
of this product was made, so most common questions have
been asked and answered. Many people actively
subscribe/monitor these lists and is the fastest way to
get an answer.</p>
<p>The Apache's Xerces-C mailing list is archived at <jump
<p>The archives for IBM's XML4C discussion forum are
available at <jump
<p>If you are using XML4C then you may also send your
question to <jump
href=""></jump>. Do note
that the packaging and bundling of XML4C sources and
binaries differs from whats available at the Apache's
site, so please address your questions accordingly. Again,
the response from this email address may not be as prompt
as what you may receive from the mailing lists/discussion
<p>Its critical, that you very clearly mention the
following information along with your question. The
product name, version, source/binary archive that you
downloaded, whether you rebuilt the samples/library or are
using the stock ones that we release, platform, OS version
number, compiler, compiler version number.</p>