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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* $Id$
// This file is part of the internal implementation of the C++ XML DOM.
// It should NOT be included or used directly by application programs.
// Applications should include the file <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp> for the entire
// DOM API, or xercesc/dom/DOM*.hpp for individual DOM classes, where the class
// name is substituded for the *.
#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMRange.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
class DOMNode;
class DOMDocumentFragment;
class DOMDocument;
class DOMText;
class MemoryManager;
class CDOM_EXPORT DOMRangeImpl: public DOMRange {
enum TraversalType {
enum TraversePoint {
BEFORE = -1,
START = 0,
//private data
DOMNode* fStartContainer;
XMLSize_t fStartOffset;
DOMNode* fEndContainer;
XMLSize_t fEndOffset;
bool fCollapsed;
DOMDocument* fDocument;
bool fDetached;
DOMNode* fRemoveChild;
MemoryManager* fMemoryManager;
DOMRangeImpl(DOMDocument* doc, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
DOMRangeImpl(const DOMRangeImpl& other);
//getter functions
virtual DOMNode* getStartContainer() const;
virtual XMLSize_t getStartOffset() const;
virtual DOMNode* getEndContainer() const;
virtual XMLSize_t getEndOffset() const;
virtual bool getCollapsed() const;
virtual const DOMNode* getCommonAncestorContainer() const;
//setter functions
virtual void setStart(const DOMNode *parent, XMLSize_t offset);
virtual void setEnd(const DOMNode *parent, XMLSize_t offset);
virtual void setStartBefore(const DOMNode *refNode);
virtual void setStartAfter(const DOMNode *refNode);
virtual void setEndBefore(const DOMNode *refNode);
virtual void setEndAfter(const DOMNode *refNode);
//misc functions
virtual void collapse(bool toStart);
virtual void selectNode(const DOMNode *node);
virtual void selectNodeContents(const DOMNode *node);
//Functions related to comparing range Boundrary-Points
virtual short compareBoundaryPoints(CompareHow how, const DOMRange* range) const;
virtual void deleteContents();
virtual DOMDocumentFragment* extractContents();
virtual DOMDocumentFragment* cloneContents() const;
virtual void insertNode(DOMNode* node);
//Misc functions
virtual void surroundContents(DOMNode *node);
virtual DOMRange* cloneRange() const;
virtual const XMLCh* toString() const;
virtual void detach();
virtual void release();
//getter functions
DOMDocument* getDocument();
// functions to inform all existing valid ranges about a change
void updateSplitInfo(DOMNode* oldNode, DOMNode* startNode, XMLSize_t offset);
void updateRangeForInsertedNode(DOMNode* node);
void receiveReplacedText(DOMNode* node);
void updateRangeForDeletedText(DOMNode* node, XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count);
void updateRangeForInsertedText(DOMNode* node, XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count);
void updateRangeForDeletedNode(DOMNode* node);
//setter functions
void setStartContainer(const DOMNode* node);
void setStartOffset(XMLSize_t offset) ;
void setEndContainer(const DOMNode* node);
void setEndOffset(XMLSize_t offset) ;
//misc functions
void validateNode(const DOMNode* node) const;
bool isValidAncestorType(const DOMNode* node) const;
bool hasLegalRootContainer(const DOMNode* node) const;
bool isLegalContainedNode(const DOMNode* node ) const;
void checkIndex(const DOMNode* node, XMLSize_t offset) const;
static bool isAncestorOf(const DOMNode* a, const DOMNode* b);
XMLSize_t indexOf(const DOMNode* child, const DOMNode* parent) const;
const DOMNode* commonAncestorOf(const DOMNode* pointA, const DOMNode* pointB) const;
DOMNode* nextNode(const DOMNode* node, bool visitChildren) const;
DOMDocumentFragment* traverseContents(TraversalType type);
void checkReadOnly(DOMNode* start, DOMNode* end,
XMLSize_t starOffset, XMLSize_t endOffset);
void recurseTreeAndCheck(DOMNode* start, DOMNode* end);
DOMNode* removeChild(DOMNode* parent, DOMNode* child);
DOMDocumentFragment* traverseSameContainer( int how );
DOMDocumentFragment* traverseCommonStartContainer( DOMNode *endAncestor, int how );
DOMDocumentFragment* traverseCommonEndContainer( DOMNode *startAncestor, int how );
DOMDocumentFragment* traverseCommonAncestors( DOMNode *startAncestor, DOMNode *endAncestor, int how );
DOMNode* traverseRightBoundary( DOMNode *root, int how );
DOMNode* traverseLeftBoundary( DOMNode *root, int how );
DOMNode* traverseNode( DOMNode *n, bool isFullySelected, bool isLeft, int how );
DOMNode* traverseFullySelected( DOMNode *n, int how );
DOMNode* traversePartiallySelected( DOMNode *n, int how );
DOMNode* traverseTextNode( DOMNode *n, bool isLeft, int how );
DOMNode* getSelectedNode( DOMNode *container, int offset );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented constructors and operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DOMRangeImpl & operator = (const DOMRangeImpl &);