blob: 271f0086deda1173ad26ca10ac2cbe0064ff255d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE MsgFile SYSTEM "../XMLErrList.dtd">
This message file contains all errors, warnings, and exception
messages used by Xerces-C++. If you ever need to add another
message make sure you follow these guidelines:
- All messages start with a lower-case letter (except where
a name is used as the first word) and do not have a period
at the end.
- Names of elements, attributes, types, files, etc., as well as
values should be enclosed in '', for example:
"invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"
"imported schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}';
expected '{2}'"
Qualified names of constructs should not be enclosed in '', for
"whiteSpace facet", not "'whiteSpace' facet"
"choice compositor", not "'choice' compositor"
- All messages should be in single-sentence format (that is there,
should be no periods in the message). If you need to provide
additional information use ';', for example:
"'{0}' is not allowed for the content of simpleType; only list,
union, and restriction are allowed"
- If the same message is provided for more that one construct
(e.g., for element and attribute), make sure that the same
working is used in all places.
- Use plain English and try to avoid starting sentences with "if",
"when", etc. For example:
Bad: "if the namespace on an import element is not present,
the importing schema must have a target namespace"
Better: "importing schema must have target namespace if namespace
in import declaration is not present"
- Study similar messages to the one you are adding and make sure
you use consistent terminology.
A Message file is designed for a particular locale, which is
indicated in the locale attribute below.
<MsgFile Locale="EN_US">
<MsgDomain Domain="">
<Message Id="NotationAlreadyExists" Text="notation '{0}' has already been declared"/>
<Message Id="AttListAlreadyExists" Text="attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ContradictoryEncoding" Text="encoding '{0}' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring"/>
<Message Id="UndeclaredElemInCM" Text="element '{0}' is referenced in a content model but was never declared"/>
<Message Id="UndeclaredElemInAttList" Text="element '{0}' is referenced in an ATTLIST but was never declared"/>
<Message Id="XMLException_Warning" Text="{0}"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeResourceErrorWarning" Text="unable to include document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeCannotOpenFile" Text="unable to open text file target '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeIncludeFailedResourceError" Text="unable to include resource '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FeatureUnsupported" Text="'{0}' is not allowed for the content of simpleType; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"/>
<Message Id="TopLevelNoNameComplexType" Text="globally-defined complex type must have a name"/>
<Message Id="TopLevelNoNameAttribute" Text="globally-declared attribute must have a name"/>
<Message Id="NoNameRefAttribute" Text="attribute declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"/>
<Message Id="NoNameRefElement" Text="element declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"/>
<Message Id="NoNameRefGroup" Text="group declaration must have name or a 'ref' attribute"/>
<Message Id="NoNameRefAttGroup" Text="attributeGroup declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"/>
<Message Id="AnonComplexTypeWithName" Text="anonymous complexType in element '{0}' has name"/>
<Message Id="AnonSimpleTypeWithName" Text="anonymous simpleType in element '{0}' has name"/>
<Message Id="InvalidElementContent" Text="content of element declaration must match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)"/>
<Message Id="SimpleTypeContentError" Text="invalid content in simple type '{0}'; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSimpleTypeInList" Text="expected simpleType in list definition for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ListUnionRestrictionError" Text="list, union, or restriction content is invalid for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="SimpleTypeDerivationByListError" Text="invalid content in list definition for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSimpleTypeInRestriction" Text="expected simpleType in restriction definition for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateFacet" Text="facet '{0}' is already defined"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSimpleTypeInUnion" Text="expected simpleType in union definition for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="EmptySimpleTypeContent" Text="content in simpleType definition is empty"/>
<Message Id="InvalidSimpleContent" Text="expected restriction or extension in simpleContent definition"/>
<Message Id="UnspecifiedBase" Text="base attribute must be specified for restriction or extension definition"/>
<Message Id="InvalidComplexContent" Text="expected restriction or extension in complexContent definition"/>
<Message Id="SchemaElementContentError" Text="invalid content in 'schema' element"/>
<Message Id="ContentError" Text="invalid content for type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="UnknownSimpleType" Text="unknown simpleType '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="UnknownComplexType" Text="unknown complexType '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="UnresolvedPrefix" Text="prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"/>
<Message Id="RefElementNotFound" Text="referenced element '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="TypeNotFound" Text="type '{0}:{1}' not found"/>
<Message Id="TopLevelAttributeNotFound" Text="attribute '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="InvalidChildInComplexType" Text="invalid element '{0}' in complex type definition"/>
<Message Id="BaseTypeNotFound" Text="base type '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="DatatypeValidatorCreationError" Text="unable to create validator for '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="InvalidChildFollowingSimpleContent" Text="invalid element following simpleContent definition in complexType"/>
<Message Id="InvalidChildFollowingConplexContent" Text="invalid element following complexContent definition in complexType"/>
<Message Id="AttributeDefaultFixedValue" Text="attribute '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"/>
<Message Id="NotOptionalDefaultAttValue" Text="attribute '{0}' with default value must be optional"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateAttribute" Text="attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"/>
<Message Id="AttributeWithTypeAndSimpleType" Text="attribute '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType definition"/>
<Message Id="AttributeSimpleTypeNotFound" Text="simpleType '{0}:{1}' for attribute '{2}' not found"/>
<Message Id="ElementWithFixedAndDefault" Text="element '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"/>
<Message Id="InvalidDeclarationName" Text="invalid {0} name '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ElementWithTypeAndAnonType" Text="element '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType/complexType definition"/>
<Message Id="NotSimpleOrMixedElement" Text="element '{0}' has fixed or default value and must have mixed simple or simple content model"/>
<Message Id="DisallowedSimpleTypeExtension" Text="simpleType '{0}' that '{1}' extends has a value of the final attribute that does not permit extension"/>
<Message Id="InvalidSimpleContentBase" Text="type '{0}' specified as the base in simpleContent definition must not have complex content"/>
<Message Id="InvalidComplexTypeBase" Text="type '{0}' is a simple type and cannot be used in derivation by restriction in complexType definition"/>
<Message Id="InvalidChildInSimpleContent" Text="invalid element following restriction or extension definition in simpleContent"/>
<Message Id="InvalidChildInComplexContent" Text="invalid element following restriction or extension definition in complexContent"/>
<Message Id="AnnotationError" Text="duplicate annotation in type '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DisallowedBaseDerivation" Text="type '{0}' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition"/>
<Message Id="InvalidBlockValue" Text="block value '{0}' is invalid"/>
<Message Id="InvalidFinalValue" Text="final value '{0}' is invalid"/>
<Message Id="InvalidSubstitutionGroupElement" Text="element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="SubstitutionGroupTypeMismatch" Text="element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateElementDeclaration" Text="element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"/>
<Message Id="InvalidAttValue" Text="value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="AttributeRefContentError" Text="attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateRefAttribute" Text="duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition"/>
<Message Id="ForbiddenDerivationByRestriction" Text="derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"/>
<Message Id="ForbiddenDerivationByExtension" Text="derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"/>
<Message Id="BaseNotComplexType" Text="base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type"/>
<Message Id="ImportNamespaceDifference" Text="imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="DeclarationNoSchemaLocation" Text="'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="IncludeNamespaceDifference" Text="included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="OnlyAnnotationExpected" Text="at most one annotation is allowed"/>
<Message Id="InvalidAttributeContent" Text="content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)"/>
<Message Id="AttributeRequiredGlobal" Text="attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations"/>
<Message Id="AttributeRequiredLocal" Text="attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations"/>
<Message Id="AttributeDisallowedGlobal" Text="attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations"/>
<Message Id="AttributeDisallowedLocal" Text="attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations"/>
<Message Id="InvalidMin2MaxOccurs" Text="minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="AnyAttributeContentError" Text="duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration"/>
<Message Id="NoNameGlobalElement" Text="global {0} declaration must have name"/>
<Message Id="NoCircularDefinition" Text="circular definition in '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateGlobalType" Text="global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateGlobalDeclaration" Text="global {0} '{1}' declared more than once"/>
<Message Id="WS_CollapseExpected" Text="invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"/>
<Message Id="Import_1_1" Text="namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema"/>
<Message Id="Import_1_2" Text="importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present"/>
<Message Id="ElemIDValueConstraint" Text="element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID"/>
<Message Id="NoNotationType" Text="element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type"/>
<Message Id="EmptiableMixedContent" Text="element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable"/>
<Message Id="EmptyComplexRestrictionDerivation" Text="complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle"/>
<Message Id="MixedOrElementOnly" Text="content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only"/>
<Message Id="InvalidContentRestriction" Text="derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type"/>
<Message Id="ForbiddenDerivation" Text="derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"/>
<Message Id="AtomicItemType" Text="item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic"/>
<Message Id="GroupContentError" Text="group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor"/>
<Message Id="AttGroupContentError" Text="content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))"/>
<Message Id="MinMaxOnGroupChild" Text="top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute"/>
<Message Id="DeclarationNotFound" Text="{0} '{1}:{2}' not found"/>
<Message Id="AllContentLimited" Text="group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type"/>
<Message Id="BadMinMaxAllCT" Text="group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"/>
<Message Id="BadMinMaxAllElem" Text="element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateAttInDerivation" Text="attribute '{0}' is already defined in base"/>
<Message Id="NotExpressibleWildCardIntersection" Text="intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_1" Text="base type does not have any attributes"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_2" Text="attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_3" Text="type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_4" Text="attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_5" Text="attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_6" Text="attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_7" Text="attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_8" Text="attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'"/>
<Message Id="BadAttDerivation_9" Text="attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base"/>
<Message Id="AllContentError" Text="unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed"/>
<Message Id="RedefineNamespaceDifference" Text="redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidSimpleType" Text="simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidSimpleTypeBase" Text="simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidComplexType" Text="complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidComplexTypeBase" Text="complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidGroupMinMax" Text="group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_DeclarationNotFound" Text="unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_GroupRefCount" Text="group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_AttGroupRefCount" Text="attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"/>
<Message Id="Redefine_InvalidChild" Text="redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Notation_DeclNotFound" Text="notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found"/>
<Message Id="IC_DuplicateDecl" Text="more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="IC_BadContent" Text="identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyRefReferNotFound" Text="key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyRefCardinality" Text="field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match"/>
<Message Id="IC_XPathExprMissing" Text="XPath expression is missing or empty"/>
<Message Id="AttUseCorrect" Text="fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="AttDeclPropCorrect3" Text="attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint"/>
<Message Id="AttDeclPropCorrect5" Text="attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID"/>
<Message Id="AttGrpPropCorrect3" Text="attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID"/>
<Message Id="InvalidTargetNSValue" Text="empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value"/>
<Message Id="XMLException_Error" Text="{0}"/>
<Message Id="InvalidRedefine" Text="'{0}' has already been included or redefined"/>
<Message Id="InvalidNSReference" Text="namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration"/>
<Message Id="NotAllContent" Text="all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition"/>
<Message Id="InvalidAnnotationContent" Text="annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations"/>
<Message Id="InvalidFacetName" Text="invalid facet name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="InvalidXMLSchemaRoot" Text="root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'"/>
<Message Id="CircularSubsGroup" Text="circular substitution group in element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ELTSchemaNS" Text="element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace"/>
<Message Id="InvalidAttTNS" Text="target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be"/>
<Message Id="NSDeclInvalid" Text="invalid namespace declaration"/>
<Message Id="DOMLevel1Node" Text="namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateAnyAttribute" Text="more than one anyAttribute declaration found in complex type declaration"/>
<Message Id="AnyAttributeBeforeAttribute" Text="anyAttribute must not be followed by other declarations"/>
<Message Id="EntityExpansionLimitExceeded" Text= "parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedCommentOrCDATA" Text="expected comment or CDATA section"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedAttrName" Text="attribute name expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedNotationName" Text="notation name expected"/>
<Message Id="NoRepInMixed" Text="illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedDefAttrDecl" Text="default attribute declaration expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEqSign" Text="equal sign expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedElementName" Text="element name expected"/>
<Message Id="CommentsMustStartWith" Text="comment must start with &lt;!--"/>
<Message Id="InvalidDocumentStructure" Text="invalid document structure"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedDeclString" Text="expected version, encoding, or standalone declaration"/>
<Message Id="BadXMLVersion" Text="invalid XML version declaration"/>
<Message Id="UnsupportedXMLVersion" Text="unsupported XML version '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedXMLDecl" Text="unterminated XML declaration"/>
<Message Id="BadXMLEncoding" Text="invalid XML encoding declaration '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="BadStandalone" Text="invalid standalone declaration"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedComment" Text="unterminated comment"/>
<Message Id="PINameExpected" Text="processing instruction name expected"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedPI" Text="unterminated processing instruction"/>
<Message Id="InvalidCharacter" Text="invalid character 0x{0}"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedStartTag" Text="unterminated start tag '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedAttrValue" Text="attribute value expected"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedEndTag" Text="unterminated end tag '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedAttributeType" Text="expected type for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEndOfTagX" Text="expected end of tag '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedMarkup" Text="expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"/>
<Message Id="NotValidAfterContent" Text="invalid content after root element's end tag"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedComment" Text="comment expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedCommentOrPI" Text="comment or processing instruction expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedWhitespace" Text="whitespace expected"/>
<Message Id="NoRootElemInDOCTYPE" Text="expected root element in DOCTYPE declaration"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedQuotedString" Text="quoted string expected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedPublicId" Text="public id expected"/>
<Message Id="InvalidPublicIdChar" Text="invalid character 0x{0} in public id"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedDOCTYPE" Text="unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"/>
<Message Id="InvalidCharacterInIntSubset" Text="invalid character 0x{0} in internal subset"/>
<Message Id="UnexpectedWhitespace" Text="unexpected whitespace"/>
<Message Id="InvalidCharacterInAttrValue" Text="invalid character 0x{1} in attribute value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedMarkupDecl" Text="markup declaration expected"/>
<Message Id="TextDeclNotLegalHere" Text="TEXT declaration is illegal at this point"/>
<Message Id="ConditionalSectInIntSubset" Text="conditional section in internal subset"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedPEName" Text="parameter entity name expected"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedEntityDecl" Text="unterminated entity declaration '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="InvalidCharacterRef" Text="invalid character reference"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedCharRef" Text="unterminated character reference"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEntityRefName" Text="expected entity name for reference"/>
<Message Id="EntityNotFound" Text="entity '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="NoUnparsedEntityRefs" Text="unparsed entity reference '{0}' is invalid at this point"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedEntityRef" Text="unterminated entity reference '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="RecursiveEntity" Text="recursive entity expansion '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="PartialMarkupInEntity" Text="partial markup in entity value"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedElementDecl" Text="unterminated element declaration '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedContentSpecExpr" Text="expected content specification for element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedAsterisk" Text="'*' expected"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedContentModel" Text="mixed content model '{0}' not terminated properly"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSystemOrPublicId" Text="system or public id expected"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedNotationDecl" Text="unterminated notation declaration"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf" Text="expected ',', '|', or ')'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen" Text="expected '|' or ')'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen" Text="expected ',', '|', or ')' in content model of element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEnumValue" Text="expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEnumSepOrParen" Text="expected '|' or ')'"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedEntityLiteral" Text="unterminated entity literal"/>
<Message Id="MoreEndThanStartTags" Text="unmatched end tag detected"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedOpenParen" Text="'(' expected"/>
<Message Id="AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag" Text="attribute '{0}' is already specified for element '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="BracketInAttrValue" Text="'&lt;' character cannot be used in attribute value '{0}'; use &amp;lt; instead"/>
<Message Id="Expected2ndSurrogateChar" Text="leading surrogate character is not followed by a legal second character"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEndOfConditional" Text="expected ']]>' sequence to end conditional section"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedIncOrIgn" Text="expected INCLUDE or IGNORE at this point"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedINCLUDEBracket" Text="expected '[' to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"/>
<Message Id="UnexpectedEOE" Text="unexpected end of entity '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="PEPropogated" Text="parameter entity propagated out of internal/external subset"/>
<Message Id="ExtraCloseSquare" Text="unmatched ']' character detected"/>
<Message Id="PERefInMarkupInIntSubset" Text="parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in internal subset"/>
<Message Id="EntityPropogated" Text="entity propagated out of the content section into miscellaneous"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedNumericalCharRef" Text="expected &amp;# to be followed by a numeric character value"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedOpenSquareBracket" Text="'[' expected"/>
<Message Id="BadSequenceInCharData" Text="']]>' sequence is not allowed in character data"/>
<Message Id="IllegalSequenceInComment" Text="'--' sequence is illegal in comment"/>
<Message Id="UnterminatedCDATASection" Text="unterminated CDATA section"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedNDATA" Text="NDATA expected"/>
<Message Id="NDATANotValidForPE" Text="NDATA is illegal for parameter entities"/>
<Message Id="HexRadixMustBeLowerCase" Text="hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'"/>
<Message Id="DeclStringRep" Text="{0} declaration already seen"/>
<Message Id="DeclStringsInWrongOrder" Text="XML declarations must be in this order: version, encoding, standalone"/>
<Message Id="NoExtRefsInAttValue" Text="external entity cannot be referred to from attribute value"/>
<Message Id="XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase" Text="XML or TEXT declaration must start with '&lt;?xml ', not '&lt;?XML '"/>
<Message Id="ExpectedEntityValue" Text="expected literal entity value or public/system id"/>
<Message Id="BadDigitForRadix" Text="'{0}' is not a valid digit for the specified radix"/>
<Message Id="EndedWithTagsOnStack" Text="input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NestedCDATA" Text="nested CDATA section illegal"/>
<Message Id="UnknownPrefix" Text="prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"/>
<Message Id="PartialTagMarkupError" Text="start and the end tags are in different entities"/>
<Message Id="EmptyMainEntity" Text="XML document cannot be empty"/>
<Message Id="CDATAOutsideOfContent" Text="CDATA section is illegal outside the root element"/>
<Message Id="Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar" Text="unexpected trailing surrogate character"/>
<Message Id="NoPIStartsWithXML" Text="processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'"/>
<Message Id="XMLDeclMustBeFirst" Text="XML or TEXT declaration must start at line 1, column 1"/>
<Message Id="XMLVersionRequired" Text="version declaration is required in XML declaration"/>
<Message Id="StandaloneNotLegal" Text="standalone declaration is only legal in the main XML entity"/>
<Message Id="EncodingRequired" Text="encoding declaration is required in TEXT declaration"/>
<Message Id="ColonNotLegalWithNS" Text="colon is illegal in names when namespaces are enabled"/>
<Message Id="XMLException_Fatal" Text="{0}"/>
<Message Id="BadSchemaLocation" Text="schemaLocation does not contain namespace-location pairs"/>
<Message Id="SchemaScanFatalError" Text="fatal error during schema scan"/>
<Message Id="IllegalRefInStandalone" Text="reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is illegal in standalone document"/>
<Message Id="PEBetweenDecl" Text="partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in complete declaration"/>
<Message Id="NoEmptyStrNamespace" Text="invalid namespace value in prefix-namespace mapping '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NoUseOfxmlnsAsPrefix" Text="prefix 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to namespace"/>
<Message Id="NoUseOfxmlnsURI" Text="namespace for 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to prefix"/>
<Message Id="PrefixXMLNotMatchXMLURI" Text="prefix 'xml' cannot be bound to namespace other than its canonical namespace"/>
<Message Id="XMLURINotMatchXMLPrefix" Text="namespace for 'xml' cannot be bound to prefix other than 'xml'"/>
<Message Id="NoXMLNSAsElementPrefix" Text="element '{0}' cannot have 'xmlns' as its prefix"/>
<Message Id="CT_SimpleTypeChildRequired" Text="restriction must contain simpleType definition"/>
<Message Id="InvalidRootElemInDOCTYPE" Text="invalid root element '{0}' in DOCTYPE declaration"/>
<Message Id="InvalidElementName" Text="invalid element name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="InvalidAttrName" Text="invalid attribute name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="InvalidEntityRefName" Text="invalid entity reference name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DuplicateDocTypeDecl" Text="DOCTYPE declaration already seen"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeOrphanFallback" Text="fallback element is not a direct child of include element"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeNoHref" Text="include element without 'href' attribute"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeXPointerNotSupported" Text="include element with XPointer specification; XPointer is not yet supported"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeInvalidParseVal" Text="invalid 'parse' attribute value '{0}'; expected 'text' or 'xml'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeMultipleFallbackElems" Text="multiple fallback elements in document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeIncludeFailedNoFallback" Text="include failed and no fallback element found in document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeCircularInclusionLoop" Text="circular inclusion in document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeCircularInclusionDocIncludesSelf" Text="self-inclusion in document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeDisallowedChild" Text="element '{0}' is not allowed as a child of include element"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeConflictingNotation" Text="included notation '{0}' conflicts with notation already defined"/>
<Message Id="XIncludeConflictingEntity" Text="included entity '{0}' conflicts with entity already defined"/>
<MsgDomain Domain="">
<Message Id="ElementNotDefined" Text="no declaration found for element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="AttNotDefined" Text="no declaration found for attribute '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NotationNotDeclared" Text="notation '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"/>
<Message Id="RootElemNotLikeDocType" Text="root element differs from that declared in DOCTYPE"/>
<Message Id="RequiredAttrNotProvided" Text="missing required attribute '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="ElementNotValidForContent" Text="element '{0}' is not allowed for content model '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="BadIDAttrDefType" Text="ID attribute must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED"/>
<Message Id="InvalidEmptyAttValue" Text="attribute cannot have empty value"/>
<Message Id="ElementAlreadyExists" Text="element '{0}' has already been declared"/>
<Message Id="MultipleIdAttrs" Text="element '{0}' has more than one ID attribute"/>
<Message Id="ReusedIDValue" Text="ID value '{0}' has already been used"/>
<Message Id="IDNotDeclared" Text="ID attribute '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"/>
<Message Id="UnknownNotRefAttr" Text="attribute '{0}' refers to undeclared notation '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="UndeclaredElemInDocType" Text="element '{0}' is specified in DOCTYPE but was never declared"/>
<Message Id="EmptyNotValidForContent" Text="empty content is not valid for content model '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="AttNotDefinedForElement" Text="attribute '{0}' is not declared for element '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="BadEntityRefAttr" Text="value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to external, unparsed entity"/>
<Message Id="UnknownEntityRefAttr" Text="attribute '{0}' refers to unknown entity '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ColonNotValidWithNS" Text="attribute of type ID/IDREF/IDREFS/ENTITY/ENTITIES/NOTATION cannot contain colon when namespaces are enabled"/>
<Message Id="NotEnoughElemsForCM" Text="missing elements in content model '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NoCharDataInCM" Text="no character data is allowed by content model"/>
<Message Id="DoesNotMatchEnumList" Text="value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' does not match its type's defined enumeration or notation list"/>
<Message Id="AttrValNotName" Text="value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' is invalid Name or NMTOKEN value"/>
<Message Id="NoMultipleValues" Text="attribute '{0}' does not allow multiple values"/>
<Message Id="NotSameAsFixedValue" Text="attribute '{0}' has value '{1}' that does not match its #FIXED value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="RepElemInMixed" Text="element types cannot be duplicated in mixed content model"/>
<Message Id="FeatureUnsupported" Text="{0} is not supported"/>
<Message Id="GroupContentRestricted" Text="'{0}' is not allowed in the {1} compositor; only element, group, choice, sequence, and any are allowed"/>
<Message Id="UnknownBaseDatatype" Text="base type '{0}' not found in '{1}' definition"/>
<Message Id="NoContentForRef" Text="{0} declaration with 'ref' attribute cannot have content"/>
<Message Id="DatatypeError" Text="{0}"/>
<Message Id="ProhibitedAttributePresent" Text="prohibited attribute '{0}' is present"/>
<Message Id="IllegalXMLSpace" Text="illegal 'xml:space' declaration"/>
<Message Id="WrongTargetNamespace" Text="schema document '{0}' has different target namespace from the one specified in instance document '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="SimpleTypeHasChild" Text="element '{0}' is of simple type and cannot have elements in its content"/>
<Message Id="NoDatatypeValidatorForSimpleType" Text="unable to find validator for simple type of element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="GrammarNotFound" Text="grammar not found for namespace '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DisplayErrorMessage" Text="{0}"/>
<Message Id="NillNotAllowed" Text="'xsi:nil' specified for non-nillable element '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NilAttrNotEmpty" Text="element '{0}' is nil and must be empty"/>
<Message Id="FixedDifferentFromActual" Text="content of element '{0}' differs from its declared fixed value"/>
<Message Id="NoDatatypeValidatorForAttribute" Text="unable to find validator for simple type of attribute '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="GenericError" Text="error during schema scan"/>
<Message Id="ElementNotQualified" Text="element '{0}' must be qualified"/>
<Message Id="ElementNotUnQualified" Text="element '{0}' must be unqualified"/>
<Message Id="VC_IllegalRefInStandalone" Text="reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is not allowed in standalone document"/>
<Message Id="NoDefAttForStandalone" Text="attribute '{0}' in element '{1}' has default value and must be specified in standalone document"/>
<Message Id="NoAttNormForStandalone" Text="attribute '{0}' must not be changed by normalization in standalone document"/>
<Message Id="NoWSForStandalone" Text="whitespace must not occur between externally declared elements with element content in standalone document"/>
<Message Id="VC_EntityNotFound" Text="entity '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="PartialMarkupInPE" Text="partial markup in parameter entity replacement text"/>
<Message Id="DatatypeValidationFailure" Text="failed to validate '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="UniqueParticleAttributionFail" Text="complex type '{0}' violates the unique particle attribution rule in its components '{1}' and '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="NoAbstractInXsiType" Text="abstract type '{0}' cannot be used in 'xsi:type'"/>
<Message Id="NoDirectUseAbstractElement" Text="element '{0}' is abstract; use non-abstract member of its substitution group instead"/>
<Message Id="NoUseAbstractType" Text="type of element '{0}' is abstract; use 'xsi:type' to specify non-abstract type instead"/>
<Message Id="BadXsiType" Text="type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' cannot be resolved"/>
<Message Id="NonDerivedXsiType" Text="type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' does not derive from type of element '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ElemNoSubforBlock" Text="element '{0}' does not permit substitution"/>
<Message Id="TypeNoSubforBlock" Text="complex type '{0}' does not permit substitution"/>
<Message Id="AttributeNotQualified" Text="attribute '{0}' must be qualified"/>
<Message Id="AttributeNotUnQualified" Text="attribute '{0}' must be unqualified"/>
<Message Id="IC_FieldMultipleMatch" Text="identity constraint field matches more than one value within the scope of its selector; field must match unique value"/>
<Message Id="IC_UnknownField" Text="unknown identity constraint field"/>
<Message Id="IC_AbsentKeyValue" Text="element '{0}' has identity constraint key with no value"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyNotEnoughValues" Text="element '{0}' does not have enough values for identity constraint key '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyMatchesNillable" Text="element '{0}' declares identity constraint key that matches nillable element"/>
<Message Id="IC_DuplicateUnique" Text="element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint unique values"/>
<Message Id="IC_DuplicateKey" Text="element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint key values"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyRefOutOfScope" Text="keyref '{0}' refers to out of scope key/unique"/>
<Message Id="IC_KeyNotFound" Text="identity constraint key for element '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="NonWSContent" Text="non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema declarations other than appinfo and documentation"/>
<Message Id="EmptyElemNotationAttr" Text="element '{0}' declared EMPTY but has attribute '{1}' of type NOTATION"/>
<Message Id="EmptyElemHasContent" Text="element '{0}' declared EMPTY and cannot have content, not even entity references, comments, PIs, or whitespaces"/>
<Message Id="ElemOneNotationAttr" Text="element '{0}' has more than one attribute of type NOTATION"/>
<Message Id="AttrDupToken" Text="attribute '{0}' has non-distinct token '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="ElemChildrenHasInvalidWS" Text="content model of element '{0}' does not allow escaped whitespaces"/>
<MsgDomain Domain="">
<Message Id="Scan_CouldNotOpenSource_Warning" Text="unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Array_BadIndex" Text="index is beyond array bounds"/>
<Message Id="Array_BadNewSize" Text="new array size is less than the old"/>
<Message Id="AttrList_BadIndex" Text="index is beyond maximum attribute index"/>
<Message Id="AttDef_BadAttType" Text="invalid AttType value"/>
<Message Id="AttDef_BadDefAttType" Text="invalid DefAttType value"/>
<Message Id="Bitset_BadIndex" Text="bit index is beyond set size"/>
<Message Id="Bitset_NotEqualSize" Text="bit sets have different sizes"/>
<Message Id="BufMgr_NoMoreBuffers" Text="no more buffers available"/>
<Message Id="BufMgr_BufferNotInPool" Text="buffer is not found in the manager's pool"/>
<Message Id="CPtr_PointerIsZero" Text="NULL pointer"/>
<Message Id="CM_BinOpHadUnaryType" Text="binary operation node has unary node type"/>
<Message Id="CM_MustBeMixedOrChildren" Text="content type must be mixed or children"/>
<Message Id="CM_NoPCDATAHere" Text="PCDATA node is illegal at this point"/>
<Message Id="CM_UnaryOpHadBinType" Text="unary operation node has binary node type"/>
<Message Id="CM_UnknownCMType" Text="unknown content model type"/>
<Message Id="CM_UnknownCMSpecType" Text="unknown content spec type"/>
<Message Id="CM_NoParentCSN" Text="parent element has no content spec node"/>
<Message Id="CM_NotValidSpecTypeForNode" Text="invalid spec type for '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DTD_UnknownCreateReason" Text="unknown creation reason value"/>
<Message Id="ElemStack_EmptyStack" Text="element stack is empty"/>
<Message Id="ElemStack_StackUnderflow" Text="pop operation requested on empty stack"/>
<Message Id="ElemStack_NoParentPushed" Text="parent operation requested with only one element in stack"/>
<Message Id="Enum_NoMoreElements" Text="no more elements in enumerator"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotOpenFile" Text="unable to open file '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotGetCurPos" Text="unable to query file position"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotCloseFile" Text="unable to close file"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotSeekToEnd" Text="unable to seek to the end of file"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotSeekToPos" Text="unable to seek to the required position in file"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotDupHandle" Text="unable to duplicate handle"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotReadFromFile" Text="unable to read data from file"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotWriteToFile" Text="unable to write data to file"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotResetFile" Text="unable to reset file position to the beginning"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotGetSize" Text="unable to get file size"/>
<Message Id="File_CouldNotGetBasePathName" Text="unable to determine file base pathname"/>
<Message Id="Gen_ParseInProgress" Text="parsing in progress"/>
<Message Id="Gen_NoDTDValidator" Text="DOCTYPE declaration was seen but installed validator does not support DTD"/>
<Message Id="Gen_CouldNotOpenDTD" Text="unable to open DTD document '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Gen_CouldNotOpenExtEntity" Text="unable to open external entity '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Gen_UnexpectedEOF" Text="unexpected end of input"/>
<Message Id="HshTbl_ZeroModulus" Text="zero hash modulus"/>
<Message Id="HshTbl_BadHashFromKey" Text="hashing key produced invalid hash"/>
<Message Id="HshTbl_NoSuchKeyExists" Text="no such key in hash table"/>
<Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotDestroy" Text="unable to destroy mutex"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_InternalError" Text="internal error in NetAccessor"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_LengthError" Text="NetAccessor is unable to determine length of remote file"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_InitFailed" Text="unable to initialize NetAccessor"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_TargetResolution" Text="unable to resolve host/address '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_CreateSocket" Text="unable to create socket for URL '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_ConnSocket" Text="unable to connect socket for URL '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_WriteSocket" Text="unable to write to socket for URL '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_ReadSocket" Text="unable to read from socket for URL '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="NetAcc_UnsupportedMethod" Text="specified HTTP method is not supported by NetAccessor"/>
<Message Id="Pool_ElemAlreadyExists" Text="element '{0}' is already in pool"/>
<Message Id="Pool_InvalidId" Text="invalid pool element id"/>
<Message Id="Pool_ZeroModulus" Text="zero hash modulus"/>
<Message Id="RdrMgr_ReaderIdNotFound" Text="reader id not found"/>
<Message Id="Reader_BadAutoEncoding" Text="invalid auto encoding value"/>
<Message Id="Reader_CouldNotDecodeFirstLine" Text="unable to decode first line in entity '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Reader_NelLsepinDecl" Text="XML or TEXT declaration '{0}' cannot have NEL or lsep"/>
<Message Id="Reader_SrcOfsNotSupported" Text="current transcoding service does not support source offset information"/>
<Message Id="Reader_EncodingStrRequired" Text="EBCDIC file must provide encoding declaration"/>
<Message Id="Scan_CouldNotOpenSource" Text="unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Scan_UnbalancedStartEnd" Text="unbalanced start/end tags"/>
<Message Id="Scan_BadPScanToken" Text="call to scanNext is illegal at this point"/>
<Message Id="Stack_BadIndex" Text="index is past top of stack"/>
<Message Id="Stack_EmptyStack" Text="empty stack"/>
<Message Id="Str_ZeroSizedTargetBuf" Text="target buffer cannot have zero max size"/>
<Message Id="Str_UnknownRadix" Text="unsupported radix; expected 2, 8, 10, or 16"/>
<Message Id="Str_TargetBufTooSmall" Text="target buffer is too small"/>
<Message Id="Str_StartIndexPastEnd" Text="start index is past the end of string"/>
<Message Id="Str_ConvertOverflow" Text="string representation overflows output binary result"/>
<Message Id="StrPool_IllegalId" Text="illegal string pool id"/>
<Message Id="Trans_Unrepresentable" Text="char 0x{0} is not representable in '{1}' encoding"/>
<Message Id="Trans_BadSrcSeq" Text="invalid multi-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="Trans_BadSrcCP" Text="code point 0x{0} is invalid for '{1}' encoding"/>
<Message Id="Trans_BadTrailingSurrogate" Text="leading surrogate followed by invalid trailing surrogate"/>
<Message Id="Trans_CantCreateCvtrFor" Text="unable to create converter for '{0}' encoding"/>
<Message Id="URL_MalformedURL" Text="malformed URL"/>
<Message Id="URL_UnsupportedProto" Text="unsupported protocol in URL"/>
<Message Id="URL_UnsupportedProto1" Text="URL protocol '{0}' is unsupported"/>
<Message Id="URL_NoProtocolPresent" Text="missing protocol prefix"/>
<Message Id="URL_ExpectingTwoSlashes" Text="expected '//' after protocol"/>
<Message Id="URL_RelativeBaseURL" Text="base part of URL cannot be relative"/>
<Message Id="URL_BadPortField" Text="port field must be 16-bit decimal number"/>
<Message Id="UTF8_FormatError" Text="invalid byte '{1}' at position {0} of a {2}-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="UTF8_Invalid_3BytesSeq" Text="invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="UTF8_Irregular_3BytesSeq" Text="irregular bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="UTF8_Invalid_4BytesSeq" Text="invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 4-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="UTF8_Exceeds_BytesLimit" Text="exceeded byte limit at byte '{0}' in a {1}-byte sequence"/>
<Message Id="Vector_BadIndex" Text="index is beyond vector bounds"/>
<Message Id="Val_InvalidElemId" Text="invalid element id"/>
<Message Id="Val_CantHaveIntSS" Text="internal subset is not allowed when reusing the grammar"/>
<Message Id="XMLRec_UnknownEncoding" Text="unknown recognizer encoding"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Parse1" Text="illegal character at offset {0} in regular expression '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Parse2" Text="invalid reference number"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Next1" Text="character expected after backslash"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Next2" Text="unexpected '?'; '(?:', '(?=', '(?!', '(?&lt;', '(?#', or '(?&gt;' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Next3" Text="'(?&lt;=' or '(?&lt;!' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Next4" Text="unterminated comment"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor1" Text="')' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor2" Text="unexpected end of pattern in modifier group"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor3" Text="':' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor4" Text="unexpected end of pattern in conditional group"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor5" Text="back reference, anchor, lookahead, or lookbehind expected in conditional pattern"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Factor6" Text="more than three choices in conditional group"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Atom1" Text="character in the U+0040-U+005f range must follow '\c'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Atom2" Text="'{' expected before category character"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Atom3" Text="property name must be closed with '}'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Atom4" Text="unexpected meta character"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Atom5" Text="unknown property"/>
<Message Id="Parser_CC1" Text="POSIX character class must be closed with ':]'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_CC2" Text="unexpected end of pattern in character class"/>
<Message Id="Parser_CC3" Text="unknown name for POSIX character class"/>
<Message Id="Parser_CC5" Text="']' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_CC6" Text="'{0}' is invalid character range; use '\{1}' instead"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Ope1" Text="'[' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Ope2" Text="')', '-[', '+[', or '&amp;[' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Ope3" Text="range end code point '{0}' is less than start code point '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Descape1" Text="invalid Unicode hex notation"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Descape3" Text="'\ x{' must be closed with '}'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Descape4" Text="invalid Unicode code point"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Descape5" Text="anchor cannot be present at this point"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Process2" Text="'{0}' is invalid character escape sequence"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Quantifier1" Text="invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Quantifier2" Text="invalid quantifier in '{0}'; invalid quantity or missing '}'"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Quantifier3" Text="invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit or '}' expected"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Quantifier4" Text="invalid quantifier in '{0}'; min quantity must be less than or equal max quantity"/>
<Message Id="Parser_Quantifier5" Text="invalid quantifier in '{0}'; quantity value overflow"/>
<Message Id="Gen_NoSchemaValidator" Text="XML Schema was seen but installed validator does not support XML Schema"/>
<Message Id="SubGrpComparator_NGR" Text="SubstitutionGroupComparator has no grammar resolver"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_Len" Text="invalid length value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_maxLen" Text="invalid maxLength value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_minLen" Text="invalid minLength value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_NonNeg_Len" Text="length value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"/>
<Message Id="FACET_NonNeg_maxLen" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"/>
<Message Id="FACET_NonNeg_minLen" Text="minLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Len_maxLen" Text="both length and maxLength cannot be present at the same time"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Len_minLen" Text="both length and minLength cannot be present at the same time"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxLen_minLen" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than minLength value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_Tag" Text="invalid facet tag '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Len_baseLen" Text="length value '{0}' must be equal to length value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minLen_baseminLen" Text="minLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minLen_basemaxLen" Text="minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxLen_basemaxLen" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxLen_baseminLen" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Len_baseMinLen" Text="length value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Len_baseMaxLen" Text="length value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minLen_baseLen" Text="minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxLen_baseLen" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_enum_base" Text="enumeration value '{0}' must be from the value space of the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_WS" Text="whiteSpace value '{0}' must be one of 'preserve', 'replace', or 'collapse'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_WS_collapse" Text="whiteSpace value is 'preserve' or 'replace' while base type whiteSpace value is 'collapse'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_WS_replace" Text="whiteSpace value is 'preserve' while base type whiteSpace value is 'replace'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_MaxIncl" Text="invalid maxInclusive value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_MaxExcl" Text="invalid maxExclusive value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_MinIncl" Text="invalid minInclusive value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_MinExcl" Text="invalid minExclusive value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_TotalDigit" Text="invalid totalDigits value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Invalid_FractDigit" Text="invalid fractionDigits value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_PosInt_TotalDigit" Text="totalDigits value '{0}' must be a positive integer"/>
<Message Id="FACET_NonNeg_FractDigit" Text="fractionDigits value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"/>
<Message Id="FACET_max_Incl_Excl" Text="both maxInclusive and maxExclusive cannot be present at the same time"/>
<Message Id="FACET_min_Incl_Excl" Text="both minInclusive and minExclusive cannot be present at the same time"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_minExcl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_minIncl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_minExcl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_minIncl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_TotDigit_FractDigit" Text="totalDigits value '{0}' must be greater than fractionDigits value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_base_maxExcl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_base_maxIncl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_base_minIncl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_base_minExcl" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_base_maxExcl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_base_maxIncl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_base_minIncl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_base_minExcl" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_base_maxExcl" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_base_maxIncl" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_base_minIncl" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_base_minExcl" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_base_maxExcl" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_base_maxIncl" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_base_minIncl" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_base_minExcl" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_notFromBase" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_notFromBase" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_notFromBase" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_notFromBase" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"/>
<Message Id="FACET_totalDigit_base_totalDigit" Text="totalDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_fractDigit_base_totalDigit" Text="fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_fractDigit_base_fractDigit" Text="fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxIncl_base_fixed" Text="maxInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxExcl_base_fixed" Text="maxExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minIncl_base_fixed" Text="minInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minExcl_base_fixed" Text="minExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_totalDigit_base_fixed" Text="totalDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_fractDigit_base_fixed" Text="fractionDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_maxLen_base_fixed" Text="maxLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_minLen_base_fixed" Text="minLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minLength value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_whitespace_base_fixed" Text="whiteSpace value '{0}' must be equal to fixed whiteSpace value '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="FACET_internalError_fixed" Text="internal error while processing fixed facet"/>
<Message Id="FACET_List_Null_baseValidator" Text="list itemType is empty"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Union_Null_memberTypeValidators" Text="union memberTypes is empty"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Union_Null_baseValidator" Text="restriction union base is empty"/>
<Message Id="FACET_Union_invalid_baseValidatorType" Text="restriction union base is '{0}' instead of union"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_NotMatch_Pattern" Text="value '{0}' does not match regular expression facet '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_Not_Base64" Text="value '{0}' is invalid Base64-encoded binary"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_Not_HexBin" Text="value '{0}' is invalid Hex-encoded binary"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_GT_maxLen" Text="value '{0}' has length '{1}' which exceeds maxLength facet value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_LT_minLen" Text="value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is less than minLength facet value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_NE_Len" Text="value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is not equal to length facet value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_NotIn_Enumeration" Text="value '{0}' not in enumeration"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_totalDigit" Text="value '{0}' has '{1}' total digits which exceeds totalDigits facet value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_fractDigit" Text="value '{0}' has '{1}' fraction digits which exceeds fractionDigits facet value '{2}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_maxIncl" Text="value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive facet value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_maxExcl" Text="value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive facet value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_minIncl" Text="value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive facet value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_exceed_minExcl" Text="value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minExclusive facet value '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_WS_replaced" Text="value '{0}' is not whitespace replaced"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_WS_collapsed" Text="value '{0}' is not whitespace collapsed"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_Invalid_NCName" Text="value '{0}' is invalid NCName"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_Invalid_Name" Text="value '{0}' is invalid {1}"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_ID_Not_Unique" Text="ID value '{0}' is not unique"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_ENTITY_Invalid" Text="value '{0}' is invalid ENTITY"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_QName_Invalid" Text="value '{0}' is invalid QName"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_NOTATION_Invalid" Text="NOTATION '{0}' must be valid QName"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_no_match_memberType" Text="value '{0}' does not match any member types of the union"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_URI_Malformed" Text="value '{0}' is invalid anyURI"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_emptyString" Text="empty string encountered"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_WSString" Text="string contains only whitespaces"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_2ManyDecPoint" Text="more than one decimal point encountered"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_Inv_chars" Text="invalid character encountered"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_null_ptr" Text="NULL pointer encountered"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_Empty" Text="unable to construct URI with NULL/empty {0}"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_for_GenURI_Only" Text="{0} '{1}' can only be set for a generic URI"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_Invalid_EscapeSequence" Text="{0} contains invalid escape sequence '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_Invalid_Char" Text="{0} contains invalid character '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_Set_Null" Text="{0} cannot be NULL"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_Component_Not_Conformant" Text="'{1}' is not conformant to {0}"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_No_Scheme" Text="no scheme found in URI"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_NullHost" Text="{0} '{1}' may not be specified if host is not specified"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_NullPath" Text="{0} '{1}' may not be specified if path is not specified"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_URI_PortNo_Invalid" Text="port number '{0}' must be in the (0,65535) range"/>
<Message Id="XMLNUM_DBL_FLT_InvalidType" Text="internal error while validating '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Regex_Result_Not_Set" Text="result not set"/>
<Message Id="Regex_CompactRangesError" Text="internal error in CompactRanges"/>
<Message Id="Regex_MergeRangesTypeMismatch" Text="mismatched type in MergeRanges"/>
<Message Id="Regex_SubtractRangesError" Text="internal error in SubtractRanges"/>
<Message Id="Regex_IntersectRangesError" Text="internal error in IntersectRanges"/>
<Message Id="Regex_ComplementRangesInvalidArg" Text="argument must be RangeToken"/>
<Message Id="Regex_InvalidCategoryName" Text="invalid category name '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Regex_KeywordNotFound" Text="keyword '{0}' not found"/>
<Message Id="Regex_BadRefNo" Text="reference number must be greater than zero"/>
<Message Id="Regex_UnknownOption" Text="option '{0}' unknown"/>
<Message Id="Regex_UnknownTokenType" Text="unknown token type"/>
<Message Id="Regex_RangeTokenGetError" Text="unable to get RangeToken for '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="Regex_NotSupported" Text="not supported"/>
<Message Id="Regex_InvalidChildIndex" Text="invalid child index"/>
<Message Id="Regex_RepPatMatchesZeroString" Text="replace pattern cannot match zero-length string"/>
<Message Id="Regex_InvalidRepPattern" Text="invalid replace pattern"/>
<Message Id="NEL_RepeatedCalls" Text="enabling NEL option can only be done once per process"/>
<Message Id="Out_Of_Memory" Text="out of memory"/>
<Message Id="DV_InvalidOperation" Text="operation is not allowed"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoAttrSelector" Text="selector cannot select attribute"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoUnionAtStart" Text="'|' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoMultipleUnion" Text="'||' in XPath expression is illegal"/>
<Message Id="XPath_MissingAttr" Text="missing attribute name in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_ExpectedToken1" Text="unexpected XPath token; expected qname, any, or namespace test"/>
<Message Id="XPath_PrefixNoURI" Text="prefix '{0}' used in XPath expression can not be resolved to namespace URI"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoDoubleColon" Text="'::' in XPath expression is illegal"/>
<Message Id="XPath_ExpectedStep1" Text="expected step following 'child' token in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_ExpectedStep2" Text="expected step following '//' in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_ExpectedStep3" Text="expected step following '/' in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoForwardSlash" Text="'/' not allowed after '//' in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoDoubleForwardSlash" Text="'//' only allowed after '.' at the beginning of XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoForwardSlashAtStart" Text="'/' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoSelectionOfRoot" Text="root element selection is illegal in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_EmptyExpr" Text="empty XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_NoUnionAtEnd" Text="XPath expression cannot end with '|'"/>
<Message Id="XPath_InvalidChar" Text="invalid character '{0}' in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="XPath_TokenNotSupported" Text="unsupported XPath token"/>
<Message Id="XPath_FindSolution" Text="fractional values not supported in XPath expression"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dt_invalid" Text="invalid dateTime value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dt_missingT" Text="missing 'T' separator in dateTime value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_gDay_invalid" Text="invalid gDay value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_gMth_invalid" Text="invalid gMonth value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_gMthDay_invalid" Text="invalid gMonthDay value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_invalid" Text="invalid duration value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_Start_dashP" Text="duration value '{0}' must start with '-' or 'P'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_noP" Text="duration value '{0}' must contain 'P'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_DashNotFirst" Text="duration value '{0}' can contain '-' only as the first character"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_inv_b4T" Text="duration value '{0}' contains invalid text before 'T'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_NoTimeAfterT" Text="duration value '{0}' has no time component after 'T'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_NoElementAtAll" Text="duration value '{0}' must have at least one component"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_dur_inv_seconds" Text="duration value '{0}' must have at least one digit after '.'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_date_incomplete" Text="incomplete date value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_date_invalid" Text="invalid date value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_time_incomplete" Text="incomplete time value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_time_invalid" Text="invalid time value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_ms_noDigit" Text="expected fractional seconds after '.' in time value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_ym_incomplete" Text="incomplete gYearMonth value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_ym_invalid" Text="invalid gYearMonth value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_year_invalid" Text="invalid gYear value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_year_tooShort" Text="year value '{0}' must follow 'CCYY' format"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_year_leadingZero" Text="invalid leading zero in gYear value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_ym_noMonth" Text="month component missing in gYearMonth value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_tz_noUTCsign" Text="time zone expected in '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_tz_stuffAfterZ" Text="unexpected text after 'Z' in time zone value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_tz_invalid" Text="invalid time zone value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_year_zero" Text="illegal year value '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_mth_invalid" Text="month value '{0}' must be between 1 and 12"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_day_invalid" Text="day value '{0}' must be between 1 and {1}"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_hour_invalid" Text="hours value '{0}' must be between 0 and 23"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_min_invalid" Text="minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_second_invalid" Text="seconds value '{0}' must be between 0 and 60"/>
<Message Id="DateTime_tz_hh_invalid" Text="minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"/>
<Message Id="PD_EmptyBase" Text="derived by restriction complex type has content while base type is empty"/>
<Message Id="PD_NSCompat1" Text="namespace of element '{0}' is not allowed by wildcard in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_OccurRangeE" Text="occurrence range of element '{0}' is not a valid restriction of base element's range"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK1" Text="element name/namespace in restriction does not match that of corresponding element in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK2" Text="element '{0}' is nillable in the restriction while it is non-nillable in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK3" Text="element '{0}' is either not fixed or is fixed to a different value compared to corresponding element in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK4" Text="disallowed substitutions for element '{0}' are not a superset of those for corresponding element in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK5" Text="element '{0}' has type that does not derive from type of corresponding element in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK6" Text="element '{0}' has fewer identity constraints compared to corresponding element '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NameTypeOK7" Text="element '{0}' has identity constraint that does not appear in corresponding element '{1}' in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_Recurse1" Text="occurrence range of group is not a valid restriction of occurrence range of base group"/>
<Message Id="PD_Recurse2" Text="no complete functional mapping between particles"/>
<Message Id="PD_ForbiddenRes1" Text="forbidden restriction of any particle"/>
<Message Id="PD_ForbiddenRes2" Text="forbidden restriction of all compositor"/>
<Message Id="PD_ForbiddenRes3" Text="forbidden restriction of choice compositor"/>
<Message Id="PD_ForbiddenRes4" Text="forbidden restriction of sequence compositor"/>
<Message Id="PD_NSSubset1" Text="occurrence range of wildcard is not a valid restriction of base wildcard's range"/>
<Message Id="PD_NSSubset2" Text="wildcard is not a subset of corresponding wildcard in the base"/>
<Message Id="PD_NSRecurseCheckCardinality1" Text="occurrence range of group is not a restriction of base wildcard's range"/>
<Message Id="PD_RecurseUnordered" Text="no complete functional mapping between particles"/>
<Message Id="PD_MapAndSum" Text="no complete functional mapping between particles"/>
<Message Id="PD_InvalidContentType" Text="invalid content spec node type"/>
<Message Id="NodeIDMap_GrowErr" Text="NodeIDMap exceeds largest available size"/>
<Message Id="XSer_ProtoType_Null_ClassName" Text="ProtoType has NULL class name"/>
<Message Id="XSer_ProtoType_NameLen_Dif" Text="ProtoType name length '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_ProtoType_Name_Dif" Text="ProtoType name '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_InStream_Read_LT_Req" Text="InputStream read '{0}' is less than required '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_InStream_Read_OverFlow" Text="InputStream read '{0}' is beyond available buffer size '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Storing_Violation" Text="storing violation"/>
<Message Id="XSer_StoreBuffer_Violation" Text="store buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_LoadPool_UppBnd_Exceed" Text="object tag '{0}' exceeds load pool upper boundary '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_LoadPool_NoTally_ObjCnt" Text="load pool size '{0}' does not tally with object count '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Loading_Violation" Text="loading violation"/>
<Message Id="XSer_LoadBuffer_Violation" Text="load buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Inv_ClassIndex" Text="invalid class index '{0}', '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Inv_checkFillBuffer_Size" Text="invalid checkFillBuffer size '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Inv_checkFlushBuffer_Size" Text="invalid checkFlushBuffer size '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Inv_Null_Pointer" Text="invalid NULL pointer encountered '{0}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_CreateObject_Fail" Text="createObject fails"/>
<Message Id="XSer_ObjCount_UppBnd_Exceed" Text="object count '{0}' exceeds upper boundary '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="XSer_GrammarPool_Empty" Text="grammar pool is empty"/>
<Message Id="XSer_GrammarPool_NotEmpty" Text="grammar pool is not empty"/>
<Message Id="XSer_StringPool_NotEmpty" Text="string pool is not empty"/>
<Message Id="XSer_Storer_Loader_Mismatch" Text="storer level '{0}' does not match loader level '{1}'"/>
<Message Id="VALUE_QName_Invalid2" Text="undefined prefix in QName value '{0}'"/>
<MsgDomain Domain="">
<!--The following are DOMException error text, same order as DOMException::ExceptionCode enum; do not remove them unless the corresponding enum is also removed -->
<!--DOMEXCEPTION_ERRX is not an error, it's just used to indicate the start of DOMExceptionCode enum -->
<Message Id="DOMEXCEPTION_ERRX" Text="dummy"/>
<Message Id="INDEX_SIZE_ERR" Text="index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value"/>
<Message Id="DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR" Text="specified range of text does not fit into DOMString"/>
<Message Id="HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR" Text="attempt is made to insert a node where it is not permitted"/>
<Message Id="WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR" Text="node is used in a different document than the one that created it"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" Text="invalid or illegal XML character"/>
<Message Id="NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR" Text="node does not support storing data"/>
<Message Id="NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR" Text="attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed"/>
<Message Id="NOT_FOUND_ERR" Text="attempt is made to reference a node in a context where it does not exist"/>
<Message Id="NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR" Text="implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation"/>
<Message Id="INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR" Text="attempt is made to add an attribute that is already in use elsewhere"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_STATE_ERR" Text="attempt is made to use an object that is not or is no longer usable"/>
<Message Id="SYNTAX_ERR" Text="invalid or illegal string"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR" Text="attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object"/>
<Message Id="NAMESPACE_ERR" Text="attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with respect to namespaces"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_ACCESS_ERR" Text="parameter or requested operation is not supported by the underlying object"/>
<Message Id="VALIDATION_ERR" Text="call to a method such as insertBefore or removeChild would make the node invalid with respect to document grammar"/>
<Message Id="TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR" Text="type of an object is incompatible with the expected type of the parameter associated with the object"/>
<!--The following are DOMRangeException error text, same order as DOMRangeException::RangeExceptionCode enum -->
<!--DOMRANGEEXCEPTION_ERRX is not an error, it's just used to indicate the start of DOMRangeException::RangeExceptionCode enum -->
<Message Id="DOMRANGEEXCEPTION_ERRX" Text="dummy"/>
<Message Id="BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR" Text="boundary points of a range do not meet specific requirements"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR" Text="container of a range boundary point is set to a node of an invalid type or to a node with an ancestor of an invalid type"/>
<!--The following are DOMLSException error text, same order as DOMLSException::LSExceptionCode enum -->
<!--DOMLSEXCEPTION_ERRX is not an error, it's just used to indicate the start of DOMLSException::LSExceptionCode enum -->
<Message Id="DOMLSEXCEPTION_ERRX" Text="dummy"/>
<Message Id="PARSE_ERR" Text="failed to load a document or an XML fragment using DOMLSParser"/>
<Message Id="SERIALIZE_ERR" Text="failed to serialize a DOM node using DOMLSSerializer"/>
<!--The following are DOMXPathException error text, same order as DOMXPathException::ExceptionCode enum -->
<!--DOMXPATHEXCEPTION_ERRX is not an error, it's just used to indicate the start of DOMXPathException::ExceptionCode enum -->
<Message Id="DOMXPATHEXCEPTION_ERRX" Text="dummy"/>
<Message Id="INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR" Text="expression has incorrect syntax or contains XPath features not supported by the XML Schema XPath subset"/>
<Message Id="TYPE_ERR" Text="requested result type not supported"/>
<Message Id="NO_RESULT_ERR" Text="no current result in the result object"/>
<!--The following are other messages related to DOM -->
<!--Messages used by DOMLSSerializer -->
<Message Id="Writer_NestedCDATA" Text="nested CDATA sections"/>
<Message Id="Writer_NotRepresentChar" Text="unrepresentable character"/>
<Message Id="Writer_NotRecognizedType" Text="unrecognized node type"/>
<!--Messages used by DOMLSParser -->
<Message Id="LSParser_ParseInProgress" Text="parsing in progress"/>
<Message Id="LSParser_ParsingAborted" Text="parsing aborted by the user"/>
<Message Id="LSParser_ParsingFailed" Text="parsing failed"/>