Remove unused and broken Win32MsgLoader

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 7c87908..c990139 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1226,16 +1226,6 @@
   list(APPEND libxerces_c_HEADERS ${winfmgr_headers})
-# Windows resource.  With some additional work to clean it up, it
-# might be possible to use with Cygwin and MinGW.
-  configure_file(
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/"
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc"
-    @ONLY)
-  list(APPEND libxerces_c_RESOURCES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc")
 # Definitions required for building
@@ -1256,8 +1246,7 @@
 set_target_properties(xerces-c-headers PROPERTIES FOLDER "Library")
-  ${libxerces_c_SOURCES}
-  ${libxerces_c_RESOURCES})
+  ${libxerces_c_SOURCES})
 target_link_libraries(xerces-c ${libxerces_c_DEPS})
   target_include_directories(xerces-c SYSTEM PRIVATE ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS})
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc b/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1613ec8..0000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Version.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,899 +0,0 @@
-//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.
-#include "resource.h"
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_
-#include "VerRsrc.h"
-#include "winnt.rh"
-#include "winver.h"
-#include "winnt.h"
-// English (U.S.) resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
-#ifndef _MAC
-// Version
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        BLOCK "040904b0"
-        BEGIN
-            VALUE "Comments", "Dynamic linked library for Xerces-C++\0"
-            VALUE "CompanyName", "Apache Software Foundation\0"
-            VALUE "FileDescription", "Shared Library for Xerces-C++ Version 3.2.0\0"
-            VALUE "FileVersion", "3, 2, 0\0"
-            VALUE "InternalName", "xerces-c_3_2.dll\0"
-            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 1999-2017 Apache Software Foundation; subject to licensing terms\0"
-            VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"
-            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "xerces-c_3_2.dll\0"
-            VALUE "PrivateBuild", "\0"
-            VALUE "ProductName", "Xerces-C++ Version 3.2.0\0"
-            VALUE "ProductVersion", "3, 2, 0\0"
-            VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0"
-        END
-    END
-    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x04b0
-    END
-#endif    // !_MAC
-#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(XML_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER)
-    "resource.h\0"
-	"#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_\r\n"
-	"#include ""VerRsrc.h""\r\n"
-	"#include ""winnt.rh""\r\n"
-	"#else\r\n"
-	"#include ""winver.h""\r\n"
-	"#include ""winnt.h""\r\n"
-	"#endif\r\n"
-    "\r\n"
-    "\0"
-    "\r\n"
-    "\0"
-#endif    // APSTUDIO_INVOKED
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-//  This file was generated from the XML error message source.
-//  so do not edit this file directly!!
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    2                 L"notation '{0}' has already been declared"
-    3                 L"attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}'"
-    4                 L"encoding '{0}' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring"
-    5                 L"element '{0}' is referenced in a content model but was never declared"
-    6                 L"element '{0}' is referenced in an ATTLIST but was never declared"
-    7                 L"{0}"
-    8                 L"unable to include document '{0}'"
-    9                 L"unable to open text file target '{0}'"
-    10                L"unable to include resource '{0}'"
-    13                L"'{0}' is not allowed for the content of simpleType; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"
-    14                L"globally-defined complex type must have a name"
-    15                L"globally-declared attribute must have a name"
-    16                L"attribute declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    17                L"element declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    18                L"group declaration must have name or a 'ref' attribute"
-    19                L"attributeGroup declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    20                L"anonymous complexType in element '{0}' has name"
-    21                L"anonymous simpleType in element '{0}' has name"
-    22                L"content of element declaration must match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)"
-    23                L"invalid content in simple type '{0}'; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"
-    24                L"expected simpleType in list definition for type '{0}'"
-    25                L"list, union, or restriction content is invalid for type '{0}'"
-    26                L"invalid content in list definition for type '{0}'"
-    27                L"expected simpleType in restriction definition for type '{0}'"
-    28                L"facet '{0}' is already defined"
-    29                L"expected simpleType in union definition for type '{0}'"
-    30                L"content in simpleType definition is empty"
-    31                L"expected restriction or extension in simpleContent definition"
-    32                L"base attribute must be specified for restriction or extension definition"
-    33                L"expected restriction or extension in complexContent definition"
-    34                L"invalid content in 'schema' element"
-    35                L"invalid content for type '{0}'"
-    36                L"unknown simpleType '{0}'"
-    37                L"unknown complexType '{0}'"
-    38                L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    39                L"referenced element '{0}' not found"
-    40                L"type '{0}:{1}' not found"
-    41                L"attribute '{0}' not found"
-    42                L"invalid element '{0}' in complex type definition"
-    43                L"base type '{0}' not found"
-    44                L"unable to create validator for '{0}'"
-    45                L"invalid element following simpleContent definition in complexType"
-    46                L"invalid element following complexContent definition in complexType"
-    47                L"attribute '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"
-    48                L"attribute '{0}' with default value must be optional"
-    49                L"attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
-    50                L"attribute '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType definition"
-    51                L"simpleType '{0}:{1}' for attribute '{2}' not found"
-    52                L"element '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"
-    53                L"invalid {0} name '{1}'"
-    54                L"element '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType/complexType definition"
-    55                L"element '{0}' has fixed or default value and must have mixed simple or simple content model"
-    56                L"simpleType '{0}' that '{1}' extends has a value of the final attribute that does not permit extension"
-    57                L"type '{0}' specified as the base in simpleContent definition must not have complex content"
-    58                L"type '{0}' is a simple type and cannot be used in derivation by restriction in complexType definition"
-    59                L"invalid element following restriction or extension definition in simpleContent"
-    60                L"invalid element following restriction or extension definition in complexContent"
-    61                L"duplicate annotation in type '{0}'"
-    62                L"type '{0}' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition"
-    63                L"block value '{0}' is invalid"
-    64                L"final value '{0}' is invalid"
-    65                L"element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'"
-    66                L"element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group"
-    67                L"element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
-    68                L"value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'"
-    69                L"attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute"
-    70                L"duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition"
-    71                L"derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    72                L"derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    73                L"base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type"
-    74                L"imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'"
-    75                L"'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'"
-    76                L"included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'"
-    77                L"at most one annotation is allowed"
-    78                L"content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)"
-    79                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations"
-    80                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations"
-    81                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations"
-    82                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations"
-    83                L"minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'"
-    84                L"duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration"
-    85                L"global {0} declaration must have name"
-    86                L"circular definition in '{0}'"
-    87                L"global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}"
-    88                L"global {0} '{1}' declared more than once"
-    89                L"invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"
-    90                L"namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema"
-    91                L"importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present"
-    92                L"element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID"
-    93                L"element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type"
-    94                L"element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable"
-    95                L"complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle"
-    96                L"content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only"
-    97                L"derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type"
-    98                L"derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    99                L"item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic"
-    100               L"group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor"
-    101               L"content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))"
-    102               L"top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute"
-    103               L"{0} '{1}:{2}' not found"
-    104               L"group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type"
-    105               L"group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    106               L"element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1"
-    107               L"attribute '{0}' is already defined in base"
-    108               L"intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible"
-    109               L"base type does not have any attributes"
-    110               L"attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base"
-    111               L"type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base"
-    112               L"attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base"
-    113               L"attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard"
-    114               L"attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base"
-    115               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base"
-    116               L"attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'"
-    117               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base"
-    118               L"unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed"
-    119               L"redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'"
-    120               L"simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition"
-    121               L"simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    122               L"complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition"
-    123               L"complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    124               L"group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    125               L"unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'"
-    126               L"group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    127               L"attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    128               L"redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'"
-    129               L"notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found"
-    130               L"more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'"
-    131               L"identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)"
-    132               L"key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'"
-    133               L"field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match"
-    134               L"XPath expression is missing or empty"
-    135               L"fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'"
-    136               L"attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint"
-    137               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID"
-    138               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID"
-    139               L"empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value"
-    140               L"{0}"
-    141               L"'{0}' has already been included or redefined"
-    142               L"namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration"
-    143               L"all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition"
-    144               L"annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations"
-    145               L"invalid facet name '{0}'"
-    146               L"root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'"
-    147               L"circular substitution group in element '{0}'"
-    148               L"element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace"
-    149               L"target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be"
-    150               L"invalid namespace declaration"
-    151               L"namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node"
-    152               L"more than one anyAttribute declaration found in complex type declaration"
-    153               L"anyAttribute must not be followed by other declarations"
-    156               L"parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application"
-    157               L"expected comment or CDATA section"
-    158               L"attribute name expected"
-    159               L"notation name expected"
-    160               L"illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model"
-    161               L"default attribute declaration expected"
-    162               L"equal sign expected"
-    163               L"element name expected"
-    164               L"comment must start with <!--"
-    165               L"invalid document structure"
-    166               L"expected version, encoding, or standalone declaration"
-    167               L"invalid XML version declaration"
-    168               L"unsupported XML version '{0}'"
-    169               L"unterminated XML declaration"
-    170               L"invalid XML encoding declaration '{0}'"
-    171               L"invalid standalone declaration"
-    172               L"unterminated comment"
-    173               L"processing instruction name expected"
-    174               L"unterminated processing instruction"
-    175               L"invalid character 0x{0}"
-    176               L"unterminated start tag '{0}'"
-    177               L"attribute value expected"
-    178               L"unterminated end tag '{0}'"
-    179               L"expected type for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'"
-    180               L"expected end of tag '{0}'"
-    181               L"expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"
-    182               L"invalid content after root element's end tag"
-    183               L"comment expected"
-    184               L"comment or processing instruction expected"
-    185               L"whitespace expected"
-    186               L"expected root element in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    187               L"quoted string expected"
-    188               L"public id expected"
-    189               L"invalid character 0x{0} in public id"
-    190               L"unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"
-    191               L"invalid character 0x{0} in internal subset"
-    192               L"unexpected whitespace"
-    193               L"invalid character 0x{1} in attribute value '{0}'"
-    194               L"markup declaration expected"
-    195               L"TEXT declaration is illegal at this point"
-    196               L"conditional section in internal subset"
-    197               L"parameter entity name expected"
-    198               L"unterminated entity declaration '{0}'"
-    199               L"invalid character reference"
-    200               L"unterminated character reference"
-    201               L"expected entity name for reference"
-    202               L"entity '{0}' not found"
-    203               L"unparsed entity reference '{0}' is invalid at this point"
-    204               L"unterminated entity reference '{0}'"
-    205               L"recursive entity expansion '{0}'"
-    206               L"partial markup in entity value"
-    207               L"unterminated element declaration '{0}'"
-    208               L"expected content specification for element '{0}'"
-    209               L"'*' expected"
-    210               L"mixed content model '{0}' not terminated properly"
-    211               L"system or public id expected"
-    212               L"unterminated notation declaration"
-    213               L"expected ',', '|', or ')'"
-    214               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    215               L"expected ',', '|', or ')' in content model of element '{0}'"
-    216               L"expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'"
-    217               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    218               L"unterminated entity literal"
-    219               L"unmatched end tag detected"
-    220               L"'(' expected"
-    221               L"attribute '{0}' is already specified for element '{1}'"
-    222               L"'<' character cannot be used in attribute value '{0}'; use &lt; instead"
-    223               L"leading surrogate character is not followed by a legal second character"
-    224               L"expected ']]>' sequence to end conditional section"
-    225               L"expected INCLUDE or IGNORE at this point"
-    226               L"expected '[' to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"
-    227               L"unexpected end of entity '{0}'"
-    228               L"parameter entity propagated out of internal/external subset"
-    229               L"unmatched ']' character detected"
-    230               L"parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in internal subset"
-    231               L"entity propagated out of the content section into miscellaneous"
-    232               L"expected &# to be followed by a numeric character value"
-    233               L"'[' expected"
-    234               L"']]>' sequence is not allowed in character data"
-    235               L"'--' sequence is illegal in comment"
-    236               L"unterminated CDATA section"
-    237               L"NDATA expected"
-    238               L"NDATA is illegal for parameter entities"
-    239               L"hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'"
-    240               L"{0} declaration already seen"
-    241               L"XML declarations must be in this order: version, encoding, standalone"
-    242               L"external entity cannot be referred to from attribute value"
-    243               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '"
-    244               L"expected literal entity value or public/system id"
-    245               L"'{0}' is not a valid digit for the specified radix"
-    246               L"input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is '{0}'"
-    247               L"nested CDATA section illegal"
-    248               L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    249               L"start and the end tags are in different entities"
-    250               L"XML document cannot be empty"
-    251               L"CDATA section is illegal outside the root element"
-    252               L"unexpected trailing surrogate character"
-    253               L"processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'"
-    254               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start at line 1, column 1"
-    255               L"version declaration is required in XML declaration"
-    256               L"standalone declaration is only legal in the main XML entity"
-    257               L"encoding declaration is required in TEXT declaration"
-    258               L"colon is illegal in names when namespaces are enabled"
-    259               L"{0}"
-    260               L"schemaLocation does not contain namespace-location pairs"
-    261               L"fatal error during schema scan"
-    262               L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is illegal in standalone document"
-    263               L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in complete declaration"
-    264               L"invalid namespace value in prefix-namespace mapping '{0}'"
-    265               L"prefix 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to namespace"
-    266               L"namespace for 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to prefix"
-    267               L"prefix 'xml' cannot be bound to namespace other than its canonical namespace"
-    268               L"namespace for 'xml' cannot be bound to prefix other than 'xml'"
-    269               L"element '{0}' cannot have 'xmlns' as its prefix"
-    270               L"restriction must contain simpleType definition"
-    271               L"invalid root element '{0}' in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    272               L"invalid element name '{0}'"
-    273               L"invalid attribute name '{0}'"
-    274               L"invalid entity reference name '{0}'"
-    275               L"DOCTYPE declaration already seen"
-    276               L"fallback element is not a direct child of include element"
-    277               L"include element without 'href' attribute"
-    278               L"include element with XPointer specification; XPointer is not yet supported"
-    279               L"invalid 'parse' attribute value '{0}'; expected 'text' or 'xml'"
-    280               L"multiple fallback elements in document '{0}'"
-    281               L"include failed and no fallback element found in document '{0}'"
-    282               L"circular inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    283               L"self-inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    284               L"element '{0}' is not allowed as a child of include element"
-    285               L"included notation '{0}' conflicts with notation already defined"
-    286               L"included entity '{0}' conflicts with entity already defined"
-    16386             L"no declaration found for element '{0}'"
-    16387             L"no declaration found for attribute '{0}'"
-    16388             L"notation '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"
-    16389             L"root element differs from that declared in DOCTYPE"
-    16390             L"missing required attribute '{0}'"
-    16391             L"element '{0}' is not allowed for content model '{1}'"
-    16392             L"ID attribute must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED"
-    16393             L"attribute cannot have empty value"
-    16394             L"element '{0}' has already been declared"
-    16395             L"element '{0}' has more than one ID attribute"
-    16396             L"ID value '{0}' has already been used"
-    16397             L"ID attribute '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"
-    16398             L"attribute '{0}' refers to undeclared notation '{1}'"
-    16399             L"element '{0}' is specified in DOCTYPE but was never declared"
-    16400             L"empty content is not valid for content model '{0}'"
-    16401             L"attribute '{0}' is not declared for element '{1}'"
-    16402             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to external, unparsed entity"
-    16403             L"attribute '{0}' refers to unknown entity '{1}'"
-    16404             L"attribute of type ID/IDREF/IDREFS/ENTITY/ENTITIES/NOTATION cannot contain colon when namespaces are enabled"
-    16405             L"missing elements in content model '{0}'"
-    16406             L"no character data is allowed by content model"
-    16407             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' does not match its type's defined enumeration or notation list"
-    16408             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' is invalid Name or NMTOKEN value"
-    16409             L"attribute '{0}' does not allow multiple values"
-    16410             L"attribute '{0}' has value '{1}' that does not match its #FIXED value '{2}'"
-    16411             L"element types cannot be duplicated in mixed content model"
-    16412             L"{0} is not supported"
-    16413             L"'{0}' is not allowed in the {1} compositor; only element, group, choice, sequence, and any are allowed"
-    16414             L"base type '{0}' not found in '{1}' definition"
-    16415             L"{0} declaration with 'ref' attribute cannot have content"
-    16416             L"{0}"
-    16417             L"prohibited attribute '{0}' is present"
-    16418             L"illegal 'xml:space' declaration"
-    16419             L"schema document '{0}' has different target namespace from the one specified in instance document '{1}'"
-    16420             L"element '{0}' is of simple type and cannot have elements in its content"
-    16421             L"unable to find validator for simple type of element '{0}'"
-    16422             L"grammar not found for namespace '{0}'"
-    16423             L"{0}"
-    16424             L"'xsi:nil' specified for non-nillable element '{0}'"
-    16425             L"element '{0}' is nil and must be empty"
-    16426             L"content of element '{0}' differs from its declared fixed value"
-    16427             L"unable to find validator for simple type of attribute '{0}'"
-    16428             L"error during schema scan"
-    16429             L"element '{0}' must be qualified"
-    16430             L"element '{0}' must be unqualified"
-    16431             L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is not allowed in standalone document"
-    16432             L"attribute '{0}' in element '{1}' has default value and must be specified in standalone document"
-    16433             L"attribute '{0}' must not be changed by normalization in standalone document"
-    16434             L"whitespace must not occur between externally declared elements with element content in standalone document"
-    16435             L"entity '{0}' not found"
-    16436             L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text"
-    16437             L"failed to validate '{0}'"
-    16438             L"complex type '{0}' violates the unique particle attribution rule in its components '{1}' and '{2}'"
-    16439             L"abstract type '{0}' cannot be used in 'xsi:type'"
-    16440             L"element '{0}' is abstract; use non-abstract member of its substitution group instead"
-    16441             L"type of element '{0}' is abstract; use 'xsi:type' to specify non-abstract type instead"
-    16442             L"type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' cannot be resolved"
-    16443             L"type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' does not derive from type of element '{1}'"
-    16444             L"element '{0}' does not permit substitution"
-    16445             L"complex type '{0}' does not permit substitution"
-    16446             L"attribute '{0}' must be qualified"
-    16447             L"attribute '{0}' must be unqualified"
-    16448             L"identity constraint field matches more than one value within the scope of its selector; field must match unique value"
-    16449             L"unknown identity constraint field"
-    16450             L"element '{0}' has identity constraint key with no value"
-    16451             L"element '{0}' does not have enough values for identity constraint key '{1}'"
-    16452             L"element '{0}' declares identity constraint key that matches nillable element"
-    16453             L"element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint unique values"
-    16454             L"element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint key values"
-    16455             L"keyref '{0}' refers to out of scope key/unique"
-    16456             L"identity constraint key for element '{0}' not found"
-    16457             L"non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema declarations other than appinfo and documentation"
-    16458             L"element '{0}' declared EMPTY but has attribute '{1}' of type NOTATION"
-    16459             L"element '{0}' declared EMPTY and cannot have content, not even entity references, comments, PIs, or whitespaces"
-    16460             L"element '{0}' has more than one attribute of type NOTATION"
-    16461             L"attribute '{0}' has non-distinct token '{1}'"
-    16462             L"content model of element '{0}' does not allow escaped whitespaces"
-    8194              L"unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"
-    8197              L"index is beyond array bounds"
-    8198              L"new array size is less than the old"
-    8199              L"index is beyond maximum attribute index"
-    8200              L"invalid AttType value"
-    8201              L"invalid DefAttType value"
-    8202              L"bit index is beyond set size"
-    8203              L"bit sets have different sizes"
-    8204              L"no more buffers available"
-    8205              L"buffer is not found in the manager's pool"
-    8206              L"NULL pointer"
-    8207              L"binary operation node has unary node type"
-    8208              L"content type must be mixed or children"
-    8209              L"PCDATA node is illegal at this point"
-    8210              L"unary operation node has binary node type"
-    8211              L"unknown content model type"
-    8212              L"unknown content spec type"
-    8213              L"parent element has no content spec node"
-    8214              L"invalid spec type for '{0}'"
-    8215              L"unknown creation reason value"
-    8216              L"element stack is empty"
-    8217              L"pop operation requested on empty stack"
-    8218              L"parent operation requested with only one element in stack"
-    8219              L"no more elements in enumerator"
-    8220              L"unable to open file '{0}'"
-    8221              L"unable to query file position"
-    8222              L"unable to close file"
-    8223              L"unable to seek to the end of file"
-    8224              L"unable to seek to the required position in file"
-    8225              L"unable to duplicate handle"
-    8226              L"unable to read data from file"
-    8227              L"unable to write data to file"
-    8228              L"unable to reset file position to the beginning"
-    8229              L"unable to get file size"
-    8230              L"unable to determine file base pathname"
-    8231              L"parsing in progress"
-    8232              L"DOCTYPE declaration was seen but installed validator does not support DTD"
-    8233              L"unable to open DTD document '{0}'"
-    8234              L"unable to open external entity '{0}'"
-    8235              L"unexpected end of input"
-    8236              L"zero hash modulus"
-    8237              L"hashing key produced invalid hash"
-    8238              L"no such key in hash table"
-    8239              L"unable to destroy mutex"
-    8240              L"internal error in NetAccessor"
-    8241              L"NetAccessor is unable to determine length of remote file"
-    8242              L"unable to initialize NetAccessor"
-    8243              L"unable to resolve host/address '{0}'"
-    8244              L"unable to create socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8245              L"unable to connect socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8246              L"unable to write to socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8247              L"unable to read from socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8248              L"specified HTTP method is not supported by NetAccessor"
-    8249              L"element '{0}' is already in pool"
-    8250              L"invalid pool element id"
-    8251              L"zero hash modulus"
-    8252              L"reader id not found"
-    8253              L"invalid auto encoding value"
-    8254              L"unable to decode first line in entity '{0}'"
-    8255              L"XML or TEXT declaration '{0}' cannot have NEL or lsep"
-    8256              L"current transcoding service does not support source offset information"
-    8257              L"EBCDIC file must provide encoding declaration"
-    8258              L"unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"
-    8259              L"unbalanced start/end tags"
-    8260              L"call to scanNext is illegal at this point"
-    8261              L"index is past top of stack"
-    8262              L"empty stack"
-    8263              L"target buffer cannot have zero max size"
-    8264              L"unsupported radix; expected 2, 8, 10, or 16"
-    8265              L"target buffer is too small"
-    8266              L"start index is past the end of string"
-    8267              L"string representation overflows output binary result"
-    8268              L"illegal string pool id"
-    8269              L"char 0x{0} is not representable in '{1}' encoding"
-    8270              L"invalid multi-byte sequence"
-    8271              L"code point 0x{0} is invalid for '{1}' encoding"
-    8272              L"leading surrogate followed by invalid trailing surrogate"
-    8273              L"unable to create converter for '{0}' encoding"
-    8274              L"malformed URL"
-    8275              L"unsupported protocol in URL"
-    8276              L"URL protocol '{0}' is unsupported"
-    8277              L"missing protocol prefix"
-    8278              L"expected '//' after protocol"
-    8279              L"base part of URL cannot be relative"
-    8280              L"port field must be 16-bit decimal number"
-    8281              L"invalid byte '{1}' at position {0} of a {2}-byte sequence"
-    8282              L"invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"
-    8283              L"irregular bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"
-    8284              L"invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 4-byte sequence"
-    8285              L"exceeded byte limit at byte '{0}' in a {1}-byte sequence"
-    8286              L"index is beyond vector bounds"
-    8287              L"invalid element id"
-    8288              L"internal subset is not allowed when reusing the grammar"
-    8289              L"unknown recognizer encoding"
-    8290              L"illegal character at offset {0} in regular expression '{1}'"
-    8291              L"invalid reference number"
-    8292              L"character expected after backslash"
-    8293              L"unexpected '?'; '(?:', '(?=', '(?!', '(?<', '(?#', or '(?>' expected"
-    8294              L"'(?<=' or '(?<!' expected"
-    8295              L"unterminated comment"
-    8296              L"')' expected"
-    8297              L"unexpected end of pattern in modifier group"
-    8298              L"':' expected"
-    8299              L"unexpected end of pattern in conditional group"
-    8300              L"back reference, anchor, lookahead, or lookbehind expected in conditional pattern"
-    8301              L"more than three choices in conditional group"
-    8302              L"\x0063\x0068\x0061\x0072\x0061\x0063\x0074\x0065\x0072\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0020\x0074\x0068\x0065\x0020\x0055\x002B\x0030\x0030\x0034\x0030\x002D\x0055\x002B\x0030\x0030\x0035\x0066\x0020\x0072\x0061\x006E\x0067\x0065\x0020\x006D\x0075\x0073\x0074\x0020\x0066\x006F\x006C\x006C\x006F\x0077\x0020\x0027\x005C\x0063\x0027"
-    8303              L"'{' expected before category character"
-    8304              L"property name must be closed with '}'"
-    8305              L"unexpected meta character"
-    8306              L"unknown property"
-    8307              L"POSIX character class must be closed with ':]'"
-    8308              L"unexpected end of pattern in character class"
-    8309              L"unknown name for POSIX character class"
-    8310              L"']' expected"
-    8311              L"\x0027\x007B\x0030\x007D\x0027\x0020\x0069\x0073\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0076\x0061\x006C\x0069\x0064\x0020\x0063\x0068\x0061\x0072\x0061\x0063\x0074\x0065\x0072\x0020\x0072\x0061\x006E\x0067\x0065\x003B\x0020\x0075\x0073\x0065\x0020\x0027\x005C\x007B\x0031\x007D\x0027\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0073\x0074\x0065\x0061\x0064"
-    8312              L"'[' expected"
-    8313              L"')', '-[', '+[', or '&[' expected"
-    8314              L"range end code point '{0}' is less than start code point '{1}'"
-    8315              L"invalid Unicode hex notation"
-    8316              L"\x0027\x005C\x0020\x0078\x007B\x0027\x0020\x006D\x0075\x0073\x0074\x0020\x0062\x0065\x0020\x0063\x006C\x006F\x0073\x0065\x0064\x0020\x0077\x0069\x0074\x0068\x0020\x0027\x007D\x0027"
-    8317              L"invalid Unicode code point"
-    8318              L"anchor cannot be present at this point"
-    8319              L"'{0}' is invalid character escape sequence"
-    8320              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit expected"
-    8321              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; invalid quantity or missing  '}'"
-    8322              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit or '}' expected"
-    8323              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; min quantity must be less than or equal max quantity"
-    8324              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; quantity value overflow"
-    8325              L"XML Schema was seen but installed validator does not support XML Schema"
-    8326              L"SubstitutionGroupComparator has no grammar resolver"
-    8327              L"invalid length value '{0}'"
-    8328              L"invalid maxLength value '{0}'"
-    8329              L"invalid minLength value '{0}'"
-    8330              L"length value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8331              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8332              L"minLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8333              L"both length and maxLength cannot be present at the same time"
-    8334              L"both length and minLength cannot be present at the same time"
-    8335              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than minLength value '{1}'"
-    8336              L"invalid facet tag '{0}'"
-    8337              L"length value '{0}' must be equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8338              L"minLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8339              L"minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8340              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8341              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8342              L"length value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8343              L"length value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8344              L"minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8345              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8346              L"enumeration value '{0}' must be from the value space of the base"
-    8347              L"whiteSpace value '{0}' must be one of 'preserve', 'replace', or 'collapse'"
-    8348              L"whiteSpace value is 'preserve' or 'replace' while base type whiteSpace value is 'collapse'"
-    8349              L"whiteSpace value is 'preserve' while base type whiteSpace value is 'replace'"
-    8350              L"invalid maxInclusive value '{0}'"
-    8351              L"invalid maxExclusive value '{0}'"
-    8352              L"invalid minInclusive value '{0}'"
-    8353              L"invalid minExclusive value '{0}'"
-    8354              L"invalid totalDigits value '{0}'"
-    8355              L"invalid fractionDigits value '{0}'"
-    8356              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be a positive integer"
-    8357              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8358              L"both maxInclusive and maxExclusive cannot be present at the same time"
-    8359              L"both minInclusive and minExclusive cannot be present at the same time"
-    8360              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"
-    8361              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"
-    8362              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"
-    8363              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"
-    8364              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be greater than fractionDigits value '{1}'"
-    8365              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8366              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8367              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8368              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8369              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8370              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8371              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8372              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8373              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8374              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8375              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8376              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8377              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8378              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8379              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8380              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8381              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8382              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8383              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8384              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8385              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8386              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8387              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8388              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8389              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8390              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8391              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8392              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8393              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8394              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8395              L"minLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8396              L"whiteSpace value '{0}' must be equal to fixed whiteSpace value '{1}' in the base"
-    8397              L"internal error while processing fixed facet"
-    8398              L"list itemType is empty"
-    8399              L"union memberTypes is empty"
-    8400              L"restriction union base is empty"
-    8401              L"restriction union base is '{0}' instead of union"
-    8402              L"value '{0}' does not match regular expression facet '{1}'"
-    8403              L"value '{0}' is invalid Base64-encoded binary"
-    8404              L"value '{0}' is invalid Hex-encoded binary"
-    8405              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which exceeds maxLength facet value '{2}'"
-    8406              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is less than minLength facet value '{2}'"
-    8407              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is not equal to length facet value '{2}'"
-    8408              L"value '{0}' not in enumeration"
-    8409              L"value '{0}' has '{1}' total digits which exceeds totalDigits facet value '{2}'"
-    8410              L"value '{0}' has '{1}' fraction digits which exceeds fractionDigits facet value '{2}'"
-    8411              L"value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8412              L"value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8413              L"value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8414              L"value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minExclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8415              L"value '{0}' is not whitespace replaced"
-    8416              L"value '{0}' is not whitespace collapsed"
-    8417              L"value '{0}' is invalid NCName"
-    8418              L"value '{0}' is invalid {1}"
-    8419              L"ID value '{0}' is not unique"
-    8420              L"value '{0}' is invalid ENTITY"
-    8421              L"value '{0}' is invalid QName"
-    8422              L"NOTATION '{0}' must be valid QName"
-    8423              L"value '{0}' does not match any member types of the union"
-    8424              L"value '{0}' is invalid anyURI"
-    8425              L"empty string encountered"
-    8426              L"string contains only whitespaces"
-    8427              L"more than one decimal point encountered"
-    8428              L"invalid character encountered"
-    8429              L"NULL pointer encountered"
-    8430              L"unable to construct URI with NULL/empty {0}"
-    8431              L"{0} '{1}' can only be set for a generic URI"
-    8432              L"{0} contains invalid escape sequence '{1}'"
-    8433              L"{0} contains invalid character '{1}'"
-    8434              L"{0} cannot be NULL"
-    8435              L"'{1}' is not conformant to {0}"
-    8436              L"no scheme found in URI"
-    8437              L"{0} '{1}' may not be specified if host is not specified"
-    8438              L"{0} '{1}' may not be specified if path is not specified"
-    8439              L"port number '{0}' must be in the (0,65535) range"
-    8440              L"internal error while validating '{0}'"
-    8441              L"result not set"
-    8442              L"internal error in CompactRanges"
-    8443              L"mismatched type in MergeRanges"
-    8444              L"internal error in SubtractRanges"
-    8445              L"internal error in IntersectRanges"
-    8446              L"argument must be RangeToken"
-    8447              L"invalid category name '{0}'"
-    8448              L"keyword '{0}' not found"
-    8449              L"reference number must be greater than zero"
-    8450              L"option '{0}' unknown"
-    8451              L"unknown token type"
-    8452              L"unable to get RangeToken for '{0}'"
-    8453              L"not supported"
-    8454              L"invalid child index"
-    8455              L"replace pattern cannot match zero-length string"
-    8456              L"invalid replace pattern"
-    8457              L"enabling NEL option can only be done once per process"
-    8458              L"out of memory"
-    8459              L"operation is not allowed"
-    8460              L"selector cannot select attribute"
-    8461              L"'|' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"
-    8462              L"'||' in XPath expression is illegal"
-    8463              L"missing attribute name in XPath expression"
-    8464              L"unexpected XPath token; expected qname, any, or namespace test"
-    8465              L"prefix '{0}' used in XPath expression can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    8466              L"'::' in XPath expression is illegal"
-    8467              L"expected step following 'child' token in XPath expression"
-    8468              L"expected step following '//' in XPath expression"
-    8469              L"expected step following '/' in XPath expression"
-    8470              L"'/' not allowed after '//' in XPath expression"
-    8471              L"'//' only allowed after '.' at the beginning of XPath expression"
-    8472              L"'/' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"
-    8473              L"root element selection is illegal in XPath expression"
-    8474              L"empty XPath expression"
-    8475              L"XPath expression cannot end with '|'"
-    8476              L"invalid character '{0}' in XPath expression"
-    8477              L"unsupported XPath token"
-    8478              L"fractional values not supported in XPath expression"
-    8479              L"invalid dateTime value '{0}'"
-    8480              L"missing 'T' separator in dateTime value '{0}'"
-    8481              L"invalid gDay value '{0}'"
-    8482              L"invalid gMonth value '{0}'"
-    8483              L"invalid gMonthDay value '{0}'"
-    8484              L"invalid duration value '{0}'"
-    8485              L"duration value '{0}' must start with '-' or 'P'"
-    8486              L"duration value '{0}' must contain 'P'"
-    8487              L"duration value '{0}' can contain '-' only as the first character"
-    8488              L"duration value '{0}' contains invalid text before 'T'"
-    8489              L"duration value '{0}' has no time component after 'T'"
-    8490              L"duration value '{0}' must have at least one component"
-    8491              L"duration value '{0}' must have at least one digit after '.'"
-    8492              L"incomplete date value '{0}'"
-    8493              L"invalid date value '{0}'"
-    8494              L"incomplete time value '{0}'"
-    8495              L"invalid time value '{0}'"
-    8496              L"expected fractional seconds after '.' in time value '{0}'"
-    8497              L"incomplete gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8498              L"invalid gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8499              L"invalid gYear value '{0}'"
-    8500              L"year value '{0}' must follow 'CCYY' format"
-    8501              L"invalid leading zero in gYear value '{0}'"
-    8502              L"month component missing in gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8503              L"time zone expected in '{0}'"
-    8504              L"unexpected text after 'Z' in time zone value '{0}'"
-    8505              L"invalid time zone value '{0}'"
-    8506              L"illegal year value '{0}'"
-    8507              L"month value '{0}' must be between 1 and 12"
-    8508              L"day value '{0}' must be between 1 and {1}"
-    8509              L"hours value '{0}' must be between 0 and 23"
-    8510              L"minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"
-    8511              L"seconds value '{0}' must be between 0 and 60"
-    8512              L"minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"
-    8513              L"derived by restriction complex type has content while base type is empty"
-    8514              L"namespace of element '{0}' is not allowed by wildcard in the base"
-    8515              L"occurrence range of element '{0}' is not a valid restriction of base element's range"
-    8516              L"element name/namespace in restriction does not match that of corresponding element in the base"
-    8517              L"element '{0}' is nillable in the restriction while it is non-nillable in the base"
-    8518              L"element '{0}' is either not fixed or is fixed to a different value compared to corresponding element in the base"
-    8519              L"disallowed substitutions for element '{0}' are not a superset of those for corresponding element in the base"
-    8520              L"element '{0}' has type that does not derive from type of corresponding element in the base"
-    8521              L"element '{0}' has fewer identity constraints compared to corresponding element '{1}' in the base"
-    8522              L"element '{0}' has identity constraint that does not appear in corresponding element '{1}' in the base"
-    8523              L"occurrence range of group is not a valid restriction of occurrence range of base group"
-    8524              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8525              L"forbidden restriction of any particle"
-    8526              L"forbidden restriction of all compositor"
-    8527              L"forbidden restriction of choice compositor"
-    8528              L"forbidden restriction of sequence compositor"
-    8529              L"occurrence range of wildcard is not a valid restriction of base wildcard's range"
-    8530              L"wildcard is not a subset of corresponding wildcard in the base"
-    8531              L"occurrence range of group is not a restriction of base wildcard's range"
-    8532              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8533              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8534              L"invalid content spec node type"
-    8535              L"NodeIDMap exceeds largest available size"
-    8536              L"ProtoType has NULL class name"
-    8537              L"ProtoType name length '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"
-    8538              L"ProtoType name '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"
-    8539              L"InputStream read '{0}' is less than required '{1}'"
-    8540              L"InputStream read '{0}' is beyond available buffer size '{1}'"
-    8541              L"storing violation"
-    8542              L"store buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8543              L"object tag '{0}' exceeds load pool upper boundary '{1}'"
-    8544              L"load pool size '{0}' does not tally with object count '{1}'"
-    8545              L"loading violation"
-    8546              L"load buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8547              L"invalid class index '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8548              L"invalid checkFillBuffer size '{0}'"
-    8549              L"invalid checkFlushBuffer size '{0}'"
-    8550              L"invalid NULL pointer encountered '{0}'"
-    8551              L"createObject fails"
-    8552              L"object count '{0}' exceeds upper boundary '{1}'"
-    8553              L"grammar pool is empty"
-    8554              L"grammar pool is not empty"
-    8555              L"string pool is not empty"
-    8556              L"storer level '{0}' does not match loader level '{1}'"
-    8557              L"undefined prefix in QName value '{0}'"
-    24578             L"dummy"
-    24579             L"index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value"
-    24580             L"specified range of text does not fit into DOMString"
-    24581             L"attempt is made to insert a node where it is not permitted"
-    24582             L"node is used in a different document than the one that created it"
-    24583             L"invalid or illegal XML character"
-    24584             L"node does not support storing data"
-    24585             L"attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed"
-    24586             L"attempt is made to reference a node in a context where it does not exist"
-    24587             L"implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation"
-    24588             L"attempt is made to add an attribute that is already in use elsewhere"
-    24589             L"attempt is made to use an object that is not or is no longer usable"
-    24590             L"invalid or illegal string"
-    24591             L"attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object"
-    24592             L"attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with respect to namespaces"
-    24593             L"parameter or requested operation is not supported by the underlying object"
-    24594             L"call to a method such as insertBefore or removeChild would make the node invalid with respect to document grammar"
-    24595             L"type of an object is incompatible with the expected type of the parameter associated with the object"
-    24596             L"dummy"
-    24597             L"boundary points of a range do not meet specific requirements"
-    24598             L"container of a range boundary point is set to a node of an invalid type or to a node with an ancestor of an invalid type"
-    24599             L"dummy"
-    24600             L"failed to load a document or an XML fragment using DOMLSParser"
-    24601             L"failed to serialize a DOM node using DOMLSSerializer"
-    24602             L"dummy"
-    24603             L"expression has incorrect syntax or contains XPath features not supported by the XML Schema XPath subset"
-    24604             L"requested result type not supported"
-    24605             L"no current result in the result object"
-    24606             L"nested CDATA sections"
-    24607             L"unrepresentable character"
-    24608             L"unrecognized node type"
-    24609             L"parsing in progress"
-    24610             L"parsing aborted by the user"
-    24611             L"parsing failed"
-#endif    // English (U.S.) resources
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
-#endif    // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/ b/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf37b9..0000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,899 +0,0 @@
-//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.
-#include "xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/resource.h"
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_
-#include "VerRsrc.h"
-#include "winnt.rh"
-#include "winver.h"
-#include "winnt.h"
-// English (U.S.) resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
-#ifndef _MAC
-// Version
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        BLOCK "040904b0"
-        BEGIN
-            VALUE "Comments", "Dynamic linked library for Xerces-C++\0"
-            VALUE "CompanyName", "Apache Software Foundation\0"
-            VALUE "FileDescription", "Shared Library for Xerces-C++ Version @xerces-c_VERSION@\0"
-            VALUE "FileVersion", "@xerces-c_VERSION_MAJOR@, @xerces-c_VERSION_MINOR@, @xerces-c_VERSION_PATCH@\0"
-            VALUE "InternalName", XERCES_DLL_NAME
-            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 1999-2017 Apache Software Foundation; subject to licensing terms\0"
-            VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"
-            VALUE "OriginalFilename", XERCES_DLL_NAME
-            VALUE "PrivateBuild", "\0"
-            VALUE "ProductName", "Xerces-C++ Version @xerces-c_VERSION@\0"
-            VALUE "ProductVersion", "@xerces-c_VERSION_MAJOR@, @xerces-c_VERSION_MINOR@, @xerces-c_VERSION_PATCH@\0"
-            VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0"
-        END
-    END
-    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-    BEGIN
-        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x04b0
-    END
-#endif    // !_MAC
-#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(XML_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER)
-    "resource.h\0"
-	"#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_\r\n"
-	"#include ""VerRsrc.h""\r\n"
-	"#include ""winnt.rh""\r\n"
-	"#else\r\n"
-	"#include ""winver.h""\r\n"
-	"#include ""winnt.h""\r\n"
-	"#endif\r\n"
-    "\r\n"
-    "\0"
-    "\r\n"
-    "\0"
-#endif    // APSTUDIO_INVOKED
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-//  This file was generated from the XML error message source.
-//  so do not edit this file directly!!
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    2                 L"notation '{0}' has already been declared"
-    3                 L"attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}'"
-    4                 L"encoding '{0}' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring"
-    5                 L"element '{0}' is referenced in a content model but was never declared"
-    6                 L"element '{0}' is referenced in an ATTLIST but was never declared"
-    7                 L"{0}"
-    8                 L"unable to include document '{0}'"
-    9                 L"unable to open text file target '{0}'"
-    10                L"unable to include resource '{0}'"
-    13                L"'{0}' is not allowed for the content of simpleType; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"
-    14                L"globally-defined complex type must have a name"
-    15                L"globally-declared attribute must have a name"
-    16                L"attribute declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    17                L"element declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    18                L"group declaration must have name or a 'ref' attribute"
-    19                L"attributeGroup declaration must have name or 'ref' attribute"
-    20                L"anonymous complexType in element '{0}' has name"
-    21                L"anonymous simpleType in element '{0}' has name"
-    22                L"content of element declaration must match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)"
-    23                L"invalid content in simple type '{0}'; only list, union, and restriction are allowed"
-    24                L"expected simpleType in list definition for type '{0}'"
-    25                L"list, union, or restriction content is invalid for type '{0}'"
-    26                L"invalid content in list definition for type '{0}'"
-    27                L"expected simpleType in restriction definition for type '{0}'"
-    28                L"facet '{0}' is already defined"
-    29                L"expected simpleType in union definition for type '{0}'"
-    30                L"content in simpleType definition is empty"
-    31                L"expected restriction or extension in simpleContent definition"
-    32                L"base attribute must be specified for restriction or extension definition"
-    33                L"expected restriction or extension in complexContent definition"
-    34                L"invalid content in 'schema' element"
-    35                L"invalid content for type '{0}'"
-    36                L"unknown simpleType '{0}'"
-    37                L"unknown complexType '{0}'"
-    38                L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    39                L"referenced element '{0}' not found"
-    40                L"type '{0}:{1}' not found"
-    41                L"attribute '{0}' not found"
-    42                L"invalid element '{0}' in complex type definition"
-    43                L"base type '{0}' not found"
-    44                L"unable to create validator for '{0}'"
-    45                L"invalid element following simpleContent definition in complexType"
-    46                L"invalid element following complexContent definition in complexType"
-    47                L"attribute '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"
-    48                L"attribute '{0}' with default value must be optional"
-    49                L"attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
-    50                L"attribute '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType definition"
-    51                L"simpleType '{0}:{1}' for attribute '{2}' not found"
-    52                L"element '{0}' cannot have both fixed and default values"
-    53                L"invalid {0} name '{1}'"
-    54                L"element '{0}' cannot have both 'type' attribute and simpleType/complexType definition"
-    55                L"element '{0}' has fixed or default value and must have mixed simple or simple content model"
-    56                L"simpleType '{0}' that '{1}' extends has a value of the final attribute that does not permit extension"
-    57                L"type '{0}' specified as the base in simpleContent definition must not have complex content"
-    58                L"type '{0}' is a simple type and cannot be used in derivation by restriction in complexType definition"
-    59                L"invalid element following restriction or extension definition in simpleContent"
-    60                L"invalid element following restriction or extension definition in complexContent"
-    61                L"duplicate annotation in type '{0}'"
-    62                L"type '{0}' cannot be used in its own union, list, or restriction definition"
-    63                L"block value '{0}' is invalid"
-    64                L"final value '{0}' is invalid"
-    65                L"element '{0}' cannot be part of the substitution group headed by '{1}'"
-    66                L"element '{0}' has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group"
-    67                L"element '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope"
-    68                L"value '{0}' invalid for attribute '{1}'"
-    69                L"attribute '{0}' has both 'ref' attribute and inline simpleType definition or 'form' or 'type' attribute"
-    70                L"duplicate reference attribute '{0}:{1}' in complexType definition"
-    71                L"derivation by restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    72                L"derivation by extension is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    73                L"base type specified in complexContent definition must be a complex type"
-    74                L"imported schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'; expected '{2}'"
-    75                L"'schemaLocation' attribute must be specified in element '{0}'"
-    76                L"included schema '{0}' has different target namespace '{1}'"
-    77                L"at most one annotation is allowed"
-    78                L"content of attribute '{0}' must match (annotation?, simpleType?)"
-    79                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in global {1} declarations"
-    80                L"attribute '{0}' must appear in local {1} declarations"
-    81                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in global {1} declarations"
-    82                L"attribute '{0}' cannot appear in local {1} declarations"
-    83                L"minOccurs value '{0}' must not be greater than maxOccurs value '{1}'"
-    84                L"duplicate annotation in anyAttribute declaration"
-    85                L"global {0} declaration must have name"
-    86                L"circular definition in '{0}'"
-    87                L"global type '{0}:{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2}"
-    88                L"global {0} '{1}' declared more than once"
-    89                L"invalid value '{0}' for whiteSpace facet; expected 'collapse'"
-    90                L"namespace of import declaration must be different from target namespace of importing schema"
-    91                L"importing schema must have target namespace if namespace in import declaration is not present"
-    92                L"element '{0}' cannot have value constraint '{1}' if its type is derived from ID"
-    93                L"element/attribute '{0}' is of NOTATION type"
-    94                L"element '{0}' has mixed content type and the content type's particle must be emptiable"
-    95                L"complexType definition has empty content but base type is not empty or does not have emptiable particle"
-    96                L"content types of base type '{0}' and derived type '{1}' must both be mixed or element-only"
-    97                L"derived content type is not a valid restriction of base content type"
-    98                L"derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either base type '{0}' or globally"
-    99                L"item type definition must have variety of atomic or union where all member types must be atomic"
-    100               L"group '{0}' must contain all, choice, or sequence compositor"
-    101               L"content of attributeGroup '{0}' must match (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))"
-    102               L"top-level compositor in a group must not have 'minOccurs' or 'maxOccurs' attribute"
-    103               L"{0} '{1}:{2}' not found"
-    104               L"group with the all compositor must only appear as content type of a complex type"
-    105               L"group with the all compositor constituting the content type of a complex type must have both minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    106               L"element declaration in the all compositor must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 0 or 1"
-    107               L"attribute '{0}' is already defined in base"
-    108               L"intensional intersection of attribute wildcards must be expressible"
-    109               L"base type does not have any attributes"
-    110               L"attribute '{0}' has incompatible use value in the base"
-    111               L"type of attribute '{0}' must be derived by restriction from type of the corresponding attribute in the base"
-    112               L"attribute '{0}' does not have a fixed value or has a different fixed value from that of the base"
-    113               L"attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to the base wildcard constraint or base has no wildcard"
-    114               L"attribute wildcard is present in the derived type but not in the base"
-    115               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base"
-    116               L"attribute '{0}' cannot have different use value in the derived type if the base attribute use value is 'prohibited'"
-    117               L"attribute wildcard in the derived type must be identical to or stricter than the one in the base"
-    118               L"unexpected '{0}' in the content of the all compositor; only elements are allowed"
-    119               L"redefined schema '{0}' has a different target namespace '{1}'"
-    120               L"simpleType in redefine must have a restriction definition"
-    121               L"simpleType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    122               L"complexType in redefine must have a restriction or extension definition"
-    123               L"complexType base attribute in redefine must reference the original type with the same name"
-    124               L"group '{0}' must have minOccurs and maxOccurs equal 1"
-    125               L"unable to find declaration in the schema being redefined corresponding to '{0}'"
-    126               L"group declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    127               L"attributeGroup declaration in redefine may only contain one reference to itself"
-    128               L"redefine declaration cannot contain '{0}'"
-    129               L"notation declaration '{0}:{1}' not found"
-    130               L"more than one identity constraint has name '{0}'"
-    131               L"identity constraint declaration must match (annotation?, selector, field+)"
-    132               L"key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key '{1}'"
-    133               L"field cardinalities for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match"
-    134               L"XPath expression is missing or empty"
-    135               L"fixed value in attribute reference is not set or differs from the fixed value of '{0}'"
-    136               L"attribute '{0}' is of ID type or type derived from ID and cannot have default/fixed value constraint"
-    137               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this complex type with a type derived from ID"
-    138               L"attribute '{0}' is a subsequent attribute in this attribute group with a type derived from ID"
-    139               L"empty value illegal for 'targetNamespace' attribute; target namespace must be absent or contain non-empty value"
-    140               L"{0}"
-    141               L"'{0}' has already been included or redefined"
-    142               L"namespace '{0}' is referenced without import declaration"
-    143               L"all compositor that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content of the definition"
-    144               L"annotation can only contain appinfo and documentation declarations"
-    145               L"invalid facet name '{0}'"
-    146               L"root element name of XML Schema document must be 'schema'"
-    147               L"circular substitution group in element '{0}'"
-    148               L"element '{0}' must be from the XML Schema namespace"
-    149               L"target namespace of attribute '{0}' cannot be"
-    150               L"invalid namespace declaration"
-    151               L"namespace fix-up cannot be performed on DOM Level 1 node"
-    152               L"more than one anyAttribute declaration found in complex type declaration"
-    153               L"anyAttribute must not be followed by other declarations"
-    156               L"parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in the document; this is the limit imposed by the application"
-    157               L"expected comment or CDATA section"
-    158               L"attribute name expected"
-    159               L"notation name expected"
-    160               L"illegal repetition of elements in mixed content model"
-    161               L"default attribute declaration expected"
-    162               L"equal sign expected"
-    163               L"element name expected"
-    164               L"comment must start with <!--"
-    165               L"invalid document structure"
-    166               L"expected version, encoding, or standalone declaration"
-    167               L"invalid XML version declaration"
-    168               L"unsupported XML version '{0}'"
-    169               L"unterminated XML declaration"
-    170               L"invalid XML encoding declaration '{0}'"
-    171               L"invalid standalone declaration"
-    172               L"unterminated comment"
-    173               L"processing instruction name expected"
-    174               L"unterminated processing instruction"
-    175               L"invalid character 0x{0}"
-    176               L"unterminated start tag '{0}'"
-    177               L"attribute value expected"
-    178               L"unterminated end tag '{0}'"
-    179               L"expected type for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'"
-    180               L"expected end of tag '{0}'"
-    181               L"expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"
-    182               L"invalid content after root element's end tag"
-    183               L"comment expected"
-    184               L"comment or processing instruction expected"
-    185               L"whitespace expected"
-    186               L"expected root element in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    187               L"quoted string expected"
-    188               L"public id expected"
-    189               L"invalid character 0x{0} in public id"
-    190               L"unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"
-    191               L"invalid character 0x{0} in internal subset"
-    192               L"unexpected whitespace"
-    193               L"invalid character 0x{1} in attribute value '{0}'"
-    194               L"markup declaration expected"
-    195               L"TEXT declaration is illegal at this point"
-    196               L"conditional section in internal subset"
-    197               L"parameter entity name expected"
-    198               L"unterminated entity declaration '{0}'"
-    199               L"invalid character reference"
-    200               L"unterminated character reference"
-    201               L"expected entity name for reference"
-    202               L"entity '{0}' not found"
-    203               L"unparsed entity reference '{0}' is invalid at this point"
-    204               L"unterminated entity reference '{0}'"
-    205               L"recursive entity expansion '{0}'"
-    206               L"partial markup in entity value"
-    207               L"unterminated element declaration '{0}'"
-    208               L"expected content specification for element '{0}'"
-    209               L"'*' expected"
-    210               L"mixed content model '{0}' not terminated properly"
-    211               L"system or public id expected"
-    212               L"unterminated notation declaration"
-    213               L"expected ',', '|', or ')'"
-    214               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    215               L"expected ',', '|', or ')' in content model of element '{0}'"
-    216               L"expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'"
-    217               L"expected '|' or ')'"
-    218               L"unterminated entity literal"
-    219               L"unmatched end tag detected"
-    220               L"'(' expected"
-    221               L"attribute '{0}' is already specified for element '{1}'"
-    222               L"'<' character cannot be used in attribute value '{0}'; use &lt; instead"
-    223               L"leading surrogate character is not followed by a legal second character"
-    224               L"expected ']]>' sequence to end conditional section"
-    225               L"expected INCLUDE or IGNORE at this point"
-    226               L"expected '[' to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"
-    227               L"unexpected end of entity '{0}'"
-    228               L"parameter entity propagated out of internal/external subset"
-    229               L"unmatched ']' character detected"
-    230               L"parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in internal subset"
-    231               L"entity propagated out of the content section into miscellaneous"
-    232               L"expected &# to be followed by a numeric character value"
-    233               L"'[' expected"
-    234               L"']]>' sequence is not allowed in character data"
-    235               L"'--' sequence is illegal in comment"
-    236               L"unterminated CDATA section"
-    237               L"NDATA expected"
-    238               L"NDATA is illegal for parameter entities"
-    239               L"hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'"
-    240               L"{0} declaration already seen"
-    241               L"XML declarations must be in this order: version, encoding, standalone"
-    242               L"external entity cannot be referred to from attribute value"
-    243               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '"
-    244               L"expected literal entity value or public/system id"
-    245               L"'{0}' is not a valid digit for the specified radix"
-    246               L"input ended before all started tags were ended; last tag started is '{0}'"
-    247               L"nested CDATA section illegal"
-    248               L"prefix '{0}' can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    249               L"start and the end tags are in different entities"
-    250               L"XML document cannot be empty"
-    251               L"CDATA section is illegal outside the root element"
-    252               L"unexpected trailing surrogate character"
-    253               L"processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'"
-    254               L"XML or TEXT declaration must start at line 1, column 1"
-    255               L"version declaration is required in XML declaration"
-    256               L"standalone declaration is only legal in the main XML entity"
-    257               L"encoding declaration is required in TEXT declaration"
-    258               L"colon is illegal in names when namespaces are enabled"
-    259               L"{0}"
-    260               L"schemaLocation does not contain namespace-location pairs"
-    261               L"fatal error during schema scan"
-    262               L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is illegal in standalone document"
-    263               L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in complete declaration"
-    264               L"invalid namespace value in prefix-namespace mapping '{0}'"
-    265               L"prefix 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to namespace"
-    266               L"namespace for 'xmlns' cannot be explicitly bound to prefix"
-    267               L"prefix 'xml' cannot be bound to namespace other than its canonical namespace"
-    268               L"namespace for 'xml' cannot be bound to prefix other than 'xml'"
-    269               L"element '{0}' cannot have 'xmlns' as its prefix"
-    270               L"restriction must contain simpleType definition"
-    271               L"invalid root element '{0}' in DOCTYPE declaration"
-    272               L"invalid element name '{0}'"
-    273               L"invalid attribute name '{0}'"
-    274               L"invalid entity reference name '{0}'"
-    275               L"DOCTYPE declaration already seen"
-    276               L"fallback element is not a direct child of include element"
-    277               L"include element without 'href' attribute"
-    278               L"include element with XPointer specification; XPointer is not yet supported"
-    279               L"invalid 'parse' attribute value '{0}'; expected 'text' or 'xml'"
-    280               L"multiple fallback elements in document '{0}'"
-    281               L"include failed and no fallback element found in document '{0}'"
-    282               L"circular inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    283               L"self-inclusion in document '{0}'"
-    284               L"element '{0}' is not allowed as a child of include element"
-    285               L"included notation '{0}' conflicts with notation already defined"
-    286               L"included entity '{0}' conflicts with entity already defined"
-    16386             L"no declaration found for element '{0}'"
-    16387             L"no declaration found for attribute '{0}'"
-    16388             L"notation '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"
-    16389             L"root element differs from that declared in DOCTYPE"
-    16390             L"missing required attribute '{0}'"
-    16391             L"element '{0}' is not allowed for content model '{1}'"
-    16392             L"ID attribute must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED"
-    16393             L"attribute cannot have empty value"
-    16394             L"element '{0}' has already been declared"
-    16395             L"element '{0}' has more than one ID attribute"
-    16396             L"ID value '{0}' has already been used"
-    16397             L"ID attribute '{0}' is referenced but was never declared"
-    16398             L"attribute '{0}' refers to undeclared notation '{1}'"
-    16399             L"element '{0}' is specified in DOCTYPE but was never declared"
-    16400             L"empty content is not valid for content model '{0}'"
-    16401             L"attribute '{0}' is not declared for element '{1}'"
-    16402             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to external, unparsed entity"
-    16403             L"attribute '{0}' refers to unknown entity '{1}'"
-    16404             L"attribute of type ID/IDREF/IDREFS/ENTITY/ENTITIES/NOTATION cannot contain colon when namespaces are enabled"
-    16405             L"missing elements in content model '{0}'"
-    16406             L"no character data is allowed by content model"
-    16407             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' does not match its type's defined enumeration or notation list"
-    16408             L"value '{0}' for attribute '{1}' is invalid Name or NMTOKEN value"
-    16409             L"attribute '{0}' does not allow multiple values"
-    16410             L"attribute '{0}' has value '{1}' that does not match its #FIXED value '{2}'"
-    16411             L"element types cannot be duplicated in mixed content model"
-    16412             L"{0} is not supported"
-    16413             L"'{0}' is not allowed in the {1} compositor; only element, group, choice, sequence, and any are allowed"
-    16414             L"base type '{0}' not found in '{1}' definition"
-    16415             L"{0} declaration with 'ref' attribute cannot have content"
-    16416             L"{0}"
-    16417             L"prohibited attribute '{0}' is present"
-    16418             L"illegal 'xml:space' declaration"
-    16419             L"schema document '{0}' has different target namespace from the one specified in instance document '{1}'"
-    16420             L"element '{0}' is of simple type and cannot have elements in its content"
-    16421             L"unable to find validator for simple type of element '{0}'"
-    16422             L"grammar not found for namespace '{0}'"
-    16423             L"{0}"
-    16424             L"'xsi:nil' specified for non-nillable element '{0}'"
-    16425             L"element '{0}' is nil and must be empty"
-    16426             L"content of element '{0}' differs from its declared fixed value"
-    16427             L"unable to find validator for simple type of attribute '{0}'"
-    16428             L"error during schema scan"
-    16429             L"element '{0}' must be qualified"
-    16430             L"element '{0}' must be unqualified"
-    16431             L"reference to external entity declaration '{0}' is not allowed in standalone document"
-    16432             L"attribute '{0}' in element '{1}' has default value and must be specified in standalone document"
-    16433             L"attribute '{0}' must not be changed by normalization in standalone document"
-    16434             L"whitespace must not occur between externally declared elements with element content in standalone document"
-    16435             L"entity '{0}' not found"
-    16436             L"partial markup in parameter entity replacement text"
-    16437             L"failed to validate '{0}'"
-    16438             L"complex type '{0}' violates the unique particle attribution rule in its components '{1}' and '{2}'"
-    16439             L"abstract type '{0}' cannot be used in 'xsi:type'"
-    16440             L"element '{0}' is abstract; use non-abstract member of its substitution group instead"
-    16441             L"type of element '{0}' is abstract; use 'xsi:type' to specify non-abstract type instead"
-    16442             L"type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' cannot be resolved"
-    16443             L"type '{0}' specified in 'xsi:type' does not derive from type of element '{1}'"
-    16444             L"element '{0}' does not permit substitution"
-    16445             L"complex type '{0}' does not permit substitution"
-    16446             L"attribute '{0}' must be qualified"
-    16447             L"attribute '{0}' must be unqualified"
-    16448             L"identity constraint field matches more than one value within the scope of its selector; field must match unique value"
-    16449             L"unknown identity constraint field"
-    16450             L"element '{0}' has identity constraint key with no value"
-    16451             L"element '{0}' does not have enough values for identity constraint key '{1}'"
-    16452             L"element '{0}' declares identity constraint key that matches nillable element"
-    16453             L"element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint unique values"
-    16454             L"element '{0}' declares duplicate identity constraint key values"
-    16455             L"keyref '{0}' refers to out of scope key/unique"
-    16456             L"identity constraint key for element '{0}' not found"
-    16457             L"non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema declarations other than appinfo and documentation"
-    16458             L"element '{0}' declared EMPTY but has attribute '{1}' of type NOTATION"
-    16459             L"element '{0}' declared EMPTY and cannot have content, not even entity references, comments, PIs, or whitespaces"
-    16460             L"element '{0}' has more than one attribute of type NOTATION"
-    16461             L"attribute '{0}' has non-distinct token '{1}'"
-    16462             L"content model of element '{0}' does not allow escaped whitespaces"
-    8194              L"unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"
-    8197              L"index is beyond array bounds"
-    8198              L"new array size is less than the old"
-    8199              L"index is beyond maximum attribute index"
-    8200              L"invalid AttType value"
-    8201              L"invalid DefAttType value"
-    8202              L"bit index is beyond set size"
-    8203              L"bit sets have different sizes"
-    8204              L"no more buffers available"
-    8205              L"buffer is not found in the manager's pool"
-    8206              L"NULL pointer"
-    8207              L"binary operation node has unary node type"
-    8208              L"content type must be mixed or children"
-    8209              L"PCDATA node is illegal at this point"
-    8210              L"unary operation node has binary node type"
-    8211              L"unknown content model type"
-    8212              L"unknown content spec type"
-    8213              L"parent element has no content spec node"
-    8214              L"invalid spec type for '{0}'"
-    8215              L"unknown creation reason value"
-    8216              L"element stack is empty"
-    8217              L"pop operation requested on empty stack"
-    8218              L"parent operation requested with only one element in stack"
-    8219              L"no more elements in enumerator"
-    8220              L"unable to open file '{0}'"
-    8221              L"unable to query file position"
-    8222              L"unable to close file"
-    8223              L"unable to seek to the end of file"
-    8224              L"unable to seek to the required position in file"
-    8225              L"unable to duplicate handle"
-    8226              L"unable to read data from file"
-    8227              L"unable to write data to file"
-    8228              L"unable to reset file position to the beginning"
-    8229              L"unable to get file size"
-    8230              L"unable to determine file base pathname"
-    8231              L"parsing in progress"
-    8232              L"DOCTYPE declaration was seen but installed validator does not support DTD"
-    8233              L"unable to open DTD document '{0}'"
-    8234              L"unable to open external entity '{0}'"
-    8235              L"unexpected end of input"
-    8236              L"zero hash modulus"
-    8237              L"hashing key produced invalid hash"
-    8238              L"no such key in hash table"
-    8239              L"unable to destroy mutex"
-    8240              L"internal error in NetAccessor"
-    8241              L"NetAccessor is unable to determine length of remote file"
-    8242              L"unable to initialize NetAccessor"
-    8243              L"unable to resolve host/address '{0}'"
-    8244              L"unable to create socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8245              L"unable to connect socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8246              L"unable to write to socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8247              L"unable to read from socket for URL '{0}'"
-    8248              L"specified HTTP method is not supported by NetAccessor"
-    8249              L"element '{0}' is already in pool"
-    8250              L"invalid pool element id"
-    8251              L"zero hash modulus"
-    8252              L"reader id not found"
-    8253              L"invalid auto encoding value"
-    8254              L"unable to decode first line in entity '{0}'"
-    8255              L"XML or TEXT declaration '{0}' cannot have NEL or lsep"
-    8256              L"current transcoding service does not support source offset information"
-    8257              L"EBCDIC file must provide encoding declaration"
-    8258              L"unable to open primary document entity '{0}'"
-    8259              L"unbalanced start/end tags"
-    8260              L"call to scanNext is illegal at this point"
-    8261              L"index is past top of stack"
-    8262              L"empty stack"
-    8263              L"target buffer cannot have zero max size"
-    8264              L"unsupported radix; expected 2, 8, 10, or 16"
-    8265              L"target buffer is too small"
-    8266              L"start index is past the end of string"
-    8267              L"string representation overflows output binary result"
-    8268              L"illegal string pool id"
-    8269              L"char 0x{0} is not representable in '{1}' encoding"
-    8270              L"invalid multi-byte sequence"
-    8271              L"code point 0x{0} is invalid for '{1}' encoding"
-    8272              L"leading surrogate followed by invalid trailing surrogate"
-    8273              L"unable to create converter for '{0}' encoding"
-    8274              L"malformed URL"
-    8275              L"unsupported protocol in URL"
-    8276              L"URL protocol '{0}' is unsupported"
-    8277              L"missing protocol prefix"
-    8278              L"expected '//' after protocol"
-    8279              L"base part of URL cannot be relative"
-    8280              L"port field must be 16-bit decimal number"
-    8281              L"invalid byte '{1}' at position {0} of a {2}-byte sequence"
-    8282              L"invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"
-    8283              L"irregular bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 3-byte sequence"
-    8284              L"invalid bytes '{0}' and '{1}' of a 4-byte sequence"
-    8285              L"exceeded byte limit at byte '{0}' in a {1}-byte sequence"
-    8286              L"index is beyond vector bounds"
-    8287              L"invalid element id"
-    8288              L"internal subset is not allowed when reusing the grammar"
-    8289              L"unknown recognizer encoding"
-    8290              L"illegal character at offset {0} in regular expression '{1}'"
-    8291              L"invalid reference number"
-    8292              L"character expected after backslash"
-    8293              L"unexpected '?'; '(?:', '(?=', '(?!', '(?<', '(?#', or '(?>' expected"
-    8294              L"'(?<=' or '(?<!' expected"
-    8295              L"unterminated comment"
-    8296              L"')' expected"
-    8297              L"unexpected end of pattern in modifier group"
-    8298              L"':' expected"
-    8299              L"unexpected end of pattern in conditional group"
-    8300              L"back reference, anchor, lookahead, or lookbehind expected in conditional pattern"
-    8301              L"more than three choices in conditional group"
-    8302              L"\x0063\x0068\x0061\x0072\x0061\x0063\x0074\x0065\x0072\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0020\x0074\x0068\x0065\x0020\x0055\x002B\x0030\x0030\x0034\x0030\x002D\x0055\x002B\x0030\x0030\x0035\x0066\x0020\x0072\x0061\x006E\x0067\x0065\x0020\x006D\x0075\x0073\x0074\x0020\x0066\x006F\x006C\x006C\x006F\x0077\x0020\x0027\x005C\x0063\x0027"
-    8303              L"'{' expected before category character"
-    8304              L"property name must be closed with '}'"
-    8305              L"unexpected meta character"
-    8306              L"unknown property"
-    8307              L"POSIX character class must be closed with ':]'"
-    8308              L"unexpected end of pattern in character class"
-    8309              L"unknown name for POSIX character class"
-    8310              L"']' expected"
-    8311              L"\x0027\x007B\x0030\x007D\x0027\x0020\x0069\x0073\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0076\x0061\x006C\x0069\x0064\x0020\x0063\x0068\x0061\x0072\x0061\x0063\x0074\x0065\x0072\x0020\x0072\x0061\x006E\x0067\x0065\x003B\x0020\x0075\x0073\x0065\x0020\x0027\x005C\x007B\x0031\x007D\x0027\x0020\x0069\x006E\x0073\x0074\x0065\x0061\x0064"
-    8312              L"'[' expected"
-    8313              L"')', '-[', '+[', or '&[' expected"
-    8314              L"range end code point '{0}' is less than start code point '{1}'"
-    8315              L"invalid Unicode hex notation"
-    8316              L"\x0027\x005C\x0020\x0078\x007B\x0027\x0020\x006D\x0075\x0073\x0074\x0020\x0062\x0065\x0020\x0063\x006C\x006F\x0073\x0065\x0064\x0020\x0077\x0069\x0074\x0068\x0020\x0027\x007D\x0027"
-    8317              L"invalid Unicode code point"
-    8318              L"anchor cannot be present at this point"
-    8319              L"'{0}' is invalid character escape sequence"
-    8320              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit expected"
-    8321              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; invalid quantity or missing  '}'"
-    8322              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; digit or '}' expected"
-    8323              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; min quantity must be less than or equal max quantity"
-    8324              L"invalid quantifier in '{0}'; quantity value overflow"
-    8325              L"XML Schema was seen but installed validator does not support XML Schema"
-    8326              L"SubstitutionGroupComparator has no grammar resolver"
-    8327              L"invalid length value '{0}'"
-    8328              L"invalid maxLength value '{0}'"
-    8329              L"invalid minLength value '{0}'"
-    8330              L"length value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8331              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8332              L"minLength value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8333              L"both length and maxLength cannot be present at the same time"
-    8334              L"both length and minLength cannot be present at the same time"
-    8335              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than minLength value '{1}'"
-    8336              L"invalid facet tag '{0}'"
-    8337              L"length value '{0}' must be equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8338              L"minLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8339              L"minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8340              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8341              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8342              L"length value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8343              L"length value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8344              L"minLength value '{0}' must be less than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8345              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to length value '{1}' in the base"
-    8346              L"enumeration value '{0}' must be from the value space of the base"
-    8347              L"whiteSpace value '{0}' must be one of 'preserve', 'replace', or 'collapse'"
-    8348              L"whiteSpace value is 'preserve' or 'replace' while base type whiteSpace value is 'collapse'"
-    8349              L"whiteSpace value is 'preserve' while base type whiteSpace value is 'replace'"
-    8350              L"invalid maxInclusive value '{0}'"
-    8351              L"invalid maxExclusive value '{0}'"
-    8352              L"invalid minInclusive value '{0}'"
-    8353              L"invalid minExclusive value '{0}'"
-    8354              L"invalid totalDigits value '{0}'"
-    8355              L"invalid fractionDigits value '{0}'"
-    8356              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be a positive integer"
-    8357              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be a non-negative integer"
-    8358              L"both maxInclusive and maxExclusive cannot be present at the same time"
-    8359              L"both minInclusive and minExclusive cannot be present at the same time"
-    8360              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"
-    8361              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"
-    8362              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}'"
-    8363              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}'"
-    8364              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be greater than fractionDigits value '{1}'"
-    8365              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8366              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8367              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8368              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8369              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8370              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8371              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8372              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8373              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8374              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8375              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8376              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8377              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8378              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8379              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8380              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be greater than minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8381              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8382              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8383              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8384              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be from the base type value space"
-    8385              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8386              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8387              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be less than or equal to fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8388              L"maxInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8389              L"maxExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8390              L"minInclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minInclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8391              L"minExclusive value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minExclusive value '{1}' in the base"
-    8392              L"totalDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed totalDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8393              L"fractionDigits value '{0}' must be equal to fixed fractionDigits value '{1}' in the base"
-    8394              L"maxLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed maxLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8395              L"minLength value '{0}' must be equal to fixed minLength value '{1}' in the base"
-    8396              L"whiteSpace value '{0}' must be equal to fixed whiteSpace value '{1}' in the base"
-    8397              L"internal error while processing fixed facet"
-    8398              L"list itemType is empty"
-    8399              L"union memberTypes is empty"
-    8400              L"restriction union base is empty"
-    8401              L"restriction union base is '{0}' instead of union"
-    8402              L"value '{0}' does not match regular expression facet '{1}'"
-    8403              L"value '{0}' is invalid Base64-encoded binary"
-    8404              L"value '{0}' is invalid Hex-encoded binary"
-    8405              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which exceeds maxLength facet value '{2}'"
-    8406              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is less than minLength facet value '{2}'"
-    8407              L"value '{0}' has length '{1}' which is not equal to length facet value '{2}'"
-    8408              L"value '{0}' not in enumeration"
-    8409              L"value '{0}' has '{1}' total digits which exceeds totalDigits facet value '{2}'"
-    8410              L"value '{0}' has '{1}' fraction digits which exceeds fractionDigits facet value '{2}'"
-    8411              L"value '{0}' must be less than or equal to maxInclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8412              L"value '{0}' must be less than maxExclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8413              L"value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minInclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8414              L"value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to minExclusive facet value '{1}'"
-    8415              L"value '{0}' is not whitespace replaced"
-    8416              L"value '{0}' is not whitespace collapsed"
-    8417              L"value '{0}' is invalid NCName"
-    8418              L"value '{0}' is invalid {1}"
-    8419              L"ID value '{0}' is not unique"
-    8420              L"value '{0}' is invalid ENTITY"
-    8421              L"value '{0}' is invalid QName"
-    8422              L"NOTATION '{0}' must be valid QName"
-    8423              L"value '{0}' does not match any member types of the union"
-    8424              L"value '{0}' is invalid anyURI"
-    8425              L"empty string encountered"
-    8426              L"string contains only whitespaces"
-    8427              L"more than one decimal point encountered"
-    8428              L"invalid character encountered"
-    8429              L"NULL pointer encountered"
-    8430              L"unable to construct URI with NULL/empty {0}"
-    8431              L"{0} '{1}' can only be set for a generic URI"
-    8432              L"{0} contains invalid escape sequence '{1}'"
-    8433              L"{0} contains invalid character '{1}'"
-    8434              L"{0} cannot be NULL"
-    8435              L"'{1}' is not conformant to {0}"
-    8436              L"no scheme found in URI"
-    8437              L"{0} '{1}' may not be specified if host is not specified"
-    8438              L"{0} '{1}' may not be specified if path is not specified"
-    8439              L"port number '{0}' must be in the (0,65535) range"
-    8440              L"internal error while validating '{0}'"
-    8441              L"result not set"
-    8442              L"internal error in CompactRanges"
-    8443              L"mismatched type in MergeRanges"
-    8444              L"internal error in SubtractRanges"
-    8445              L"internal error in IntersectRanges"
-    8446              L"argument must be RangeToken"
-    8447              L"invalid category name '{0}'"
-    8448              L"keyword '{0}' not found"
-    8449              L"reference number must be greater than zero"
-    8450              L"option '{0}' unknown"
-    8451              L"unknown token type"
-    8452              L"unable to get RangeToken for '{0}'"
-    8453              L"not supported"
-    8454              L"invalid child index"
-    8455              L"replace pattern cannot match zero-length string"
-    8456              L"invalid replace pattern"
-    8457              L"enabling NEL option can only be done once per process"
-    8458              L"out of memory"
-    8459              L"operation is not allowed"
-    8460              L"selector cannot select attribute"
-    8461              L"'|' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"
-    8462              L"'||' in XPath expression is illegal"
-    8463              L"missing attribute name in XPath expression"
-    8464              L"unexpected XPath token; expected qname, any, or namespace test"
-    8465              L"prefix '{0}' used in XPath expression can not be resolved to namespace URI"
-    8466              L"'::' in XPath expression is illegal"
-    8467              L"expected step following 'child' token in XPath expression"
-    8468              L"expected step following '//' in XPath expression"
-    8469              L"expected step following '/' in XPath expression"
-    8470              L"'/' not allowed after '//' in XPath expression"
-    8471              L"'//' only allowed after '.' at the beginning of XPath expression"
-    8472              L"'/' at the beginning of XPath expression is illegal"
-    8473              L"root element selection is illegal in XPath expression"
-    8474              L"empty XPath expression"
-    8475              L"XPath expression cannot end with '|'"
-    8476              L"invalid character '{0}' in XPath expression"
-    8477              L"unsupported XPath token"
-    8478              L"fractional values not supported in XPath expression"
-    8479              L"invalid dateTime value '{0}'"
-    8480              L"missing 'T' separator in dateTime value '{0}'"
-    8481              L"invalid gDay value '{0}'"
-    8482              L"invalid gMonth value '{0}'"
-    8483              L"invalid gMonthDay value '{0}'"
-    8484              L"invalid duration value '{0}'"
-    8485              L"duration value '{0}' must start with '-' or 'P'"
-    8486              L"duration value '{0}' must contain 'P'"
-    8487              L"duration value '{0}' can contain '-' only as the first character"
-    8488              L"duration value '{0}' contains invalid text before 'T'"
-    8489              L"duration value '{0}' has no time component after 'T'"
-    8490              L"duration value '{0}' must have at least one component"
-    8491              L"duration value '{0}' must have at least one digit after '.'"
-    8492              L"incomplete date value '{0}'"
-    8493              L"invalid date value '{0}'"
-    8494              L"incomplete time value '{0}'"
-    8495              L"invalid time value '{0}'"
-    8496              L"expected fractional seconds after '.' in time value '{0}'"
-    8497              L"incomplete gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8498              L"invalid gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8499              L"invalid gYear value '{0}'"
-    8500              L"year value '{0}' must follow 'CCYY' format"
-    8501              L"invalid leading zero in gYear value '{0}'"
-    8502              L"month component missing in gYearMonth value '{0}'"
-    8503              L"time zone expected in '{0}'"
-    8504              L"unexpected text after 'Z' in time zone value '{0}'"
-    8505              L"invalid time zone value '{0}'"
-    8506              L"illegal year value '{0}'"
-    8507              L"month value '{0}' must be between 1 and 12"
-    8508              L"day value '{0}' must be between 1 and {1}"
-    8509              L"hours value '{0}' must be between 0 and 23"
-    8510              L"minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"
-    8511              L"seconds value '{0}' must be between 0 and 60"
-    8512              L"minutes value '{0}' must be between 0 and 59"
-    8513              L"derived by restriction complex type has content while base type is empty"
-    8514              L"namespace of element '{0}' is not allowed by wildcard in the base"
-    8515              L"occurrence range of element '{0}' is not a valid restriction of base element's range"
-    8516              L"element name/namespace in restriction does not match that of corresponding element in the base"
-    8517              L"element '{0}' is nillable in the restriction while it is non-nillable in the base"
-    8518              L"element '{0}' is either not fixed or is fixed to a different value compared to corresponding element in the base"
-    8519              L"disallowed substitutions for element '{0}' are not a superset of those for corresponding element in the base"
-    8520              L"element '{0}' has type that does not derive from type of corresponding element in the base"
-    8521              L"element '{0}' has fewer identity constraints compared to corresponding element '{1}' in the base"
-    8522              L"element '{0}' has identity constraint that does not appear in corresponding element '{1}' in the base"
-    8523              L"occurrence range of group is not a valid restriction of occurrence range of base group"
-    8524              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8525              L"forbidden restriction of any particle"
-    8526              L"forbidden restriction of all compositor"
-    8527              L"forbidden restriction of choice compositor"
-    8528              L"forbidden restriction of sequence compositor"
-    8529              L"occurrence range of wildcard is not a valid restriction of base wildcard's range"
-    8530              L"wildcard is not a subset of corresponding wildcard in the base"
-    8531              L"occurrence range of group is not a restriction of base wildcard's range"
-    8532              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8533              L"no complete functional mapping between particles"
-    8534              L"invalid content spec node type"
-    8535              L"NodeIDMap exceeds largest available size"
-    8536              L"ProtoType has NULL class name"
-    8537              L"ProtoType name length '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"
-    8538              L"ProtoType name '{0}' differs from expected '{1}'"
-    8539              L"InputStream read '{0}' is less than required '{1}'"
-    8540              L"InputStream read '{0}' is beyond available buffer size '{1}'"
-    8541              L"storing violation"
-    8542              L"store buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8543              L"object tag '{0}' exceeds load pool upper boundary '{1}'"
-    8544              L"load pool size '{0}' does not tally with object count '{1}'"
-    8545              L"loading violation"
-    8546              L"load buffer violation '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8547              L"invalid class index '{0}', '{1}'"
-    8548              L"invalid checkFillBuffer size '{0}'"
-    8549              L"invalid checkFlushBuffer size '{0}'"
-    8550              L"invalid NULL pointer encountered '{0}'"
-    8551              L"createObject fails"
-    8552              L"object count '{0}' exceeds upper boundary '{1}'"
-    8553              L"grammar pool is empty"
-    8554              L"grammar pool is not empty"
-    8555              L"string pool is not empty"
-    8556              L"storer level '{0}' does not match loader level '{1}'"
-    8557              L"undefined prefix in QName value '{0}'"
-    24578             L"dummy"
-    24579             L"index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value"
-    24580             L"specified range of text does not fit into DOMString"
-    24581             L"attempt is made to insert a node where it is not permitted"
-    24582             L"node is used in a different document than the one that created it"
-    24583             L"invalid or illegal XML character"
-    24584             L"node does not support storing data"
-    24585             L"attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed"
-    24586             L"attempt is made to reference a node in a context where it does not exist"
-    24587             L"implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation"
-    24588             L"attempt is made to add an attribute that is already in use elsewhere"
-    24589             L"attempt is made to use an object that is not or is no longer usable"
-    24590             L"invalid or illegal string"
-    24591             L"attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object"
-    24592             L"attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with respect to namespaces"
-    24593             L"parameter or requested operation is not supported by the underlying object"
-    24594             L"call to a method such as insertBefore or removeChild would make the node invalid with respect to document grammar"
-    24595             L"type of an object is incompatible with the expected type of the parameter associated with the object"
-    24596             L"dummy"
-    24597             L"boundary points of a range do not meet specific requirements"
-    24598             L"container of a range boundary point is set to a node of an invalid type or to a node with an ancestor of an invalid type"
-    24599             L"dummy"
-    24600             L"failed to load a document or an XML fragment using DOMLSParser"
-    24601             L"failed to serialize a DOM node using DOMLSSerializer"
-    24602             L"dummy"
-    24603             L"expression has incorrect syntax or contains XPath features not supported by the XML Schema XPath subset"
-    24604             L"requested result type not supported"
-    24605             L"no current result in the result object"
-    24606             L"nested CDATA sections"
-    24607             L"unrepresentable character"
-    24608             L"unrecognized node type"
-    24609             L"parsing in progress"
-    24610             L"parsing aborted by the user"
-    24611             L"parsing failed"
-#endif    // English (U.S.) resources
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
-#endif    // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.cpp b/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 597c925..0000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Includes
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLMsgLoader.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
-#include "Win32MsgLoader.hpp"
-//	Function prototypes
-                             DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
-                             LPVOID lpReserved);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Public Constructors and Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HINSTANCE globalModuleHandle;
-                      DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
-                      LPVOID /*lpReserved*/)
-  switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
-    globalModuleHandle = hModule;
-    break;
-    break;
-    break;
-    break;
-  }
-  return TRUE;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Global module handle
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Win32MsgLoader::Win32MsgLoader(const XMLCh* const msgDomain) :
-    fDomainOfs(0)
-    , fModHandle(0)
-    , fMsgDomain(0)
-    // Try to get the module handle
-    fModHandle = globalModuleHandle;
-    if (!fModHandle)
-    {
-        //
-        //  If we didn't find it, its probably because its a development
-        //  build which is built as separate DLLs, so lets look for the DLL
-        //  that we are part of.
-        //
-        static const char* const privDLLName = "IXUTIL";
-        fModHandle = ::GetModuleHandleA(privDLLName);
-        // If neither exists, then we give up
-        if (!fModHandle)
-        {
-            // Probably have to call panic here
-        }
-    }
-    // Store the domain name
-    fMsgDomain = XMLString::replicate(msgDomain, XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    // And precalc the id offset we use for this domain
-    if (XMLString::equals(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain))
-        fDomainOfs = 0;
-    else if (XMLString::equals(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain))
-        fDomainOfs = 0x2000;
-    else if (XMLString::equals(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgValidityDomain))
-        fDomainOfs = 0x4000;
-    else if (XMLString::equals(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgXMLDOMMsgDomain))
-        fDomainOfs = 0x6000;
-    else
-        XMLPlatformUtils::panic(PanicHandler::Panic_UnknownMsgDomain);
-    XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->deallocate(fMsgDomain);//delete [] fMsgDomain;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Implementation of the virtual message loader API
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  This is the method that actually does the work of loading a message from
-//  the attached resources. Note that we don't use LoadStringW here, since it
-//  won't work on Win98. So we go the next level down and do what LoadStringW
-//  would have done, since this will work on either platform.
-bool Win32MsgLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-                            ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-                            , const XMLSize_t               maxChars)
-    // In case we error return, and they don't check it...
-    toFill[0] = 0;
-    // Adjust the message id by the domain offset
-    const unsigned int theMsgId = msgToLoad + fDomainOfs;
-    //
-    //  Figure out the actual id the id, adjusting it by the domain offset.
-    //  Then first we calculate the particular 16 string block that this id
-    //  is in, and the offset within that block of the string in question.
-    //
-    const unsigned int theBlock = (theMsgId >> 4) + 1;
-    const unsigned int theOfs   = theMsgId & 0x000F;
-    // Try to find this resource. If we fail to find it, return false
-    HRSRC hMsgRsc = ::FindResourceEx
-    (
-        fModHandle
-        , RT_STRING
-        , MAKEINTRESOURCE(theBlock)
-    );
-    if (!hMsgRsc)
-        return false;
-    // We found it, so load the block. If this fails, also return a false
-    HGLOBAL hGbl = ::LoadResource(fModHandle, hMsgRsc);
-    if (!hGbl)
-        return false;
-    // Lock this resource into memory. Again, if it fails, just return false
-    const XMLCh* pBlock = (const XMLCh*)::LockResource(hGbl);
-    if (!pBlock)
-        return false;
-    //
-    //  Look through the block for our desired message. Its stored such that
-    //  the zeroth entry has the length minus the separator null.
-    //
-    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < theOfs; index++)
-        pBlock += *pBlock + 1;
-    // Calculate how many actual chars we will end up with
-    const XMLSize_t actualChars = ((maxChars < (XMLSize_t)*pBlock) ? maxChars : (XMLSize_t)*pBlock);
-    // Ok, finally now copy as much as we can into the caller's buffer
-    wcsncpy(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(toFill), reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(pBlock + 1), actualChars);
-    toFill[actualChars] = 0;
-    return true;
-bool Win32MsgLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-                            ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-                            , const XMLSize_t               maxChars
-                            , const XMLCh* const            repText1
-                            , const XMLCh* const            repText2
-                            , const XMLCh* const            repText3
-                            , const XMLCh* const            repText4
-                            , MemoryManager* const          manager)
-    // Call the other version to load up the message
-    if (!loadMsg(msgToLoad, toFill, maxChars))
-        return false;
-    // And do the token replacement
-    XMLString::replaceTokens(toFill, maxChars, repText1, repText2, repText3, repText4, manager);
-    return true;
-bool Win32MsgLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-                            ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-                            , const XMLSize_t               maxChars
-                            , const char* const             repText1
-                            , const char* const             repText2
-                            , const char* const             repText3
-                            , const char* const             repText4
-                            , MemoryManager* const          manager)
-    //
-    //  Transcode the provided parameters and call the other version,
-    //  which will do the replacement work.
-    //
-    XMLCh* tmp1 = 0;
-    XMLCh* tmp2 = 0;
-    XMLCh* tmp3 = 0;
-    XMLCh* tmp4 = 0;
-    bool bRet = false;
-    if (repText1)
-        tmp1 = XMLString::transcode(repText1, manager);
-    if (repText2)
-        tmp2 = XMLString::transcode(repText2, manager);
-    if (repText3)
-        tmp3 = XMLString::transcode(repText3, manager);
-    if (repText4)
-        tmp4 = XMLString::transcode(repText4, manager);
-    bRet = loadMsg(msgToLoad, toFill, maxChars, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, manager);
-    if (tmp1)
-        manager->deallocate(tmp1);//delete [] tmp1;
-    if (tmp2)
-        manager->deallocate(tmp2);//delete [] tmp2;
-    if (tmp3)
-        manager->deallocate(tmp3);//delete [] tmp3;
-    if (tmp4)
-        manager->deallocate(tmp4);//delete [] tmp4;
-    return bRet;
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.hpp b/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 423b5f7..0000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLMsgLoader.hpp>
-//  This is a simple in Win32 RC message loader implementation.
-class XMLUTIL_EXPORT Win32MsgLoader : public XMLMsgLoader
-public :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Public Constructors and Destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Win32MsgLoader(const XMLCh* const msgDomain);
-    ~Win32MsgLoader();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Implementation of the virtual message loader API
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool loadMsg
-    (
-        const   XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-        ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-        , const XMLSize_t               maxChars
-    );
-    virtual bool loadMsg
-    (
-        const   XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-        ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-        , const XMLSize_t               maxChars
-        , const XMLCh* const            repText1
-        , const XMLCh* const            repText2 = 0
-        , const XMLCh* const            repText3 = 0
-        , const XMLCh* const            repText4 = 0
-        , MemoryManager* const          manger   = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
-    );
-    virtual bool loadMsg
-    (
-        const   XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
-        ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-        , const XMLSize_t               maxChars
-        , const char* const             repText1
-        , const char* const             repText2 = 0
-        , const char* const             repText3 = 0
-        , const char* const             repText4 = 0
-        , MemoryManager* const          manager  = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
-    );
-private :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Win32MsgLoader();
-    Win32MsgLoader(const Win32MsgLoader&);
-    Win32MsgLoader& operator=(const Win32MsgLoader&);
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Private data members
-    //
-    //  fDomainOfs
-    //      This is the id offset for the current domain. Its used to bias
-    //      the zero based id of each domain, since they are stored in the
-    //      same file and have to have unique ids internally. This is set
-    //      in the ctor from the domain name. We just have to agree with
-    //      what our formatter in the NLSXlat program does.
-    //
-    //  fModHandle
-    //      This is our DLL module handle that we need in order to load
-    //      resource messages. This is set during construction.
-    //
-    //  fMsgDomain
-    //      This is the name of the error domain that this loader is for.
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    unsigned int    fDomainOfs;
-    HINSTANCE       fModHandle;
-    XMLCh*          fMsgDomain;
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/resource.h b/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef17fd..0000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
-// Used by Version.rc
-#define DummyString                     1
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        101
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1000
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.cpp b/src/xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.cpp
index 9709b74..d5a25c5 100644
--- a/src/xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.cpp
+++ b/src/xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.cpp
@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@
 #	include <xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/InMemMsgLoader.hpp>
-#	include <xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32/Win32MsgLoader.hpp>
 #include <xercesc/util/TransService.hpp>
@@ -445,8 +442,6 @@
 		ms = new ICUMsgLoader(msgDomain);
 		ms = new MsgCatalogLoader(msgDomain);
-    #elif defined (XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER)
-		ms = new Win32MsgLoader(msgDomain);
 		ms = new InMemMsgLoader(msgDomain);