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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstring>
#include <xercesc/util/EmptyStackException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/NamespaceScope.hpp>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NamespaceScope: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NamespaceScope::NamespaceScope(MemoryManager* const manager /*= XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager*/) :
, fStackCapacity(8)
, fStackTop(0)
, fPrefixPool(109, manager)
, fStack(0)
, fMemoryManager(manager)
// Do an initial allocation of the stack and zero it out
fStack = (StackElem**) fMemoryManager->allocate
fStackCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*)
);//new StackElem*[fStackCapacity];
memset(fStack, 0, fStackCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*));
NamespaceScope::NamespaceScope(const NamespaceScope* const initialize, MemoryManager* const manager /*= XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager*/) :
, fStackCapacity(8)
, fStackTop(0)
, fPrefixPool(109, manager)
, fStack(0)
, fMemoryManager(manager)
// Do an initial allocation of the stack and zero it out
fStack = (StackElem**) fMemoryManager->allocate
fStackCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*)
);//new StackElem*[fStackCapacity];
memset(fStack, 0, fStackCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*));
// copy the existing bindings
for (unsigned int index = initialize->fStackTop; index > 0; index--)
// Get a convenience pointer to the current element
StackElem* curRow = initialize->fStack[index-1];
// If no prefixes mapped at this level, then go the next one
if (!curRow->fMapCount)
for (unsigned int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < curRow->fMapCount; mapIndex++)
// go from the id to the prefix
const XMLCh* prefix = initialize->fPrefixPool.getValueForId(curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fPrefId);
// if the prefix is not already known, add it
addPrefix(prefix, curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fURIId);
// Start working from the bottom of the stack and clear it out as we
// go up. Once we hit an uninitialized one, we can break out.
for (unsigned int stackInd = 0; stackInd < fStackCapacity; stackInd++)
// If this entry has been set, then lets clean it up
if (!fStack[stackInd])
// Delete the row for this entry, then delete the row structure
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fStack[stackInd]->fMap);//delete [] fStack[stackInd]->fMap;
delete fStack[stackInd];
// Delete the stack array itself now
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fStack);//delete [] fStack;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NamespaceScope: Stack access
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int NamespaceScope::increaseDepth()
// See if we need to expand the stack
if (fStackTop == fStackCapacity)
// If this element has not been initialized yet, then initialize it
if (!fStack[fStackTop])
fStack[fStackTop] = new (fMemoryManager) StackElem;
fStack[fStackTop]->fMapCapacity = 0;
fStack[fStackTop]->fMap = 0;
// Set up the new top row
fStack[fStackTop]->fMapCount = 0;
// Bump the top of stack
return fStackTop-1;
unsigned int NamespaceScope::decreaseDepth()
if (!fStackTop)
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(EmptyStackException, XMLExcepts::ElemStack_StackUnderflow, fMemoryManager);
return fStackTop;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NamespaceScope: Prefix map methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void NamespaceScope::addPrefix(const XMLCh* const prefixToAdd,
const unsigned int uriId) {
if (!fStackTop)
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(EmptyStackException, XMLExcepts::ElemStack_EmptyStack, fMemoryManager);
// Get a convenience pointer to the stack top row
StackElem* curRow = fStack[fStackTop - 1];
// Map the prefix to its unique id
const unsigned int prefId = fPrefixPool.addOrFind(prefixToAdd);
// Search the map at this level for the passed prefix
for (unsigned int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < curRow->fMapCount; mapIndex++)
if (curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fPrefId == prefId)
curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fURIId = uriId;
// Add a new element to the prefix map for this element. If its full,
// then expand it out.
if (curRow->fMapCount == curRow->fMapCapacity)
// And now add a new element for this prefix.
curRow->fMap[curRow->fMapCount].fPrefId = prefId;
curRow->fMap[curRow->fMapCount].fURIId = uriId;
// Bump the map count now
unsigned int
NamespaceScope::getNamespaceForPrefix(const XMLCh* const prefixToMap) const {
// Map the prefix to its unique id, from the prefix string pool. If its
// not a valid prefix, then its a failure.
unsigned int prefixId = fPrefixPool.getId(prefixToMap);
if (!prefixId){
return fEmptyNamespaceId;
// Start at the stack top and work backwards until we come to some
// element that mapped this prefix.
for (unsigned int index = fStackTop; index > 0; index--)
// Get a convenience pointer to the current element
StackElem* curRow = fStack[index-1];
// If no prefixes mapped at this level, then go the next one
if (!curRow->fMapCount)
// Search the map at this level for the passed prefix
for (unsigned int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < curRow->fMapCount; mapIndex++)
if (curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fPrefId == prefixId)
return curRow->fMap[mapIndex].fURIId;
return fEmptyNamespaceId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NamespaceScope: Miscellaneous methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void NamespaceScope::reset(const unsigned int emptyId)
// Flush the prefix pool and put back in the standard prefixes
// Reset the stack top to clear the stack
fStackTop = 0;
// And store the new special URI ids
fEmptyNamespaceId = emptyId;
// add the first storage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Namespace: Private helpers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void NamespaceScope::expandMap(StackElem* const toExpand)
// For convenience get the old map size
const unsigned int oldCap = toExpand->fMapCapacity;
// Expand the capacity by 25%, or initialize it to 16 if its currently
// empty. Then allocate a new temp buffer.
const unsigned int newCapacity = oldCap ?
(unsigned int)(oldCap * 1.25) : 16;
PrefMapElem* newMap = (PrefMapElem*) fMemoryManager->allocate
newCapacity * sizeof(PrefMapElem)
);//new PrefMapElem[newCapacity];
// Copy over the old stuff. We DON'T have to zero out the new stuff
// since this is a by value map and the current map index controls what
// is relevant.
memcpy(newMap, toExpand->fMap, oldCap * sizeof(PrefMapElem));
// Delete the old map and store the new stuff
fMemoryManager->deallocate(toExpand->fMap);//delete [] toExpand->fMap;
toExpand->fMap = newMap;
toExpand->fMapCapacity = newCapacity;
void NamespaceScope::expandStack()
// Expand the capacity by 25% and allocate a new buffer
const unsigned int newCapacity = (unsigned int)(fStackCapacity * 1.25);
StackElem** newStack = (StackElem**) fMemoryManager->allocate
newCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*)
);//new StackElem*[newCapacity];
// Copy over the old stuff
memcpy(newStack, fStack, fStackCapacity * sizeof(StackElem*));
// And zero out the new stuff. Though we use a stack top, we reuse old
// stack contents so we need to know if elements have been initially
// allocated or not as we push new stuff onto the stack.
, 0
, (newCapacity - fStackCapacity) * sizeof(StackElem*)
// Delete the old array and update our members
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fStack);//delete [] fStack;
fStack = newStack;
fStackCapacity = newCapacity;
* End of file NamespaceScope.cpp