| <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE MsgFile SYSTEM "../XMLErrList.Dtd"> |
| |
| <!-- ===================================================== |
| A Message file is designed for a particular locale, which is |
| indicated in the locale attribute. |
| ======================================================= --> |
| <MsgFile Locale="EN_US"> |
| <MsgDomain Domain="http://apache.org/xml/messages/XMLErrors"> |
| <Warning> |
| <Message Id="NotationAlreadyExists" Text="Notation '{0}' has already been declared"/> |
| <Message Id="AttListAlreadyExists" Text="Attribute '{0}' has already been declared"/> |
| <Message Id="ContradictoryEncoding" Text="Encoding ({0}, from XMLDecl or manually set) contradicts the auto-sensed encoding, ignoring it"/> |
| <Message Id="UndeclaredElemInCM" Text="Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared"/> |
| <Message Id="UndeclaredElemInAttList" Text="Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared"/> |
| </Warning> |
| <Error> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedCommentOrCDATA" Text="Expected comment or CDATA"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedAttrName" Text="Expected an attribute name"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedNotationName" Text="Expected a notation name"/> |
| <Message Id="NoRepInMixed" Text="Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models"/> |
| <Message Id="BadDefAttrDecl" Text="Bad default attribute declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedDefAttrDecl" Text="Expected default attribute declaration, assuming #IMPLIED "/> |
| <Message Id="AttListSyntaxError" Text="Attribute list syntax error"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEqSign" Text="Expected equal sign"/> |
| <Message Id="DupAttrName" Text="Duplication attribute name"/> |
| <Message Id="BadIdForXMLLangAttr" Text="Bad ID for xml:lang attribute"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedElementName" Text="Expected an element name"/> |
| <Message Id="MustStartWithXMLDecl" Text="Must start with an XMLDecl"/> |
| <Message Id="CommentsMustStartWith" Text="Comments must start with <!--"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidDocumentStructure" Text="Invalid document structure"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedDeclString" Text="Expected a 'version=', 'encoding=', or 'standalone='"/> |
| <Message Id="BadXMLVersion" Text="Bad XML version string"/> |
| <Message Id="UnsupportedXMLVersion" Text="Unsupported XML version"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedXMLDecl" Text="Unterminated XML decl"/> |
| <Message Id="BadXMLEncoding" Text="Bad XML encoding declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="BadStandalone" Text="Bad standalone declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedComment" Text="Unterminated comment"/> |
| <Message Id="PINameExpected" Text="Processing instruction name expected"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedPI" Text="Unterminated processing instruction"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidCharacter" Text="Invalid character"/> |
| <Message Id="UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot" Text="Unexpected text before root element"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedStartTag" Text="Unterminated start tag"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedAttrValue" Text="Expected an attribute value"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedEndTag" Text="Unterminated end tag"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedAttributeType" Text="Expected attribute type (CDATA, ID, NMTOKEN, ..),"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEndOfTagX" Text="Expected end of tag '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedMarkup" Text="Expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup"/> |
| <Message Id="NotValidAfterContent" Text="Not valid after content"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedComment" Text="Expected comment"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedCommentOrPI" Text="Expected comment or processing instruction"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedWhitespace" Text="Expected whitespace"/> |
| <Message Id="NoRootElemInDOCTYPE" Text="No root element in DOCTYPE"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedQuotedString" Text="Expected quoted string"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedPublicId" Text="Expected public id"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidPublicIdChar" Text="Invalid character in public id"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedDOCTYPE" Text="Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidCharacterInIntSubset" Text="Invalid character in internal subset"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedCDATA" Text="Expected CDATA section"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidInitialNameChar" Text="Invalid initial name character"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidNameChar" Text="Invalid name character"/> |
| <Message Id="UnexpectedWhitespace" Text="Unexpected whitespace"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidCharacterInAttrValue" Text="Invalid character in attribute value"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedMarkupDecl" Text="Expected a markup declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="TextDeclNotLegalHere" Text="Text declaration not legal here"/> |
| <Message Id="ConditionalSectInIntSubset" Text="Conditional section in internal subset"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedPEName" Text="Expected parameter entity name"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedEntityDecl" Text="Unterminated entity declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidCharacterRef" Text="Invalid character reference"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedCharRef" Text="Unterminated character reference"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEntityRefName" Text="Expected entity name for reference"/> |
| <Message Id="EntityNotFound" Text="Entity '{0}' was not found"/> |
| <Message Id="NoUnparsedEntityRefs" Text="Unparsed entitty references not valid here"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedEntityRef" Text="Unterminated entity reference"/> |
| <Message Id="RecursiveEntity" Text="Recursive entity expansion"/> |
| <Message Id="PartialMarkupInEntity" Text="Partial markup in entity value"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedElementDecl" Text="Unterminated element declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedContentSpecExpr" Text="Expected content specification expression"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedAsterisk" Text="Expected asterisk"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedContentModel" Text="Unterminated Content model"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedSystemId" Text="Expected system id"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedSystemOrPublicId" Text="Expected system or public id"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedNotationDecl" Text="Unterminated notation declaration"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf" Text="Expected ',', '|', or ')' characters"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen" Text="Expected '|' or ')' characters"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen" Text="Expected ',' or ')' characters or close parenthesis"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEnumValue" Text="Expected enumeration value"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEnumSepOrParen" Text="Expected | enumeration separator, or closing paren"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedEntityLiteral" Text="Unterminated entity literal"/> |
| <Message Id="MoreEndThanStartTags" Text="There are more end tags than start tags"/> |
| <Message Id="IllegalRefInStandalone" Text="Reference to external declaration in standalone document. Entity={0}"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedOpenParen" Text="Expected an open parenthesis"/> |
| <Message Id="AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag" Text="The attribute '{0}' is already used in element '{1}'"/> |
| <Message Id="BracketInAttrValue" Text="A '<' character cannot be used in an attribute value, except through <"/> |
| <Message Id="Expected2ndSurrogateChar" Text="A leading surrogate character was not followed by a legal second character"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEndOfConditional" Text="Expected ']]>' to end a conditional section"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedIncOrIgn" Text="Expected INCLUDE or IGNORE here"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedINCLUDEBracket" Text="Expected [ to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedTextDecl" Text="Expected a TextDecl here: <?xml ...."/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedXMLDecl" Text="Expected a XMLDecl here: <?xml ...."/> |
| <Message Id="UnexpectedEOE" Text="Unexpected end of entity {0}"/> |
| <Message Id="PEPropogated" Text="A PE propogated out of the int/ext subset, discarding extra text"/> |
| <Message Id="ExtraCloseSquare" Text="An extra ] character was found an ignored"/> |
| <Message Id="PERefInMarkupInIntSubset" Text="PE refs are not allowed inside markup in the internal subset"/> |
| <Message Id="EntityPropogated" Text="An entity propogated out of the content section into Miscellaneous"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedNumericalCharRef" Text="Expected &# to be followed by a numeric character value"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedOpenSquareBracket" Text="Expected an open bracket ('[') here"/> |
| <Message Id="BadSequenceInCharData" Text="The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data"/> |
| <Message Id="IllegalSequenceInComment" Text="Illegal sequence '--' in comment"/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedCDATASection" Text="Unterminated CDATA section"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedNDATA" Text="Expected NDATA"/> |
| <Message Id="NDATANotValidForPE" Text="NDATA is not legal for parameter entities"/> |
| <Message Id="HexRadixMustBeLowerCase" Text="Hex radix character refs must use 'x', not 'X'"/> |
| <Message Id="DeclStringRep" Text="'{0}' has already been set. Ignoring redundant setting"/> |
| <Message Id="DeclStringsInWrongOrder" Text="The XMLDecl strings must be in the order: version, encoding, standalone"/> |
| <Message Id="NoExtRefsInAttValue" Text="External entities cannot be referred to from attribute values"/> |
| <Message Id="XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase" Text="The XML or Text decl must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '"/> |
| <Message Id="ExpectedEntityValue" Text="Expected a literal entity value or PUBLIC/SYSTEM id"/> |
| <Message Id="BadDigitForRadix" Text="'{0}' is not a valid digit for the indicated radix"/> |
| <Message Id="EndedWithTagsOnStack" Text="The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="AmbiguousContentModel" Text="The content model for element '{0}' is ambiguous"/> |
| <Message Id="NestedCDATA" Text="Nested CDATA sections are not allowed"/> |
| <Message Id="UnknownPrefix" Text="The prefix '{0}' has not been mapped to any URI"/> |
| <Message Id="PartialTagMarkupError" Text="The start and the end tag were in the different entities"/> |
| <Message Id="EmptyMainEntity" Text="The main XML document cannot be empty"/> |
| <Message Id="CDATAOutsideOfContent" Text="CDATA is not allowed outside the root element"/> |
| <Message Id="OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere" Text="Only numeric character entities or special character entities are legal here"/> |
| <Message Id="Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar" Text="Got an unexpected trailing surrogate character"/> |
| <Message Id="NoPIStartsWithXML" Text="No processing instruction starts with 'xml'"/> |
| <Message Id="XMLDeclMustBeFirst" Text="The XML or Text declaration must start at line/column 1/1"/> |
| <Message Id="XMLVersionRequired" Text="The 'version=' string is required in an XMLDecl"/> |
| <Message Id="StandaloneNotLegal" Text="The 'standalone=' string is only allowed in the main XML entity"/> |
| <Message Id="TooManyColonsInName" Text="When namespaces are enabled, a name can have only one colon character"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidColonPos" Text="When namespaces are enabled, the colon cannot be the first or last character"/> |
| <Message Id="ColonNotLegalWithNS" Text="Colons are not allowed in this name when namespaces are enabled"/> |
| <Message Id="SysException" Text="A system exception occured during processing"/> |
| <Message Id="XMLException" Text="An exception occured! Type:{0}, Message:{1}"/> |
| <Message Id="UnexpectedEOF" Text="Unexpected end of file exception. Message: {0}"/> |
| </Error> |
| </MsgDomain> |
| <MsgDomain Domain="http://apache.org/xml/messages/XMLValidity"> |
| <Error> |
| <Message Id="ElementNotDefined" Text="Unknown element '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="AttNotDefined" Text="Attribute '{0}' not defined"/> |
| <Message Id="NotationNotDeclared" Text="Notation '{0}' was referenced but never declared"/> |
| <Message Id="RootElemNotLikeDocType" Text="Root element different from DOCTYPE"/> |
| <Message Id="RequiredAttrNotProvided" Text="Required attribute '{0}' was not provided"/> |
| <Message Id="ElementNotValidForContent" Text="Element '{0}' is not valid for content model: '{1}'"/> |
| <Message Id="BadIDAttrDefType" Text="ID attributes must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED"/> |
| <Message Id="InvalidEmptyAttValue" Text="This type of attribute cannot have an empty value"/> |
| <Message Id="ElementAlreadyExists" Text="Element '{0}' has already been declared"/> |
| <Message Id="MultipleIdAttrs" Text="Element '{0}' has more than one ID attribute"/> |
| <Message Id="ReusedIDValue" Text="ID '{0}' has already been used"/> |
| <Message Id="IDNotDeclared" Text="ID attribute '{0}' was referenced but never declared"/> |
| <Message Id="UnknownNotRefAttr" Text="Attribute '{0}' refers to an unknown notation '{1}'"/> |
| <Message Id="UndeclaredElemInDocType" Text="Element '{0}' was used in the DOCTYPE but never declared"/> |
| <Message Id="EmptyNotValidForContent" Text="Empty content not valid for content model: '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="AttNotDefinedForElement" Text="Attribute '{0}' is not declared for element '{1}'"/> |
| <Message Id="BadEntityRefAttr" Text="Attributes of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to an external, unparsed entity"/> |
| <Message Id="UnknownEntityRefAttr" Text="Attribute '{0}' refers to an unknown entity '{1}'"/> |
| <Message Id="NotEnoughElemsForCM" Text="Not enough elements to match content model : '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="NoCharDataInCM" Text="No character data is allowed by content model"/> |
| <Message Id="DoesNotMatchEnumList" Text="Attribute '{0}' does not match its defined enumeration or notation list"/> |
| <Message Id="AttrValNotName" Text="The values for attribute '{0}' must be names or name tokens"/> |
| <Message Id="NoMultipleValues" Text="Attribute '{0}' does not support multiple values"/> |
| <Message Id="NotSameAsFixedValue" Text="Attribute '{0}' has a value that does not match its #FIXED value"/> |
| <Message Id="RepElemInMixed" Text="Element types cannot be duplicated in Mixed content models"/> |
| </Error> |
| </MsgDomain> |
| <MsgDomain Domain="http://apache.org/xml/messages/XML4CErrors"> |
| <Error> |
| <Message Id="Array_BadIndex" Text="The index is beyond the array bounds "/> |
| <Message Id="Array_BadNewSize" Text="The new size is less than the old one"/> |
| <Message Id="Bitset_BadIndex" Text="The bit index was beyond the set size"/> |
| <Message Id="CPtr_PointerIsZero" Text="The pointer has not been set"/> |
| <Message Id="Enum_NoMoreElements" Text="The enumerator contains no more elements"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotOpenFile" Text="Could not open file: {0}"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotGetCurPos" Text="Could not query the current file position"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotCloseFile" Text="Could not close the file"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotSeekToEnd" Text="Could not seek to end of file"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotSeekToPos" Text="Could not seek to required position in file"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotDupHandle" Text="Could not duplicate the handle"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotReadFromFile" Text="Could not read data from file"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotResetFile" Text="Could not reset file to beginning"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotGetSize" Text="Could not acertain the file size"/> |
| <Message Id="File_CouldNotGetBasePathName" Text="Could not determine base pathname of the file"/> |
| <Message Id="HshTbl_ZeroModulus" Text="The hash modulus cannot be zero"/> |
| <Message Id="HshTbl_BadHashFromKey" Text="Hashing the key returned an invalid bad hash value"/> |
| <Message Id="HshTbl_NoSuchKeyExists" Text="The key '{0}' could not be found in the hash table"/> |
| <Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotCreate" Text="Could not create mutex"/> |
| <Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotClose" Text="Could not close mutex"/> |
| <Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotLock" Text="Could not lock mutex"/> |
| <Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotUnlock" Text="Could not unlock mutex"/> |
| <Message Id="Mutex_CouldNotDestroy" Text="Could not destroy mutex"/> |
| <Message Id="Pool_ElemAlreadyExists" Text="The element {0} already exists"/> |
| <Message Id="Pool_BadHashFromKey" Text="Hashing the key returned an invalid bad hash value"/> |
| <Message Id="Pool_InvalidId" Text="The passed id is not valid for this pool"/> |
| <Message Id="Pool_ZeroModulus" Text="The modulus value cannot be zero"/> |
| <Message Id="Stack_BadIndex" Text="The index is past the top of stack"/> |
| <Message Id="Stack_EmptyStack" Text="The stack is empty, cannot access members"/> |
| <Message Id="Str_ZeroSizedTargetBuf" Text="The target buffer cannot have a max size of zero"/> |
| <Message Id="Str_UnknownRadix" Text="The given radix is not supported. Use 2, 8, 10, or 16"/> |
| <Message Id="Str_TargetBufTooSmall" Text="The target buffer is too small to accept the results"/> |
| <Message Id="Str_StartIndexPastEnd" Text="The start index is past the end of the string"/> |
| <Message Id="Strm_StdErrWriteFailure" Text="Could not write to standard err"/> |
| <Message Id="Strm_StdOutWriteFailure" Text="Could not write to standard out"/> |
| <Message Id="Strm_ConWriteFailure" Text="Could not write to console"/> |
| <Message Id="StrPool_IllegalId" Text="String pool id was not legal"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_MalformedURL" Text="The URL was not correctly formed"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_UnsupportedProto" Text="The URL used an unsupported protocol"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_UnsupportedProto1" Text="Unsupported URL protocol: '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_OnlyLocalHost" Text="Only localhost is supported at this time"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_NoProtocolPresent" Text="No protocol prefix present"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_ExpectingTwoSlashes" Text="Expected // after protocol"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_IncorrectEscapedCharRef" Text="% must be followed by two hex digits"/> |
| <Message Id="URL_UnterminatedHostComponent" Text="Unterminated host component"/> |
| <Message Id="Vector_BadIndex" Text="The passed index is past the end of the vector"/> |
| <Message Id="Gen_ParseInProgress" Text="Parse may not be called while parsing"/> |
| <Message Id="Gen_NoDTDValidator" Text="A DOCTYPE was seen but the installed validator does not understand DTDs"/> |
| <Message Id="Gen_CouldNotOpenDTD" Text="Could not open DTD file '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="Gen_CouldNotOpenExtEntity" Text="Could not open external entity '{0}'"/> |
| <Message Id="Gen_UnexpectedEOF" Text="The end of input was not expected"/> |
| <Message Id="AttrList_BadIndex" Text="The index given was beyond the max attribute index"/> |
| <Message Id="ElemStack_EmptyStack" Text="The element stack is empty"/> |
| <Message Id="ElemStack_BadIndex" Text="The element stack index given was beyond the stack top"/> |
| <Message Id="ElemStack_StackUnderflow" Text="The element stack was already empty when a pop request occured"/> |
| <Message Id="ElemStack_NoParentPushed" Text="A parent operation was requested, but only one element is on the stack"/> |
| <Message Id="RdrMgr_ReaderIdNotFound" Text="The indicated reader id was never found"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_BadAutoEncoding" Text="The auto encoding enum has an unknown value"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_CantCreateCvtrFor" Text="Could not create a converter for encoding: {0}"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_CouldNotDecodeFirstLine" Text="Could not decode first line of entity: {0}"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_EOIInMultiSeq" Text="End of input was hit in the middle of a multibyte sequence"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_EncodingNeedsCvtr" Text="This encoding ({0})should have had a transcoder"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_BadUTF8Seq" Text="Invalid second byte of a UTF-8 character sequence"/> |
| <Message Id="Reader_BadSurrogateInUTF8" Text="Invalid surrogate character found in UTF-8 data"/> |
| <Message Id="Scan_CouldNotOpenSource" Text="The primary document entity could not be opened. Id={0}"/> |
| <Message Id="Scan_UnbalancedStartEnd" Text="Unbalanced start/end tags found, cannot continue"/> |
| <Message Id="AttDef_BadAttType" Text="The passed AttTypes value is not known"/> |
| <Message Id="AttDef_BadDefAttType" Text="The passed DefAttTypes value is not known"/> |
| <Message Id="BufMgr_NoMoreBuffers" Text="The buffer manager cannot provide any more buffers"/> |
| <Message Id="BufMgr_BufferNotInPool" Text="The passed buffer was not found in this manager's pool"/> |
| <Message Id="XMLRec_UnknownEncoding" Text="The passed recognizer encoding was not known"/> |
| <Message Id="Trans_CouldNotXCodeXMLData" Text="The block of XML data could not be transcoded"/> |
| <Message Id="Trans_CouldNotCreateDefCvtr" Text="Could not create a default transcoder"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_BinOpHadUnaryType" Text="The binary operation node had a unary node type"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_MustBeMixedOrChildren" Text="The content type must be mixed or children"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_NoPCDATAHere" Text="PCDATA nodes are not valid here"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_NotValidForSpecType" Text="The {0} operation is invalid for the spec type"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_UnaryOpHadBinType" Text="The unary operation node had a binary node type"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_UnknownCMType" Text="Unknown content model type"/> |
| <Message Id="CM_UnknownCMSpecType" Text="Unknown content spec type"/> |
| <Message Id="Val_InvalidElemId" Text="The element id was invalid"/> |
| <Message Id="Val_CantHaveIntSS" Text="When reusing the validator, no internal subset is allowed"/> |
| <Message Id="Scan_BadPScanToken" Text="The call to scanNext() is illegal at this time"/> |
| </Error> |
| </MsgDomain> |
| <MsgDomain Domain="http://apache.org/xml/messages/XML4JErrors"> |
| <Error> |
| <Message Id="BadMajorCode" Text="The majorCode parameter to createMessage was out of bounds"/> |
| <Message Id="MessageFormatFailure" Text="An internal error occurred while formatting the following message: "/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedPEReference" Text="The parameter entity reference must end with the ';' delimiter. "/> |
| <Message Id="ExternalIDRequired" Text="The external entity declaration must begin with either SYSTEM or PUBLIC "/> |
| <Message Id="RecursiveReference" Text="Recursive reference {0} (Reference path: '{1}') "/> |
| <Message Id="ImproperDeclarationNesting" Text="The replacement text of parameter entity `(0)'' must be properly nested"/> |
| <Message Id="ErrorMessageAvailable" Text="There is a message available for this error. "/> |
| <Message Id="IncompleteContent" Text="The content is not complete. "/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedSystemID" Text="Expected a termination character for the system id. "/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedPublicID" Text="Expected a termination character for the public id. "/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedEnumeration" Text="Expected a termination character for the enumeration. "/> |
| <Message Id="CDEndInContent" Text="Expected a CD end in the content section. "/> |
| <Message Id="TwoColonsInQName" Text="Expected two colons, '::', in the Q Name. "/> |
| <Message Id="MarkupNotRecognized" Text="Markup tags are not recognised. "/> |
| <Message Id="URIFragmentInSystemId" Text="URI Fragment found in System Id "/> |
| <Message Id="ElementTypeReqInElementDecl" Text="Expected a element type in the element declaration. "/> |
| <Message Id="UnterminatedAttributeValue" Text="Expected a termination character for the attribute value. "/> |
| <Message Id="MaximumCodeReached" Text="The maximum size for code has been reached. "/> |
| </Error> |
| </MsgDomain> |
| </MsgFile> |