blob: 9a4c923bbac500f550536767349a2a30330335c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <xercesc/util/RefVectorOf.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
#include <xercesc/internal/XMLReader.hpp>
#include <xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLAttr.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLNotationDecl.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLValidator.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/DTD/DTDAttDef.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/DTD/DTDElementDecl.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/DTD/DTDEntityDecl.hpp>
#include "ParserTest.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctype.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int attrComp(const void* elemOne, const void* elemTwo)
return XMLString::compareString
, (*(XMLAttr**)elemTwo)->getName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestParser: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestParser::TestParser() :
, fInExtSubset(false)
, fInsideRoot(false)
, fIntDTDOutput(false)
, fNestingLevel(0)
, fOutputType(OutputType_None)
, fShowErrLoc(false)
, fShowWarnings(false)
, fSurrogate(0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestParser: The document handler interfaces
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TestParser::docCharacters( const XMLCh* const chars
, const unsigned int length
, const bool cdataSection)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got CHARS:\n Bytes: "
<< length << ", CDATA?: "
<< (cdataSection ? "Yes" : "No")
<< "\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if ((fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon))
showChars(chars, length);
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
if (cdataSection)
std::cout << "<![CDATA[";
showChars(chars, length);
if (cdataSection)
std::cout << "]]>";
void TestParser::docComment(const XMLCh* const comment)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got document COMMENT:\n "
<< "Text: \"" << StrX(comment) << "\"\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
std::cout << "<!--";
std::cout << "-->";
void TestParser::docPI( const XMLCh* const target
, const XMLCh* const data)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got document PI:\n "
<< "Target: \"" << target << '"';
if (XMLString::stringLen(data))
std::cout << ", Data: \"" << StrX(data) << "\"\n";
std::cout << " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if ((fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon))
std::cout << "<?";
std::cout << " ";
if (XMLString::stringLen(data))
std::cout << StrX(data);
std::cout << "?>";
void TestParser::endDocument()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENDDOCUMENT:\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon)
std::cout << "\r\n";
void TestParser::endElement(const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl
, const unsigned int uriId
, const bool isRoot)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
if (fDoNamespaces)
XMLBuffer bufURI;
fScanner->getURIText(uriId, bufURI);
std::cout << "Got ENDELEMENT:\n Name: "
<< "{" << StrX(bufURI.getRawBuffer()) << "}"
<< StrX(elemDecl.getBaseName())
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Got ENDELEMENT:\n Name: "
<< StrX(elemDecl.getFullName()) << std::endl;
std::cout << " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if ((fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon))
std::cout << "</";
std::cout << ">";
// Clear the flag that says we're now inside the root
if (isRoot)
fInsideRoot = false;
void TestParser::endEntityReference(const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENDENTITYREF:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(entDecl.getName()) << "\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::ignorableWhitespace(const XMLCh* const chars
, const unsigned int length
, const bool cdataSection)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got WHITESPACE:\n Bytes: "
<< length << ", CDATA?: "
<< (cdataSection ? "Yes" : "No")
<< "\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
if (cdataSection)
std::cout << "<![CDATA[";
showChars(chars, length);
if (cdataSection)
std::cout << "]]>";
else if ((fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon))
if (!fInsideRoot)
showChars(chars, length);
void TestParser::resetDocument()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got RESETDOCUMENT:\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::startDocument()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got STARTDOCUMENT:\n" << std::endl;
TestParser::startElement(const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl
, const unsigned int uriId
, const XMLCh* const prefixName
, const RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>& attrList
, const unsigned int attCount
, const bool isEmpty
, const bool isRoot)
// Set the flag that says we're now inside the root, if its not empty
if (isRoot && !isEmpty)
fInsideRoot = true;
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
XMLBuffer bufURI;
if (fDoNamespaces)
fScanner->getURIText(uriId, bufURI);
std::cout << "Got STARTELEMENT:\n "
<< " Name: {" << StrX(bufURI.getRawBuffer()) << "}"
<< StrX(elemDecl.getBaseName())
<< ", AttCount: " << attCount
<< ", Empty?: "
<< (isEmpty ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n";
std::cout << "Got STARTELEMENT:\n Name: "
<< StrX(elemDecl.getFullName())
<< ", AttCount: " << attCount
<< ", Empty?: "
<< (isEmpty ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n";
std::cout << " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset() << "\n";
// If any attributes, then show them
if (attCount)
std::cout << " Attrs: ";
for (unsigned int attInd = 0; attInd < attCount; attInd++)
const XMLAttr* curAttr = attrList.elementAt(attInd);
if (fDoNamespaces)
fScanner->getURIText(curAttr->getURIId(), bufURI);
std::cout << "Name=" << "{" << StrX(bufURI.getRawBuffer())
<< "}" << StrX(curAttr->getName());
std::cout << "Name=" << StrX(curAttr->getQName());
if (curAttr->getSpecified())
std::cout << " (Explicit) ";
std::cout << " (Defaulted) ";
std::cout << "Value=" << StrX(curAttr->getValue()) << "\n"
<< " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
std::cout << "<";
if (attCount)
std::cout << " ";
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < attCount; index++)
const XMLAttr* curAttr = attrList.elementAt(index);
std::cout << "=\"";
std::cout << "\"";
if (index < attCount-1)
std::cout << " ";
if (isEmpty)
std::cout << "/>";
std::cout << ">";
else if ((fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon))
std::cout << "<";
if (attCount)
std::cout << " ";
// Get a list of attribute pointers. The canonical output
// format requires sorted attributes. If we aren't doing
// canonical output, then we don't sort it, but we still use
// the array.
const XMLAttr** attrTmp = new const XMLAttr*[attCount];
unsigned int index;
for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++)
attrTmp[index] = attrList.elementAt(index);
if (attCount > 1)
qsort(attrTmp, attCount, sizeof(XMLAttr*), attrComp);
for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++)
const XMLAttr* curAttr = attrTmp[index];
std::cout << "=\"";
std::cout << "\"";
if (index < attCount-1)
std::cout << " ";
delete [] attrTmp;
if (isEmpty)
std::cout << "></";
std::cout << ">";
std::cout << ">";
void TestParser::startEntityReference(const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got STARTENTITY:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(entDecl.getName()) << "\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::XMLDecl(const XMLCh* const versionStr
, const XMLCh* const encodingStr
, const XMLCh* const standaloneStr
, const XMLCh* const autoEncStr)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got XMLDECL:\n "
<< "Version:\"" << StrX(versionStr) << "\""
<< " Encoding:\"" << StrX(encodingStr) << "\""
<< " Standalone:\"" << StrX(standaloneStr) << "\""
<< " Auto Encoding:\"" << StrX(autoEncStr) << "\""
<< "\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType == OutputType_XML)
std::cout << "<?xml";
if (XMLString::stringLen(versionStr))
std::cout << " version=\"" << StrX(versionStr) << '"';
if (XMLString::stringLen(encodingStr))
std::cout << " encoding=\"" << StrX(encodingStr) << '"';
if (XMLString::stringLen(standaloneStr))
std::cout << " standlone=\"" << StrX(standaloneStr) << '"';
std::cout << " ?>";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestParser: The DocTypeHandler interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void TestParser::attDef(const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl
, const DTDAttDef& attDef
, const bool ignoring)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ATTDEF:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(attDef.getFullName())
<< ", Type: "
<< StrX(XMLAttDef::getAttTypeString(attDef.getType()))
<< ", DefType: "
<< StrX(XMLAttDef::getDefAttTypeString(attDef.getDefaultType()));
if (XMLString::stringLen(attDef.getValue()))
std::cout << ", Value: \"" << StrX(attDef.getValue()) << '"';
std::cout << "\n SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << StrX(attDef.getFullName()) << " ";
if (attDef.getType() == XMLAttDef::Enumeration)
std::cout << '(';
StrX tmpStr(attDef.getEnumeration());
const char* curCh = tmpStr.localForm();
while (*curCh)
while (!isspace(*curCh) && *curCh)
std::cout << *curCh++;
if (*curCh)
std::cout << '|';
std::cout << ')';
std::cout << StrX(XMLAttDef::getAttTypeString(attDef.getType()));
if (XMLString::stringLen(attDef.getValue()))
std::cout << " \"" << StrX(attDef.getValue()) << '"';
if (attDef.getDefaultType() != XMLAttDef::Default)
std::cout << " "
<< StrX(XMLAttDef::getDefAttTypeString(attDef.getDefaultType()));
void TestParser::doctypeComment(const XMLCh* const comment)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got DTD COMMENT:\n "
<< "Text: \"" << StrX(comment) << "\"\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!--" << StrX(comment) << "-->";
void TestParser::doctypeDecl(const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl
, const XMLCh* const publicId
, const XMLCh* const systemId
, const bool hasIntSubset)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got DOCTYPE:\n "
<< "Root: " << StrX(elemDecl.getFullName());
if (XMLString::stringLen(publicId))
std::cout << ", PUBLIC: " << StrX(publicId);
if (XMLString::stringLen(systemId))
std::cout << ", SYSTEM: " << StrX(systemId);
std::cout << "\n SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!DOCTYPE " << StrX(elemDecl.getFullName());
showIds(publicId, systemId);
if (!hasIntSubset)
std::cout << ">";
void TestParser::doctypePI( const XMLCh* const target
, const XMLCh* const data)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got DTD PI:\n "
<< "Target: \"" << StrX(target) << '"';
if (XMLString::stringLen(data))
std::cout << ", Data: \"" << StrX(data) << '"';
std::cout << " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<?" << target;
if (XMLString::stringLen(data))
std::cout << " " << StrX(data);
std::cout << "?>";
void TestParser::doctypeWhitespace( const XMLCh* const chars
, const unsigned int length)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got DTD Spaces:\n Bytes: "
<< length << "\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
showChars(chars, length);
void TestParser::elementDecl(const DTDElementDecl& decl
, const bool isIgnored)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ELEMENT DECL:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(decl.getFullName());
if (isIgnored)
std::cout << " (Ignored)";
std::cout << ", Content: "
<< StrX(decl.getFormattedContentModel())
<< "\n SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!ELEMENT " << StrX(decl.getFullName()) << " "
<< StrX(decl.getFormattedContentModel())
<< ">";
void TestParser::endAttList(const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENDATTLIST:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(elemDecl.getFullName()) << "\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << ">";
void TestParser::endIntSubset()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENDINTSUBSET\n"
<< " SrcOfs: " << fScanner->getSrcOffset()
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "]>";
void TestParser::endExtSubset()
fInExtSubset = false;
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENDEXTSUBSET\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::entityDecl(const DTDEntityDecl& entityDecl
, const bool isPEDecl
, const bool isIgnored)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got ENTITYDECL:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(entityDecl.getName())
<< (isPEDecl ? " [Parameter Entity]" : " [General Entity]")
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!ENTITY ";
if (isPEDecl)
std::cout << "% ";
std::cout << StrX(entityDecl.getName());
if (entityDecl.isExternal())
showIds(entityDecl.getPublicId(), entityDecl.getSystemId());
std::cout << " \"" << StrX(entityDecl.getValue()) << "\"";
std::cout << ">";
void TestParser::resetDocType()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got RESETDOCTYPE:\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::notationDecl( const XMLNotationDecl& notDecl
, const bool isIgnored)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got NOTATIONDECL:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(notDecl.getName())
<< std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!NOTATION " << StrX(notDecl.getName()) << " ";
if (!XMLString::stringLen(notDecl.getSystemId()))
std::cout << "PUBLIC ";
std::cout << "SYSTEM ";
if (XMLString::stringLen(notDecl.getPublicId()))
std::cout << "\"" << StrX(notDecl.getPublicId()) << '"';
if (XMLString::stringLen(notDecl.getSystemId()))
std::cout << " \"" << StrX(notDecl.getSystemId()) << '"';
std::cout << ">";
void TestParser::startAttList(const DTDElementDecl& elemDecl)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got STARTATTLIST:\n "
<< "Name: " << StrX(elemDecl.getFullName())
<< "\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fInExtSubset)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << "<!ATTLIST " << StrX(elemDecl.getFullName());
void TestParser::startIntSubset()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got STARTINTSUBSET\n" << std::endl;
else if (fOutputType != OutputType_None)
if (fIntDTDOutput)
std::cout << " [";
void TestParser::startExtSubset()
fInExtSubset = true;
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got STARTEXTSUBSET\n" << std::endl;
void TestParser::TextDecl( const XMLCh* const versionStr
, const XMLCh* const encodingStr)
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got TEXTDECL:\n ";
if (XMLString::stringLen(versionStr))
std::cout << "Version: " << StrX(versionStr);
if (XMLString::stringLen(encodingStr))
std::cout << "Encoding: " << StrX(encodingStr);
std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestParser: Implementation of the XMLErrorReporter interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TestParser::error( const unsigned int errCode
, const XMLCh* const msgDomain
, const XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes type
, const XMLCh* const text
, const XMLCh* const systemId
, const XMLCh* const publicId
, const unsigned int lineNum
, const unsigned int colNum)
// If we are in 'show error loc' mode, then we do a special, condensed
// display of error location info. Else we fall through and do the
// normal one for human consumption.
if (fShowErrLoc)
// We only do fatal and validity errors in this case
if (type == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning)
// We want to display the entity name, but not the whole path, since
// this output is for regression testing and has to be compared
// against previous runs potentitally on other machines.
const XMLCh* entName = systemId;
int ofs = XMLString::lastIndexOf(systemId, chForwardSlash);
if (ofs == -1)
ofs = XMLString::lastIndexOf(systemId, chBackSlash);
if (ofs != -1)
entName = &systemId[ofs + 1];
std::cout << lineNum << "/" << colNum
<< ":" << StrX(entName)
<< " - " << StrX(text)
<< std::endl;
// If its a warning and we are not showing warnings, then get out
if ((type == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning) && !fShowWarnings)
const char* typeStr = "?";
if (type == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal)
typeStr = "ERROR";
else if (type == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning)
typeStr = "WARNING";
else if (type == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Error)
typeStr = "VALIDITY";
// Output the error heading and the error type string
std::cout << "\nError: (" << typeStr;
// If we have either id, display them
if (XMLString::stringLen(systemId))
std::cout << ", System Id: " << StrX(systemId);
if (XMLString::stringLen(publicId))
std::cout << ", Public Id: " << StrX(publicId);
// Display the position information
std::cout << ", Line/Col: " << lineNum << "/" << colNum
<< ")\n";
// And finally the error text
std::cout << StrX(text) << std::endl;
void TestParser::resetErrors()
if (fOutputType == OutputType_Debug)
std::cout << "Got RESETERRORS:\n" << std::endl;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestParser: Private helpers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TestParser::showChars( const XMLCh* const chars
, const unsigned int length)
static const XMLByte FirstByteMark[7] =
0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC
const bool doCan = ((fOutputType == OutputType_SunCanon)
|| (fOutputType == OutputType_JCCanon));
unsigned int index = 0;
while (index < length)
// Convert the char to UTF-8 format. This will generate multiple
// short chars to display. For each one, call the showChar()
// method to display it.
XMLUInt32 tmpVal = chars[index++];
if ((tmpVal >= 0xD800) && (tmpVal <= 0xDBFF))
if (index == length)
std::cout << "Missing trailing surrogate\n" << std::endl;
tmpVal = ((tmpVal - 0xD800) << 10)
+ ((chars[index] - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
// Figure out how many bytes we'll kick out
unsigned int outBytes;
if (tmpVal < 0x80)
outBytes = 1;
else if (tmpVal < 0x800)
outBytes = 2;
else if (tmpVal < 0x10000)
outBytes = 3;
else if (tmpVal < 0x200000)
outBytes = 4;
else if (tmpVal < 0x4000000)
outBytes = 5;
outBytes = 6;
if (tmpVal & 0x80000000)
outBytes = 2;
tmpVal = 0xFFFD;
// Get the chars into a temp buffer in the right order
char tmpOutChars[6];
unsigned int outIndex = outBytes;
case 6 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char((tmpVal | 0x80) & 0xBF);
tmpVal >>= 6;
case 5 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char((tmpVal | 0x80) & 0xBF);
tmpVal >>= 6;
case 4 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char((tmpVal | 0x80) & 0xBF);
tmpVal >>= 6;
case 3 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char((tmpVal | 0x80) & 0xBF);
tmpVal >>= 6;
case 2 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char((tmpVal | 0x80) & 0xBF);
tmpVal >>= 6;
case 1 : tmpOutChars[--outIndex] = char(tmpVal | FirstByteMark[outBytes]);
// And spit them out
for (outIndex = 0; outIndex < outBytes; outIndex++)
showChar(tmpOutChars[outIndex], doCan);
void TestParser::showChar(const char toShow, const bool doCan)
if (doCan)
if (toShow == chLF)
std::cout << "&#10;";
else if (toShow == chHTab)
std::cout << "&#9;";
else if (toShow == chCR)
std::cout << "&#13;";
else if (toShow == chSingleQuote)
std::cout << "&apos;";
else if (toShow == chAmpersand)
std::cout << "&amp;";
else if (toShow == chDoubleQuote)
std::cout << "&quot;";
else if (toShow == chOpenAngle)
std::cout << "&lt;";
else if (toShow == chCloseAngle)
std::cout << "&gt;";
std::cout << toShow;
std::cout << toShow;
TestParser::showIds(const XMLCh* const publicId, const XMLCh* const systemId)
if (XMLString::stringLen(publicId) || XMLString::stringLen(systemId))
if (!XMLString::stringLen(publicId))
std::cout << " SYSTEM '" << StrX(systemId) << "'";
std::cout << " PUBLIC '" << StrX(publicId) << "'";
if (systemId)
std::cout << " '" << StrX(systemId) << "'";
void TestParser::showString(const XMLCh* const toShow)
showChars(toShow, XMLString::stringLen(toShow));