blob: 1ccfee865bc448933bd471bd07955a7420220110 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# include <config.h>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/TranscodingException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/RefHashTableOf.hpp>
#include "Win32TransService.hpp"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local, const data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const XMLCh gMyServiceId[] =
chLatin_W, chLatin_i, chLatin_n, chDigit_3, chDigit_2, chNull
void _wcsupr(LPWSTR str)
int nLen=XMLString::stringLen(str);
::LCMapStringW( GetThreadLocale(), LCMAP_UPPERCASE, str, nLen, str, nLen);
void _wcslwr(LPWSTR str)
int nLen=XMLString::stringLen(str);
::LCMapStringW( GetThreadLocale(), LCMAP_LOWERCASE, str, nLen, str, nLen);
int _wcsnicmp(LPCWSTR comp1, LPCWSTR comp2, unsigned int nLen)
unsigned int len = XMLString::stringLen( comp1);
unsigned int otherLen = XMLString::stringLen( comp2);
unsigned int countChar = 0;
unsigned int maxChars;
int theResult = 0;
// Determine at what string index the comparison stops.
len = ( len > nLen ) ? nLen : len;
otherLen = ( otherLen > nLen ) ? nLen : otherLen;
maxChars = ( len > otherLen ) ? otherLen : len;
// Handle situation when one argument or the other is NULL
// by returning +/- string length of non-NULL argument (inferred
// from XMLString::CompareNString).
// Obs. Definition of stringLen(XMLCh*) implies NULL ptr and ptr
// to Empty String are equivalent. It handles NULL args, BTW.
if ( !comp1 )
// Negative because null ptr (c1) less than string (c2).
return ( 0 - otherLen );
if ( !comp2 )
// Positive because string (c1) still greater than null ptr (c2).
return len;
// Copy const parameter strings (plus terminating nul) into locals.
XMLCh* firstBuf = (XMLCh*) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->allocate( (++len) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[ ++len];
XMLCh* secondBuf = (XMLCh*) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->allocate( (++otherLen) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[ ++otherLen];
memcpy( firstBuf, comp1, len * sizeof(XMLCh));
memcpy( secondBuf, comp2, otherLen * sizeof(XMLCh));
// Then uppercase both strings, losing their case info.
::LCMapStringW( GetThreadLocale(), LCMAP_UPPERCASE, (LPWSTR)firstBuf, len, (LPWSTR)firstBuf, len);
::LCMapStringW( GetThreadLocale(), LCMAP_UPPERCASE, (LPWSTR)secondBuf, otherLen, (LPWSTR)secondBuf, otherLen);
// Strings are equal until proven otherwise.
while ( ( countChar < maxChars ) && ( !theResult ) )
theResult = (int)(firstBuf[countChar]) - (int)(secondBuf[countChar]);
XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->deallocate(firstBuf);//delete [] firstBuf;
XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->deallocate(secondBuf);//delete [] secondBuf;
return theResult;
int _wcsicmp(LPCWSTR comp1, LPCWSTR comp2)
unsigned int len = XMLString::stringLen( comp1);
unsigned int otherLen = XMLString::stringLen( comp2);
// Must compare terminating NUL to return difference if one string is shorter than the other.
unsigned int maxChars = ( len > otherLen ) ? otherLen : len;
return _wcsnicmp(comp1, comp2, maxChars+1);
static inline void xmlch_wcsupr(XMLCh* str)
static inline int xmlch_wcsicmp(const XMLCh* comp1, const XMLCh* comp2)
return _wcsicmp(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(comp1), reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(comp2));
static inline int xmlch_wcsnicmp(const XMLCh* comp1, const XMLCh* comp2, const XMLSize_t maxChars)
return _wcsnicmp(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(comp1), reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(comp2), maxChars);
static inline void xmlch_wcslwr(XMLCh* str)
// it's a local function (instead of a static function) so that we are not
// forced to include <windows.h> in the header
bool isAlias(const HKEY encodingKey
, char* const aliasBuf = 0
, const unsigned int nameBufSz = 0)
DWORD theType;
DWORD theSize = nameBufSz;
return (::RegQueryValueExA
, "AliasForCharset"
, 0
, &theType
, (LPBYTE)aliasBuf
, &theSize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the simple CPMapEntry class. It just contains an encoding name
// and a code page for that encoding.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPMapEntry : public XMemory
public :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors and Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh* const encodingName
, const unsigned int ieId
, MemoryManager* manager
const char* const encodingName
, const unsigned int ieId
, MemoryManager* manager
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Getter methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh* getEncodingName() const;
const XMLCh* getKey() const;
unsigned int getIEEncoding() const;
private :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented constructors and operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CPMapEntry(const CPMapEntry&);
CPMapEntry& operator=(const CPMapEntry&);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private data members
// fEncodingName
// This is the encoding name for the code page that this instance
// represents.
// fIEId
// This is the code page id.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLCh* fEncodingName;
unsigned int fIEId;
MemoryManager* fManager;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPMapEntry: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPMapEntry::CPMapEntry( const char* const encodingName
, const unsigned int ieId
, MemoryManager* manager) :
, fIEId(ieId)
, fManager(manager)
// Transcode the name to Unicode and store that copy
int targetLen=::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, encodingName, -1, NULL, 0);
fEncodingName = (XMLCh*) fManager->allocate
(targetLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh)
);//new XMLCh[targetLen + 1];
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, encodingName, -1, (LPWSTR)fEncodingName, targetLen);
fEncodingName[targetLen] = 0;
// Upper case it because we are using a hash table and need to be
// sure that we find all case combinations.
CPMapEntry::CPMapEntry( const XMLCh* const encodingName
, const unsigned int ieId
, MemoryManager* manager) :
, fIEId(ieId)
, fManager(manager)
fEncodingName = XMLString::replicate(encodingName, fManager);
// Upper case it because we are using a hash table and need to be
// sure that we find all case combinations.
fManager->deallocate(fEncodingName);//delete [] fEncodingName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPMapEntry: Getter methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh* CPMapEntry::getEncodingName() const
return fEncodingName;
unsigned int CPMapEntry::getIEEncoding() const
return fIEId;
static bool onXPOrLater = false;
// class Win32TransService Implementation ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32TransService: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Win32TransService::Win32TransService(MemoryManager* manager) :
, fManager(manager)
// Figure out if we are on XP or later and save that flag for later use.
// We need this because of certain code page conversion calls.
OSVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if ((OSVer.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) &&
(OSVer.dwMajorVersion > 5 || (OSVer.dwMajorVersion == 5 && OSVer.dwMinorVersion > 0)))
onXPOrLater = true;
fCPMap = new RefHashTableOf<CPMapEntry>(109);
// Open up the registry key that contains the info we want. Note that,
// if this key does not exist, then we just return. It will just mean
// that we don't have any support except for intrinsic encodings supported
// by the parser itself (and the LCP support of course.
HKEY charsetKey;
if (::RegOpenKeyExA
, "MIME\\Database\\Charset"
, 0
, &charsetKey))
// Read in the registry keys that hold the code page ids. Skip for now
// those entries which indicate that they are aliases for some other
// encodings. We'll come back and do a second round for those and look
// up the original name and get the code page id.
// Note that we have to use A versions here so that this will run on
// 98, and transcode the strings to Unicode.
const unsigned int nameBufSz = 1024;
char nameBuf[nameBufSz + 1];
DWORD subIndex;
DWORD theSize;
for (subIndex = 0;;++subIndex)
// Get the name of the next key
theSize = nameBufSz;
if (::RegEnumKeyExA
, subIndex
, nameBuf
, &theSize
, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
// Open this subkey
HKEY encodingKey;
if (::RegOpenKeyExA
, nameBuf
, 0
, &encodingKey))
// Let's see if its an alias. If so, then ignore it in this first
// loop. Else, we'll add a new entry for this one.
if (!isAlias(encodingKey))
// Lets get the two values out of this key that we are
// interested in. There should be a code page entry and an
// IE entry.
// The Codepage entry is the default code page for a computer using that charset
// while the InternetEncoding holds the code page that represents that charset
DWORD theType;
unsigned int CPId;
unsigned int IEId;
theSize = sizeof(unsigned int);
if (::RegQueryValueExA
, "Codepage"
, 0
, &theType
, &theSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// If this is not a valid Id, and it might not be because its
// not loaded on this system, then don't take it.
if (::IsValidCodePage(CPId))
theSize = sizeof(unsigned int);
if (::RegQueryValueExA
, "InternetEncoding"
, 0
, &theType
, &theSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
CPMapEntry* newEntry = new (fManager) CPMapEntry(nameBuf, IEId, fManager);
fCPMap->put((void*)newEntry->getEncodingName(), newEntry);
// And close the subkey handle
// Now loop one more time and this time we do just the aliases. For
// each one we find, we look up that name in the map we've already
// built and add a new entry with this new name and the same id
// values we stored for the original.
char aliasBuf[nameBufSz + 1];
for (subIndex = 0;;++subIndex)
// Get the name of the next key
theSize = nameBufSz;
if (::RegEnumKeyExA
, subIndex
, nameBuf
, &theSize
, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
// Open this subkey
HKEY encodingKey;
if (::RegOpenKeyExA
, nameBuf
, 0
, &encodingKey))
// If it's an alias, look up the name in the map. If we find it,
// then construct a new one with the new name and the aliased
// ids.
if (isAlias(encodingKey, aliasBuf, nameBufSz))
int targetLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, aliasBuf, -1, NULL, 0);
XMLCh* uniAlias = (XMLCh*) fManager->allocate
(targetLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh)
);//new XMLCh[targetLen + 1];
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, aliasBuf, -1, (LPWSTR)uniAlias, targetLen);
uniAlias[targetLen] = 0;
// Look up the alias name
CPMapEntry* aliasedEntry = fCPMap->get(uniAlias);
if (aliasedEntry)
int targetLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, nameBuf, -1, NULL, 0);
XMLCh* uniName = (XMLCh*) fManager->allocate
(targetLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh)
);//new XMLCh[targetLen + 1];
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, nameBuf, -1, (LPWSTR)uniName, targetLen);
uniName[targetLen] = 0;
// If the name is actually different, then take it.
// Otherwise, don't take it. They map aliases that are
// just different case.
if (!XMLString::equals(uniName, aliasedEntry->getEncodingName()))
CPMapEntry* newEntry = new (fManager) CPMapEntry(uniName, aliasedEntry->getIEEncoding(), fManager);
fCPMap->put((void*)newEntry->getEncodingName(), newEntry);
fManager->deallocate(uniName);//delete [] uniName;
fManager->deallocate(uniAlias);//delete [] uniAlias;
// And close the subkey handle
// And close the main key handle
delete fCPMap;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32TransService: The virtual transcoding service API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Win32TransService::compareIString( const XMLCh* const comp1
, const XMLCh* const comp2)
return xmlch_wcsicmp(comp1, comp2);
int Win32TransService::compareNIString( const XMLCh* const comp1
, const XMLCh* const comp2
, const XMLSize_t maxChars)
return xmlch_wcsnicmp(comp1, comp2, maxChars);
const XMLCh* Win32TransService::getId() const
return gMyServiceId;
XMLLCPTranscoder* Win32TransService::makeNewLCPTranscoder(MemoryManager* manager)
// Just allocate a new LCP transcoder of our type
return new (manager) Win32LCPTranscoder;
bool Win32TransService::supportsSrcOfs() const
// Since the only mechanism we have to translate XML text in this
// transcoder basically require us to do work that allows us to support
// source offsets, we might as well do it.
return true;
void Win32TransService::upperCase(XMLCh* const toUpperCase)
void Win32TransService::lowerCase(XMLCh* const toLowerCase)
Win32TransService::makeNewXMLTranscoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName
, XMLTransService::Codes& resValue
, const XMLSize_t blockSize
, MemoryManager* const manager)
const XMLSize_t upLen = 1024;
XMLCh upEncoding[upLen + 1];
// Get an upper cased copy of the encoding name, since we use a hash
// table and we store them all in upper case.
XMLString::copyNString(upEncoding, encodingName, upLen);
// Now to try to find this guy in the CP map
CPMapEntry* theEntry = fCPMap->get(upEncoding);
// If not found, then return a null pointer
if (!theEntry)
resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding;
return 0;
// We found it, so return a Win32 transcoder for this encoding
return new (manager) Win32Transcoder
, theEntry->getIEEncoding()
, blockSize
, manager
// class Win32Transcoder Implementation ...
inline DWORD
DWORD desiredFlags)
if (idCP == 50220 ||
idCP == 50227 ||
(idCP >= 57002 &&
idCP <= 57011))
// These code pages do not support any
// flag options.
return 0;
else if (idCP == 65001)
// UTF-8 only supports MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS on
// versions of Windows since XP
if (!onXPOrLater)
return 0;
return desiredFlags & MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS ?
return desiredFlags;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32Transcoder: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Win32Transcoder::Win32Transcoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName
, const unsigned int ieCP
, const XMLSize_t blockSize
, MemoryManager* const manager) :
XMLTranscoder(encodingName, blockSize, manager)
, fIECP(ieCP)
, fUsedDef(FALSE)
, fPtrUsedDef(0)
, fFromFlags(getFlagsValue(ieCP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS))
#if defined(WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS)
, fToFlags(getFlagsValue(ieCP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS))
// Some code pages require that MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte
// be passed 0 for their second parameters (dwFlags). If that's the case,
// it's also necessary to pass null pointers for the last two parameters
// to WideCharToMultiByte. This is apparently because it's impossible to
// determine whether or not a substitution (replacement) character was used.
if (fToFlags)
fPtrUsedDef = &fUsedDef;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32Transcoder: The virtual transcoder API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Win32Transcoder::transcodeFrom( const XMLByte* const srcData
, const XMLSize_t srcCount
, XMLCh* const toFill
, const XMLSize_t maxChars
, XMLSize_t& bytesEaten
, unsigned char* const charSizes)
// Get temp pointers to the in and out buffers, and the chars sizes one
XMLCh* outPtr = toFill;
const XMLByte* inPtr = srcData;
unsigned char* sizesPtr = charSizes;
// Calc end pointers for each of them
XMLCh* outEnd = toFill + maxChars;
const XMLByte* inEnd = srcData + srcCount;
// Now loop until we either get our max chars, or cannot get a whole
// character from the input buffer.
bytesEaten = 0;
while ((outPtr < outEnd) && (inPtr < inEnd))
// If we are looking at a leading byte of a multibyte sequence,
// then we are going to eat 2 bytes, else 1.
unsigned char toEat = ::IsDBCSLeadByteEx(fIECP, *inPtr) ?
2 : 1;
// Make sure a whole char is in the source
if (inPtr + toEat > inEnd)
// Try to translate this next char and check for an error
const unsigned int converted = ::MultiByteToWideChar
, fFromFlags
, (const char*)inPtr
, toEat
, reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(outPtr)
, 1
if (converted != 1)
if (toEat == 1)
XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)(*inPtr), tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcCP
, tmpBuf
, getEncodingName()
, getMemoryManager()
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcSeq, getMemoryManager());
// Update the char sizes array for this round
*sizesPtr++ = toEat;
// And update the bytes eaten count
bytesEaten += toEat;
// And update our in/out ptrs
inPtr += toEat;
// Return the chars we output
return (outPtr - toFill);
Win32Transcoder::transcodeTo(const XMLCh* const srcData
, const XMLSize_t srcCount
, XMLByte* const toFill
, const XMLSize_t maxBytes
, XMLSize_t& charsEaten
, const UnRepOpts options)
// Get pointers to the start and end of each buffer
const XMLCh* srcPtr = srcData;
const XMLCh* srcEnd = srcData + srcCount;
XMLByte* outPtr = toFill;
XMLByte* outEnd = toFill + maxBytes;
// Now loop until we either get our max chars, or cannot get a whole
// character from the input buffer.
// NOTE: We have to use a loop for this unfortunately because the
// conversion API is too dumb to tell us how many chars it converted if
// it couldn't do the whole source.
fUsedDef = FALSE;
while ((outPtr < outEnd) && (srcPtr < srcEnd))
// Do one char and see if it made it.
const int bytesStored = ::WideCharToMultiByte
, fToFlags
, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(srcPtr)
, 1
, (char*)outPtr
, (int)(outEnd - outPtr)
, 0
, fPtrUsedDef
// If we didn't transcode anything, then we are done
if (!bytesStored)
// If the defaault char was used and the options indicate that
// this isn't allowed, then throw.
if (fUsedDef && (options == UnRep_Throw))
XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
, XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
, tmpBuf
, getEncodingName()
, getMemoryManager()
// Update our pointers
outPtr += bytesStored;
// Update the chars eaten
charsEaten = srcPtr - srcData;
// And return the bytes we stored
return outPtr - toFill;
bool Win32Transcoder::canTranscodeTo(const unsigned int toCheck)
// If the passed value is really a surrogate embedded together, then
// we need to break it out into its two chars. Else just one.
XMLCh srcBuf[2];
unsigned int srcCount = 1;
if (toCheck & 0xFFFF0000)
srcBuf[0] = XMLCh((toCheck >> 10) + 0xD800);
srcBuf[1] = XMLCh((toCheck & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
srcBuf[0] = XMLCh(toCheck);
// Use a local temp buffer that would hold any sane multi-byte char
// sequence and try to transcode this guy into it.
char tmpBuf[64];
fUsedDef = FALSE;
const unsigned int bytesStored = ::WideCharToMultiByte
, fToFlags
, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(srcBuf)
, srcCount
, tmpBuf
, 64
, 0
, fPtrUsedDef
if (!bytesStored || fUsedDef)
return false;
return true;
// class Win32Transcoder Implementation ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32LCPTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32LCPTranscoder: Implementation of the virtual transcoder interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLSize_t Win32LCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const char* const srcText
, MemoryManager* const /*manager*/)
if (!srcText)
return 0;
return ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, srcText, -1, NULL, 0);
XMLSize_t Win32LCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const XMLCh* const srcText
, MemoryManager* const /*manager*/)
if (!srcText)
return 0;
return ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(srcText), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
char* Win32LCPTranscoder::transcode(const XMLCh* const toTranscode,
MemoryManager* const manager)
if (!toTranscode)
return 0;
char* retVal = 0;
if (*toTranscode)
// Calc the needed size
const XMLSize_t neededLen = calcRequiredSize(toTranscode, manager);
// Allocate a buffer of that size plus one for the null and transcode
retVal = (char*) manager->allocate((neededLen + 1) * sizeof(char)); //new char[neededLen + 1];
::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)toTranscode, -1, retVal, (int)neededLen+1, NULL, NULL);
// And cap it off anyway just to make sure
retVal[neededLen] = 0;
retVal = (char*) manager->allocate(sizeof(char)); //new char[1];
retVal[0] = 0;
return retVal;
XMLCh* Win32LCPTranscoder::transcode(const char* const toTranscode,
MemoryManager* const manager)
if (!toTranscode)
return 0;
XMLCh* retVal = 0;
if (*toTranscode)
// Calculate the buffer size required
const XMLSize_t neededLen = calcRequiredSize(toTranscode, manager);
if (neededLen == 0)
retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(sizeof(XMLCh)); //new XMLCh[1];
retVal[0] = 0;
return retVal;
// Allocate a buffer of that size plus one for the null and transcode
retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate((neededLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh)); //new XMLCh[neededLen + 1];
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, toTranscode, -1, (LPWSTR)retVal, (int)neededLen + 1);
// Cap it off just to make sure. We are so paranoid!
retVal[neededLen] = 0;
retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(sizeof(XMLCh)); //new XMLCh[1];
retVal[0] = 0;
return retVal;
bool Win32LCPTranscoder::transcode( const char* const toTranscode
, XMLCh* const toFill
, const XMLSize_t maxChars
, MemoryManager* const /*manager*/)
// Check for a couple of psycho corner cases
if (!toTranscode || !maxChars)
toFill[0] = 0;
return true;
if (!*toTranscode)
toFill[0] = 0;
return true;
// This one has a fixed size output, so try it and if it fails it fails
if ( 0 == ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, toTranscode, -1, (LPWSTR)toFill, (int)(maxChars + 1)) )
return false;
return true;
bool Win32LCPTranscoder::transcode( const XMLCh* const toTranscode
, char* const toFill
, const XMLSize_t maxBytes
, MemoryManager* const /*manager*/)
// Watch for a couple of pyscho corner cases
if (!toTranscode || !maxBytes)
toFill[0] = 0;
return true;
if (!*toTranscode)
toFill[0] = 0;
return true;
// This one has a fixed size output, so try it and if it fails it fails
if ( 0 == ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)toTranscode, -1, toFill, (int)(maxBytes + 1), NULL, NULL) )
return false;
// Cap it off just in case
toFill[maxBytes] = 0;
return true;