blob: 54315b8d7e528e842d341d6177d0052887343867 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
#include "DOMDeepNodeListImpl.hpp"
#include "DOMElementImpl.hpp"
#include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp"
#include "DOMCasts.hpp"
#include "DOMNodeImpl.hpp"
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
#include <limits.h>
static const XMLCh kAstr[] = {chAsterisk, chNull};
DOMDeepNodeListImpl::DOMDeepNodeListImpl(const DOMNode *rootNode,
const XMLCh *tagName)
: fRootNode(rootNode)
, fChanges(0)
, fCurrentNode(0)
, fCurrentIndexPlus1(0)
, fNamespaceURI(0)
, fMatchAllURI(false)
, fMatchURIandTagname(false)
fTagName = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)(castToNodeImpl(rootNode)->getOwnerDocument()))->getPooledString(tagName);
fMatchAll = XMLString::equals(fTagName, kAstr);
//DOM Level 2
DOMDeepNodeListImpl::DOMDeepNodeListImpl(const DOMNode *rootNode,
const XMLCh *namespaceURI,
const XMLCh *localName)
: fRootNode(rootNode)
, fChanges(0)
, fCurrentNode(0)
, fCurrentIndexPlus1(0)
, fMatchAllURI(false)
, fMatchURIandTagname(true)
DOMDocumentImpl* doc = (DOMDocumentImpl *)castToNodeImpl(rootNode)->getOwnerDocument();
fTagName = doc->getPooledString(localName);
fMatchAll = XMLString::equals(fTagName, kAstr);
fMatchAllURI = XMLString::equals(namespaceURI, kAstr);
fNamespaceURI = doc->getPooledString(namespaceURI);
XMLSize_t DOMDeepNodeListImpl::getLength() const
// Reset cache to beginning of list
// Preload all matching elements. (Stops when we run out of subtree!)
return fCurrentIndexPlus1;
DOMNode *DOMDeepNodeListImpl::item(XMLSize_t index) const
return ((DOMDeepNodeListImpl*)this)->cacheItem(index);
// Start from the first child and count forward, 0-based. index>length-1
// should return 0.
// Attempts to do only work actually requested, cache work already
// done, and to flush that cache when the tree has changed.
// LIMITATION: ????? Unable to tell relevant tree-changes from
// irrelevant ones. Doing so in a really useful manner would seem
// to involve a tree-walk in its own right, or maintaining our data
// in a parallel tree.
DOMNode *DOMDeepNodeListImpl::cacheItem(XMLSize_t index)
XMLSize_t currentIndexPlus1 = fCurrentIndexPlus1;
DOMNode *currentNode = fCurrentNode;
if (castToParentImpl(fRootNode)->changes() != fChanges)
// Tree changed. Do it all from scratch!
currentIndexPlus1 = 0;
currentNode = (DOMNode *)fRootNode;
fChanges = castToParentImpl(fRootNode)->changes();
else if (currentIndexPlus1 > index+1)
// Interested in something before cached node. Do it all from scratch!
currentIndexPlus1 = 0;
currentNode = (DOMNode *)fRootNode;
else if (index+1 == currentIndexPlus1)
// What luck! User is interested in cached node.
return currentNode;
DOMNode *nextNode = 0;
// revisit - ???? How efficient is this loop? ????
// Start at the place in the tree at which we're
// currently pointing and count off nodes until we
// reach the node of interest or the end of the tree.
while (currentIndexPlus1 < index+1 && currentNode != 0)
nextNode = nextMatchingElementAfter(currentNode);
if (nextNode == 0)
currentNode = nextNode;
fCurrentNode = currentNode;
fCurrentIndexPlus1 = currentIndexPlus1;
// If we found a node at the requested index, make that the current node
if (nextNode != 0)
return currentNode;
// If we didn't find a node at the requested index, return 0
return 0;
/* Iterative tree-walker. When you have a Parent link, there's often no
need to resort to recursion. NOTE THAT only Element nodes are matched
since we're specifically supporting getElementsByTagName().
DOMNode *DOMDeepNodeListImpl::nextMatchingElementAfter(DOMNode *current)
DOMNode *next;
while (current != 0)
// Look down to first child.
if (current->hasChildNodes())
current = current->getFirstChild();
// Look right to sibling (but not from root!)
if (current != fRootNode && 0 != (next = current->getNextSibling()))
current = next;
// Look up and right (but not past root!)
next = 0;
for (;
current != fRootNode; // Stop on return to starting point
current = current->getParentNode())
next = current->getNextSibling();
if (next != 0)
current = next;
// Have we found an Element with the right tagName?
// ("*" matches anything.)
if (current != 0 && current != fRootNode &&
current->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
DOMElement *currElement = (DOMElement *)current;
if (!fMatchURIandTagname) { //DOM Level 1
if (fMatchAll ||
XMLString::equals(currElement->getTagName(), fTagName))
return current;
} else { //DOM Level 2
if (!fMatchAllURI &&
!XMLString::equals(current->getNamespaceURI(), fNamespaceURI))
if (fMatchAll ||
XMLString::equals(current->getLocalName(), fTagName))
return current;
// Otherwise continue walking the tree
// Fell out of tree-walk; no more instances found
return 0;