blob: 697f8863e234ecb841b98c185e0127f6b9386acd [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="Migration">
<s2 title="Migrating from &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion160; to &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<p>This document is a discussion of the technical differences between
&XercesCName; &XercesCVersion160; code base and the &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;.</p>
<p>Topics discussed are:</p>
<li><link anchor="NewFeatures">New features in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;</link></li>
<li><link anchor="DirChange">Directory change in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;</link></li>
<li><link anchor="API">Public API Changes in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;</link></li>
<li><link anchor="NewAPI">New Public API</link></li>
<li><link anchor="ModifiedAPI">Modified Public API</link></li>
<li><link anchor="DeprecatedAPI">Deprecated Public API</link></li>
<anchor name="NewFeatures"/>
<s2 title="New features in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<li>Support SAX2-ext's DeclHandler.</li>
<li>Directory sane_include reorganization: add sub-directory 'xercesc' to src / include folder.
See <link anchor="DirChange">"Directory change in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;"</link>
below for detail.</li>
<li>More IDOM test cases - port IDOMMemTest, and merge ThreadTest and IThreadTest.</li>
<li>Support IconvFBSD in multi-threading environment.</li>
<li>Use IDOM in schema processing for faster performance.</li>
<li>Add Project files for BCB6.</li>
<li>Port to Caldera (SCO) OpenServer.</li>
<li>Support building with new MacOSURLAccessCF NetAccessor that doesn't require
Carbon but can allow Xerces to live solely within CoreServices layer.</li>
<anchor name="DirChange"/>
<s2 title="Directory change in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<li>A new directory, <em>src/xercesc</em> is created to be the new parent directory of
all src's direct subdirectories.</li>
<li>And in the binary package, all the headers are distributed in <em>include/xercesc</em> directory.</li>
<li>Migration considerations:</li>
<li>Windows application, <br/>
either change the <em>include directories </em> setting to
"..\..\..\..\..\src\<em>xercesc</em>" (Projects->settings->C/C++->Preprocessor), <br/>
or <br/>
change the relevant #include instances in the source/header files, accordingly, eg <br/>
#include &lt;util/XMLString.hpp&gt; be changed to <br/>
#include &lt;<em>xercesc</em>/util/XMLString.hpp&gt; </li>
<li>Unix application, <br/>
either change the <em>include search path </em> in the Makefile to
" -I &lt;installroot&gt;/include/<em>xercesc</em>", <br/>
or <br/>
change the relevant #include instances in the source/header files as shown above. </li>
<anchor name="API"/>
<s2 title="Public API Changes in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<p>The following lists the public API changes between the &XercesCName;
&XercesCVersion; and the &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; releases
of the parser. </p>
<anchor name="NewAPI"/>
<s3 title="New Public API">
<li>Added SAX2-ext's DeclHandler class.
See <jump href="api.html">the API documentation page</jump> for details.</li>
<li>To support SAX2-ext's DeclHandler, the following new methods are added
in classes DefaultHandler and SAX2XMLReader:</li>
<li>void DefaultHandler::elementDecl(const XMLCh* const name, const XMLCh* const model)</li>
<li>void DefaultHandler::attributeDecl(const XMLCh* const eName, const XMLCh* const aName,
const XMLCh* const type, const XMLCh* const mode, const XMLCh* const value)</li>
<li>void DefaultHandler::internalEntityDecl(const XMLCh* const name, const XMLCh* const value)</li>
<li>void DefaultHandler::externalEntityDecl(const XMLCh* const name, const XMLCh* const publicId,
const XMLCh* const systemId)</li>
<li>DeclHandler* SAX2XMLReader::getDeclarationHandler() const</li>
<li>void SAX2XMLReader::setDeclarationHandler(DeclHandler* const handler)</li>
<li>To conform to DOM Level 2 specification, the following methods are added:</li>
<li>DOM_Node DOM_NodeIterator::getRoot()</li>
<li>DOM_Node DOM_TreeWalker::getRoot()</li>
<li>bool DOM_Node::hasAttributes() const</li>
<li>bool DOM_Element::hasAttribute(const DOMString &amp;name) const</li>
<li>bool DOM_Element::hasAttributeNS(const DOMString &amp;namespaceURI,
const DOMString &amp;localName) const</li>
<li>IDOM_Node* IDOM_NodeIterator::getRoot()</li>
<li>IDOM_Node* IDOM_TreeWalker::getRoot()</li>
<li>bool IDOM_Node::hasAttributes() const</li>
<li>bool IDOM_Element::hasAttribute(const XMLCh* name) const</li>
<li>bool IDOM_Element::hasAttributeNS(const XMLCh* namespaceURI,
const XMLCh* localName) const</li>
<li>To fix [Bug 5570], a copy constructor is added to DOM_Range</li>
<anchor name="ModifiedAPI"/>
<s3 title="Modified Public API">
<li>To conform to the SAX2 specification, the namespace-prefixes feature
in SAX2 is set to off as default.</li>
<li>To fix [Bug 6330], the Base64::encode and Base64::decode have been modified
as follows</li>
<li>static XMLByte* Base64::encode(const XMLByte* const inputData,
const unsigned int inputLength,
unsigned int* outputLength);</li>
<li>static XMLByte* Base64::decode(const XMLByte* const inputData,
unsigned int* outputLength);</li>
<li>static XMLCh* decode(const XMLCh* const inputData,
unsigned int* outputLength);</li>
<li>To conform to DOM Level 2 specification, the DOM_Node::supports and IDOM_Node::supports
are modified to</li>
<li>bool DOM_Node::isSupported(const DOMString &amp;feature, const DOMString &amp;version) const</li>
<li>bool IDOM_Node::isSupported(const XMLCh* feature, const XMLCh* version) const</li>
<anchor name="DeprecatedAPI"/>
<s3 title="Deprecated Public API">
<li>No Deprecated Public API in this release.</li>
<s2 title="Migration Archive">
<p>For migration information to &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion160; or earlier,
please refer to <jump href="migrate_archive.html">Migration Archive. </jump></p>