blob: 2d554e221c8939c7e5b093c5a12c342d501a3ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="Migration">
<s2 title="Migration Archive">
<p>For migration information to &XercesCName; 2.0.0 or earlier,
please refer to <jump href="migrate_archive.html">Migration Archive. </jump></p>
<s2 title="Migrating from &XercesCName; 2.0.0 to &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<p>This document is a discussion of the technical differences between
&XercesCName; 2.0.0 code base and the &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;.</p>
<p>Topics discussed are:</p>
<li><link anchor="NewFeatures210">New features in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;</link></li>
<li><link anchor="API210">Public API Changes</link></li>
<li><link anchor="NewAPI210">New Public API</link></li>
<li><link anchor="ModifiedAPI210">Modified Public API</link></li>
<li><link anchor="DeprecatedAPI210">Deprecated/Removed Public API</link></li>
<anchor name="NewFeatures210"/>
<s3 title="New features in &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;">
<li>64 bit binaries distribution on Windows IA64 and Linux IA64</li>
<li>Support for Cygwin environment</li>
<li>DOM Level 3 DOMNode: compareTreePosition, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupNamespacePrefix and isDefaultNamespace</li>
<li>plus many more bug fixes</li>
<anchor name="API210"/>
<s3 title="Public API Changes">
<p>The following lists the public API changes between the &XercesCName;
2.0.0; and the &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; releases
of the parser. </p>
<anchor name="NewAPI210"/>
<s4 title="New Public API">
<li>To fix bug 7087, XMLEnumerator is added a virtual destructor.</li>
<li>To fix bug 11448, XMLNotationDecl::get/setBaseURI, and XMLEntityDecl::get/setBaseURI are added.</li>
<anchor name="ModifiedAPI210"/>
<s4 title="Modified Public API">
<li>DOMNodeList: item, and getLength have been added a const modifier.</li>
<li>DOMNode: lookupNamespacePrefix, isDefaultNamespace, and lookupNamespaceURI have been added a const modifier.</li>
<anchor name="DeprecatedAPI210"/>
<s4 title="Deprecated/Removed Public API">
<li>No Deprecated Public API in this release.</li>