blob: 1b5dc59e2701a9defce557b1f05e6c0b55f87e5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <xercesc/util/RuntimeException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLBuffer.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLElementDecl.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLValidator.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMAny.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMBinaryOp.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMLeaf.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMRepeatingLeaf.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMUnaryOp.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/DFAContentModel.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/ContentSpecNode.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/Grammar.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/SchemaSymbols.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/SubstitutionGroupComparator.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/XercesElementWildcard.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/OutOfMemoryException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/RefHashTableOf.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLInteger.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
struct CMStateSetHasher
XMLSize_t getHashVal(const void *const key, XMLSize_t mod)
const CMStateSet* const pkey = (const CMStateSet*) key;
return ((pkey->hashCode()) % mod);
bool equals(const void *const key1, const void *const key2)
const CMStateSet* const pkey1 = (const CMStateSet*) key1;
const CMStateSet* const pkey2 = (const CMStateSet*) key2;
return (*pkey1==*pkey2);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DFAContentModel: Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DFAContentModel::DFAContentModel( const bool dtd
, ContentSpecNode* const elemContentSpec
, MemoryManager* const manager) :
, fElemMapType(0)
, fElemMapSize(0)
, fEmptyOk(false)
, fEOCPos(0)
, fFinalStateFlags(0)
, fFollowList(0)
, fHeadNode(0)
, fLeafCount(0)
, fLeafList(0)
, fLeafListType(0)
, fTransTable(0)
, fTransTableSize(0)
, fCountingStates(0)
, fDTD(dtd)
, fIsMixed(false)
, fLeafNameTypeVector(0)
, fMemoryManager(manager)
// And build the DFA data structures
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
DFAContentModel::DFAContentModel( const bool dtd
, ContentSpecNode* const elemContentSpec
, const bool isMixed
, MemoryManager* const manager):
, fElemMapType(0)
, fElemMapSize(0)
, fEmptyOk(false)
, fEOCPos(0)
, fFinalStateFlags(0)
, fFollowList(0)
, fHeadNode(0)
, fLeafCount(0)
, fLeafList(0)
, fLeafListType(0)
, fTransTable(0)
, fTransTableSize(0)
, fCountingStates(0)
, fDTD(dtd)
, fIsMixed(isMixed)
, fLeafNameTypeVector(0)
, fMemoryManager(manager)
// And build the DFA data structures
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
void DFAContentModel::cleanup()
// Clean up all the stuff that is not just temporary representation
// data that was cleaned up after building the DFA.
if( fFinalStateFlags )
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFinalStateFlags); //delete [] fFinalStateFlags;
fFinalStateFlags = NULL;
unsigned int index;
if( fTransTable )
for (index = 0; index < fTransTableSize; index++)
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fTransTable[index]); //delete [] fTransTable[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fTransTable); //delete [] fTransTable;
fTransTable = NULL;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fTransTableSize; ++j)
delete fCountingStates[j];
fCountingStates = NULL;
if( fElemMap )
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
delete fElemMap[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fElemMap); //delete [] fElemMap;
fElemMap = NULL;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fElemMapType); //delete [] fElemMapType;
fElemMapType = NULL;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fLeafListType); //delete [] fLeafListType;
fLeafListType = NULL;
delete fLeafNameTypeVector;
fLeafNameTypeVector = NULL;
// Cleanup things that might now have been clean up by buildDFA()
// if an exception occured.
if( fFollowList )
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
delete fFollowList[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFollowList); //delete [] fFollowList;
if( fLeafList )
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
delete fLeafList[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fLeafList); //delete [] fLeafList;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DFAContentModel: Implementation of the ContentModel virtual interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DFAContentModel::validateContent( QName** const children
, XMLSize_t childCount
, unsigned int
, XMLSize_t* indexFailingChild
, MemoryManager* const) const
// If there are no children, then either we fail on the 0th element
// or we return success. It depends upon whether this content model
// accepts empty content, which we determined earlier.
if (!childCount)
// success
return true;
return false;
// Lets loop through the children in the array and move our way
// through the states. Note that we use the fElemMap array to map
// an element index to a state index.
unsigned int curState = 0;
unsigned int nextState = 0;
unsigned int loopCount = 0;
unsigned int childIndex = 0;
for (; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++)
// Get the current element index out
const QName* curElem = children[childIndex];
const XMLCh* curElemRawName = 0;
if (fDTD)
curElemRawName = curElem->getRawName();
// If this is text in a Schema mixed content model, skip it.
if ( fIsMixed &&
( curElem->getURI() == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId))
// Look up this child in our element map
unsigned int elemIndex = 0;
for (; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
const QName* inElem = fElemMap[elemIndex];
if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(inElem->getRawName(), curElemRawName)) {
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else {
ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes type = fElemMapType[elemIndex];
if (type == ContentSpecNode::Leaf)
if ((inElem->getURI() == curElem->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(inElem->getLocalPart(), curElem->getLocalPart()))) {
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f)== ContentSpecNode::Any)
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS)
if (inElem->getURI() == curElem->getURI())
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other)
// Here we assume that empty string has id 1.
unsigned int uriId = curElem->getURI();
if (uriId != 1 && uriId != inElem->getURI()) {
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
}//for elemIndex
// If "nextState" is -1, we found a match, but the transition is invalid
if (nextState == XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
return false;
// If we didn't find it, then obviously not valid
if (elemIndex == fElemMapSize)
return false;
unsigned int nextLoop = 0;
if(!handleRepetitions(curElem, curState, loopCount, nextState, nextLoop, elemIndex, 0))
return false;
curState = nextState;
loopCount = nextLoop;
nextState = 0;
}//for childIndex
// We transitioned all the way through the input list. However, that
// does not mean that we ended in a final state. So check whether
// our ending state is a final state.
if (!fFinalStateFlags[curState])
return false;
// verify if we exited before the minOccurs was satisfied
if (fCountingStates != 0) {
Occurence* o = fCountingStates[curState];
if (o != 0 && loopCount < (unsigned int)o->minOccurs) {
// not enough loops on the current state to be considered final.
return false;
return true;
bool DFAContentModel::validateContentSpecial(QName** const children
, XMLSize_t childCount
, unsigned int
, GrammarResolver* const pGrammarResolver
, XMLStringPool* const pStringPool
, XMLSize_t* indexFailingChild
, MemoryManager* const) const
SubstitutionGroupComparator comparator(pGrammarResolver, pStringPool);
if (childCount == 0)
return true;
return false;
// Lets loop through the children in the array and move our way
// through the states. Note that we use the fElemMap array to map
// an element index to a state index.
unsigned int curState = 0;
unsigned int loopCount = 0;
unsigned int nextState = 0;
unsigned int childIndex = 0;
for (; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++)
// Get the current element index out
QName* curElem = children[childIndex];
// If this is text in a Schema mixed content model, skip it.
if ( fIsMixed &&
( curElem->getURI() == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId))
// Look up this child in our element map
unsigned int elemIndex = 0;
for (; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
QName* inElem = fElemMap[elemIndex];
ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes type = fElemMapType[elemIndex];
if (type == ContentSpecNode::Leaf)
if (comparator.isEquivalentTo(curElem, inElem) )
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f)== ContentSpecNode::Any)
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS)
if (inElem->getURI() == curElem->getURI())
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other)
// Here we assume that empty string has id 1.
unsigned int uriId = curElem->getURI();
if (uriId != 1 && uriId != inElem->getURI())
nextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
}//for elemIndex
// If "nextState" is -1, we found a match, but the transition is invalid
if (nextState == XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
return false;
// If we didn't find it, then obviously not valid
if (elemIndex == fElemMapSize)
return false;
unsigned int nextLoop = 0;
if(!handleRepetitions(curElem, curState, loopCount, nextState, nextLoop, elemIndex, &comparator))
return false;
curState = nextState;
loopCount = nextLoop;
nextState = 0;
}//for childIndex
// We transitioned all the way through the input list. However, that
// does not mean that we ended in a final state. So check whether
// our ending state is a final state.
if (!fFinalStateFlags[curState])
return false;
// verify if we exited before the minOccurs was satisfied
if (fCountingStates != 0) {
Occurence* o = fCountingStates[curState];
if (o != 0) {
if (loopCount < (unsigned int)o->minOccurs) {
// not enough loops on the current state.
return false;
return true;
bool DFAContentModel::handleRepetitions(const QName* const curElem,
unsigned int curState,
unsigned int currentLoop,
unsigned int& nextState,
unsigned int& nextLoop,
XMLSize_t elemIndex,
SubstitutionGroupComparator * comparator) const
nextLoop = 0;
if (fCountingStates != 0) {
nextLoop = currentLoop;
Occurence* o = fCountingStates[curState];
if (o != 0) {
if (curState == nextState) {
if (++nextLoop > (unsigned int)o->maxOccurs && o->maxOccurs != -1) {
// It's likely that we looped too many times on the current state
// however it's possible that we actually matched another particle
// which allows the same name.
// Consider:
// <xs:sequence>
// <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3"/>
// <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" fixed="bar"/>
// </xs:sequence>
// and
// <xs:sequence>
// <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="3"/>
// <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip"/>
// </xs:sequence>
// In the DFA there will be two transitions from the current state which
// allow "foo". Note that this is not a UPA violation. The ambiguity of which
// transition to take is resolved by the current value of the counter. Since
// we've already seen enough instances of the first "foo" perhaps there is
// another element declaration or wildcard deeper in the element map which
// matches.
unsigned int tempNextState = 0;
while (++elemIndex < fElemMapSize) {
QName* inElem = fElemMap[elemIndex];
ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes type = fElemMapType[elemIndex];
if (type == ContentSpecNode::Leaf)
if(comparator!=0) {
if (comparator->isEquivalentTo(curElem, inElem) )
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(inElem->getRawName(), curElem->getRawName())) {
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else {
if ((inElem->getURI() == curElem->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(inElem->getLocalPart(), curElem->getLocalPart()))) {
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f)== ContentSpecNode::Any)
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS)
if (inElem->getURI() == curElem->getURI())
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other)
// Here we assume that empty string has id 1.
unsigned int uriId = curElem->getURI();
if (uriId != 1 && uriId != inElem->getURI())
tempNextState = fTransTable[curState][elemIndex];
if (tempNextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
// if we still can't find a match, report the error
if (elemIndex == fElemMapSize)
return false;
// if we found a match, set the next state and reset the
// counter if the next state is a counting state.
nextState = tempNextState;
Occurence* o = fCountingStates[nextState];
if (o != 0) {
nextLoop = (elemIndex == XMLSize_t (o->elemIndex)) ? 1 : 0;
else if (nextLoop < (unsigned int)o->minOccurs) {
// not enough loops on the current state.
return false;
else {
// Exiting a counting state. If we're entering a new
// counting state, reset the counter.
o = fCountingStates[nextState];
if (o != 0) {
nextLoop = (elemIndex == XMLSize_t (o->elemIndex)) ? 1 : 0;
else {
o = fCountingStates[nextState];
if (o != 0) {
// Entering a new counting state. Reset the counter.
// If we've already seen one instance of the looping
// particle set the counter to 1, otherwise set it
// to 0.
nextLoop = (elemIndex == XMLSize_t (o->elemIndex)) ? 1 : 0;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DFAContentModel: Private helper methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DFAContentModel::buildDFA(ContentSpecNode* const curNode)
unsigned int index;
// The first step we need to take is to rewrite the content model using
// our CMNode objects, and in the process get rid of any repetition short
// cuts, converting them into '*' style repetitions or getting rid of
// repetitions altogether.
// The conversions done are:
// x+ -> (x|x*)
// x? -> (x|epsilon)
// This is a relatively complex scenario. What is happening is that we
// create a top level binary node of which the special EOC value is set
// as the right side node. The the left side is set to the rewritten
// syntax tree. The source is the original content model info from the
// decl pool. The rewrite is done by buildSyntaxTree() which recurses the
// decl pool's content of the element and builds a new tree in the
// process.
// Note that, during this operation, we set each non-epsilon leaf node's
// DFA state position and count the number of such leafs, which is left
// in the fLeafCount member.
// Avoid integer overflow in below fLeafCount++ increment
if (fLeafCount > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() - 1))
throw OutOfMemoryException();
fEOCPos = fLeafCount++;
// Avoid integer overflow in below memory allocation
if (fLeafCount > (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / sizeof(CMLeaf*)))
throw OutOfMemoryException();
// We need to build an array of references to the non-epsilon
// leaf nodes. We will put them in the array according to their position values
fLeafList = (CMLeaf**) fMemoryManager->allocate(fLeafCount*sizeof(CMLeaf*)); //new CMLeaf*[fLeafCount];
memset(fLeafList, 0, fLeafCount*sizeof(CMLeaf*));
fLeafListType = (ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes*) fMemoryManager->allocate
fLeafCount * sizeof(ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes)
); //new ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes[fLeafCount];
// And, moving onward... We now need to build the follow position sets
// for all the nodes. So we allocate an array of pointers to state sets,
// one for each leaf node (i.e. each significant DFA position.)
fFollowList = (CMStateSet**) fMemoryManager->allocate
fLeafCount * sizeof(CMStateSet*)
); //new CMStateSet*[fLeafCount];
memset(fFollowList, 0, fLeafCount*sizeof(CMStateSet*));
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
fFollowList[index] = new (fMemoryManager) CMStateSet(fLeafCount, fMemoryManager);
// The buildSyntaxTree function will recursively iterate over the ContentSpecNode
// and build the CMNode hierarchy; it will also put every leaf node in the fLeafList
// array, then calculate the first and last position sets of each node. This is
// cached away in each of the nodes.
// Along the way we also set the leaf count in each node as the maximum
// state count. They must know this in order to create their first/last
// position sets.
unsigned int counter=0;
CMNode* nodeOrgContent = buildSyntaxTree(curNode, counter);
// Check to see whether this content model can handle an empty content,
// which is something we need to optimize by looking now before we
// throw away the info that would tell us that.
// If the left node of the head (the top level of the original content)
// is nullable, then its true.
fEmptyOk = nodeOrgContent->isNullable();
// And handle specially the EOC node, which also must be numbered and
// counted as a non-epsilon leaf node. It could not be handled in the
// above tree build because it was created before all that started. We
// save the EOC position since its used during the DFA building loop.
CMLeaf* nodeEOC = new (fMemoryManager) CMLeaf
new (fMemoryManager) QName
, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString
, XMLContentModel::gEOCFakeId
, fMemoryManager
, fEOCPos
, true
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fHeadNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMBinaryOp
, nodeOrgContent
, nodeEOC
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
// Put also the final EOC node in the leaf array
fLeafList[counter] = new (fMemoryManager) CMLeaf
, nodeEOC->getPosition()
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafListType[counter] = ContentSpecNode::Leaf;
// Now handle our top level. We use our left child's last pos set and our
// right child's first pos set, so get them now for convenience.
const CMStateSet& last = nodeOrgContent->getLastPos();
const CMStateSet& first = nodeEOC->getFirstPos();
// Now, for every position which is in our left child's last set
// add all of the states in our right child's first set to the
// follow set for that position.
CMStateSetEnumerator enumLast(&last);
XMLSize_t index=enumLast.nextElement();
*fFollowList[index] |= first;
// And finally the big push... Now we build the DFA using all the states
// and the tree we've built up. First we set up the various data
// structures we are going to use while we do this.
// First of all we need an array of unique element ids in our content
// model. For each transition table entry, we need a set of contiguous
// indices to represent the transitions for a particular input element.
// So we need to a zero based range of indexes that map to element types.
// This element map provides that mapping.
fElemMap = (QName**) fMemoryManager->allocate
fLeafCount * sizeof(QName*)
); //new QName*[fLeafCount];
fElemMapType = (ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes*) fMemoryManager->allocate
fLeafCount * sizeof(ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes)
); //new ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes[fLeafCount];
fElemMapSize = 0;
Occurence** elemOccurenceMap=0;
for (unsigned int outIndex = 0; outIndex < fLeafCount; outIndex++)
fElemMap[outIndex] = new (fMemoryManager) QName(fMemoryManager);
if ( (fLeafListType[outIndex] & 0x0f) != ContentSpecNode::Leaf )
if (!fLeafNameTypeVector)
fLeafNameTypeVector = new (fMemoryManager) ContentLeafNameTypeVector(fMemoryManager);
// Get the current leaf's element index
CMLeaf* leaf=fLeafList[outIndex];
const QName* element = leaf->getElement();
const XMLCh* elementRawName = 0;
if (fDTD && element)
elementRawName = element->getRawName();
// See if the current leaf node's element index is in the list
unsigned int inIndex = 0;
for (; inIndex < fElemMapSize; inIndex++)
const QName* inElem = fElemMap[inIndex];
if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(inElem->getRawName(), elementRawName)) {
else {
if ((fElemMapType[inIndex] == fLeafListType[outIndex]) &&
(inElem->getURI() == element->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(inElem->getLocalPart(), element->getLocalPart()))) {
// If it was not in the list, then add it and bump the map size
if (inIndex == fElemMapSize)
if (elemOccurenceMap == 0) {
elemOccurenceMap = (Occurence**)fMemoryManager->allocate(fLeafCount*sizeof(Occurence*));
memset(elemOccurenceMap, 0, fLeafCount*sizeof(Occurence*));
elemOccurenceMap[fElemMapSize] = new (fMemoryManager) Occurence(((CMRepeatingLeaf*)leaf)->getMinOccurs(), ((CMRepeatingLeaf*)leaf)->getMaxOccurs(), fElemMapSize);
fElemMapType[fElemMapSize] = fLeafListType[outIndex];
// set up the fLeafNameTypeVector object if there is one.
if (fLeafNameTypeVector) {
fLeafNameTypeVector->setValues(fElemMap, fElemMapType, fElemMapSize);
* Optimization(Jan, 2001); We sort fLeafList according to
* elemIndex which is *uniquely* associated to each leaf.
* We are *assuming* that each element appears in at least one leaf.
// don't forget to delete it
int *leafSorter = (int*) fMemoryManager->allocate
(fLeafCount + fElemMapSize) * sizeof(int)
); //new int[fLeafCount + fElemMapSize];
unsigned int fSortCount = 0;
for (unsigned int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
const QName* element = fElemMap[elemIndex];
const XMLCh* elementRawName = 0;
if (fDTD && element)
elementRawName = element->getRawName();
for (unsigned int leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < fLeafCount; leafIndex++)
const QName* leaf = fLeafList[leafIndex]->getElement();
if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(leaf->getRawName(), elementRawName)) {
leafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
else {
if ((fElemMapType[elemIndex] == fLeafListType[leafIndex]) &&
(leaf->getURI() == element->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(leaf->getLocalPart(), element->getLocalPart()))) {
leafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
leafSorter[fSortCount++] = -1;
// instead of using a single array with -1 to separate elements, use a bidimensional map
unsigned int** leafSorter = (unsigned int**)fMemoryManager->allocate(fElemMapSize * sizeof(unsigned int*));
unsigned int* tmpSorter = (unsigned int*)fMemoryManager->allocate(fLeafCount * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
const QName* element = fElemMap[elemIndex];
const XMLCh* elementRawName = 0;
if (fDTD && element)
elementRawName = element->getRawName();
unsigned int fSortCount=0;
for (unsigned int leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < fLeafCount; leafIndex++)
const QName* leaf = fLeafList[leafIndex]->getElement();
if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(leaf->getRawName(), elementRawName)) {
tmpSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
else {
if ((fElemMapType[elemIndex] == fLeafListType[leafIndex]) &&
(leaf->getURI() == element->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(leaf->getLocalPart(), element->getLocalPart()))) {
tmpSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
leafSorter[elemIndex]=(unsigned int*)fMemoryManager->allocate((fSortCount+1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned int index=0;index<fSortCount;index++)
// Next lets create some arrays, some that that hold transient info
// during the DFA build and some that are permament. These are kind of
// sticky since we cannot know how big they will get, but we don't want
// to use any collection type classes because of performance.
// Basically they will probably be about fLeafCount*2 on average, but can
// be as large as 2^(fLeafCount*2), worst case. So we start with
// fLeafCount*4 as a middle ground. This will be very unlikely to ever
// have to expand though, it if does, the overhead will be somewhat ugly.
unsigned int curArraySize = fLeafCount * 4;
CMStateSet** statesToDo = (CMStateSet**)
curArraySize * sizeof(CMStateSet*)
); //new const CMStateSet*[curArraySize];
fFinalStateFlags = (bool*) fMemoryManager->allocate
curArraySize * sizeof(bool)
); //new bool[curArraySize];
fTransTable = (unsigned int**) fMemoryManager->allocate
curArraySize * sizeof(unsigned int*)
); //new unsigned int*[curArraySize];
// Ok we start with the initial set as the first pos set of the head node
// (which is the seq node that holds the content model and the EOC node.)
CMStateSet* setT = new (fMemoryManager) CMStateSet(fHeadNode->getFirstPos());
// Note on memory leak: Bugzilla#2707:
// ===================================
// The CMBinary, pointed to by fHeadNode, shall be released by
// deleted by itself.
// fLeafList[] maintains its **OWN** copy of CMLeaf to avoid double deletion
// of CMLeaf.
delete fHeadNode;
// Init our two state flags. Basically the unmarked state counter is
// always chasing the current state counter. When it catches up, that
// means we made a pass through that did not add any new states to the
// lists, at which time we are done. We could have used a expanding array
// of flags which we used to mark off states as we complete them, but
// this is easier though less readable maybe.
unsigned int unmarkedState = 0;
unsigned int curState = 0;
// Init the first transition table entry, and put the initial state
// into the states to do list, then bump the current state.
fTransTable[curState] = makeDefStateList();
statesToDo[curState] = setT;
// the stateTable is an auxiliary means to fast
// identification of new state created (instead
// of sequential loop statesToDo to find out),
// while the role that statesToDo plays remain unchanged.
RefHashTableOf<XMLInteger, CMStateSetHasher> *stateTable =
new (fMemoryManager) RefHashTableOf<XMLInteger, CMStateSetHasher>
, true
, fMemoryManager
//stateTable->put((CMStateSet*)setT, new (fMemoryManager) XMLInteger(0));
// Ok, almost done with the algorithm from hell... We now enter the
// loop where we go until the states done counter catches up with
// the states to do counter.
CMStateSet* newSet = 0;
while (unmarkedState < curState)
// Get the next unmarked state out of the list of states to do.
// And get the associated transition table entry.
setT = statesToDo[unmarkedState];
unsigned int* transEntry = fTransTable[unmarkedState];
// Mark this one final if it contains the EOC state
fFinalStateFlags[unmarkedState] = setT->getBit(fEOCPos);
// Bump up the unmarked state count, marking this state done
// Optimization(Jan, 2001)
unsigned int sorterIndex = 0;
// Optimization(Jan, 2001)
// Loop through each possible input symbol in the element map
for (unsigned int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++)
// Build up a set of states which is the union of all of the
// follow sets of DFA positions that are in the current state. If
// we gave away the new set last time through then create a new
// one. Otherwise, zero out the existing one.
if (!newSet)
newSet = new (fMemoryManager) CMStateSet
, fMemoryManager
// unoptimized code
for (unsigned int leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < fLeafCount; leafIndex++)
// If this leaf index (DFA position) is in the current set...
if (setT->getBit(leafIndex))
// If this leaf is the current input symbol, then we want
// to add its follow list to the set of states to transition
// to from the current state.
const QName* leaf = fLeafList[leafIndex]->getElement();
const QName* element = fElemMap[elemIndex];
if (fDTD) {
if (XMLString::equals(leaf->getRawName(), element->getRawName())) {
*newSet |= *fFollowList[leafIndex];
else {
if ((leaf->getURI() == element->getURI()) &&
(XMLString::equals(leaf->getLocalPart(), element->getLocalPart()))) {
*newSet |= *fFollowList[leafIndex];
} // for leafIndex
// Optimization(Jan, 2001)
int leafIndex = leafSorter[sorterIndex++];
while (leafIndex != -1)
// If this leaf index (DFA position) is in the current set...
if (setT->getBit(leafIndex))
// If this leaf is the current input symbol, then we
// want to add its follow list to the set of states to
// transition to from the current state.
*newSet |= *fFollowList[leafIndex];
leafIndex = leafSorter[sorterIndex++];
} // while (leafIndex != -1)
unsigned int* fLeafIndexes=leafSorter[elemIndex];
unsigned int fNumItems=fLeafIndexes[0];
// The algorithm requires finding the leaf that is present both in the bitfield of the current state, and in the
// list of places where the currently tested item can appear. When this occurs, the follow list of this parent item
// is added to the bitfield representing the next state.
// Both the bitfield and the list of places are sorted, so we can analyze them in two ways; either iterating over the
// parent items, testing the bitfield for the existence of the parent (N times a constant Tb), or by iterating over the
// bitfield (restricted to the range of the sorted list of places), using a binary search to locate the leaf in the
// sorted list of places (M times log(N) testing operations Ts)
// Assuming that the time to test a bit is roughly the same of the time needed to compute the average of two integers,
// plus a couple of comparisons and additions, we compare N agains M*log(N) to decide which algorithm should be faster given
// the two sets
if(fNumItems <= setT->getBitCountInRange(fLeafIndexes[1], fLeafIndexes[fNumItems])*log((float)fNumItems))
for(unsigned int i=1; i<=fNumItems; ++i)
// If this leaf is the current input symbol, then we
// want to add its follow list to the set of states to
// transition to from the current state.
*newSet |= *fFollowList[ fLeafIndexes[i] ];
// Further optimization: given that the bitfield enumerator returns the numbers in order,
// every time we raise the lower marker we know it will true also for the next bits, so
// the next binary search will not start from 1 but from this index
unsigned int lowIndex = 1;
// Start the enumerator from the first index in the sorted list of places,
// as nothing before that point will match
CMStateSetEnumerator enumBits(setT, fLeafIndexes[1]);
unsigned int bitIndex=enumBits.nextElement();
// if this leaf is greater than the last index in the sorted list of places,
// nothing can be found from now on, so get out of here
if(bitIndex > fLeafIndexes[fNumItems])
// Check if this leaf index (DFA position) is in the current set
// (using binary search: the indexes are sorted)
unsigned int first=lowIndex,last=fNumItems,i;
else if(fLeafIndexes[i]<bitIndex)
// If this leaf is the current input symbol, then we
// want to add its follow list to the set of states to
// transition to from the current state.
*newSet |= *fFollowList[bitIndex];
// If this new set is not empty, then see if its in the list
// of states to do. If not, then add it.
if (!newSet->isEmpty())
// Search the 'states to do' list to see if this new
// state set is already in there.
unsigned int stateIndex = 0;
for (; stateIndex < curState; stateIndex++)
if (*statesToDo[stateIndex] == *newSet)
XMLInteger *stateObj = stateTable->get(newSet);
unsigned int stateIndex = (stateObj == 0 ? curState : stateObj->intValue());
// If we did not find it, then add it
if (stateIndex == curState)
// Put this new state into the states to do and init
// a new entry at the same index in the transition
// table.
statesToDo[curState] = newSet;
fTransTable[curState] = makeDefStateList();
, new (fMemoryManager) XMLInteger(curState)
// We now have a new state to do so bump the count
// Null out the new set to indicate we adopted it. This
// will cause the creation of a new set on the next time
// around the loop.
newSet = 0;
// Now set this state in the transition table's entry for this
// element (using its index), with the DFA state we will move
// to from the current state when we see this input element.
transEntry[elemIndex] = stateIndex;
// Expand the arrays if we're full
if (curState == curArraySize)
// Yikes, we overflowed the initial array size, so we've
// got to expand all of these arrays. So adjust up the
// size by 50% and allocate new arrays.
const unsigned int newSize = (unsigned int)(curArraySize * 1.5);
CMStateSet** newToDo = (CMStateSet**)
newSize * sizeof(CMStateSet*)
); //new const CMStateSet*[newSize];
bool* newFinalFlags = (bool*) fMemoryManager->allocate
newSize * sizeof(bool)
); //new bool[newSize];
unsigned int** newTransTable = (unsigned int**)
newSize * sizeof(unsigned int*)
); //new unsigned int*[newSize];
// Copy over all of the existing content
for (unsigned int expIndex = 0; expIndex < curArraySize; expIndex++)
newToDo[expIndex] = statesToDo[expIndex];
newFinalFlags[expIndex] = fFinalStateFlags[expIndex];
newTransTable[expIndex] = fTransTable[expIndex];
// Clean up the old stuff
fMemoryManager->deallocate(statesToDo); //delete [] statesToDo;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFinalStateFlags); //delete [] fFinalStateFlags;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fTransTable); //delete [] fTransTable;
// Store the new array size and pointers
curArraySize = newSize;
statesToDo = newToDo;
fFinalStateFlags = newFinalFlags;
fTransTable = newTransTable;
} //if (curState == curArraySize)
} //if (!newSet->isEmpty())
} // for elemIndex
} //while
// Store the current state count in the trans table size
fTransTableSize = curState;
// Fill in the occurence information for each looping state
// if we're using counters.
if (elemOccurenceMap != 0) {
fCountingStates = (Occurence**)fMemoryManager->allocate(fTransTableSize*sizeof(Occurence*));
memset(fCountingStates, 0, fTransTableSize*sizeof(Occurence*));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fTransTableSize; ++i) {
unsigned int * transitions = fTransTable[i];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fElemMapSize; ++j) {
if (i == transitions[j]) {
Occurence* old=elemOccurenceMap[j];
fCountingStates[i] = new (fMemoryManager) Occurence(old->minOccurs, old->maxOccurs, old->elemIndex);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fLeafCount; ++j) {
delete elemOccurenceMap[j];
// If the last temp set was not stored, then clean it up
if (newSet)
delete newSet;
// Now we can clean up all of the temporary data that was needed during
// DFA build.
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
delete fFollowList[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFollowList); //delete [] fFollowList;
fFollowList = NULL;
// removeAll() will delete all data, XMLInteger,
// while the keys are to be deleted by the
// deletion of statesToDo.
delete stateTable;
for (index = 0; index < curState; index++)
delete statesToDo[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(statesToDo); //delete [] statesToDo;
for (index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
delete fLeafList[index];
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fLeafList); //delete [] fLeafList;
fLeafList = NULL;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(leafSorter); //delete [] leafSorter;
for (index=0; index < fElemMapSize; index++)
unsigned int DFAContentModel::countLeafNodes(ContentSpecNode* const curNode)
unsigned int count = 0;
// Get the spec type of the passed node
const ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes curType = curNode->getType();
if ((curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any
|| (curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other
|| (curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS
|| curType == ContentSpecNode::Leaf
|| curType == ContentSpecNode::Loop)
// Its not a leaf, so we have to recurse its left and maybe right
// nodes. Save both values before we recurse and trash the node.
ContentSpecNode* leftNode = curNode->getFirst();
ContentSpecNode* rightNode = curNode->getSecond();
// Detect if we have a deep tree that can be analyzed using a loop instead of recursion
unsigned int nLoopCount=0;
ContentSpecNode* cursor=curNode;
while(cursor->getType()==ContentSpecNode::Sequence && cursor->getFirst() && cursor->getFirst()->getSecond()==rightNode)
count += countLeafNodes(cursor);
const unsigned int countRight = countLeafNodes(rightNode);
// Avoid integer overflow in below multiplication
if (countRight > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / nLoopCount))
throw OutOfMemoryException();
const unsigned int countRightMulLoopCount = nLoopCount * countRight;
// Avoid integer overflow in below addition
if (count > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() - countRightMulLoopCount))
throw OutOfMemoryException();
count += countRightMulLoopCount;
return count;
const unsigned int countRight = countLeafNodes(rightNode);
// Avoid integer overflow in below addition
if (count > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() - countRight))
throw OutOfMemoryException();
return count;
CMNode* DFAContentModel::buildSyntaxTree(ContentSpecNode* const curNode
, unsigned int& curIndex)
// Initialize a return node pointer
CMNode* retNode = 0;
// Get the spec type of the passed node
const ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes curType = curNode->getType();
if ((curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any
|| (curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other
|| (curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS)
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMAny
, curNode->getElement()->getURI()
, curIndex
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafList[curIndex] = new (fMemoryManager) CMLeaf
new (fMemoryManager) QName
, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString
, curNode->getElement()->getURI()
, fMemoryManager
, curIndex
, true
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafListType[curIndex] = curType;
else if (curType == ContentSpecNode::Leaf)
// Create a new leaf node, and pass it the current leaf count, which
// is its DFA state position. Bump the leaf count after storing it.
// This makes the positions zero based since we store first and then
// increment.
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMLeaf
, curIndex
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafList[curIndex] = new (fMemoryManager) CMLeaf
, curIndex
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
delete retNode;
fLeafListType[curIndex] = ContentSpecNode::Leaf;
else if (curType == ContentSpecNode::Loop)
// Create a new leaf node, and pass it the current leaf count, which
// is its DFA state position. Bump the leaf count after storing it.
// This makes the positions zero based since we store first and then
// increment.
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMRepeatingLeaf
, curNode->getMinOccurs()
, curNode->getMaxOccurs()
, curIndex
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafList[curIndex] = new (fMemoryManager) CMRepeatingLeaf
, curNode->getMinOccurs()
, curNode->getMaxOccurs()
, curIndex
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
fLeafListType[curIndex] = curNode->getFirst()->getType();
// Its not a leaf, so we have to recurse its left and maybe right
// nodes. Save both values before we recurse and trash the node.
ContentSpecNode* leftNode = curNode->getFirst();
ContentSpecNode* rightNode = curNode->getSecond();
// Detect if we have a deep tree that can be analyzed using a loop instead of recursion
unsigned int nLoopCount=0;
ContentSpecNode* cursor=curNode;
while(cursor->getType()==ContentSpecNode::Sequence && cursor->getFirst() && cursor->getFirst()->getSecond()==rightNode)
retNode = buildSyntaxTree(cursor, curIndex);
for(unsigned int i=0;i<nLoopCount;i++)
CMNode* newRight = nullptr;
newRight = buildSyntaxTree(rightNode, curIndex);
// Now handle our level. We use our left child's last pos set and our
// right child's first pos set, so get them now for convenience.
const CMStateSet& last = retNode->getLastPos();
const CMStateSet& first = newRight->getFirstPos();
// Now, for every position which is in our left child's last set
// add all of the states in our right child's first set to the
// follow set for that position.
CMStateSetEnumerator enumLast(&last);
XMLSize_t index=enumLast.nextElement();
*fFollowList[index] |= first;
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMBinaryOp
, retNode
, newRight
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
delete newRight;
delete retNode;
return retNode;
if (((curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Choice)
|| ((curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Sequence))
// Recurse on both children, and return a binary op node with the
// two created sub nodes as its children. The node type is the
// same type as the source.
CMNode* newLeft = buildSyntaxTree(leftNode, curIndex);
CMNode* newRight;
newRight = buildSyntaxTree(rightNode, curIndex);
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
delete newLeft;
if(((curType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Sequence))
// Now handle our level. We use our left child's last pos set and our
// right child's first pos set, so get them now for convenience.
const CMStateSet& last = newLeft->getLastPos();
const CMStateSet& first = newRight->getFirstPos();
// Now, for every position which is in our left child's last set
// add all of the states in our right child's first set to the
// follow set for that position.
CMStateSetEnumerator enumLast(&last);
XMLSize_t index=enumLast.nextElement();
*fFollowList[index] |= first;
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMBinaryOp
, newLeft
, newRight
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
delete newLeft;
delete newRight;
else if (curType == ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrMore
|| curType == ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrOne
|| curType == ContentSpecNode::OneOrMore)
CMNode* newChild = buildSyntaxTree(leftNode, curIndex);
if (curType == ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrMore
|| curType == ContentSpecNode::OneOrMore)
// Now handle our level. We use our own first and last position
// sets, so get them up front.
const CMStateSet& first = newChild->getFirstPos();
const CMStateSet& last = newChild->getLastPos();
// For every position which is in our last position set, add all
// of our first position states to the follow set for that
// position.
CMStateSetEnumerator enumLast(&last);
XMLSize_t index=enumLast.nextElement();
*fFollowList[index] |= first;
// This one is fine as is, just change to our form
retNode = new (fMemoryManager) CMUnaryOp
, newChild
, fLeafCount
, fMemoryManager
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_UnknownCMSpecType, fMemoryManager);
// fault in the first and last pos, then delete it children
catch( const OutOfMemoryException& )
delete retNode;
return retNode;
// gInvalidTrans is used to represent bad transitions in the transition table
// entry for each state. So each entry is initialized to that value. This
// method creates a new entry and initializes it.
unsigned int* DFAContentModel::makeDefStateList() const
unsigned int* retArray = (unsigned int*) fMemoryManager->allocate
fElemMapSize * sizeof(unsigned int)
); //new unsigned int[fElemMapSize];
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fElemMapSize; index++)
retArray[index] = XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans;
return retArray;
ContentLeafNameTypeVector* DFAContentModel::getContentLeafNameTypeVector() const
//later change it to return the data member
return fLeafNameTypeVector;
void DFAContentModel::checkUniqueParticleAttribution (SchemaGrammar* const pGrammar,
GrammarResolver* const pGrammarResolver,
XMLStringPool* const pStringPool,
XMLValidator* const pValidator,
unsigned int* const pContentSpecOrgURI,
const XMLCh* pComplexTypeName /*= 0*/)
SubstitutionGroupComparator comparator(pGrammarResolver, pStringPool);
unsigned int i, j, k;
// Rename the URI back
for (i = 0; i < fElemMapSize; i++) {
unsigned int orgURIIndex = fElemMap[i]->getURI();
if ((orgURIIndex != XMLContentModel::gEOCFakeId) &&
(orgURIIndex != XMLContentModel::gEpsilonFakeId) &&
(orgURIIndex != XMLElementDecl::fgInvalidElemId) &&
(orgURIIndex != XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId)) {
// Unique Particle Attribution
// Store the conflict results between any two elements in fElemMap
// 0 - not yet tested, 1 - conflict, (-1) - no conflict
signed char** conflictTable = (signed char**) fMemoryManager->allocate
fElemMapSize * sizeof(signed char*)
memset(conflictTable, 0, fElemMapSize * sizeof(signed char*));
struct ConflictTableKeeper
MemoryManager* fMemoryManager;
signed char** fConflictTable;
unsigned int fElemMapSize;
ConflictTableKeeper(MemoryManager* memoryManager,
signed char** conflictTable,
unsigned int elemMapSize):
for (int i = 0; i < fElemMapSize; i++)
ConflictTableKeeper keeper(fMemoryManager, conflictTable, fElemMapSize);
// initialize the conflict table
for (j = 0; j < fElemMapSize; j++) {
conflictTable[j] = (signed char*) fMemoryManager->allocate
fElemMapSize * sizeof(signed char)
memset(conflictTable[j], 0, fElemMapSize*sizeof(signed char));
// for each state, check whether it has overlap transitions
for (i = 0; i < fTransTableSize; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < fElemMapSize; j++) {
if (fTransTable[i][j] == XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans)
for (k = j+1; k < fElemMapSize; k++) {
if (fTransTable[i][k] != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans &&
conflictTable[j][k] == 0) {
// If this is text in a Schema mixed content model, skip it.
if ( fIsMixed &&
(( fElemMap[j]->getURI() == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId) ||
( fElemMap[k]->getURI() == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId)))
if (XercesElementWildcard::conflict(pGrammar,
&comparator)) {
if (fCountingStates != 0) {
Occurence* o = fCountingStates[i];
// If "i" is a counting state and exactly one of the transitions
// loops back to "i" then the two particles do not overlap if
// minOccurs == maxOccurs.
if (o != 0 &&
((fTransTable[i][j] == i) ^ (fTransTable[i][k] == i)) &&
o->minOccurs == o->maxOccurs) {
conflictTable[j][k] = -1;
conflictTable[j][k] = 1;
XMLBuffer buf1(1023, fMemoryManager);
if (((fElemMapType[j] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any) ||
((fElemMapType[j] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS))
else if ((fElemMapType[j] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other)
XMLBuffer buf2(1023, fMemoryManager);
if (((fElemMapType[k] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any) ||
((fElemMapType[k] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS))
else if ((fElemMapType[k] & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other)
conflictTable[j][k] = -1;