blob: 9cf9a38e1e838e52d6548137440ad99b2d3b553a [file] [log] [blame]
# This properties file describes the options useable with
# org.apache.qetest.xsl.ThreadedTestletDriver
# And defines the default used to run a selection of tests
# with ThreadedStylesheetTestlets
# see also threads.filelist
# Note also not all options are actually set from here!
#---- Choose locations: where to find files, where to log to ----
# Note that inputDir, outDir, goldDir are not used when fileList is used
# inputDir is where root of test xml/xsl files are
# goldDir is where the 'gold' or reference files to check against live
# outDir is where we put the actual output files
# The test results log will be saved in this file
#---- Choose XSLT processor and test algorithim ----
# ProcessorWrapper flavors supported: xalan|trax|trax.s2s|other
# A Testlet class defines the actual algorithim used to
# test each stylesheet found
#---- Choose tests via a specific list ----
# Set fileList to specify a list of files yourself
# Using a fileList means filtering above is not done
#---- Choose other test filtering options ----
# Specify files that have the xsl embedded in them.
# Specify a file differ for the output files
# Specify files to be skipped, and not tested at all
#---- Choose output: How much/what kinds of info should we log ----
# Choose output: How much logging info is saved: between 0 (very little) and 99 (lots)
# Choose output: How much logging info is put to the console only
# If we should save performance-oriented info in the logfile
# Set debug for advanced debugging of the tests themselves