blob: c9d125f00fd66cd51365937c98be5550f9b59c17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// Common Qetest / Xalan testing imports
import org.apache.qetest.Datalet;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.TestletImpl;
import org.apache.xpath.CachedXPathAPI;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
* Testlet for reproducing Bugzilla reported bugs.
* @author
* @author
public class Bugzilla6329 extends TestletImpl
// Initialize our classname for TestletImpl's main() method - must be updated!
static { thisClassName = "Bugzilla6329"; }
* The following program tries to select all nodes in the document using an
* XPath expression but the XPath misses the CDATA section.
* User reported output is:
* <PRE>
* Xerces-J 2.0.0
* Xalan Java 2.2.0
* 0 (DOCUMENT): [#document: null]
* 1 (ELEMENT): [svg: null]
* 2 (ATTRIBUTE): onload="thisInit()"
* 3 (ATTRIBUTE): width="106.786pt"
* 4 (ATTRIBUTE): xml:space="preserve"
* 5 (ATTRIBUTE): org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode@5b699b
* 6 (TEXT_NODE): [#text:
* ]
* 7 (ELEMENT): [style: null]
* 8 (ATTRIBUTE): type="text/css"
* 9 (ATTRIBUTE): xml:space=""
* 10 (TEXT_NODE): [#text:
* ]
* 11 (TEXT_NODE): [#text:
* ]
* </PRE>
* @param d (optional) Datalet to use as data point for the test.
public void execute(Datalet d)
// Use logger.logMsg(...) instead of System.out.println(...)
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "Reproducing Bugzilla#6329");
String input =
"<svg width='106.786pt' xml:space='preserve' onload='thisInit()'>\n" +
"<style type='text/css' xml:space=''>\n" +
"<![CDATA[\n" +
" @font-face{font-family:'RussellSquare-Oblique';src:url(Arial.cef)}\n" +
"]]>\n" +
"</style>\n" +
// Note: please avoid calling these directly, or at least use
// reflection to find the classes: they do change with
// different Xerces and Xalan builds! -sc
//logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, org.apache.xerces.impl.Version.fVersion);
//logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, org.apache.xalan.processor.XSLProcessorVersion.S_VERSION);
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()));
CachedXPathAPI xp = new CachedXPathAPI();
logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, "User case: xp.selectNodeList(doc, (//. | //@* | //namespace::*))");
NodeList nl = xp.selectNodeList(doc, "(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)");
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++)
// logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + " parent: " + nl.item(i).getParentNode());
// logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + " (""): " + nl.item(i));
logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + ": " + nl.item(i));
logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, "dave case: xp.selectNodeList(doc, (//.))");
nl = xp.selectNodeList(doc, "(//.)");
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++)
// logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + " parent: " + nl.item(i).getParentNode());
// logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + " (""): " + nl.item(i));
logger.logMsg(logger.STATUSMSG, i + ": " + nl.item(i));
logger.checkAmbiguous("Test needs manual validation! (But Joe hints it may be invalid)");
catch (Throwable t)
logger.logThrowable(logger.ERRORMSG, t, "Unexpected exception");
logger.checkErr("Unexpected exception: " + t.toString());
* <a href="">
* Link to Bugzilla report</a>
* @return XPath does not catch CDATA Nodes.
public String getDescription()
return "XPath does not catch CDATA Nodes";
} // end of class Bugzilla6329