blob: 615aa8cba1f430874c28c241d0a552480f46118c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* qetest.xml
* Ant 1.3.x build script for compiling the qetest
* independent testing framework.
* Closely related to build.xml for Xalan testing.
* @author
* @see build.bat
<project name="qetest" default="jar" basedir=".">
<!-- Specific locations related to building code -->
<property name="test.src.dir" value="java/src"/>
<property name="test.root" value="org/apache/qetest/"/>
<property name="" value="java/build"/>
<!-- Names/locations of .jar files we build -->
<property name="" value="qetest.jar"/>
<property name="qetest.jar" value="${}/${}"/>
<target name=""
description="Prepare build output tree, copy prebuilts">
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<!-- Compile the independent test framework and the custom
Ant task for running tests.
<target name="compile.qetest" depends=""
description="Compile base qetest files and custom task">
<javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
debug="${debug}" />
<!-- Compile the custom Ant task used by Xalan tests; this is
actually independent too, and should probably be moved into
just the qetest package. This gets compiled here so that it
can be used in the build.xml for <xalantest> definition.
<javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
debug="${debug}" />
<!-- Jar up the files; only requires qetest files, but the 'all'
target below also compiles the custom Ant task too.
<target name="jar" depends="compile.qetest"
description="Jar base qetest files; no Xalan dependencies">
<jar jarfile="${qetest.jar}"
includes="${test.root}**" />
<target name="clean"
description="Clean up the compiled tests">
<delete dir="${}"/>