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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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<s1 title="Frequently asked questions">
<s2 title="In progress">
<p>We need to start a FAQ for testing Xalan, unfortunately the faq doctype
doesn't properly work in this tree, so I'm using an s1/s2 doc instead temporarily.
Some topics include:</p>
<li><link anchor="viewresults">Pretty-printing results</link></li>
<li><link anchor="debug">Run tests in a debugger, etc.</link></li>
<s2 title="Prepare to run tests">
<p>CVSROOT=:pserver:<em>user</em> etc.<br/>
or etc.<br/>
cvs checkout xml-xalan/java<br/>
cvs checkout xml-xalan/test<br/>
cd xml-xalan/java<br/>
build jar<br/>
cd ../test<br/>
build jar<br/>
build -projecthelp - to get a list of targets<br/>
<s2 title="Run conformance tests">
<p>The conf set of tests can be run in a variety of ways, especially with each different flavor.
For a list of flavors, see xml-xalan/test/java/src/org/apache/qetest/xslwrapper/</p>
<li><source>build conf</source> (default: trax.systemId)<br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build conf -Dconf.flavor=trax.sax</source> (uses SAX IMPORTANT!)<br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build conf -Dconf.flavor=trax.dom</source> (uses dom IMPORTANT!)<br/><br/></li>
<li>trax.file - File object instead of systemId<br/><br/></li>
<li> - InputStreams - IMPORTANT!<br/><br/></li>
<li>trax.localPath - uses local paths instead of URLs, experimental<br/><br/></li>
<li>trax.systemId3 - does systemId transform three times in a row, experimental<br/><br/></li>
<li>process - uses command line class - IMPORTANT!<br/><br/></li>
<s2 title="Run contrib/perf tests">
<p>Same as running conf tests, except substitute 'contrib' for 'conf' everywhere,
or 'perf' instead. Note that 'perf' uses a custom Testlet testing algorithim
that iterates several times and outputs custom perf elements.</p>
<li><source>build contrib -Dcontrib.flavor=trax.sax</source><br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build perf</source><br/><br/></li>
<anchor name="xsltc"/>
<s2 title="Run XSLTC-related tests">
<p>Note that currently some of the XSLTC-specific tests are
built with separate targets; in the future as the XSLTC engine
is more completely integrated into the Xalan core, we hope to
merge the tests as well.</p>
<p>Note that many of the tests that use TrAX/JAXP should work
equally well with XSLTC since they have their own version of
a TransformerFactory; remember to set the appropriate system
property or classpath appropriately. The various org.apache.qetest.trax
API tests should also work normally with XSLTC.</p>
<anchor name="xsltmark"/>
<s2 title="Run XSLTMARK perf tests">
<p>Xalan has it's own more detailed automation harness for running
stylesheet tests and capturing performance metrics. You can run the XSLTMARK
set of stylesheets using Xalan's harness to see more detailed performance
<li>Copy xsltmark/testcases to xml-xalan/test (so it's xml-xalan/test/testcases)<br/><br/></li>
<li>Copy xsltmark/testcases/default.conf to xml-xalan/test/xsltmark.filelist<br/><br/></li>
<li>cd xml-xalan/test<br/><br/></li>
<li>Search-and-replace xsltmark.filelist 't=' 't=testcases/'<br/><br/></li>
<li>Search-and-replace xsltmark.filelist 'e=' 'e=testcases/'<br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build perf -Dperf.fileList=xsltmark.filelist</source><br/><br/></li>
<li><source>java -classpath blah org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in results-perf/results.xml -xsl PerfScanner.xsl -out results-perf/PerfReport.html</source><br/><br/></li>
<li>(where blah includes xml-apis.jar;xalan.jar;xercesImpl.jar)<br/><br/></li>
<anchor name="viewresults"/>
<s2 title="View results in HTML">
<p>Every test creates a results.xml (or TestName.xml) file of all the results
the test has performed - no need to examine the console, since all the info will
be here. We have a couple of prototype stylesheets to view the results in a
semi-pretty HTML style.</p>
<p>There is also a tableResults.xsl stylesheet for creating a table of conformance
test results. For documentation on how to use the stylesheet, please consult the section
<link idref="run" anchor="how-to-view-results">How-to: View Results</link>.
<li><source>build perf</source><br/>
(Creates results-perf/results.xml)<br/></li>
<li><source>java -classpath blah org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in results-perf/results.xml -xsl FailScanner.xsl -out results-perf/FailReport.html</source><br/><br/></li>
<li><source>java -classpath blah org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in results-perf/results.xml -xsl PerfScanner.xsl -out results-perf/PerfReport.html</source><br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build alltest</source><br/>
(Creates a <b>LOT</b> of results in results-alltest/**)<br/></li>
<li><source>build scan</source><br/>
(Runs ResultScanner by default on results-alltest/**)<br/></li>
<li><source>build scan -Dscan.outputDir=results-perf</source> etc.<br/></li>
<li><source>java -classpath blah;testxsl.jar org.apache.qetest.xsl.ResultScanner results-alltest</source><br/>
(This uses ResultScanner.xsl to style <b>all</b> results in the whole tree under
results-alltest into a single ResultReport.html in the current directory; it currently
uses FailScanner.xsl to only include fail results)<br/></li>
<s2 title="Include/Exclude tests">
<p>Run just a subset of tests, or exclude tests using simple command line options.</p>
<li><source>build conf -Dconf.category=axes;boolean</source> - Only run those directories<br/><br/></li>
<li><source>build conf -Dconf.excludes=axes107.xsl;boolean12.xsl</source> - Skip those explicit xsl filenames<br/><br/></li>
<anchor name=""/>
<s2 title="Run a single conf test">
<li><source>build -Dconf.test=axes44</source><br/>
This will run just the axes44.xsl test, using the normal Testlet algorithim <b>and</b>
using whatever flavor you choose (which makes it easy to see if single tests
run properly using SAX, DOM, streams, whatever)<br/></li>
<s2 title="Run all API tests">
<li><source>build api -DtestClass=TransformerAPITest</source><br/></li>
<li>This runs all the available specific API tests, which includes all the
API tests in the smoketest, plus other tests that fail due to known bugzilla reports.<br/></li>
<li>Note that in the case of <source>testClass</source>, you do <b>not</b>
prefix the name of the option with conf,api,perf,etc.<br/><br/></li>
<s2 title="Run a LOT tests">
<li><source>build alltest</source> (runs all,alltest.other,alltest.conf,alltest.contrib)<br/></li>
<li><source>build alltest.other</source> runs all API tests, extensions, bugzilla, threading, and perf tests<br/></li>
<li><source>build alltest.conf</source> run all flavors of conf tests<br/></li>
<li><source>build alltest.contrib</source> run all flavors of contrib tests<br/></li>
<li><source>build alltest.features</source> run all conf and contrib tests,
matrixed over all flavors, twice: once with the feature incremental set to true,
once with optimize set to false (note: not all features matter with all flavors,
but we run them all anyway. Several meg of output!)<br/></li>
<anchor name="debug"/>
<s2 title="Debug the tests">
<p>It's quite simple to run the tests standalone, without using Ant - this is
suitable for running in your debugger or what-not (or in environments where
you feel that the overhead of running Ant might interfere with the test).</p>
<p>Normally, we have the build.bat/.sh files and the Ant script build.xml
manage parsing the command line and setting up the CLASSPATH and options for
running tests. However all tests can be run on the command line, and will
accept options in either a -load block, or on the command line itself.</p>
<li><source>debugapi.bat org.apache.qetest.trax.TransformerAPITest</source><br/>
Runs just one API test without using Ant; edit to
change parameters passed to the test.<br/></li>
<li><source>debugconf.bat [options]</source><br/>
Runs a set of conf/ stylesheet tests using the normal StylesheetTestletDriver;
see for settable options. Note that this method does not
directly support '' to run only a <b>single</b> test.<br/></li>
<li>Setup everything manually. Minimal setup is: CLASSPATH has
xalan.jar;serializer.jar,xercesImpl.jar;xml-apis.jar;testxsl.jar, command line parameters or
-load includes other test properties, like inputDir, goldDir,
outputDir, logFile, etc.</li>