blob: 3832fcd480c6ccf9fb55ae5094b3cbac65706ddd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.qetest.QetestUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
* Uses an XML/HTML/Text diff comparator to check or diff two files.
* <p>Given two files, an actual test result and a known good or 'gold'
* test result, diff the two files to see if they are equal; if not, provide
* some very basic info on where they differ.</p>
* <p>Attempts to parse each file as an XML document using Xerces;
* if that fails, attempt to parse each as an HTML document using
* <i>NEED NEW HTML PARSER</i>; if that fails, pretend to parse each
* doc as text and construct a faux document node; then do
* readLine() and construct a &lt;line> element for each line.</p>
* <p>The comparison routine then recursively compares the two
* documents node-by-node; see the code for exactly how each
* node type is handled. Note that some node types are currently
* ignored.</p>
* //@todo document whitespace difference handling better -sc
* //@todo check how XML decls are handled (or not) -sc
* //@todo Allow param to define the type of parse we do (i.e. if a
* testwriter knows their output file will be XML, we should only
* attempt to parse it as XML, not other types)
* @see XHTComparatorXSLTC for an alternate implementation of
* diff() which tests some things as QNames (which checks for the
* true namespace, instead of just the prefix)
* @author
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class XHTComparator
* Maximum output length we may log for differing values.
* When two nodes have mismatched values, we output the first
* two values that were mismatched. In some cases, this may be
* extremely long, so limit how much we output for convenience.
protected int maxDisplayLen = 511; // arbitrary length, for convenience
* Accessor method for maxDisplayLen.
* @param i maximum length we log out
public void setMaxDisplayLen(int i)
if (i > 0)
maxDisplayLen = i;
/** Constants for reporting out reason for failed diffs. */
public static final String SEPARATOR = ";";
/** LBRACKET '[' */
public static final String LBRACKET = "[";
/** RBRACKET ']' */
public static final String RBRACKET = "]";
/** TEST 'test', for the actual value. */
public static final String TEST = "test";
/** GOLD 'gold' for the gold or expected value. */
public static final String GOLD = "gold";
/** PARSE_TYPE '-parse-type' */
public static final String PARSE_TYPE = "-parse-type" + SEPARATOR; // postpended to TEST or GOLD
/** OTHER_ERROR 'other-error' */
public static final String OTHER_ERROR = "other-error" + SEPARATOR;
/** WARNING 'warning' */
public static final String WARNING = "warning" + SEPARATOR;
public static final String MISMATCH_NODE = "mismatch-node" + SEPARATOR;
public static final String MISSING_TEST_NODE = "missing-node-" + TEST
public static final String MISSING_GOLD_NODE = "missing-node-" + GOLD
public static final String MISMATCH_ATTRIBUTE = "mismatch-attribute"
public static final String MISMATCH_VALUE = "mismatch-value" + SEPARATOR;
public static final String MISMATCH_VALUE_GOLD = "mismatch-value-gold" + SEPARATOR;
public static final String MISMATCH_VALUE_TEXT = "mismatch-value-text" + SEPARATOR;
public static final String MISSING_TEST_VALUE = "missing-value-" + TEST
public static final String MISSING_GOLD_VALUE = "missing-value-" + GOLD
public static final String WHITESPACE_DIFF = "whitespace-diff;";
* Compare two files by parsing into DOMs and comparing trees.
* <p>Parses the goldFileName by using the
* {@link #parse(String, PrintWriter, String, Properties) parse worker method}
* - if null, we bail and return false. If non-null, we parse the
* testFileName into a Document as well. Then we call
* {@link #diff(Node, Node, PrintWriter, boolean[]) diff worker method}
* to do the real work of comparing.</p>
* @param goldFileName expected file
* @param testFileName actual file
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
* @param warning array of warning flags (for whitespace diffs,
* item[0] is set to true if we find whitespace-only diffs)
* @param attributes to attempt to set onto parsers
* @return true if they match, false otherwise
public boolean compare(String goldFileName, String testFileName,
PrintWriter reporter, boolean[] warning,
Properties attributes)
// parse the gold doc
Document goldDoc = parse(goldFileName, reporter, GOLD, attributes);
// parse the test doc only if gold doc was parsed OK
//@todo Jun-02 -sc Note the logic here might be improveable to
// actually report file missing problems better: i.e.
// in theory, if the actual is missing, it's a fail; if
// the gold (only) is missing, it's ambiguous
Document testDoc = (null != goldDoc)
? parse(testFileName, reporter, TEST, attributes) : null;
if (null == goldDoc)
reporter.println(OTHER_ERROR + GOLD + SEPARATOR
+ "document null");
return false;
else if (null == testDoc)
reporter.println(OTHER_ERROR + TEST + SEPARATOR
+ "document null");
return false;
return diff(goldDoc, testDoc, reporter, warning);
// Reporter format:
// REASON_CONSTANT;gold val;test val;reason description
* Diff two Nodes recursively and report true if equal.
* <p>The contract is: when you enter here the gold and test nodes are the same type,
* both non-null, and both in the same basic position in the tree.
* //@todo verify caller really performs for the contract -sc</p>
* <p>See the code for how it's done; note that not all node
* types are actually compared currently. Also see
* {@link XHTComparatorXSLTC} for an alternate implementation.</p>
* @param gold or expected node
* @param test actual node
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
* @param warning[] if any whitespace diffs found
* @return true if pass, false if any problems encountered
boolean diff(Node gold, Node test, PrintWriter reporter,
boolean[] warning)
String name1 = gold.getNodeName();
String name2 = test.getNodeName();
// If both there but not equal, fail
if ((null != name1) && (null != name2) &&!name1.equals(name2))
reporter.println(MISMATCH_NODE + nodeTypeString(gold) + SEPARATOR
+ nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "name does not equal test node");
return false;
else if ((null != name1) && (null == name2))
reporter.println(MISSING_TEST_NODE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "name missing on test");
return false;
else if ((null == name1) && (null != name2))
reporter.println(MISSING_GOLD_NODE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "name missing on gold");
return false;
String value1 = gold.getNodeValue();
String value2 = test.getNodeValue();
if ((null != value1) && (null != value2) &&!value1.equals(value2))
reporter.println(MISMATCH_VALUE + nodeTypeString(gold) + "len="
+ value1.length() + SEPARATOR
+ nodeTypeString(test) + "len=" + value2.length()
+ SEPARATOR + "values do not match");
printNodeDiff(gold, test, reporter);
return false;
else if ((null != value1) && (null == value2))
reporter.println(MISSING_TEST_VALUE + nodeTypeString(gold) + "-"
+ value1 + SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test)
+ SEPARATOR + "test no value");
return false;
else if ((null == value1) && (null != value2))
reporter.println(MISSING_GOLD_VALUE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + "-" + value2
+ SEPARATOR + "gold no value");
return false;
switch (gold.getNodeType())
// Why don't we do anything here? -sc
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
// Explicitly ignore attribute ordering
// TODO do we need to make this settable for testing purposes? -sc
NamedNodeMap goldAttrs = gold.getAttributes();
NamedNodeMap testAttrs = test.getAttributes();
if ((null != goldAttrs) && (null == testAttrs))
reporter.println(MISMATCH_ATTRIBUTE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "test no attrs");
return false;
else if ((null == goldAttrs) && (null != testAttrs))
reporter.println(MISMATCH_ATTRIBUTE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "gold no attrs");
return false;
int gn = goldAttrs.getLength();
int tn = testAttrs.getLength();
if (gn != tn)
reporter.println(MISMATCH_ATTRIBUTE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ "-" + gn + SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test)
+ "-" + tn + SEPARATOR
+ "attribte count mismatch");
// TODO: add output of each set of attrs for comparisons
return false;
// TODO verify this checks the full list of attributes both ways,
// from gold->test and from test->gold -sc
for (int i = 0; i < gn; i++)
Attr goldAttr = (Attr) goldAttrs.item(i);
String goldAttrName = goldAttr.getName();
Node testAttr = testAttrs.getNamedItem(goldAttrName);
if (null == testAttr)
reporter.println(MISMATCH_ATTRIBUTE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ "-" + goldAttrName + SEPARATOR
+ nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "missing attribute on test");
return false;
if (!diff(goldAttr, testAttr, reporter, warning))
return false;
case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :{}
case Node.COMMENT_NODE :{}
case Node.ENTITY_NODE :{}
case Node.NOTATION_NODE :{}
case Node.TEXT_NODE :{}
default :{}
Node try2[] = new Node[2];
Node goldChild = gold.getFirstChild();
Node testChild = test.getFirstChild();
if (!basicChildCompare(goldChild, testChild, reporter, warning, try2))
return false;
goldChild = try2[0];
testChild = try2[1];
while (null != goldChild)
if (!diff(goldChild, testChild, reporter, warning))
return false;
goldChild = goldChild.getNextSibling();
testChild = testChild.getNextSibling();
if (!basicChildCompare(goldChild, testChild, reporter, warning,
return false;
goldChild = try2[0];
testChild = try2[1];
return true;
} // end of diff()
* Returns Character.isWhitespace
* @param s String to check for whitespace
* @return true if all whitespace; false otherwise
boolean isWhiteSpace(String s)
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i)))
return false;
return true;
} // end of isWhiteSpace()
* NEEDSDOC Method tryToAdvancePastWhitespace
* @param n node to check if it's whitespace
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
* @param warning set to true if we advance past a
* whitespace node; note that this logic isn't quite
* correct, I think (it should only be set if
* we advance past whitespace that isn't equal in
* both trees or something like that)
* @param next array of nodes to continue thru
* @param which index into next array
* @return Node we should be at after advancing
Node tryToAdvancePastWhitespace(Node n, PrintWriter reporter,
boolean[] warning, Node next[], int which)
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE)
String data = n.getNodeValue();
if (null != data)
if (isWhiteSpace(data))
warning[0] = true;
reporter.print(WHITESPACE_DIFF + " "); // TODO check the format of this; maybe use println -sc
n = n.getNextSibling();
next[which] = n;
return n;
} // end of tryToAdvancePastWhitespace()
* NEEDSDOC Method basicChildCompare
* NEEDSDOC @param gold
* NEEDSDOC @param test
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
* NEEDSDOC @param warning
* NEEDSDOC @param next
* NEEDSDOC (basicChildCompare) @return
boolean basicChildCompare(Node gold, Node test, PrintWriter reporter,
boolean[] warning, Node next[])
next[0] = gold;
next[1] = test;
boolean alreadyTriedToAdvance = false;
if ((null != gold) && (null == test))
gold = tryToAdvancePastWhitespace(gold, reporter, warning, next,
alreadyTriedToAdvance = true;
if ((null != gold) && (null == test))
reporter.println(MISSING_TEST_NODE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ "missing node on test");
return false;
else if ((null == gold) && (null != test))
test = tryToAdvancePastWhitespace(test, reporter, warning, next,
alreadyTriedToAdvance = true;
if ((null == gold) && (null != test))
+ nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "missing node on gold");
return false;
if ((null != gold) && (gold.getNodeType() != test.getNodeType()))
Node savedGold = gold;
Node savedTest = test;
if (!alreadyTriedToAdvance)
gold = tryToAdvancePastWhitespace(gold, reporter, warning,
next, 0);
if (gold == savedGold)
test = tryToAdvancePastWhitespace(test, reporter,
warning, next, 1);
if ((null != gold) && (gold.getNodeType() != test.getNodeType()))
gold = savedGold;
test = savedTest;
reporter.println(MISMATCH_NODE + nodeTypeString(gold)
+ SEPARATOR + nodeTypeString(test) + SEPARATOR
+ "node type mismatch");
printNodeDiff(gold, test, reporter);
return false;
return true;
} // end of basicChildCompare()
* Cheap-o text printout of a node. By Scott.
* @param n node to print info for
* @return String of getNodeType plus getNodeName
public static String nodeTypeString(Node n)
switch (n.getNodeType())
return "DOCUMENT(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
return "ELEMENT(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
return "CDATA_SECTION(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
return "ENTITY_REFERENCE(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
return "ATTRIBUTE(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
case Node.COMMENT_NODE :
return "COMMENT(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
case Node.ENTITY_NODE :
return "ENTITY(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
return "NOTATION(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
return "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
case Node.TEXT_NODE :
return "TEXT()"; // #text is all that's ever printed out, so skip it
default :
return "UNKNOWN(" + n.getNodeName() + ")";
} // end of nodeTypeString()
* Cheap-o text printout of two different nodes.
* @param goldNode or expected node to print info
* @param testNode or actual node to print info
* @param n node to print info for
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
public void printNodeDiff(Node goldNode, Node testNode, PrintWriter reporter)
String goldValue = goldNode.getNodeValue();
String testValue = testNode.getNodeValue();
if (null == goldValue)
goldValue = "null";
if (null == testValue)
testValue = "null";
// Limit length we output to logs; extremely long values
// are more hassle than they're worth (at that point,
// it's either obvious what the problem is, or it's
// such a small problem that you'll need to manually
// compare the files separately
if (goldValue.length() > maxDisplayLen)
goldValue = goldValue.substring(0, maxDisplayLen);
if (testValue.length() > maxDisplayLen)
testValue = testValue.substring(0, maxDisplayLen);
reporter.println(MISMATCH_VALUE_GOLD + nodeTypeString(goldNode) + SEPARATOR + "\n" + goldValue);
reporter.println(MISMATCH_VALUE_TEXT + nodeTypeString(testNode) + SEPARATOR + "\n" + testValue);
* Simple worker method to parse filename to a Document.
* <p>Attempts XML parse, if that throws an exception, then
* we attempt an HTML parse (when parser available), if
* that throws an exception, then we parse as text:
* we construct a faux document element to hold it all,
* and then parse by readLine() and put each line of
* text into a &lt;line> element.</p>
* @param filename to parse as a local path
* @param reporter PrintWriter to dump status info to
* @param which either TEST or GOLD file being parsed
* @param attributes name=value pairs to set on the
* DocumentBuilderFactory that we use to parse
* @return Document object with contents of the file;
* otherwise throws an unchecked RuntimeException if there
* is any fatal problem
Document parse(String filename, PrintWriter reporter, String which, Properties attributes)
// Force filerefs to be URI's if needed: note this is independent of any other files
String docURI = QetestUtils.filenameToURL(filename);
DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
// Always set namespaces on
// Set other attributes here as needed
applyAttributes(dfactory, attributes);
// Local class: cheap non-printing ErrorHandler
// This is used to suppress validation warnings which
// would otherwise clutter up the console
ErrorHandler nullHandler = new ErrorHandler() {
public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {}
public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {}
public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
throw e;
String parseType = which + PARSE_TYPE + "[xml];";
Document doc = null;
// First, attempt to parse as XML (preferred)...
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(docURI));
catch (Throwable se)
// ... if we couldn't parse as XML, attempt parse as HTML...
reporter.println(WARNING + se.toString());
parseType = which + PARSE_TYPE + "[html];";
// Use the copy of Tidy that the XSLTC team has checked in
// Submitted by: Gunnar Klauberg <>
// Alternate by:
Tidy tidy = new Tidy();
doc = tidy.parseDOM(new URL(docURI).openStream(), null);
catch (Exception e)
// ... if we can't parse as HTML, then just parse the text
reporter.println(WARNING + e.toString());
parseType = which + PARSE_TYPE + "[text];";
// First build a faux document with parent element
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
Element outElem = doc.createElement("out");
// Parse as text, line by line
// Since we already know it should be text, this should
// work better than parsing by bytes.
FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
for (;;)
String tmp = br.readLine();
if (tmp == null)
// An additional thing we could do would
// be to put in the line number in the
// file in here somehow, so when users
// view reports, they get that info
Element lineElem = doc.createElement("line");
Text textNode = doc.createTextNode(tmp);
// Now stick the whole element into the document to return
catch (Throwable throwable)
reporter.println(OTHER_ERROR + filename + SEPARATOR
+ "threw:" + throwable.toString());
// Output a newline here for readability
return doc;
} // end of parse()
* Pass applicable attributes onto our DocumentBuilderFactory.
* Only passes thru attributes we explicitly know about and
* are constants from XHTFileCheckService.
* @param dbf factory to attempt to set* onto
* @param attrs various attributes we should try to set
protected void applyAttributes(DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory, Properties attributes)
if ((null == attributes) || (null == dfactory))
String tmp = attributes.getProperty(XHTFileCheckService.SETVALIDATING);
if (null != tmp)
dfactory.setValidating(new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue());
tmp = attributes.getProperty(XHTFileCheckService.SETIGNORINGELEMENTCONTENTWHITESPACE);
if (null != tmp)
dfactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue());
tmp = attributes.getProperty(XHTFileCheckService.SETEXPANDENTITYREFERENCES);
if (null != tmp)
dfactory.setExpandEntityReferences(new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue());
tmp = attributes.getProperty(XHTFileCheckService.SETIGNORINGCOMMENTS);
if (null != tmp)
dfactory.setIgnoringComments(new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue());
tmp = attributes.getProperty(XHTFileCheckService.SETCOALESCING);
if (null != tmp)
dfactory.setCoalescing(new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue());
/* Unknown attributes are ignored! */