blob: 281887a754e64f36ce4100d20a81a0aab03ee250 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.apache.qetest.CheckService;
import org.apache.qetest.Datalet;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.TestletImpl;
import org.apache.qetest.xslwrapper.TransformWrapper;
import org.apache.qetest.xslwrapper.TransformWrapperFactory;
* Testlet to capture specific timing performance data.
* This Testlet attempts to mirror what one of our Xalan-C
* performance tests does, at least as well as we can compare
* Java processing to the C processing model.
* Note that as a standalone Testlet, this class does waaaay too
* much stuff: Testlets should really be smaller test algorithims
* than here. However for performance measurements and reporting
* purposes, we really need to do it all here.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class PerfEverythingTestlet extends TestletImpl
// Initialize our classname for TestletImpl's main() method
static { thisClassName = "org.apache.qetest.xsl.PerfEverythingTestlet"; }
// Initialize our defaultDatalet
{ defaultDatalet = (Datalet)new StylesheetDatalet(); }
* Accesor method for a brief description of this test.
* @return String describing what this PerfEverythingTestlet does.
public String getDescription()
return "PerfEverythingTestlet: processes supplied file in multiple ways over multiple iterations and logs timing data";
* Run this PerfEverythingTestlet: execute it's test and return.
* This algorithim processes the supplied file in several
* different ways:
* <ul>
* <li>Run one full end-to-end transform and log timing
* (a 'preload' process: note that results may vary for this
* timing depending on whether you run this Testlet standalone
* or if you're using StylesheetTestletDriver to run it, due at
* least to classloading issues, if nothing else)</li>
* <li>Preprocess the stylesheet once and log timing</li>
* <li>Process that preprocessed stylesheet once and log timing</li>
* <li>Loop iterations times and preprocess the stylesheet,
* then do a transform with it, and log each time</li>
* <li>Loop iterations times and do a full end-to-end transform
* and log each time</li>
* </ul>
* We (optionally) call Runtime.gc() after every use of the
* processor, and log out memory statistics here and there.
* Note that if any error happens during the execution, we
* simply log the error and return: in this case, a &lt;perf&gt;
* element will <b>not</b> be output at all.
* @param Datalet to use as data point for the test.
public void execute(Datalet d)
StylesheetDatalet datalet = null;
datalet = (StylesheetDatalet)d;
catch (ClassCastException e)
logger.checkErr("Incorrect Datalet type provided, threw:" + e.toString());
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "About to test: "
+ (null == datalet.inputName
? datalet.xmlName
: datalet.inputName));
// Cleanup outName only if asked to - delete the file on disk
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(datalet.options.getProperty("deleteOutFile")))
File outFile = new File(datalet.outputName);
boolean btmp = outFile.delete();
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Deleting OutFile of::" + datalet.outputName
+ " status: " + btmp);
catch (SecurityException se)
logger.logMsg(Logger.WARNINGMSG, "Deleting OutFile of::" + datalet.outputName
+ " threw: " + se.toString());
// But continue anyways...
// Setup: Save options from the datalet in convenience variables
int iterations = 10;
boolean preload = true;
boolean runtimeGC = false;
iterations = Integer.parseInt(datalet.options.getProperty("iterations"));
catch (Exception e) { /* no-op, leave as default */ }
preload = (new Boolean(datalet.options.getProperty("preload"))).booleanValue();
catch (Exception e) { /* no-op, leave as default */ }
runtimeGC = (new Boolean(datalet.options.getProperty("runtimeGC"))).booleanValue();
catch (Exception e) { /* no-op, leave as default */ }
// Setup: store various timing data in convenience variables
long singletransform = 0L; // Very first Preload end-to-end transform
long etoe = 0L; // First end-to-end transform during iterations
long avgetoe = 0L; // Average of end-to-end transforms during iterations
long parsexsl = 0L; // First stylesheet preprocess during iterations
long avgparsexsl = 0L; // Average of stylesheet preprocess during iterations
long unparsedxml = 0L; // First stylesheet process during iterations
long avgunparsedxml = 0L;// Average of stylesheet process during iterations
// Create a new TransformWrapper of appropriate flavor
// null arg is unused liaison for TransformWrapper
//@todo allow user to pass in pre-created
// TransformWrapper so we don't have lots of objects
// created and destroyed for every file
TransformWrapper transformWrapper = null;
transformWrapper = TransformWrapperFactory.newWrapper(datalet.flavor);
catch (Throwable t)
logThrowable(t, getDescription() + " newWrapper/newProcessor threw");
logger.checkErr(getDescription() + " newWrapper/newProcessor threw: " + t.toString());
// Test our supplied file in multiple ways, logging performance data
// Store local copies of XSL, XML references to avoid
// potential for changing datalet
String inputName = datalet.inputName;
String xmlName = datalet.xmlName;
logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "executing with: inputName=" + inputName
+ " xmlName=" + xmlName + " outputName=" + datalet.outputName
+ " goldName=" + datalet.goldName + " flavor=" + datalet.flavor
+ " iterations=" + iterations + " preload=" + preload
+ " algorithim=" + getDescription());
//@todo make various logMemory calls optional
logMemory(runtimeGC, true);
// Measure(singletransform): Very first Preload end-to-end transform
long[] times = null;
times = transformWrapper.transform(xmlName, inputName,
singletransform = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
// Measure(parsexsl): once: first preprocess
times = transformWrapper.buildStylesheet(inputName);
parsexsl = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
// Measure(unparsedxml): once: first process
times = transformWrapper.transformWithStylesheet(xmlName, datalet.outputName);
unparsedxml = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= iterations; ctr++)
// Measure(avgparsexsl): average preprocess
times = transformWrapper.buildStylesheet(inputName);
avgparsexsl += times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
// Measure(avgunparsedxml): average process
times = transformWrapper.transformWithStylesheet(xmlName, datalet.outputName);
avgunparsedxml += times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
// Measure(etoe): once: first full process
times = transformWrapper.transform(xmlName, inputName, datalet.outputName);
etoe = times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, true);
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= iterations; ctr++)
// Measure(avgetoe): average full process
times = transformWrapper.transform(xmlName, inputName, datalet.outputName);
avgetoe += times[TransformWrapper.IDX_OVERALL];
logMemory(runtimeGC, false);
// Log special performance element with our timing
Hashtable attrs = new Hashtable();
// UniqRunid is an Id that our TestDriver normally sets
// with some unique code, so that results analysis
// stylesheets can compare different test runs
attrs.put("UniqRunid", datalet.options.getProperty("runId", "runId;none"));
// processor is the 'flavor' of processor we're testing
attrs.put("processor", transformWrapper.getDescription());
// idref is the individual filename
attrs.put("idref", (new File(datalet.inputName)).getName());
// inputName is the actual name we gave to the processor
attrs.put("inputName", inputName);
attrs.put("iterations", new Integer(iterations));
attrs.put("singletransform", new Long(singletransform)); // Very first Preload end-to-end transform
attrs.put("etoe", new Long(etoe)); // First end-to-end transform during iterations
attrs.put("avgetoe", new Long(avgetoe / iterations)); // Average of end-to-end transforms during iterations
attrs.put("parsexsl", new Long(parsexsl)); // First stylesheet preprocess during iterations
attrs.put("avgparsexsl", new Long(avgparsexsl / iterations)); // Average of stylesheet preprocess during iterations
attrs.put("unparsedxml", new Long(unparsedxml)); // First stylesheet process during iterations
attrs.put("avgunparsedxml", new Long(avgunparsedxml / iterations)); // Average of stylesheet process during iterations
logger.logElement(Logger.STATUSMSG, "perf", attrs, "PItr;");
// If we get here, attempt to validate the contents of
// the last outputFile created
CheckService fileChecker = (CheckService)datalet.options.get("fileCheckerImpl");
// Supply default value
if (null == fileChecker)
fileChecker = new XHTFileCheckService();
if (Logger.PASS_RESULT
!= fileChecker.check(logger,
new File(datalet.outputName),
new File(datalet.goldName),
getDescription() + ", " + datalet.getDescription())
logger.logMsg(Logger.WARNINGMSG, "Failure reason: " + fileChecker.getExtendedInfo());
// try...catch around entire performance operation
catch (Throwable t)
{ sw = new; pw = new;
logger.logArbitrary(Logger.ERRORMSG, sw.toString());
logger.checkErr("PerfEverythingTestlet with:" + datalet.inputName
+ " threw: " + t.toString());
//@todo Should we attempt to cleanup anything else here?
// We've had problems running this testlet over large
// files, so I'm looking for ways to reduce the impact
// this test code has on the JVM
* Worker method: optionally reports Runtime.totalMemory/freeMemory;
* optionally first calls .gc() to force garbage collection.
* @param doGC: call .gc() or not first
* @param doLog: log out memory stats or not
protected void logMemory(boolean doGC, boolean doLog)
if (doGC)
if (doLog)
logger.logStatistic(Logger.STATUSMSG, Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(), 0, "UMem;freeMemory");
logger.logStatistic(Logger.STATUSMSG, Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(), 0, "UMem;totalMemory");
* Logs out throwable.toString() and stack trace to our Logger.
* //@todo Copied from Reporter; should probably be moved into Logger.
* @param throwable thrown throwable/exception to log out.
* @param msg description of the throwable.
protected void logThrowable(Throwable throwable, String msg)
StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
sWriter.write(msg + "\n");
PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(sWriter);
logger.logArbitrary(Logger.STATUSMSG, sWriter.toString());
} // end of class PerfEverythingTestlet