blob: 4dbff741b0cba42b6da191845f4468fa7a46c03b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xalanj2;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.OutputNameManager;
import org.apache.qetest.xsl.TraxDatalet;
import org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler;
* Basic functionality test of various Factory configuration APIs.
* Testing TransformerFactoryImpl.setAttribute, getFeature, etc.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class FactoryFeatureTest extends FileBasedTest
/** Provides nextName(), currentName() functionality. */
protected OutputNameManager outNames;
/** Marker for datalet.options that notes setAttribute val. */
protected static final String SET_ATTRIBUTE = "setAttribute";
/** Just initialize test name, comment, numTestCases. */
public FactoryFeatureTest()
numTestCases = 4; // REPLACE_num
testName = "FactoryFeatureTest";
testComment = "Basic functionality test of various Factory configuration APIs";
* Initialize this test - create output dir, outNames.
* @param p Properties to initialize from (if needed)
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean doTestFileInit(Properties p)
File outSubDir = new File(outputDir + File.separator + "xalanj2");
if (!outSubDir.mkdirs())
reporter.logWarningMsg("Could not create output dir: " + outSubDir);
// Initialize an output name manager to that dir with .out extension
outNames = new OutputNameManager(outputDir + File.separator + "xalanj2"
+ File.separator + testName, ".out");
return true;
* Default values/settings of known features; simple error cases.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase1()
reporter.testCaseInit("Default values/settings of known features; simple error cases");
TransformerFactory factory = null;
factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL)");
Object o = factory.getAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL);
reporter.checkPass("factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL) returned a value");
reporter.logWarningMsg("//@todo also validate default value:false");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae1)
// Note Xalan-J 2.2D06 does not fully implement this yet!
reporter.checkPass("factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL) threw an expected IllegalArgumentException");
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE)");
Object o = factory.getAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE);
reporter.checkPass("factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE) returned a value");
reporter.logWarningMsg("//@todo also validate default value:true");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae1)
// Note Xalan-J 2.2D06 does not fully implement this yet!
reporter.checkPass("factory.getAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE) threw an expected IllegalArgumentException");
// Set each value to it's non-default value and ensure no exceptions thrown
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE);
reporter.checkPass("factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE) returned OK");
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE);
reporter.checkPass("factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE) returned OK");
// Try setting a non-recognized attribute
reporter.logTraceMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(unrecognized-attribute, Boolean.FALSE)");
factory.setAttribute("unrecognized-attribute", Boolean.FALSE);
reporter.checkFail("factory.setAttribute(unrecognized-attribute,...) did not throw expected exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae1)
reporter.checkPass("factory.setAttribute(unrecognized-attribute,...) properly threw: " + iae1.toString());
// Try setting a recognized attribute to a bad value
reporter.logTraceMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(..., bad-object-value)");
// Note: pass any sort of non-String, non-Boolean Object, since
// this attribute only accepts ture|false as Strings or Booleans
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, factory);
reporter.checkFail("factory.setAttribute(..., bad-object-value) did not throw expected exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae2)
reporter.checkPass("factory.setAttribute(..., bad-object-value) properly threw: " + iae2.toString());
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.checkFail("setAttribute() tests threw: " + t.toString());
reporter.logThrowable(reporter.ERRORMSG, t, "setAttribute() tests threw");
return true;
* Validate transforms with FEATURE_INCREMENTAL on/off.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase2()
reporter.testCaseInit("Validate transforms with FEATURE_INCREMENTAL on/off");
// Get our list of xsl datalets to test
Vector datalets = buildDatalets(null, new File(inputDir),
new File(outputDir), new File(goldDir));
// Skip Validating datalets - they're hard-coded
int numDatalets = datalets.size();
reporter.logInfoMsg("processFileList-equivalent() with " + numDatalets
+ " potential tests");
TransformerFactory factory = null;
// Iterate over every datalet and test it with both feature settings
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < numDatalets; ctr++)
TraxDatalet datalet = (TraxDatalet)datalets.elementAt(ctr);
// Get a new factory for each datalet - not strictly necessary
factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
// Test both a Boolean object..
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE);
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.TRUE");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.FALSE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.FALSE);
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, Boolean.FALSE");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
// .. and a String representation of true|false
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, 'true')");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, "true");
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, 'true'");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
reporter.logStatusMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, 'false')");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, "false");
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, 'false'");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, datalet.getDescription() + "(" + ctr + ") threw");
reporter.checkFail(datalet.getDescription() + "(" + ctr + ") threw: " + t.toString());
} // of while...
return true;
* Validate transforms with FEATURE_OPTIMIZE on/off.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase3()
reporter.testCaseInit("Validate transforms with FEATURE_OPTIMIZE on/off");
// Get our list of xsl datalets to test
Vector datalets = buildDatalets(null, new File(inputDir),
new File(outputDir), new File(goldDir));
// Skip Validating datalets - they're hard-coded
int numDatalets = datalets.size();
reporter.logInfoMsg("processFileList-equivalent() with " + numDatalets
+ " potential tests");
TransformerFactory factory = null;
// Iterate over every datalet and test it with both feature settings
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < numDatalets; ctr++)
TraxDatalet datalet = (TraxDatalet)datalets.elementAt(ctr);
// Get a new factory for each datalet - not strictly necessary
factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
// Test both a Boolean object..
reporter.logInfoMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.TRUE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.TRUE);
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.TRUE");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
reporter.logInfoMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE)");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE);
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, Boolean.FALSE");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
// .. and a String representation of true|false
reporter.logInfoMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, 'true')");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, "true");
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, 'true'");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
reporter.logInfoMsg("Calling: factory.setAttribute(FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, 'false')");
factory.setAttribute(TransformerFactoryImpl.FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, "false");
datalet.options.put(SET_ATTRIBUTE, "FEATURE_OPTIMIZE, 'false'");
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, datalet.getDescription() + "(" + ctr + ") threw");
reporter.checkFail(datalet.getDescription() + "(" + ctr + ") threw: " + t.toString());
} // of while...
return true;
* Validate transforms with FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING on/off.
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public boolean testCase4()
reporter.testCaseInit("Validate transforms with FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING on/off");
TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
// The test xsl contains an extension function. The transformation is successful
// when FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is set to false.
factory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, false);
TraxDatalet datalet = new TraxDatalet();
datalet.setDescription("Test secure processing feature:");
datalet.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + "xalanj2", "SecureProcessingTest");
datalet.goldName = goldDir + File.separator + "xalanj2" + File.separator + "SecureProcessingTest.out";
datalet.outputName = outNames.nextName();
transformAndCheck(factory, datalet);
// TransformerException is thrown when FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING is set to true.
factory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true);
Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(datalet.getXSLSource());
transformer.setErrorListener(new DefaultErrorHandler());
transformer.transform(datalet.getXMLSource(), new StreamResult(datalet.outputName));
reporter.checkFail("Expected TransformerException not thrown when secure processing feature is set to true.");
catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException e)
reporter.checkPass("TransformerFactory with FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true threw TransformerException: " + e.toString());
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(Logger.ERRORMSG, t, "Failed in secure processing feature test");
reporter.checkFail("Failed in secure processing feature test");
return true;
* Create a vector of filled-in datalets to be tested.
* This currently is hard-coded to return a static Vector
* of Datalets that are simply constructed here.
* In the future we should add a way to read them in from disk.
* The 'what' files we should test.
* @param files Vector of local path\filenames to be tested
* This is currently ignored
* @param testLocation File denoting directory where all
* .xml/.xsl tests are found
* @param outLocation File denoting directory where all
* output files should be put
* @param goldLocation File denoting directory where all
* gold files are found
* @return Vector of StylesheetDatalets that are fully filled in,
* i.e. outputName, goldName, etc are filled in respectively
* to inputName
public Vector buildDatalets(Vector files, File testLocation,
File outLocation, File goldLocation)
Vector v = new Vector();
// identity transform
// Info about the minitest: note gold file naming is different
TraxDatalet d = new TraxDatalet();
d.setDescription("Identity transform and:");
d.setNames(inputDir + File.separator + "trax", "identity");
d.goldName = goldDir + File.separator + "trax" + File.separator + "identity.out";
// Info about the minitest: note gold file naming is different
d = new TraxDatalet();
d.setDescription("Basic Minitest file and:");
d.setNames(inputDir, "Minitest");
d.goldName = goldDir + File.separator + "Minitest-xalanj2.out";
// All done: return full vector
return v;
* Convenience method to do a transform and validate output.
* The 'how' of a specific test.
* @param factory to use to create transformers
* @param datalet to use (TraxDatalet)
protected void transformAndCheck(TransformerFactory factory,
TraxDatalet datalet)
// Validate arguments
if ((null == factory) || (null == datalet))
reporter.checkErr(datalet.getDescription() + " with null args!");
final String desc = datalet.getDescription() + datalet.options.get(SET_ATTRIBUTE);
reporter.logStatusMsg("transformAndCheck of: " + desc);
Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(datalet.getXSLSource());
reporter.logTraceMsg("About to transform...");
transformer.transform(datalet.getXMLSource(), new StreamResult(datalet.outputName));
if (Logger.PASS_RESULT
!= fileChecker.check(reporter,
new File(datalet.outputName),
new File(datalet.goldName),
desc + " into " + datalet.outputName)
reporter.logInfoMsg(desc + " failure reason:" + fileChecker.getExtendedInfo());
catch (Throwable t)
reporter.logThrowable(reporter.ERRORMSG, t, desc + " threw");
reporter.checkFail(desc + " threw: " + t.toString());
* Convenience method to print out usage information - update if needed.
* @return String denoting usage of this test class
public String usage()
return ("Common [optional] options supported by FactoryFeatureTest:\n"
+ "(Note: assumes inputDir=.\\tests\\api)\n"
+ super.usage()); // Grab our parent classes usage as well
* Main method to run test from the command line - can be left alone.
* @param args command line argument array
public static void main(String[] args)
FactoryFeatureTest app = new FactoryFeatureTest();