blob: ea3e5599dea5f6d5a53bb63909d377d8a3ff034c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.trax;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.LoggingHandler;
import org.apache.xml.utils.SystemIDResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
* Implementation of URIResolver that logs all calls.
* Currently just provides default service; returns null.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class LoggingURIResolver extends LoggingHandler implements URIResolver
/** No-op sets logger to default. */
public LoggingURIResolver()
* Ctor that calls setLogger automatically.
* @param l Logger we should log to
public LoggingURIResolver(Logger l)
* Our default handler that we pass all events through to.
protected URIResolver defaultHandler = null;
* Set a default handler for us to wrapper.
* Set a URIResolver for us to use.
* // Note that we don't currently have a default URIResolver,
* // so the LoggingURIResolver class will just attempt
* // to use the SystemIDResolver class instead
* @param default Object of the correct type to pass-through to;
* throws IllegalArgumentException if null or incorrect type
public void setDefaultHandler(Object defaultU)
defaultHandler = (URIResolver)defaultU;
catch (Throwable t)
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("setDefaultHandler illegal type: " + t.toString());
* Accessor method for our default handler.
* @return default (Object) our default handler; null if unset
public Object getDefaultHandler()
return (Object)defaultHandler;
/** Prefixed to all logger msg output. */
public static final String prefix = "LUR:";
* Counter for how many URIs we've resolved.
protected int[] counters = { 0 };
* Get a list of counters of all items we've logged.
* Only a single array item is returned.
* @return array of int counter for each item we log
public int[] getCounters()
return counters;
* Really Cheap-o string representation of our state.
* @return String of getCounters() rolled up in minimal space
public String getQuickCounters()
return (prefix + "(" + counters[0] + ")");
/** Cheap-o string representation of last URI we resolved. */
protected String lastItem = NOTHING_HANDLED;
* Accessor for string representation of last event we got.
* @param s string to set
protected void setLastItem(String s)
lastItem = s;
* Accessor for string representation of last event we got.
* @return last event string we had
public String getLast()
return lastItem;
/** Expected value(s) for URIs we may resolve, default=ITEM_DONT_CARE. */
protected String[] expected = { ITEM_DONT_CARE };
/** Counter used when expected is an ordered array. */
protected int expectedCtr = 0;
* Ask us to report checkPass/Fail for certain URIs we resolve.
* @param itemType ignored, we only do one type
* @param containsString a string to look for within whatever
* item we handle - usually checked for by seeing if the actual
* item we handle contains the containsString
public void setExpected(int itemType, String containsString)
// Default to don't care on null
if (null == containsString)
containsString = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
expected = new String[1];
expected[0] = containsString;
* Ask us to report checkPass/Fail for an ordered list of URIs
* we may resolve.
* Users can specify an array of expected URIs we should be
* resolving in order. Both the specific items and the exact
* order must occour for us to call checkPass for each URI;
* we call checkFail for any URI that doesn't match or is out
* of order. After we run off the end of the array, we
* go back to the defaul of ITEM_DONT_CARE.
* Reset by reset(), of course.
* @param containsStrings[] and array of items to look for in
* order: this allows you to test a stylesheet that has
* three xsl:imports, for example
public void setExpected(String[] containsStrings)
// Default to don't care on null
if ((null == containsStrings) || (0 == containsStrings.length))
expected = new String[1];
expected[0] = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
expected = new String[containsStrings.length];
System.arraycopy(containsStrings, 0, expected, 0, containsStrings.length);
expectedCtr = 0;
* Cheap-o worker method to get a string value.
* //@todo improve string return value
* @param i InputSource to get a string from
* @return some String representation thereof
private String getString(InputSource i)
return i.toString();
* Reset all items or counters we've handled.
public void reset()
counters[0] = 0;
expected = new String[1];
expected[0] = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
expectedCtr = 0;
* Worker method to either log or call check* for this event.
* A simple way to validate for any kind of event.
* @param desc detail info from this kind of message
protected void checkExpected(String desc, String resolvedTo)
// Note the order of logging is important, which is why
// we store these values and then log them later
final int DONT_CARE = 0;
final int PASS = 1;
final int FAIL = 2;
int checkResult = DONT_CARE;
String checkDesc = null;
StringBuffer extraInfo = new StringBuffer("");
Hashtable attrs = new Hashtable();
attrs.put("source", "LoggingURIResolver");
attrs.put("counters", getQuickCounters());
attrs.put("resolvedTo", resolvedTo);
String tmp = getQuickCounters() + " " + desc;
if (expectedCtr > expected.length)
// Sanity check: prevent AIOOBE
expectedCtr = expected.length;
+ " error: array overbounds " + expectedCtr + "\n");
// Either log the exception or call checkPass/checkFail
// as requested by setExpected for this type
if (ITEM_DONT_CARE == expected[expectedCtr])
// We don't care about this, just log it
extraInfo.append("ITEM_DONT_CARE(" + expectedCtr + ") " + tmp + "\n");
else if (ITEM_CHECKFAIL == expected[expectedCtr])
// We shouldn't have been called here, so fail
checkResult = FAIL;
checkDesc = tmp + " was unexpected";
else if ((null != desc)
&& (desc.indexOf(expected[expectedCtr]) > -1))
// We got a warning the user expected, so pass
checkResult = PASS;
checkDesc = tmp + " matched";
// Also reset this counter
expected[expectedCtr] = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
// We got a warning the user didn't expect, so fail
checkResult = FAIL;
checkDesc = tmp + " did not match";
// Also reset this counter
expected[expectedCtr] = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
// If we have a list of expected items, increment
if (expected.length > 1)
// If we run off the end, reset all expected
if (expectedCtr >= expected.length)
extraInfo.append("Ran off end of expected items, resetting\n");
expected = new String[1];
expected[0] = ITEM_DONT_CARE;
expectedCtr = 0;
logger.logElement(level, "loggingHandler", attrs, extraInfo);
if (PASS == checkResult)
else if (FAIL == checkResult)
// else - DONT_CARE is no-op
////////////////// Implement URIResolver //////////////////
* This will be called by the processor when it encounters
* an xsl:include, xsl:import, or document() function.
* @param href An href attribute, which may be relative or absolute.
* @param base The base URI in effect when the href attribute was encountered.
* @return A non-null Source object.
* @throws TransformerException
public Source resolve(String href, String base)
throws TransformerException
setLastItem("{" + base + "}" + href);
// Store the source we're about to resolve - note that the
// order of logging and calling checkExpected is important
Source resolvedSource = null;
String resolvedTo = null;
if (null != defaultHandler)
resolvedTo = "resolved by: " + defaultHandler;
resolvedSource = defaultHandler.resolve(href, base);
// Note that we don't currently have a default URIResolver,
// so the LoggingURIResolver class will just attempt
// to use the SystemIDResolver class instead
String sysId = SystemIDResolver.getAbsoluteURI(href, base);
resolvedTo = "resolved into new StreamSource(" + sysId + ")";
resolvedSource = new StreamSource(sysId);
// Call worker method to log out various info and then
// call check for us if needed
checkExpected(getLast(), resolvedTo);
return resolvedSource;