blob: b6e6df4263ad20a2f11a7e57c2c0fed9424c2bbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
* Logger that saves output to a simple XML-format file.
* @todo improve escapeString so it's more rigorous about escaping
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class XMLFileLogger implements Logger
//-------- Constants for results file structure --------
/** XML root element tag: root of our output document. */
public static final String ELEM_RESULTSFILE = "resultsfile";
/** XML element tag: testFileInit() parent element. */
public static final String ELEM_TESTFILE = "testfile";
/** XML element tag: testFileClose() leaf element
* emitted immediately before closing ELEM_TESTFILE.
public static final String ELEM_FILERESULT = "fileresult";
/** XML element tag: testCaseInit() parent element. */
public static final String ELEM_TESTCASE = "testcase";
/** XML element tag: testCaseClose() leaf element
* emitted immediately before closing ELEM_TESTCASE.
public static final String ELEM_CASERESULT = "caseresult";
/** XML element tag: check*() element. */
public static final String ELEM_CHECKRESULT = "checkresult";
/** XML element tag: logStatistic() element. */
public static final String ELEM_STATISTIC = "statistic";
/** XML element tag: logStatistic() child element. */
public static final String ELEM_LONGVAL = "longval";
/** XML element tag: logStatistic() child element. */
public static final String ELEM_DOUBLEVAL = "doubleval";
/** XML element tag: log*Msg() element. */
public static final String ELEM_MESSAGE = "message";
/** XML element tag: logArbitrary() element. */
public static final String ELEM_ARBITRARY = "arbitrary";
/** XML element tag: logHashtable() parent element. */
public static final String ELEM_HASHTABLE = "hashtable";
/** XML element tag: logHashtable() child element. */
public static final String ELEM_HASHITEM = "hashitem";
/** XML attribute tag: log*Msg(), etc. attribute denoting
* loggingLevel for that element.
public static final String ATTR_LEVEL = "level";
/** XML attribute tag: comment value for various methods. */
public static final String ATTR_DESC = "desc";
/** XML attribute tag: Date.toString() attribute on
public static final String ATTR_TIME = "time";
/** XML attribute tag: PASS|FAIL|etc. attribute on
public static final String ATTR_RESULT = "result";
/** XML attribute tag: key name for ELEM_HASHITEM. */
public static final String ATTR_KEY = "key";
/** XML attribute tag: actual output filename on ELEM_RESULTSFILE. */
public static final String ATTR_FILENAME = OPT_LOGFILE;
/** XML attribute tag: test filename on ELEM_TESTFILE. */
public static final String ATTR_TESTFILENAME = "filename";
/** Parameter: if we should flush on every testCaseClose(). */
public static final String OPT_FLUSHONCASECLOSE = "flushOnCaseClose";
//-------- Class members and accessors --------
/** If we're ready to start outputting yet. */
protected boolean ready = false;
/** If an error has occoured in this Logger. */
protected boolean error = false;
/** If we should flush on every testCaseClose(). */
protected boolean flushOnCaseClose = true;
* Accessor for flushing; is set from properties.
* @return current flushing status
public boolean getFlushOnCaseClose()
return (flushOnCaseClose);
* Accessor for flushing; is set from properties.
* @param b If we should flush on every testCaseClose()
public void setFlushOnCaseClose(boolean b)
flushOnCaseClose = b;
/** If we have output anything yet. */
protected boolean anyOutput = false;
/** Name of the file we're outputing to. */
protected String fileName = null;
/** File reference and other internal convenience variables. */
protected File reportFile;
/** File reference and other internal convenience variables. */
protected FileWriter reportWriter;
/** File reference and other internal convenience variables. */
protected PrintWriter reportPrinter;
/** Generic properties for this logger; sort-of replaces instance variables. */
protected Properties loggerProps = null;
//-------- Control and utility routines --------
/** Simple constructor, does not perform initialization. */
public XMLFileLogger()
{ /* no-op */
* Constructor calls initialize(p).
* @param p Properties block to initialize us with.
public XMLFileLogger(Properties p)
ready = initialize(p);
* Return a description of what this Logger does.
* @return "reports results in XML to specified fileName".
public String getDescription()
return ("org.apache.qetest.XMLFileLogger - reports results in XML to specified fileName.");
* Returns information about the Property name=value pairs
* that are understood by this Logger: fileName=filename.
* @return same as {@link java.applet.Applet.getParameterInfo}.
public String[][] getParameterInfo()
String pinfo[][] =
{ OPT_LOGFILE, "String",
"Name of file to use for output; required" },
"if we should flush on every testCaseClose(); optional; default:true" }
return pinfo;
* Accessor methods for our properties block.
* @return our current properties; may be null
public Properties getProperties()
return loggerProps;
* Accessor methods for our properties block.
* @param p Properties to set (is cloned).
public void setProperties(Properties p)
if (p != null)
loggerProps = (Properties) p.clone();
* Initialize this XMLFileLogger.
* Must be called before attempting to log anything.
* Opens a FileWriter for our output, and logs Record format:
* <pre>&lt;resultfile fileName="<i>name of result file</i>"&gt;</pre>
* If no name provided, supplies a default one in current dir.
* @param p Properties block to initialize from
* @return true if we think we initialized OK
public boolean initialize(Properties p)
fileName = loggerProps.getProperty(OPT_LOGFILE, fileName);
if ((fileName == null) || fileName.equals(""))
// Make up a file name
fileName = "XMLFileLogger-default-results.xml";
loggerProps.put(OPT_LOGFILE, fileName);
// Create a file and ensure it has a place to live; be sure
// to insist on an absolute path for later parent path creation
reportFile = new File(fileName);
reportFile = new File(reportFile.getCanonicalPath());
catch (IOException ioe1)
reportFile = new File(reportFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Note: bare filenames may not have parents, so catch and ignore exceptions
File parent = new File(reportFile.getParent());
if ((!parent.mkdirs()) && (!parent.exists()))
// Couldn't create or find the directory for the file to live in, so bail
error = true;
ready = false;
"XMLFileLogger.initialize() WARNING: cannot create directories: "
+ fileName);
// Don't return yet: see if the reportWriter can still create the file later
// return(false);
catch (Exception e)
// No-op: ignore if the parent's not there; trust that the file will get created later
reportWriter = new FileWriter(reportFile);
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("XMLFileLogger.initialize() EXCEPTION: "
+ e.toString());
error = true;
ready = false;
return false;
String tmp = loggerProps.getProperty(OPT_FLUSHONCASECLOSE);
if (null != tmp)
// Use BufferedWriter for better general performance
reportPrinter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(reportWriter));
ready = true;
return startResultsFile();
* Is this Logger ready to log results?
* @return status - true if it's ready to report, false otherwise
public boolean isReady()
// Ensure our underlying logger, if one, is still OK
if ((reportPrinter != null) && reportPrinter.checkError())
// NEEDSWORK: should we set ready = false in this case?
// errors in the PrintStream are not necessarily fatal
error = true;
ready = false;
return ready;
/** Flush this logger - ensure our File is flushed. */
public void flush()
if (isReady())
* Close this logger - ensure our File, etc. are closed.
* Record format:
* <pre>&lt;/resultfile&gt;</pre>
public void close()
if (isReady())
ready = false;
* worker method to dump the xml header and open the resultsfile element.
* @return true if ready/OK, false if not ready (meaning we may
* not have output anything!)
protected boolean startResultsFile()
if (isReady())
// Write out XML header and root test result element
reportPrinter.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
// Note: this tag is closed in our .close() method, which the caller had better call!
reportPrinter.println("<" + ELEM_RESULTSFILE + " "
+ ATTR_FILENAME + "=\"" + fileName + "\">");
return true;
return false;
* worker method to close the resultsfile element.
* @return true if ready/OK, false if not ready (meaning we may
* not have output a closing tag!)
protected boolean closeResultsFile()
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_RESULTSFILE + ">");
return true;
return false;
//-------- Testfile / Testcase start and stop routines --------
* Report that a testfile has started.
* Begins a testfile element. Record format:
* <pre>&lt;testfile desc="<i>test description</i>" time="<i>timestamp</i>"&gt;</pre>
* @param name file name or tag specifying the test.
* @param comment comment about the test.
public void testFileInit(String name, String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println("<" + ELEM_TESTFILE + " "
+ escapeString(name) + "\" "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\""
+ escapeString(comment) + "\" "
+ ATTR_TIME + "=\""
+ (new Date()).toString() + "\">");
* Report that a testfile has finished, and report it's result; flushes output.
* Ends a testfile element. Record format:
* <pre>&lt;fileresult desc="<i>test description</i>" result="<i>pass/fail status</i>" time="<i>timestamp</i>"&gt;
* &lt;/testfile&gt;</pre>
* @param msg message to log out
* @param result result of testfile
public void testFileClose(String msg, String result)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println("<" + ELEM_FILERESULT + " " + ATTR_DESC
+ "=\"" + escapeString(msg) + "\" "
+ ATTR_RESULT + "=\"" + result + "\" "
+ ATTR_TIME + "=\""
+ (new Date()).toString() + "\"/>");
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_TESTFILE + ">");
/** Optimization: for heavy use methods, form pre-defined constants to save on string concatenation. */
private static final String TESTCASEINIT_HDR = "<" + ELEM_TESTCASE + " "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\"";
* Report that a testcase has begun.
* Begins a testcase element. Record format:
* <pre>&lt;testcase desc="<i>case description</i>"&gt;</pre>
* @param comment message to log out
public void testCaseInit(String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(TESTCASEINIT_HDR + escapeString(comment)
+ "\">");
private static final String TESTCASECLOSE_HDR = "<" + ELEM_CASERESULT
+ " " + ATTR_DESC
+ "=\"";
* Report that a testcase has finished, and report it's result.
* Optionally flushes output. Ends a testcase element. Record format:
* <pre>&lt;caseresult desc="<i>case description</i>" result="<i>pass/fail status</i>"&gt;
* &lt;/testcase&gt;</pre>
* @param msg message of name of test case to log out
* @param result result of testfile
public void testCaseClose(String msg, String result)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(TESTCASECLOSE_HDR + escapeString(msg)
+ "\" " + ATTR_RESULT + "=\"" + result
+ "\"/>");
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_TESTCASE + ">");
if (getFlushOnCaseClose())
//-------- Test results logging routines --------
private static final String MESSAGE_HDR = "<" + ELEM_MESSAGE + " "
+ ATTR_LEVEL + "=\"";
* Report a comment to result file with specified severity.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;message level="##"&gt;msg&lt;/message&gt;</pre>
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param msg comment to log out.
public void logMsg(int level, String msg)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.print(MESSAGE_HDR + level + "\">");
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_MESSAGE + ">");
private static final String ARBITRARY_HDR = "<" + ELEM_ARBITRARY + " "
+ ATTR_LEVEL + "=\"";
* Report an arbitrary String to result file with specified severity.
* Appends and prepends \\n newline characters at the start and
* end of the message to separate it from the tags.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;arbitrary level="##"&gt;&lt;![CDATA[
* msg
* ]]&gt;&lt;/arbitrary&gt;</pre>
* Note that arbitrary messages are always wrapped in CDATA
* sections to ensure that any non-valid XML is wrapped. This needs
* to be investigated for other elements as well (i.e. we should set a
* standard for what Logger calls must be well-formed or not).
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param msg arbitrary String to log out.
* @todo investigate <b>not</b> fully escaping this string, since
* it does get wrappered in CDATA
public void logArbitrary(int level, String msg)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(ARBITRARY_HDR + level + "\"><![CDATA[");
reportPrinter.println("]]></" + ELEM_ARBITRARY + ">");
private static final String STATISTIC_HDR = "<" + ELEM_STATISTIC + " "
+ ATTR_LEVEL + "=\"";
* Logs out statistics to result file with specified severity.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;statistic level="##" desc="msg"&gt;&lt;longval&gt;1234&lt;/longval&gt;&lt;doubleval&gt;1.234&lt;/doubleval&gt;&lt;/statistic&gt;</pre>
* @param level severity of message.
* @param lVal statistic in long format.
* @param dVal statistic in double format.
* @param msg comment to log out.
public void logStatistic(int level, long lVal, double dVal, String msg)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.print(STATISTIC_HDR + level + "\" " + ATTR_DESC
+ "=\"" + escapeString(msg) + "\">");
reportPrinter.print("<" + ELEM_LONGVAL + ">" + lVal + "</"
+ ELEM_LONGVAL + ">");
reportPrinter.print("<" + ELEM_DOUBLEVAL + ">" + dVal + "</"
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_STATISTIC + ">");
* Logs out Throwable.toString() and a stack trace of the
* Throwable with the specified severity.
* <p>This uses logArbitrary to log out your msg - message,
* a newline, throwable.toString(), a newline,
* and then throwable.printStackTrace().</p>
* //@todo future work to use logElement() to output
* a specific &lt;throwable&gt; element instead.
* @author
* @param level severity of message.
* @param throwable throwable/exception to log out.
* @param msg description of the throwable.
public void logThrowable(int level, Throwable throwable, String msg)
if (isReady())
StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
sWriter.write(msg + "\n");
sWriter.write(throwable.toString() + "\n");
PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(sWriter);
logArbitrary(level, sWriter.toString());
* Logs out a element to results with specified severity.
* Uses user-supplied element name and attribute list. Currently
* attribute values and msg are forced .toString(). Also,
* 'level' is forced to be the first attribute of the element.
* Record format:
* <pre>&lt;<i>element_text</i> level="##"
* attribute1="value1"
* attribute2="value2"
* attribute<i>n</i>="value<i>n</i>"&gt;
* msg
* &lt;/<i>element_text</i>&gt;</pre>
* @author
* @param level severity of message.
* @param element name of enclosing element
* @param attrs hash of name=value attributes; note that the
* caller must ensure they're legal XML
* @param msg Object to log out .toString(); caller should
* ensure it's legal XML (no CDATA is supplied)
public void logElement(int level, String element, Hashtable attrs,
Object msg)
if (isReady()
&& (element != null)
&& (attrs != null)
reportPrinter.println("<" + element + " " + ATTR_LEVEL + "=\""
+ level + "\"");
for (Enumeration keys = attrs.keys();
keys.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
Object key = keys.nextElement();
reportPrinter.println(key.toString() + "=\""
+ escapeString(attrs.get(key).toString()) + "\"");
if (msg != null)
reportPrinter.println("</" + element + ">");
private static final String HASHTABLE_HDR = "<" + ELEM_HASHTABLE + " "
+ ATTR_LEVEL + "=\"";
// Note the HASHITEM_HDR indent; must be updated if we ever switch to another indenting method.
private static final String HASHITEM_HDR = " <" + ELEM_HASHITEM + " "
+ ATTR_KEY + "=\"";
* Logs out contents of a Hashtable with specified severity.
* Indents each hashitem within the table.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;hashtable level="##" desc="msg"/&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;hashitem key="key1"&gt;value1&lt;/hashitem&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;hashitem key="key2"&gt;value2&lt;/hashitem&gt;
* &lt;/hashtable&gt;</pre>
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param hash Hashtable to log the contents of.
* @param msg decription of the Hashtable.
public void logHashtable(int level, Hashtable hash, String msg)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(HASHTABLE_HDR + level + "\" " + ATTR_DESC
+ "=\"" + escapeString(msg) + "\">");
if (hash == null)
reportPrinter.print("<" + ELEM_HASHITEM + " " + ATTR_KEY
+ "=\"null\">");
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_HASHITEM + ">");
for (Enumeration keys = hash.keys();
keys.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
Object key = keys.nextElement();
// Ensure we'll have clean output by pre-fetching value before outputting anything
String value = escapeString(hash.get(key).toString());
reportPrinter.print(HASHITEM_HDR + escapeString(key.toString())
+ "\">");
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_HASHITEM + ">");
catch (Exception e)
// No-op: should ensure we have clean output
reportPrinter.println("</" + ELEM_HASHTABLE + ">");
//-------- Test results reporting check* routines --------
private static final String CHECKPASS_HDR = "<" + ELEM_CHECKRESULT + " "
+ ATTR_RESULT + "=\""
+ Reporter.PASS + "\" "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\"";
* Writes out a Pass record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="PASS" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the pass record.
public void checkPass(String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(CHECKPASS_HDR + escapeString(comment)
+ "\"/>");
private static final String CHECKAMBG_HDR = "<" + ELEM_CHECKRESULT + " "
+ ATTR_RESULT + "=\""
+ Reporter.AMBG + "\" "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\"";
* Writes out an ambiguous record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="AMBG" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the ambg record.
public void checkAmbiguous(String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(CHECKAMBG_HDR + escapeString(comment)
+ "\"/>");
private static final String CHECKFAIL_HDR = "<" + ELEM_CHECKRESULT + " "
+ ATTR_RESULT + "=\""
+ Reporter.FAIL + "\" "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\"";
* Writes out a Fail record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="FAIL" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the fail record.
public void checkFail(String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(CHECKFAIL_HDR + escapeString(comment)
+ "\"/>");
private static final String CHECKERRR_HDR = "<" + ELEM_CHECKRESULT + " "
+ ATTR_RESULT + "=\""
+ Reporter.ERRR + "\" "
+ ATTR_DESC + "=\"";
* Writes out a Error record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="ERRR" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the error record.
public void checkErr(String comment)
if (isReady())
reportPrinter.println(CHECKERRR_HDR + escapeString(comment)
+ "\"/>");
/* EXPERIMENTAL: have duplicate set of check*() methods
that all output some form of ID as well as comment.
Leave the non-ID taking forms for both simplicity to the
end user who doesn't care about IDs as well as for
backwards compatibility.
/** ID_ATTR optimization for extra ID attribute. */
private static final String ATTR_ID = "\" id=\"";
* Writes out a Pass record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="PASS" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the pass record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkPass(String comment, String id)
if (isReady())
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(CHECKPASS_HDR + escapeString(comment));
if (id != null)
tmp.append(ATTR_ID + escapeString(id));
* Writes out an ambiguous record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="AMBG" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the ambg record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkAmbiguous(String comment, String id)
if (isReady())
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(CHECKAMBG_HDR + escapeString(comment));
if (id != null)
tmp.append(ATTR_ID + escapeString(id));
* Writes out a Fail record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="FAIL" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the fail record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkFail(String comment, String id)
if (isReady())
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(CHECKFAIL_HDR + escapeString(comment));
if (id != null)
tmp.append(ATTR_ID + escapeString(id));
* Writes out a Error record with comment.
* Record format: <pre>&lt;checkresult result="ERRR" desc="comment"/&gt;</pre>
* @param comment comment to log with the error record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkErr(String comment, String id)
if (isReady())
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(CHECKERRR_HDR + escapeString(comment));
if (id != null)
tmp.append(ATTR_ID + escapeString(id));
//-------- Worker routines for XML string escaping --------
* Lifted from org.apache.xml.serialize.transition.XMLSerializer
* @param ch character to get entity ref for
* @return String of entity name
public static String getEntityRef(char ch)
// Encode special XML characters into the equivalent character references.
// These five are defined by default for all XML documents.
switch (ch)
case '<' :
return "lt";
case '>' :
return "gt";
case '"' :
return "quot";
case '\'' :
return "apos";
case '&' :
return "amp";
return null;
* Identifies the last printable character in the Unicode range
* that is supported by the encoding used with this serializer.
* For 8-bit encodings this will be either 0x7E or 0xFF.
* For 16-bit encodings this will be 0xFFFF. Characters that are
* not printable will be escaped using character references.
* Lifted from org.apache.xml.serialize.transition.BaseMarkupSerializer
public static int _lastPrintable = 0x7E;
* Lifted from org.apache.xml.serialize.transition.BaseMarkupSerializer
* @param ch character to escape
* @return String that is escaped
public static String printEscaped(char ch)
String charRef;
// If there is a suitable entity reference for this
// character, print it. The list of available entity
// references is almost but not identical between
// XML and HTML.
charRef = getEntityRef(ch);
if (charRef != null)
//_printer.printText( '&' ); // SC note we need to return a String for
//_printer.printText( charRef ); // someone else to serialize
//_printer.printText( ';' );
return "&" + charRef + ";";
else if ((ch >= ' ' && ch <= _lastPrintable && ch != 0xF7)
|| ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t')
// If the character is not printable, print as character reference.
// Non printables are below ASCII space but not tab or line
// terminator, ASCII delete, or above a certain Unicode threshold.
//_printer.printText( ch );
return String.valueOf(ch);
//_printer.printText( "&#" );
//_printer.printText( Integer.toString( ch ) );
//_printer.printText( ';' );
return "&#" + Integer.toString(ch) + ";";
* Escapes a string so it may be printed as text content or attribute
* value. Non printable characters are escaped using character references.
* Where the format specifies a deault entity reference, that reference
* is used (e.g. <tt>&amp;lt;</tt>).
* Lifted from org.apache.xml.serialize.transition.BaseMarkupSerializer
* @param source The string to escape
* @return String after escaping - needed for our application
public static String escapeString(String source)
// Check for null; just return null (callers shouldn't care)
if (source == null)
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
final int n = source.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
//char c = source.charAt( i );
return sb.toString();
} // end of class XMLFileLogger