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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest;
* Simple implementation of a testlet, a sort of mini-test.
* <p>A TestletImpl defines some common implementations that
* may be useful, including sample implementations that
* can be copied if you don't want to exend this class.</p>
* <p>The most useful implementation is of main(String[]), which
* allows a Testlet to be executed independently from the command
* line. See the code comments for a way to get this behavior in
* your testlet without having to re-implement the whole main
* method - by just including a static{} initializer with the
* fully qualified classname of your class.</p>
* <b>Note:</b> Testlets based on this class are probably
* not threadsafe, and must be executed singly!
* See comments for thisClassName.
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class TestletImpl implements Testlet
//---- Implement Testlet interface methods
* Accesor method for a brief description of this test.
* @return String "TestletImpl: default implementation, does nothing"
public String getDescription()
return "TestletImpl: default implementation, does nothing";
* Accesor methods for our Logger.
* @param l the Logger to have this test use for logging
* results; or null to use a default logger
public void setLogger(Logger l)
// if null, set a default one
if (null == l)
logger = getDefaultLogger();
logger = l;
* Accesor methods for our Logger.
* @return Logger we tell all our secrets to.
public Logger getLogger()
return logger;
* Get a default Logger for use with this Testlet.
* Gets a default ConsoleLogger (only if a Logger isn't
* currently set!).
* @return current logger; if null, then creates a
* Logger.DEFAULT_LOGGER and returns that; if it cannot
* create one, throws a RuntimeException
public Logger getDefaultLogger()
if (logger != null)
return logger;
Class rClass = Class.forName(Logger.DEFAULT_LOGGER);
return (Logger)rClass.newInstance();
catch (Exception e)
// Must re-throw the exception, since returning
// null or the like could lead to recursion
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
* Return this TestletImpl's default Datalet.
* @return Datalet <code>defaultDatalet</code>.
public Datalet getDefaultDatalet()
return defaultDatalet;
* Run this TestletImpl: execute it's test and return.
* This must (obviously) be overriden by subclasses. Here,
* we simply log a message for debugging purposes.
* @param Datalet to use as data points for the test.
public void execute(Datalet datalet)
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "TestletImpl.execute(" + datalet + ")");
//---- Implement useful worker methods and main()
* Process default command line args.
* Provides simple usage functionality: given a first arg of
* -h, -H, -?, prints a usage statement based on getDescription()
* and on getDefaultDatalet().getDescription()
* @param args command line args from the JVM
* @return true if we got and handled any default command line
* args (i.e. you can quit now); false otherwise (i.e. you
* should go ahead and execute)
protected boolean handledDefaultArgs(String[] args)
// We don't handle null or blank args
if ((null == args) || (0 == args.length))
return false;
// Provide basic processing for help, usage cases
if ("-h".equals(args[0])
|| "-H".equals(args[0])
|| "-?".equals(args[0])
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, thisClassName + " usage:");
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, " Testlet: " + getDescription());
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, " Datalet: " + getDefaultDatalet().getDescription());
return true;
// Otherwise, don't handle any other args
return false;
* Default implementation for command line use.
* Note subclasses can easily get the functionality we provide
* here without having to copy this method merely by copying the
* static initalization block shown above, replacing the
* "thisClassName" with their own FQCN.
* This default implementation installs a default Logger, then
* checks for and handles a few default command line args, and
* then executes the Testlet.
* //@todo How do we easily specify alternate Datalets or
* data to load a Datalet from? What about the Datalet that
* actually wants the first arg to be -h?
* @param args command line args from the JVM
public static void main(String[] args)
if (true)
TestletImpl t = null;
// Create an instance of the specific class at runtime
// This relies on subclasses to reset 'thisClassName'
// in their own static[] initialization block!
t = (TestletImpl)Class.forName(thisClassName).newInstance();
// Set a default logger automatically
// Process default -h, etc. args
if (!t.handledDefaultArgs(args))
if (args.length > 0)
// If we do have any args, then attempt to
// load the correct-typed Datalet from the args
Class dataletClass = t.getDefaultDatalet().getClass();
t.logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Loading Datalet "
+ dataletClass.getName() + " from args");
Datalet d = (Datalet)dataletClass.newInstance();
// Otherwise, use the defaultDatalet for that Testlet
t.logger.logMsg(Logger.TRACEMSG, "Using defaultDatalet");
catch (Exception e)
if ((null != t) && (null != t.logger))
// Use the logger which is (hopefully) OK
t.logger.checkErr("TestletImpl threw: " + e.toString()); sw = new; pw = new;
t.logger.logArbitrary(Logger.ERRORMSG, sw.toString());
// Otherwise, just dump to System.err
System.err.println("TestletImpl threw: " + e.toString());
* The FQCN of the current class.
* See comments in main() and in the static initializer.
* <b>Note:</b> Testlets based on this class are probably
* not threadsafe, and must be executed singly!
protected static String thisClassName = null;
* A static initializer setting the value of thisClassName.
* Subclasses must copy this static block, and replace the
* name of "...TestletImpl" with their own name. Then, when
* a user executes the subclassed Testlet on the command line
* or calls it's main() method, the correct thing will happen.
static { thisClassName = "org.apache.qetest.TestletImpl"; }
* Our Logger, who we tell all our secrets to.
protected Logger logger = null;
* Our deafult Datalet: in this case, not very interesting.
* Provide a default 'null' datalet so unsuspecting callers
* don't get NullPointerExceptions.
protected Datalet defaultDatalet = new NullDatalet();
} // end of class TestletImpl