blob: bbb246545528d6236f9b84914fb5c3b00194c042 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.qetest.CheckService;
import org.apache.qetest.ConsoleLogger;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.XMLFileLogger;
* Uses an XML/HTML/Text diff comparator to check or diff two files.
* @see #check(Logger logger, Object actual, Object reference, String msg, String id)
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class XHTFileCheckService implements CheckService
/** XHTComparator tool to diff two files. */
protected XHTComparator comparator = new XHTComparator();
/** Stores last checkFile calls printed output. */
private StringWriter sw = null;
* Compare two objects for equivalence, and return appropriate result.
* Note that the order of actual, reference is important
* important in determining the result.
* <li>Typically:
* <ul>any unexpected Exceptions thrown -> ERRR_RESULT</ul>
* <ul>actual does not exist -> FAIL_RESULT</ul>
* <ul>reference does not exist -> AMBG_RESULT</ul>
* <ul>actual is equivalent to reference -> PASS_RESULT</ul>
* <ul>actual is not equivalent to reference -> FAIL_RESULT</ul>
* </li>
* Equvalence is first checked by parsing both files as XML to
* a DOM; if that has problems, we parse as HTML to a DOM; if
* that has problems, we create a DOM with a single text node
* after reading the file as text. We then compare the two DOM
* trees for equivalence. Note that in XML mode differences in
* the XML header itself (i.e. standalone=no/yes) are not caught,
* and will still report a pass (this is a defect in our
* comparison method).
* Side effect: every call to check() fills some additional
* info about how the check() call was processed which is then
* returned from getExtendedInfo() - this happens no matter what
* the result of the check() call was.
* @param logger to dump any output messages to
* @param actual (current) Object to check
* @param reference (gold, or expected) Object to check against
* @param description of what you're checking
* @param msg comment to log out with this test point
* @param id ID tag to log out with this test point
* @return Logger.*_RESULT code denoting status; each method may
* define it's own meanings for pass, fail, ambiguous, etc.
public XHTFileCheckService()
public int check(Logger logger, Object actual, Object reference,
String msg, String id)
// Create our 'extended info' stuff now, so it will
// always reflect the most recent call to this method
sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
if (((null == actual) || (null == reference )))
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService actual or reference was null!");
logFileCheckElem(logger, "null", "null", msg, id, sw.toString());
logger.checkErr(msg, id);
return logger.ERRR_RESULT;
if (!((actual instanceof File) & (reference instanceof File)))
// Must have File objects to continue
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService only takes File objects!");
logFileCheckElem(logger, actual.toString(), reference.toString(), msg, id, sw.toString());
logger.checkErr(msg, id);
return logger.ERRR_RESULT;
File actualFile = (File) actual;
File referenceFile = (File) reference;
// Fail if Actual file doesn't exist or is 0 len
if ((!actualFile.exists()) || (actualFile.length() == 0))
pw.println("actual(" + actualFile.toString() + ") did not exist or was 0 len");
logFileCheckElem(logger, actualFile.toString(), referenceFile.toString(), msg, id, sw.toString());
logger.checkFail(msg, id);
return logger.FAIL_RESULT;
// Ambiguous if gold file doesn't exist or is 0 len
if ((!referenceFile.exists()) || (referenceFile.length() == 0))
pw.println("reference(" + referenceFile.toString() + ") did not exist or was 0 len");
logFileCheckElem(logger, actualFile.toString(), referenceFile.toString(), msg, id, sw.toString());
logger.checkAmbiguous(msg, id);
return Logger.AMBG_RESULT;
boolean warning[] = new boolean[1];
warning[0] = false;
boolean isEqual = false;
// Inefficient code to get around very rare spurious exception:
// The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
// at Method)
// at
// at org.apache.qetest.xsl.XHTFileCheckService.check(
// So get filenames first separately, then call comparator
String referenceFileName = referenceFile.getAbsolutePath();
String actualFileName = actualFile.getAbsolutePath();
referenceFileName = referenceFile.getCanonicalPath();
// Occasional spurious exception happens here, perhaps
// because sometimes the previous transform or whatever
// hasn't quite closed the actualFile yet
actualFileName = actualFile.getCanonicalPath();
catch (Exception e) { /* no-op, ignore */ }
// Note calling order (gold, act) is different than checkFiles()
isEqual =,
actualFileName, pw,
warning, attributes);
// Side effect: fills in pw/sw with info about the comparison
catch (Throwable t)
// Add any exception info to pw/sw; this will automatically
// get logged out later on via logFileCheckElem
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService threw: " + t.toString());
isEqual = false;
// If not equal at all, fail
if (!isEqual)
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService files were not equal");
logFileCheckElem(logger, actualFile.toString(), referenceFile.toString(), msg, id, sw.toString());
logger.checkFail(msg, id);
return Logger.FAIL_RESULT;
// If whitespace-only diffs, then pass/fail based on allowWhitespaceDiff
else if (warning[0])
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService whitespace diff warning!");
if (allowWhitespaceDiff)
logger.logMsg(Logger.STATUSMSG, "XHTFileCheckService whitespace diff warning, passing!");
logger.checkPass(msg, id);
return Logger.PASS_RESULT;
logFileCheckElem(logger, actualFile.toString(), referenceFile.toString(), msg, id,
"XHTFileCheckService whitespace diff warning, failing!\n" + sw.toString());
logger.checkFail(msg, id);
return Logger.FAIL_RESULT;
// Otherwise we were completely equal, so pass
pw.println("XHTFileCheckService files were equal");
// For pass case, we *dont* call logFileCheckElem
logger.checkPass(msg, id);
return Logger.PASS_RESULT;
* Logs a custom element about the current check() call.
* <pre>
* <fileCheck level="40"
* reference="tests\conf-gold\match\match16.out"
* reportedBy="XHTFileCheckService"
* actual="results-alltest\dom\match\match16.out"
* >
* StylesheetTestlet match16.xsl(null)
* XHTFileCheckService threw: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
* The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
* at Method)
* etc...
* XHTFileCheckService files were not equal
* </fileCheck>
* </pre>
* @param logger to dump any output messages to
* @param name of actual (current) File to check
* @param name of reference (gold, or expected) File to check against
* @param msg comment to log out with this test point
* @param id to log out with this test point
* @param additional log info from PrintWriter/StringWriter
protected void logFileCheckElem(Logger logger,
String actualFile, String referenceFile,
String msg, String id, String logs)
Hashtable attrs = new Hashtable();
attrs.put("actual", actualFile);
attrs.put("reference", referenceFile);
attrs.put("reportedBy", "XHTFileCheckService");
attrs.put("baseref", System.getProperty("user.dir"));
catch (Exception e) { /* no-op, ignore */ }
String elementBody = msg + "(" + id + ") \n" + logs;
// HACK: escapeString(elementBody) so that it's legal XML
// for cases where we have XML output. This isn't
// necessarily a 'hack', I'm just not sure what the
// cleanest place to put this is (here or some sort
// of intelligent logic in XMLFileLogger)
elementBody = XMLFileLogger.escapeString(elementBody);
logger.logElement(Logger.STATUSMSG, "fileCheck", attrs, elementBody);
* Compare two objects for equivalence, and return appropriate result.
* @see #check(Logger logger, Object actual, Object reference, String msg, String id)
* @param logger to dump any output messages to
* @param actual (current) File to check
* @param reference (gold, or expected) File to check against
* @param description of what you're checking
* @param msg comment to log out with this test point
* @return Logger.*_RESULT code denoting status; each method may
* define it's own meanings for pass, fail, ambiguous, etc.
public int check(Logger logger, Object actual, Object reference,
String msg)
return check(logger, actual, reference, msg, null);
* Prefix to all attrs we understand.
* Note: design-wise, it would be better to have these constants
* in the XHTComparator class, since we know we're tightly bound
* to them anyways, and they shouldn't really be bound to us.
* But for my current purposes, it's simpler to put them here
* for documentation purposes.
public static final String URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE = "urn:XHTFileCheckService:";
/** Whether whitespace differences will cause a fail or not. */
public static final String ALLOW_WHITESPACE_DIFF = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "allowWhitespaceDiff";
/** If we should call parser.setValidating(). */
public static final String SETVALIDATING = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "setValidating";
/** If we should call parser.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(). */
public static final String SETIGNORINGELEMENTCONTENTWHITESPACE = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace";
/** If we should call parser.setExpandEntityReferences(). */
public static final String SETEXPANDENTITYREFERENCES = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "setExpandEntityReferences";
/** If we should call parser.setIgnoringComments(). */
public static final String SETIGNORINGCOMMENTS = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "setIgnoringComments";
/** If we should call parser.setCoalescing(). */
public static final String SETCOALESCING = URN_XHTFILECHECKSERVICE + "setCoalescing";
* Whether whitespace differences will cause a fail or not.
* setAttribute("allow-whitespace-diff", true|false)
* true=whitespace-only diff will pass;
* false, whitespace-only diff will fail
protected boolean allowWhitespaceDiff = false; // default; backwards compatible
* Properties/Hash of parser-like attributes that have been set.
protected Properties attributes = null;
* Allows the user to set specific attributes on the testing
* utility or it's underlying product object under test.
* Supports basic JAXP DocumentBuilder attributes, plus our own
* @param name The name of the attribute.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the underlying
* implementation doesn't recognize the attribute and wants to
* inform the user of this fact.
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
throws IllegalArgumentException
// Check for our own attributes first
if (ALLOW_WHITESPACE_DIFF.equals(name))
allowWhitespaceDiff = (new Boolean((String)value)).booleanValue();
catch (Throwable t)
// If it's an illegal value or type, ignore it
if (null == attributes)
attributes = new Properties();
attributes.put(name, value);
* Allows the user to set specific attributes on the testing
* utility or it's underlying product object under test.
* This method should attempt to set any applicable attributes
* found in the given attrs onto itself, and will ignore any and
* all attributes it does not recognize. It should never
* throw exceptions. This method will overwrite any previous
* attributes that were set.
* This method will only set values that are Strings findable
* by the Properties.getProperty() method.
* Future Work: this could be optimized by simply setting our
* Properties block to default from the passed-in one, but for
* now instead it only copies over the explicit values that
* we think are applicable.
* @param attrs Props of various name, value attrs.
public void applyAttributes(Properties attrs)
attributes = null;
for (Enumeration names = attrs.propertyNames();
names.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
String key = (String)names.nextElement();
setAttribute(key, attrs.getProperty(key));
* Allows the user to retrieve specific attributes on the testing
* utility or it's underlying product object under test.
* See applyAttributes for some limitations.
* @param name The name of the attribute.
* @return value of supported attributes or null if not recognized.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the underlying
* implementation doesn't recognize the attribute and wants to
* inform the user of this fact.
public Object getAttribute(String name)
throws IllegalArgumentException
// Check for our own attributes first
if (ALLOW_WHITESPACE_DIFF.equals(name))
return new Boolean(allowWhitespaceDiff);
else if (null != attributes)
return attributes.get(name);
return null;
* Description of what this testing utility does.
* @return String description of extension
public String getDescription()
return ("Uses an XML/HTML/Text diff comparator to check or diff two files.");
* Gets extended information about the last check call.
* This info is filled in for every call to check() with brief
* descriptions of what happened; will return
* <code>XHTFileCheckService-no-info-available</code> if
* check() has never been called.
* @return String describing any additional info about the
* last two files that were checked
public String getExtendedInfo()
if (sw != null)
return sw.toString();
return "XHTFileCheckService-no-info-available";
* Main method to run test from the command line - can be left alone.
* @param args command line argument array
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length < 2)
System.out.println(" Please provide two files to compare");
ConsoleLogger log = new ConsoleLogger();
XHTFileCheckService app = new XHTFileCheckService();
System.out.println("\nThank you for using XHTFileCheckService");
System.out.println( app.getDescription() );
System.out.println("We hope your results are satisfactory");
System.out.println("\n" + args[0] + " " + args[1]);
File fAct = new File(args[0]);
File fExp = new File(args[1]);
app.check(log, fAct, fExp, "Check");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println ("main() caught unexpected Exception");
} // end of class XHTFileCheckService