blob: e3feaf30abb9bb2f348d52399dce9cbba26554f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
* Logger that prints human-readable output to System.out.
* As an experiment, the ConsoleLogger supports an independent
* loggingLevel that can be more restrictive than a loggingLevel
* set in any enclosing Reporter.
* Note this isn't quite as well architected as I would like,
* but it does address what seems to be the
* most common usage case: where you're running tests automatically,
* and likely will be using some file-based output for results
* analysis. This allows you to set loggingLevel for your Reporter
* high, so that most/all output is sent to the file, but set this
* ConsoleLogger's loggingLevel low, so only critical problems
* are displayed on the screen (since most of the time users will
* never be watching the console in this situation).
* @author
* @version $Id$
public class ConsoleLogger implements Logger
//-------- Class members --------
/** Our output stream - currently hard-coded to System.out. */
protected PrintStream outStream = System.out;
/** If we're ready to start outputting yet. */
protected boolean ready = false;
/** If we should indent sub-results or not. */
protected boolean indent = true;
/** Level (number of spaces?) to indent sub-results. */
protected StringBuffer sIndent = new StringBuffer();
/** Generic properties for this Logger; sort-of replaces instance variables. */
protected Properties loggerProps = null;
* Special LoggingLevel for just this instance.
* May be set from "ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel" property;
* defaults to 100 which should be larger than any other
* loggingLevels in use currently.
* Note that different levels here will even restrict output
* from control messages like testCaseInit; see individual
* javadocs for what controls what. This may affect the level
* of indenting you see as well; I traded off a little speed
* (don't calc indent if not using that message) for prettiness.
protected int consoleLoggingLevel = 100;
//-------- Control and utility routines --------
/** Simple constructor, does not perform initialization. */
public ConsoleLogger()
{ /* no-op */
* Constructor calls initialize(p).
* @param p Properties block to initialize us with.
public ConsoleLogger(Properties p)
ready = initialize(p);
* Return a description of what this Logger does.
* @return "reports results to System.out".
public String getDescription()
return ("org.apache.qetest.ConsoleLogger - reports results to System.out.");
* Returns information about the Property name=value pairs that
* are understood by this Logger/Reporter.
* @return same as {@link java.applet.Applet.getParameterInfo}.
public String[][] getParameterInfo()
String pinfo[][] =
{ OPT_INDENT, "boolean", "If reporter should indent sub-results" },
{ "ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel", "String", "loggingLevel for just ConsoleLogger; only if more restrictive than other loggingLevels" }
return pinfo;
* Accessor methods for our properties block.
* NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return
public Properties getProperties()
return loggerProps;
* Accessor methods for our properties block.
* @param p Properties to set (is cloned).
public void setProperties(Properties p)
if (p != null)
loggerProps = (Properties) p.clone();
* Call once to initialize this Logger/Reporter from Properties.
* @param Properties block to initialize from.
* @param status, true if OK, false if an error occoured.
* @param p Properties block to initialize from
* @return true if OK; currently always returns true
public boolean initialize(Properties p)
String i = loggerProps.getProperty(OPT_INDENT);
if (i != null)
if (i.toLowerCase().equals("no")
|| i.toLowerCase().equals("false"))
indent = false;
else if (i.toLowerCase().equals("yes")
|| i.toLowerCase().equals("true"))
indent = true;
// Grab our specific loggingLevel and set if needed
String logLvl = loggerProps.getProperty("ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel");
if (logLvl != null)
// Note: if present, we'll attempt to set it
// It doesn't really make much sense to set it if
// this value is larger than an enclosing Reporter's
// loggingLevel, but it won't hurt either
consoleLoggingLevel = Integer.parseInt(logLvl);
catch (NumberFormatException numEx)
{ /* no-op */
ready = true;
return true;
* Is this Logger/Reporter ready to log results?
* @return status - true if it's ready to report, false otherwise
public boolean isReady()
return ready;
* Flush this Logger/Reporter - no-op for ConsoleLogger.
public void flush()
{ /* no-op */
* Close this Logger/Reporter - essentially no-op for ConsoleLogger.
public void close()
ready = false;
/** Simplistic indenting - two spaces. */
protected void indent()
if (indent)
sIndent.append(" ");
/** Simplistic outdenting - two spaces. */
protected void outdent()
if ((indent) && (sIndent.length() >= 2))
sIndent.setLength(sIndent.length() - 2);
//-------- Testfile / Testcase start and stop routines --------
* Report that a testfile has started.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= ERRORMSG
* @param name file name or tag specifying the test.
* @param comment comment about the test.
public void testFileInit(String name, String comment)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < ERRORMSG)
outStream.println(sIndent + "TestFileInit " + name + ":" + comment);
* Report that a testfile has finished, and report it's result.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= ERRORMSG
* @param msg message or name of test to log out
* @param result result of testfile
public void testFileClose(String msg, String result)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < ERRORMSG)
outStream.println(sIndent + "TestFileClose(" + result + ") " + msg);
* Report that a testcase has started.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= WARNINGMSG
* @param comment short description of this test case's objective.
public void testCaseInit(String comment)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < WARNINGMSG)
outStream.println(sIndent + "TestCaseInit " + comment);
* Report that a testcase has finished, and report it's result.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= WARNINGMSG
* @param msg message of name of test case to log out
* @param result result of testfile
public void testCaseClose(String msg, String result)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < WARNINGMSG)
outStream.println(sIndent + "TestCaseClose(" + result + ") " + msg);
//-------- Test results logging routines --------
* Report a comment to result file with specified severity.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= level
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param msg comment to log out.
public void logMsg(int level, String msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
outStream.println(sIndent + msg);
* Report an arbitrary String to result file with specified severity.
* Log out the String provided exactly as-is.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= level
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param msg arbitrary String to log out.
public void logArbitrary(int level, String msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
* Logs out statistics to result file with specified severity.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= level
* @param level severity of message.
* @param lVal statistic in long format.
* @param dVal statistic in double format.
* @param msg comment to log out.
public void logStatistic(int level, long lVal, double dVal, String msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
outStream.println(sIndent + msg + " l: " + lVal + " d: " + dVal);
* Logs out Throwable.toString() and a stack trace of the
* Throwable with the specified severity.
* @author
* @param level severity of message.
* @param throwable throwable/exception to log out.
* @param msg description of the throwable.
public void logThrowable(int level, Throwable throwable, String msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
sWriter.write(msg + "\n");
sWriter.write(throwable.toString() + "\n");
PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(sWriter);
* Logs out a element to results with specified severity.
* Simply indents and dumps output as string like so:
* <pre>
* element
* attr1=value1
* ...
* msg.toString()
* </pre>
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= level
* @param level severity of message.
* @param element name of enclosing element
* @param attrs hash of name=value attributes
* @param msg Object to log out; up to reporters to handle
* processing of this; usually logs just .toString().
public void logElement(int level, String element, Hashtable attrs,
Object msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
if ((element == null)
|| (attrs == null))
// Bail if either element name or attr list is null
// Note: we should really handle this case more elegantly
outStream.println(sIndent + element);
for (Enumeration keys = attrs.keys();
keys.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
Object key = keys.nextElement();
outStream.println(sIndent + key.toString() + "="
+ attrs.get(key).toString());
if (msg != null)
outStream.println(sIndent + msg.toString());
* Logs out contents of a Hashtable with specified severity.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= level
* @param level severity or class of message.
* @param hash Hashtable to log the contents of.
* @param msg decription of the Hashtable.
public void logHashtable(int level, Hashtable hash, String msg)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < level)
outStream.println(sIndent + "HASHTABLE: " + msg);
if (hash == null)
outStream.println(sIndent + "hash == null, no data");
// Fake the Properties-like output
for (Enumeration keys = hash.keys();
keys.hasMoreElements(); /* no increment portion */ )
Object key = keys.nextElement();
outStream.println(sIndent + key.toString() + "="
+ hash.get(key).toString());
catch (Exception e)
// No-op: should ensure we have clean output
//-------- Test results reporting check* routines --------
* Writes out a Pass record with comment.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel > FAILSONLY
* @param comment comment to log with the pass record.
public void checkPass(String comment)
// Note <=, since FAILSONLY is a special level
if (consoleLoggingLevel <= FAILSONLY)
outStream.println(sIndent + "PASS! " + comment);
* Writes out an ambiguous record with comment.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel > FAILSONLY
* @param comment comment to log with the ambg record.
public void checkAmbiguous(String comment)
// Note <=, since FAILSONLY is a special level
if (consoleLoggingLevel <= FAILSONLY)
outStream.println(sIndent + "AMBG " + comment);
* Writes out a Fail record with comment.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= FAILSONLY
* @param comment comment to log with the fail record.
public void checkFail(String comment)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < FAILSONLY)
outStream.println(sIndent + "FAIL " + comment);
* Writes out a Error record with comment.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= ERRORMSG
* @param comment comment to log with the error record.
public void checkErr(String comment)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < ERRORMSG)
outStream.println(sIndent + "ERROR " + comment);
/* EXPERIMENTAL: have duplicate set of check*() methods
that all output some form of ID as well as comment.
Leave the non-ID taking forms for both simplicity to the
end user who doesn't care about IDs as well as for
backwards compatibility.
* Writes out a Pass record with comment and ID.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel > FAILSONLY
* @param comment comment to log with the pass record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkPass(String comment, String id)
// Note <=, since FAILSONLY is a special level
if (consoleLoggingLevel <= FAILSONLY)
if (id != null)
outStream.println(sIndent + "PASS! (" + id + ") " + comment);
outStream.println(sIndent + "PASS! " + comment);
* Writes out an ambiguous record with comment and ID.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel > FAILSONLY
* @param comment to log with the ambg record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkAmbiguous(String comment, String id)
// Note <=, since FAILSONLY is a special level
if (consoleLoggingLevel <= FAILSONLY)
if (id != null)
outStream.println(sIndent + "AMBG (" + id + ") " + comment);
outStream.println(sIndent + "AMBG " + comment);
* Writes out a Fail record with comment and ID.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= FAILSONLY
* @param comment comment to log with the fail record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkFail(String comment, String id)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < FAILSONLY)
if (id != null)
outStream.println(sIndent + "FAIL! (" + id + ") " + comment);
outStream.println(sIndent + "FAIL! " + comment);
* Writes out an Error record with comment and ID.
* Output only when ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel >= ERRORMSG
* @param comment comment to log with the error record.
* @param ID token to log with the pass record.
public void checkErr(String comment, String id)
if (consoleLoggingLevel < ERRORMSG)
if (id != null)
outStream.println(sIndent + "ERROR (" + id + ") " + comment);
outStream.println(sIndent + "ERROR " + comment);
} // end of class ConsoleLogger