blob: e3be5b9e73d77a3ed8f34b8c44bd0127af03b389 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.qetest.xsl;
import org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest;
import org.apache.qetest.Logger;
import org.apache.qetest.QetestUtils;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
* Execute an instance of an org.apache.qetest.xsl.XSLProcessorTestBase.
* Cheap-o (for now) way to run qetest or Xalan tests directly
* from an Ant build file. Current usage:
* <pre>&lt;taskdef name="QetestTask" classname="org.apache.qetest.xsl.XSLTestAntTask"/>
* &lt;target name="test">
* &lt;QetestTask
* test="Minitest"
* loggingLevel="50"
* consoleLoggingLevel="40"
* inputDir="../tests/api"
* goldDir="../tests/api-gold"
* outputDir="../tests/minitest"
* logFile="../tests/minitest/log.xml"
* flavor="trax"
* /></pre>
* To be improved: I'd like to basically convert XSLTestHarness
* into an Ant task, so you can run multiple tests at once.
* Other obvious improvements include an AntLogger implementation
* of Logger and better integration with the Project and
* the various ways build scripts use properties.
* Also, various properties should really have default values.
* Blatantly ripped off from Ant 1.3
* @author <a href="">Shane Curcuru</a>
* @author Stefano Mazzocchi <a href=""></a>
* @author <a href="">Stefan Bodewig</a>
* @version $Id$
public class XSLTestAntTask extends Task
/** Representation of command line to run for our test. */
protected CommandlineJava commandLineJava = new CommandlineJava();
/** If we should fork another JVM to execute the test. */
protected boolean fork = false;
/** If forking, current dir to set new JVM in. */
protected File dir = null;
/** Alternate Ant output file to use. */
protected File out;
* If Ant errors/problems should throw a BuildException.
* Note: This does not fail if the test fails, only on a
* serious error or problem running the test.
protected boolean failOnError = false;
/** Normal constants for testType: API tests. */
public static final String TESTTYPE_API = "api.";
/** Normal constants for testType: API tests. */
public static final String TESTTYPE_CONF = "conf.";
/** Normal constants for testType: API tests. */
public static final String TESTTYPE_PERF = "perf.";
/** Normal constants for testType: API tests. */
public static final String TESTTYPE_CONTRIB = "contrib.";
* Type of test we're executing.
* Used by passThruProps to determine which kind of prefixed
* properties from the Ant file to pass thru to the test.
* Normally one of api|conf|perf|contrib, etc.
protected String testType = TESTTYPE_API;
* Name of the class to execute as the test.
protected String testClass = null;
* Cheap-o way to pass properties to the underlying test.
* This task simply writes out needed properties to this file,
* then tells the test to -load them when executing.
protected String passThruProps = "";
//-------- Implementations for test-related parameters --------
* Test parameter: Set the type of this test.
* @param ll loggingLevel passed to test for all
* non-console output; 0=very little output, 99=lots
* @see org.apache.qetest.Reporter#setLoggingLevel(int)
public void setTestType(String type)
log("setTestType(" + type + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
testType = type;
* Test parameter: Name of test class to execute.
* Replacement for Java's setClassname property; accepts the
* name of a specific Test subclass. Note that we use
* {@link org.apache.qetest.QetestUtils.testClassForName(String, String[], String) QetestUtils.testClassForName}
* to actually get the FQCN of the class to run; this allows
* users to just specify the name of the class itself
* (e.g. SystemIdTest) and have it work properly.
* We search a number of default packages in order if needed:
* as seen in QetestUtils.testClassForName().
* Note! Due to Ant's interesting handling of classpaths, we
* cannot actually resolve the testname here - we simply store
* the string, and then let QetestUtils resolve it later
* when we're actually executing. That's because any classpaths
* that were set in the build.xml file aren't valid here, when
* the task is setting properties - they're only valid when the
* task actually executes later on.
* @param testClassname FQCN or just bare classname
* of test to run
public void setTest(String testClassname)
log("setTest(" + testClassname + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
testClass = testClassname;
// Force the actual class being executed to be a 'launcher' class
// Note this needs to be the first argument in the line,
// thus this should be the first property set
//@todo fix this so users can actually use other properties
// first without the ordering problem
* Test parameter: Set the loggingLevel used in this test.
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* @param ll loggingLevel passed to test for all
* non-console output; 0=very little output, 99=lots
* @see org.apache.qetest.Reporter#setLoggingLevel(int)
public void setLoggingLevel(int ll)
// Is this really the simplest way to stuff data into
// objects in the 'proper Ant way'?
+ " "
+ Integer.toString(ll));
* Test parameter: Set the consoleLoggingLevel used in this test.
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* @param ll loggingLevel used just for console output; here,
* the default log going to Ant's console
* @see org.apache.qetest.ConsoleLogger
public void setConsoleLoggingLevel(int ll)
"-ConsoleLogger.loggingLevel " + Integer.toString(ll));
* Test parameter: inputDir, root of input files tree (required).
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* //@todo this should have a default, since without a valid
* value most tests will just return an error
* @param d Path to look for input files in: should be the
* root of the applicable tests/api, tests/conf, etc. tree
* @see org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest#OPT_INPUTDIR
public void setInputDir(Path d)
"-" + FileBasedTest.OPT_INPUTDIR);
* Test parameter: outputDir, dir to put outputs in.
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* @param d where the test will put it's output files
* @see org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest#OPT_OUTPUTDIR
public void setOutputDir(Path d)
"-" + FileBasedTest.OPT_OUTPUTDIR);
* Test parameter: goldDir, root of gold files tree.
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* @param d Path to look for gold files in: should be the
* root of the applicable tests/api-gold, tests/conf-gold, etc. tree
* @see org.apache.qetest.FileBasedTest#OPT_GOLDDIR
public void setGoldDir(Path d)
"-" + FileBasedTest.OPT_GOLDDIR);
* Test parameter: logFile, where to put XMLFileLogger output.
* //@todo deprecate: should use passThruProps instead
* @param f File(name) to send our 'official' results to via
* an {@link org.apache.qetest.XMLFileLogger XMLFileLogger}
public void setLogFile(File f)
commandLineJava.createArgument().setValue("-" + Logger.OPT_LOGFILE);
commandLineJava.createArgument().setFile(f); // Check if this is what the test is expecting
* Default prefix of Ant properties to passThru to the test.
* Note that testType is also a dynamic prefix that's also used.
public static final String ANT_PASSTHRU_PREFIX = "qetest.";
* Worker method to write out properties file for test.
* Simply translates any properties in your Ant build file that
* begin with the prefix, and puts them in a Properties block.
* This block is then written out to disk, so that the test can
* later read them in via -load.
* //@todo NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: make more robust; check for write
* access to local dir; support dir-switching attribute
* when forking from Ant task; etc.
* @param altPrefix alternate prefix of Ant properties to also
* pass thru in addition to ANT_PASSTHRU_PREFIX; these will
* override any of the default prefix ones
protected void writePassThruProps(String altPrefix)
Hashtable antProps = this.getProject().getProperties();
Properties passThru = new Properties();
// Passthru any of the default prefixed properties..
for (Enumeration keys = antProps.keys();
/* no increment portion */ )
String key = keys.nextElement().toString();
if (key.startsWith(ANT_PASSTHRU_PREFIX))
// Move any of these properties into the test;
// rip off the prefix first
passThru.put(key.substring(ANT_PASSTHRU_PREFIX.length()), antProps.get(key));
//.. Then also passthru any alternate prefix properties
// this ensures alternate prefixes will overwrite default ones
for (Enumeration keys = antProps.keys();
/* no increment portion */ )
String key = keys.nextElement().toString();
if (key.startsWith(altPrefix))
// Also move alternate prefixed properties too
passThru.put(key.substring(altPrefix.length()), antProps.get(key));
// Make sure to write to the basedir of the project!
File baseDir = this.getProject().getBaseDir();
String propFileName = baseDir.getPath() + File.separator + passThruProps;
log("writePassThruProps attempting to write to " + propFileName, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
// If we can write the props out to disk... FileOutputStream(propFileName),
"XSLTestAntTask.writePassThruProps() generated for use by test " + testClass);
// ... then also force -load of this file into test's command line
commandLineJava.createArgument().setLine("-load " + passThruProps);
catch (IOException ioe)
throw new BuildException("writePassThruProps could not write to " + propFileName + ", threw: "
+ ioe.toString(), location);
//-------- Implementations from Java task --------
* Execute this task.
* Basically just calls the
* {@link #executeJava() executeJava() worker method} to do
* all the work of executing the task. Then checks the
* failOnError member to see if we should throw an exception.
* @throws BuildException
public void execute() throws BuildException
// Log out our version info: useful for debugging, since
// the wrong version of this class can easily get loaded
log("XSLTestAntTask: $Id$", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
// Call worker method to create and write prop file
// This passes thru both default 'qetest.' properties as
// well as properties associated with testType
int err = -1;
if ((err = executeJava()) != 0)
if (failOnError)
throw new BuildException("XSLTestAntTask execution returned: "
+ err, location);
log("XSLTestAntTask Result: " + err, Project.MSG_ERR);
* Worker method to do the execution and return a return code.
* @return the return code from the execute java class if it
* was executed in a separate VM (fork = "yes").
* @throws BuildException
public int executeJava() throws BuildException
String classname = commandLineJava.getClassname();
if (classname == null)
throw new BuildException("Classname must not be null.");
if (fork)
log("Forking " + commandLineJava.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
return run(commandLineJava.getCommandline());
if (commandLineJava.getVmCommand().size() > 1)
log("JVM args ignored when same JVM is used.",
if (dir != null)
log("Working directory ignored when same JVM is used.",
log("Running in same VM "
+ commandLineJava.getJavaCommand().toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
return 0;
* Set the classpath to be used for this test.
* @param s classpath used for running the test
public void setClasspath(Path s)
* Creates a nested classpath element
* @return classpath element to set for this test
public Path createClasspath()
return commandLineJava.createClasspath(project).createPath();
* Adds a reference to a CLASSPATH defined elsewhere.
* @param r reference to the CLASSPATH
public void setClasspathRef(Reference r)
* Creates a nested arg element.
* @return Argument to send to our test
public Commandline.Argument createArg()
return commandLineJava.createArgument();
* Set the forking flag.
* @param s true if we should fork; false otherwise
public void setFork(boolean s)
this.fork = s;
* Creates a nested jvmarg element.
* @return Argument to send to our JVM if forking
public Commandline.Argument createJvmarg()
return commandLineJava.createVmArgument();
* Set the command used to start the VM (only if fork==false).
* @param s vm command used
public void setJvm(String s)
* Add a nested sysproperty element.
* @param sysp to send to our test/JVM
public void addSysproperty(Environment.Variable sysp)
* Throw a BuildException if process returns non 0.
* @param fail if we should fail on serious errors
public void setFailonerror(boolean fail)
failOnError = fail;
* The working directory of the process, if forked.
* @param d current directory for test, if forked
public void setDir(File d)
this.dir = d;
* File the output of the process is redirected to.
* @param out output file for Ant output (not just test output)
public void setOutput(File out)
this.out = out;
* -mx or -Xmx depending on VM version
* @param max max Java memory to use for test execution
public void setMaxmemory(String max)
if (Project.getJavaVersion().startsWith("1.1"))
createJvmarg().setValue("-mx" + max);
createJvmarg().setValue("-Xmx" + max);
* Executes the given classname with the given arguments as if
* it was a command line application.
* Explicitly adds test-specific args from our members.
* @param command object to execute
* @throws BuildException thrown if IOException thrown internally
private void run(CommandlineJava command) throws BuildException
ExecuteJava exe = new ExecuteJava();
if (out != null)
exe.setOutput(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(out)));
catch (IOException io)
throw new BuildException(io, location);
* Executes the given classname with the given arguments in a separate VM.
* @param command line args to execute
* @return status from VM execution
* @throws BuildException thrown if IOException thrown internally
private int run(String[] command) throws BuildException
FileOutputStream fos = null;
Execute exe = null;
if (out == null)
exe = new Execute(
new LogStreamHandler(
this, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN), null);
fos = new FileOutputStream(out);
exe = new Execute(new PumpStreamHandler(fos), null);
if (dir == null)
dir = project.getBaseDir();
else if (!dir.exists() ||!dir.isDirectory())
throw new BuildException(
dir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a valid directory",
return exe.execute();
catch (IOException e)
throw new BuildException(e, location);
catch (IOException io)
throw new BuildException(io, location);
if (fos != null)
catch (IOException io){}
* Executes the given classname with the given arguments as if it
* was a command line application.
* @param classname of Java class to execute
* @param args for Java class
* @throws BuildException not thrown
protected void run(String classname, Vector args) throws BuildException
CommandlineJava cmdj = new CommandlineJava();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
cmdj.createArgument().setValue((String) args.elementAt(i));
* Clear out the arguments to this java task.
public void clearArgs()
* Set the bootclasspathref to be used for this test.
* @param s bootclasspathref used for running the test
public void setBootclasspathref(Reference r)
// This is a hack.
// On JDK 1.4.x or later we need to override bootclasspath
// the Xalan/Xerces in rt.jar.
String jdkRelease =
System.getProperty("java.version", "0.0").substring(0,3);
if (!jdkRelease.equals("1.1")
&& !jdkRelease.equals("1.2")
&& !jdkRelease.equals("1.3")) {
Path p = (Path)r.getReferencedObject(this.getProject());
log("Bootclasspath: " + p);
createJvmarg().setValue("-Xbootclasspath/p:" + p);