blob: 4b96dab458dab5a20d9d824d3ce5849ff7530ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FONT color="green">001</FONT> /*<a name="line.1"></a>
<FONT color="green">002</FONT> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one<a name="line.2"></a>
<FONT color="green">003</FONT> * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file<a name="line.3"></a>
<FONT color="green">004</FONT> * distributed with this work for additional information<a name="line.4"></a>
<FONT color="green">005</FONT> * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file<a name="line.5"></a>
<FONT color="green">006</FONT> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");<a name="line.6"></a>
<FONT color="green">007</FONT> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<a name="line.7"></a>
<FONT color="green">008</FONT> * You may obtain a copy of the License at<a name="line.8"></a>
<FONT color="green">009</FONT> *<a name="line.9"></a>
<FONT color="green">010</FONT> *<a name="line.10"></a>
<FONT color="green">011</FONT> *<a name="line.11"></a>
<FONT color="green">012</FONT> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software<a name="line.12"></a>
<FONT color="green">013</FONT> * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,<a name="line.13"></a>
<FONT color="green">014</FONT> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.<a name="line.14"></a>
<FONT color="green">015</FONT> * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and<a name="line.15"></a>
<FONT color="green">016</FONT> * limitations under the License.<a name="line.16"></a>
<FONT color="green">017</FONT> */<a name="line.17"></a>
<FONT color="green">018</FONT> /*<a name="line.18"></a>
<FONT color="green">019</FONT> * $Id: 468655 2006-10-28 07:12:06Z minchau $<a name="line.19"></a>
<FONT color="green">020</FONT> */<a name="line.20"></a>
<FONT color="green">021</FONT> package org.apache.xml.utils.res;<a name="line.21"></a>
<FONT color="green">022</FONT> <a name="line.22"></a>
<FONT color="green">023</FONT> //<a name="line.23"></a>
<FONT color="green">024</FONT> //<a name="line.24"></a>
<FONT color="green">025</FONT> //<a name="line.25"></a>
<FONT color="green">026</FONT> <a name="line.26"></a>
<FONT color="green">027</FONT> /**<a name="line.27"></a>
<FONT color="green">028</FONT> * The Japanese (Hiragana) resource bundle.<a name="line.28"></a>
<FONT color="green">029</FONT> * @xsl.usage internal<a name="line.29"></a>
<FONT color="green">030</FONT> */<a name="line.30"></a>
<FONT color="green">031</FONT> public class XResources_ja_JP_HI extends XResourceBundle<a name="line.31"></a>
<FONT color="green">032</FONT> {<a name="line.32"></a>
<FONT color="green">033</FONT> <a name="line.33"></a>
<FONT color="green">034</FONT> /**<a name="line.34"></a>
<FONT color="green">035</FONT> * Get the association table for this resource.<a name="line.35"></a>
<FONT color="green">036</FONT> *<a name="line.36"></a>
<FONT color="green">037</FONT> *<a name="line.37"></a>
<FONT color="green">038</FONT> * @return the association table for this resource.<a name="line.38"></a>
<FONT color="green">039</FONT> */<a name="line.39"></a>
<FONT color="green">040</FONT> public Object[][] getContents()<a name="line.40"></a>
<FONT color="green">041</FONT> {<a name="line.41"></a>
<FONT color="green">042</FONT> return new Object[][]<a name="line.42"></a>
<FONT color="green">043</FONT> {<a name="line.43"></a>
<FONT color="green">044</FONT> { "ui_language", "ja" }, { "help_language", "ja" }, { "language", "ja" },<a name="line.44"></a>
<FONT color="green">045</FONT> { "alphabet", new CharArrayWrapper(<a name="line.45"></a>
<FONT color="green">046</FONT> new char[]{ 0x3044, 0x308d, 0x306f, 0x306b, 0x307b, 0x3078, 0x3068,<a name="line.46"></a>
<FONT color="green">047</FONT> 0x3061, 0x308a, 0x306c, 0x308b, 0x3092, 0x308f, 0x304b,<a name="line.47"></a>
<FONT color="green">048</FONT> 0x3088, 0x305f, 0x308c, 0x305d, 0x3064, 0x306d, 0x306a,<a name="line.48"></a>
<FONT color="green">049</FONT> 0x3089, 0x3080, 0x3046, 0x3090, 0x306e, 0x304a, 0x304f,<a name="line.49"></a>
<FONT color="green">050</FONT> 0x3084, 0x307e, 0x3051, 0x3075, 0x3053, 0x3048, 0x3066,<a name="line.50"></a>
<FONT color="green">051</FONT> 0x3042, 0x3055, 0x304d, 0x3086, 0x3081, 0x307f, 0x3057,<a name="line.51"></a>
<FONT color="green">052</FONT> 0x3091, 0x3072, 0x3082, 0x305b, 0x3059 }) },<a name="line.52"></a>
<FONT color="green">053</FONT> { "tradAlphabet", new CharArrayWrapper(<a name="line.53"></a>
<FONT color="green">054</FONT> new char[]{ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',<a name="line.54"></a>
<FONT color="green">055</FONT> 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',<a name="line.55"></a>
<FONT color="green">056</FONT> 'Y', 'Z' }) },<a name="line.56"></a>
<FONT color="green">057</FONT> <a name="line.57"></a>
<FONT color="green">058</FONT> //language orientation<a name="line.58"></a>
<FONT color="green">059</FONT> { "orientation", "LeftToRight" },<a name="line.59"></a>
<FONT color="green">060</FONT> <a name="line.60"></a>
<FONT color="green">061</FONT> //language numbering <a name="line.61"></a>
<FONT color="green">062</FONT> { "numbering", "multiplicative-additive" },<a name="line.62"></a>
<FONT color="green">063</FONT> { "multiplierOrder", "follows" },<a name="line.63"></a>
<FONT color="green">064</FONT> <a name="line.64"></a>
<FONT color="green">065</FONT> // largest numerical value <a name="line.65"></a>
<FONT color="green">066</FONT> //{"MaxNumericalValue", new Integer(10000000000)},<a name="line.66"></a>
<FONT color="green">067</FONT> //These would not be used for EN. Only used for traditional numbering <a name="line.67"></a>
<FONT color="green">068</FONT> { "numberGroups", new IntArrayWrapper(new int[]{ 1 }) },<a name="line.68"></a>
<FONT color="green">069</FONT> <a name="line.69"></a>
<FONT color="green">070</FONT> //These only used for mutiplicative-additive numbering<a name="line.70"></a>
<FONT color="green">071</FONT> // Note that we are using longs and that the last two <a name="line.71"></a>
<FONT color="green">072</FONT> // multipliers are not supported. This is a known limitation.<a name="line.72"></a>
<FONT color="green">073</FONT> { "multiplier", new LongArrayWrapper(<a name="line.73"></a>
<FONT color="green">074</FONT> new long[]{ Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, 100000000, 10000, 1000, <a name="line.74"></a>
<FONT color="green">075</FONT> 100, 10 }) },<a name="line.75"></a>
<FONT color="green">076</FONT> { "multiplierChar", new CharArrayWrapper(<a name="line.76"></a>
<FONT color="green">077</FONT> new char[]{ 0x4EAC, 0x5146, 0x5104, 0x4E07, 0x5343, 0x767e, 0x5341 }) },<a name="line.77"></a>
<FONT color="green">078</FONT> <a name="line.78"></a>
<FONT color="green">079</FONT> // chinese only??<a name="line.79"></a>
<FONT color="green">080</FONT> { "zero", new CharArrayWrapper(new char[0]) },<a name="line.80"></a>
<FONT color="green">081</FONT> { "digits", new CharArrayWrapper(<a name="line.81"></a>
<FONT color="green">082</FONT> new char[]{ 0x4E00, 0x4E8C, 0x4E09, 0x56DB, 0x4E94, 0x516D, 0x4E03,<a name="line.82"></a>
<FONT color="green">083</FONT> 0x516B, 0x4E5D }) }, { "tables", new StringArrayWrapper(<a name="line.83"></a>
<FONT color="green">084</FONT> new String[]{ "digits" }) }<a name="line.84"></a>
<FONT color="green">085</FONT> };<a name="line.85"></a>
<FONT color="green">086</FONT> }<a name="line.86"></a>
<FONT color="green">087</FONT> }<a name="line.87"></a>