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<h2>Command-Line Utility</h2>
<a href="commandline_xsltc.html">Command line options for XSLTC</a>
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<h3>Using the Command-Line Utility</h3>
<p>To perform a transformation, you can call Xalan-Java from the command line (or script),
an applet, an application, or a servlet (see <a href="usagepatterns.html">Usage Patterns</a>).</p>
<p>The org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process main() method provides a command-line interface
for performing XSL transformation. To perform a transformation from the command line or a script,
do the following:</p>
<li>Download Xalan-Java.<br />
<br />
<a href="getstarted.html#classpath">Set the Java classpath</a> to include <code>xalan.jar</code>, <code>serializer.jar</code>, <code>xml-apis.jar</code>, and
<code>xercesImpl.jar</code> -- or another conformant XML Parser -- (see <a href="usagepatterns.html#plug">Plugging in
the Transformer and XML parser</a>).<br />
<br />
<li>Call java and the Process class with the appropriate flags and
arguments (described below). The following command line, for example, includes the -IN, -XSL,
and -OUT flags with their accompanying arguments -- the XML source document, the XSL
stylesheet, and the output file:<br />
<br />
<code>java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN foo.xml -XSL foo.xsl -OUT foo.out</code>
<p>The command line utility can take the following flags and arguments (the flags are case insensitive):</p>
<blockquote class="source">
Common Options
-XSLTC (use XSLTC for transformation)
-XSL XSLTransformationURL
-OUT outputFileName
-V (Version info)
-EDUMP [optional filename] (Do stackdump on error.)
-XML (Use XML formatter and add XML header.)
-TEXT (Use simple Text formatter.)
-HTML (Use HTML formatter.)
-PARAM name expression (Set a stylesheet parameter)
-MEDIA mediaType (use media attribute to find stylesheet associated with a document)
-FLAVOR flavorName (Explicitly use s2s=SAX or d2d=DOM to do transform)
-DIAG (Print overall milliseconds transform took)
-URIRESOLVER full class name (URIResolver to be used to resolve URIs)
-ENTITYRESOLVER full class name (EntityResolver to be used to resolve entities)
-CONTENTHANDLER full class name (ContentHandler to be used to serialize output)
-SECURE (set the secure processing feature to true)
Options for Xalan-Java Interpretive
-QC (Quiet Pattern Conflicts Warnings)
-TT (Trace the templates as they are being called)
-TG (Trace each generation event)
-TS (Trace each selection event)
-TTC (Trace the template children as they are being processed)
-TCLASS (TraceListener class for trace extensions)
-L (use line numbers for source document)
-INCREMENTAL (request incremental DTM construction by setting to true)
-NOOPTIMIMIZE (request no stylesheet optimization proccessing by setting to false)
-RL recursionlimit (assert numeric limit on stylesheet recursion depth)
Options for Xalan-Java Compiled (XSLTC)
-XO [optional transletName] (assign the name to the generated translet)
-XD destinationDirectory (specify a destination directory for translet)
-XJ jarfile (package translet classes into a jar file of name &lt;jarfile&gt;)
-XP package (specify a package name prefix for all generated translet classes)
-XN (enable XSL template inlining into one big method)
-XX (turn on additional debugging message output)
-XT (use translet to transform if possible)
<p>Use <code>-XSLTC</code> if you want to transform with XSLTC. Please refer to
<a href="commandline_xsltc.html">this document</a> for a detailed description on
XSLTC related options.</p>
<p>Use <code>-IN</code> to specify the XML source document.</p>
<p>Use <code>-XSL</code> to specify the XSL stylesheet file.</p>
<p>Use <code>-TEXT</code> if you want the output to include only element values (not element tags with element names and
<p>Use <code>-HTML</code> to write 4.0 transitional HTML (some elements, such as &lt;br&gt;, are
not well formed XML).</p>
<p>To set stylesheet parameters from the command line, use <br />
<code>java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -PARAM <b>
<i>name value</i>
<p>The value is passed to the transformer as a String.</p>
<p>For information about incremental and optimized stylesheet processing, see <a href="dtm.html#settings">DTM settings</a>.</p>
<p>Use <code>-L</code> to obtain access to a SourceLocator that a stylesheet extension can use to get information about the location
of nodes in the source document. For more information, see <a href="extensionslib.html#nodeinfo">NodeInfo extension functions</a>
and <a href="features.html#source_location">source_location</a>.</p>
<p>Use <code>-URIRESOLVER</code> with a fully qualified class name to utilize a custom implementation of the
<a href="apidocs/javax/xml/transform/URIResolver.html">URIResolver</a> JAXP interface to resolve URIs for
xsl:include, xsl:import, and the document() function.</p>
<p>Use <code>-ENTITYRESOLVER</code> with a fully qualified class name to utilize a custom implementation of the
<a href="apidocs/org/xml/sax/EntityResolver.html">EntityResolver</a> SAX interface to handle external entity references.</p>
<p>Use <code>-CONTENTHANDLER</code> with a fully qualified class name to utilize a custom implementation of the
<a href="apidocs/org/xml/sax/ContentHandler.html">ContentHandler</a> SAX interface to serialize output.
If this same class implements the <a href="apidocs/org/xml/sax/ext/LexicalHandler.html">org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler</a>
interface and the output method is "xml", it will also receive lexical information about the XML document during serialization.</p>
<table class="note">
<td class="noteImg">
<img src="resources/note.gif" alt="note" />
<td class="noteTxt">If you want to validate an XML document (verify that it adheres to its DOCTYPE declaration), you can use the
<a href="samples.html#validateutility">Validate utility</a> shipped with Xalan-Java Version 2.7.D2.</td>
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