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<div id="content">
<h2>Installing Xalan-C++</h2>
<a href="#SourcePkgs">Install Source Packages</a>
<a href="#BinaryPkgs">Install Binary Packages</a>
<a href="#InsWin">Install Windows Packages</a>
<a href="#InsUnx">InstallUNIX Packages</a>
<a href="#InsPkgs">Other Packages</a>
<a href="#XalanDocPkg">Install Documentation Packages</a>
<a href="">Xalan-C User Guide</a>
<a href="">Xalan-C API Reference</a>
<p>A pre-requisite for using the Xalan-C/C++ XSLT library is to
have a working Xerces-C/C++ XML Parser library. Xerces-C/C++
must be of version 3.0 or newer. Xerces-C/C++ Version 3.1.1 is preferred.
<p>The Xalan-C/C++ project is providing several types of packages.
<p>Source packages contain all of the source code to build the
Xalan-C/C++ library, the sample programs, and the documentation.
There are UNIX scripts and Windows project files by which the
library and sample programs can be built.
There are also scripts for building the User Guide web pages and
a Doxygen configuration for building the interactive API Reference.
<p>Binary packages contain compiled libraries and the Xalan
command line program. The binary packages also contain C/C++
header files for basic software development.
<p>Documentation packages contain pre-built directories of web
page html files for the Xalan-C/C++ User Guide and the interactive
API Reference for programmers.
<a name="SourcePkgs"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Install Source Packages</h3>
<p>We have no package managers for source packages. You just extract
the contents of the distribution <b>
</b> file or <b>
</b> file
into a source directory of your choosing.
<p>You also need to have the necessary C/C++ compiler tools installed
and a working copy of the Xerces-C/C++ XML parser library.
<p>Building the
<a href="builddocs.html#buildweb">User Guide</a>
from sources requires a working Xalan command line program.
<p>Building the interactive
<a href="builddocs.html#buildapi">API Reference</a>
requires a UNIX or Linux system with a current copy of
Doxygen and GraphViz installed.
<p>The building of a library from sources results in a directory from which
a binary package can be made.
<a href="buildlibs.html#unixbldenv">UNIX and Linux builds</a>
are automatically targeted to an install destination.
<a href="buildlibs.html#winbldinst">Installing a Windows build</a>
requires that the specific compiled products be copied to a usable
destination directory.
<a name="BinaryPkgs"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Install Binary Packages</h3>
<p>The binary packages distributed by <b>
</b> files
and <b>
</b> files are usually extracted to the install
<code>{target}</code> directory.
After extracting the contents, you then need to manually perform
some minor system configuration.
<p>Packages that are handled by a package manager are usually
installed and configured according to package maintainer.</p>
<a name="InsWin"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Install Windows Packages</h4>
<p>The Xalan-C and Xerces-C packages can be installed to the same
directory tree. The debug and release builds have different names
for the shared <code>*.DLL</code> files.
<p>Windows operating systems require that the <code>{target}\bin</code>
directory be added to the PATH environment. You can make the path
a permanent part of the SYSTEM or user login DESKTOP environment.
The PATH environment variable should contain an entry
where the <code>{target}\bin\*.DLL</code> files are found.
<li>Right-Click on the computer icon.</li>
<li>Select Properties.</li>
<li>Select Advanced System Settings.</li>
<li>Select Environment Variables.</li>
<li>Add the <code>{target}\bin</code> directory to the
system PATH environment variable.</li>
<p>The XP, NT, 2000 and 2003 systems allow environment variables to be
set explicitly to individual user accounts.
The Vista, Win-7, and 2008 systems have security administration that
gets in the way of updating individual user environments.
<p>In a command window or a command environment, you can add the following
shell command to set a temporary path to the XALAN <code>{target}\bin</code>
<blockquote class="source">
<pre>set PATH=%PATH%;{target}\bin</pre>
<a name="InsUnx"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Install UNIX Packages</h4>
<p>The path to the <code>Xalan</code> command line executable program should be added
to the PATH environment variable.</p>
<p>The path to the shared objects should be added to the system
configuration or overridden by specific entry in an environment
by which shared objects can be found.</p>
<p>Here is some more detailed information on
<a href="buildlibs.html#unixlibpath">UNIX Runtime</a> configuration.
<a name="InsPkgs"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Install Other Packages</h4>
<p>These packages are usually installed and configured by a package manager.
You should refer to the documentation provided by the package maintainer.
<a name="XalanDocPkg"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Install Documentation Packages</h3>
<p>The documentation packages are distributed as <b>
</b> files
and <b>
</b> files. You just extract the files into a directory
that is reachable by your favorite web browser. The head of the
documentation tree starts at the <a href="index.html">
</a> directory.
<b>TO DO:</b>
<p>Rework the xalan/c/trunk/xdocs/sources/ scripts so that the
source documentation builds are
targeted to the xalan/c/trunk/build/docs/xalan-c/ directory path.
<p>Add a documentation script that performs a post-processing
operation when building the API Reference from Doxygen to relocate
the constructed products to the xalan/c/trunk/build/docs/xalan-c/apiDocs/
directory path.
<p>Details are found in our <a href="builddocs.html">Build Documents</a> pages.
<a name="DocWebPkg"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Install Xalan-C User Guide</h4>
<p>Extract the distributed <b>
</b> file or <b>
file to the <code>{docs}</code> directory. The package populates
the <code>{docs}/xalan-c/*</code> directory containing the Xalan-C
User Guide web pages.
<a name="DocApiPkg"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Install Xalan-C API Reference</h4>
<p>Extract the distributed <b>
</b> file or <b>
file to the <code>{docs}</code> directory. The package populates
the <code>{docs}/xalan-c/apiDocs/*</code> directory containing the
Xalan-C API Reference for programmers.
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
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