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<a href="index.html">Xalan-C/C++ Version 1.11</a>
<td valign="middle">Building The Documents</td>
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<div id="content">
<h2>Building The Documents</h2>
<a href="#buildweb">Building the Xalan-C Web Pages</a>
<a href="#b_web_1">Documentation Source Tree</a>
<a href="#b_web_2">Destination Build Tree</a>
<a href="#b_web_3">The Web Page Build Environment</a>
<a href="#b_web_4">Preparing the Navigation File</a>
<a href="#b_web_5">Creating the Web Pages</a>
<a href="#buildapi">Building the Xalan-C API Reference</a>
<a href="#b_api_1">API Configuration Source Tree</a>
<a href="#b_api_2">Destination Path for API Web Pages</a>
<a href="#b_api_3">Build the API Web Pages</a>
<a href="#integrateapi">Integrate API With Xalan-C Project Web Pages</a>
<a name="buildweb"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Building the Xalan-C Web Pages</h3>
<p>This section shows how to build the documentation products for Xalan-C/C++.
This is a subproject of the ASF XALAN PMC.
<p>The XALAN PMC project web page [<a href=""></a>] is a top-level page
with branches to the subprojects that include the Java and C/C++ code libraries.
<p>The Xalan-C/C++ home web page [<a href="../old/xalan-c"></a>]
is the content
construction that is being described here.
<p>The Apache StyleBook Java program is no longer needed to create useful web pages.
You should have a standard XSLT transform utility.
The "Xalan" command-line program distributed with Xalan-C works just fine.
<a name="b_web_1"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Documentation Source Tree</h4>
<blockquote class="source">
entities.ent -- Product specific entities
make-book.bat -- Build All Web Pages
make-xalan.bat -- Build Single Web Page
xalan-book.xslt -- Transformation for StyleBook XML
xalan.xml -- The Navigation Panel for Xalan-C Pages
{Common components used by Xalan-C Web Pages}
apache-xalan.css -- The Web Page Presentation Style
asf_logo.png -- The ASF Trademark Logo
note.gif -- A (note:) graphic
{The StyleBook XML Sources for Xalan-C Web Pages}
index.xml -- This creates the root index.html
resources.xml -- A resources dispatch page
{Resources for Apache StyleBook Validation}
<a name="b_web_2"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Destination Build Tree</h4>
<blockquote class="source">
{The Xalan-C project html Web Pages go here}
index.html -- This is the root of the Xalan-C subproject
{Resources to support Xalan-C project html Web Pages}
{The Xalan-C API Web Pages go here}
index.html -- This is the root of the Xalan-C API Documents
<a name="b_web_3"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>The Web Page Build Environment</h4>
<p>The examples here describe how to build the Xalan-C/C++ web pages when
connected to the a copy of the (xdocs/sources) directory. So connect to it.
<p>The StyleBook DTD validation files are in the (xdocs/style/dtd) directory.
<p>The StyleBook XML sources for the web pages are in the (xdocs/sources/xalan) directory. Each web page is associated with an XML file in this directory. The transformed output is to be placed in the (build/docs/html) directory. The source XML file and the destination HTML file have the same base filename.
<p>The Web Page output directory is (build/docs/html).
<p>After creating the web pages, copy the (xdocs/sources/xslt-resources/*) files to the (build/docs/html/resources) directory.
<p>Graphic images for individual web pages are in the (xdocs/xalan-graphic) directory and later copied to the (build/docs/html) directory.
<a name="b_web_4"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Preparing the Navigation File</h4>
<p>The (xdocs/sources/xalan.xml) is the project navigation file that is on
the left side of each web page.
The root element is &lt;book&gt;
containing child elements of &lt;hidden&gt;, &lt;external&gt;,
&lt;document&gt;, &lt;resources&gt;, &lt;faqs&gt;, and &lt;separator&gt;. The format of this navigation file is inherited from the StyleBook Java program. Our stylesheet uses the &lt;book&gt; to provide only a navigation panel. It does not control the production of the entire suite of web pages.
<p>The markup is validated by DTD and entity definitions in the (xdocs/style/dtd) directory.
<p>The "id=" attribute is the name of the web page file without extension.
<p>The "label=" attribute is the navigation text.
<p>The "source=" attribute is the name of the StyleBook XML source file.
<p>The "href=" attribute is a link to an external resource.
<a name="b_web_5"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Creating the Web Pages</h4>
<p>The XSLT transformation utility must support top-level parameters.
The <code>Xalan</code> command-line program built and distributed with the this project
has sufficient capability to create the project web pages.
The <code>xalan-book.xslt</code> stylesheet is designed to interpret StyleBook XML and create XHTML web pages for the Xalan-C project.
<p>Example: Create the <code>index.html</code> web page from <code>index.xml</code> source. The arguments are shown on separate lines for convenience of presentation.
<blockquote class="source">
-p sectionid "'index'"
-p createdate "'Tue 08/09/2011'"
&gt; ..\..\build\docs\html\index.html
<p>Do the same for each web page replacing <code>index</code>,
<code>index.xml</code>, and <code>index.html</code> in the above example.
<p>Other command-line XSLT processors would have a different calling syntax.
Check your documentation.</p>
<p>I use batch files or shell scripts to automate this process.
The following batch files are what I use on Windows platforms.
<p>The <code>make-book.bat</code> file is used to create all web pages:
<blockquote class="source">
mkdir ..\..\build\docs\html\resources
call make-xalan usagepatterns
call make-xalan samples
call make-xalan resources
call make-xalan install
call make-xalan download
call make-xalan overview
call make-xalan charter
call make-xalan whatsnew
call make-xalan extensionslib
call make-xalan commandline
call make-xalan readme
call make-xalan releasenotes
call make-xalan programming
call make-xalan getstarted
call make-xalan index
call make-xalan extensions
call make-xalan faq
call make-xalan license
call make-xalan buildlibs
call make-xalan secureweb
copy xalan-graphic\*.* ..\..\build\docs\html
copy xslt-resources\*.* ..\..\build\docs\html\resources
<p>The <code>make-xalan.bat</code> file to create a single web page:
<blockquote class="source">
:: Set the current path to include a stylesheet transformation utility
:: %1 The document filename (without extension) to transform
:: %XALANEXSLT% The exslt stylesheet transformation utility
:: %XALANSTYLE% The XSLT stylesheet to convert STYLEBOOK markup
:: %XALANXMLDIR% Source directory of STYLEBOOK markup XML documents
:: %XALANOUTDIR% Target directory of XHTML web page documents
:: %WEBCREATED% Web Page Creation Date
:: sectionid Top-level stylesheet parameter (document file id)
:: createdate Top-level stylesheet parameter (web page creation date)
SET XALANEXSLT=..\..\bin\xalan.exe
SET XALANSTYLE=xalan-book.xslt
SET XALANOUTDIR=..\..\build\docs\html
"%XALANEXSLT%" -p sectionid "'%1'" -p createdate "'%WEBCREATED%'" \
<a name="buildapi"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Building the Xalan-C API Reference</h3>
<p>This section shows how to build the Xalan-C/C++ application program interface (API) documents using the <a href="">Doxygen</a> and
<a href="">GraphViz</a> programs. These required software packages are available for most Unix systems.
<a name="b_api_1"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>API Configuration Source Tree</h4>
<blockquote class="source">
xalan/c/trunk/src/xalanc/ -- [*.h, *.hpp] source code files
DoxyfileXalan -- The doxygen configuration file
asf_logo_wide.gif -- The wide ASF trademark logo
footer.html -- The footer html fragment for copyright
header.html -- Header html fragment for document title
header-local.html -- Header html fragment for optional title
<p>Note: (ApacheLogo.jpg) is replaced with (asf_logo_wide.gif).
<p>Note: (diagramnotes.html) is replaced with (graph_legend.html) created by doxygen.
<a name="b_api_2"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Destination Path for API Web Pages</h4>
<p>The Xalan-C/C++ API pages are constructed here.</p>
<blockquote class="source">
<a name="b_api_3"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h4>Build the API Web Pages</h4>
<p>You must have usable "doxygen" and "dot" programs in your path. The "dot" program is part of the GraphViz distribution.
<p>Connect to your development sources or SVN snapshot.<br />
<blockquote class="source">
Run the doxygen (or doxywizard) program.<br />
<blockquote class="source">
doxygen DoxyfileXalan 2&gt;errors.log | tee doxygen.log
Examine the (errors.log) file for any fatal errors. Lots of warnings are ok.
You can examine the constructed web pages with your favorite browser.<br />
<blockquote class="source">
% cd xalan/c/trunk/build/docs/apiDocs/html
% iceweasel index.html &amp;
<a name="integrateapi"></a>
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<h3>Integrate API With Xalan-C Project Web Pages</h3>
<p>Copy the contents of <br />
<blockquote class="source">
to the Xalan-C Project Web Pages found at <br />
<blockquote class="source">
Copy the trademark logo <br />
<blockquote class="source">
to its final resting place <br />
<blockquote class="source">
<p align="right" size="2">
<a href="#content">(top)</a>
<div id="footer">Copyright © 1999-2012 The Apache Software Foundation<br />Apache, Xalan, and the Feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation<div class="small">Web Page created on - Sun 09/09/2012</div>