minor changes to xalanj documentation
diff --git a/xalan-j/getstarted.html b/xalan-j/getstarted.html
index ff90d2b..3568bb2 100644
--- a/xalan-j/getstarted.html
+++ b/xalan-j/getstarted.html
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
      and <code>xercesImpl.jar</code> -- or another conformant XML parser -- see <a href="usagepatterns.html#plug">Plugging in a Transformer and XML parser</a>) on the system classpath. 
      To run the Xalan-Java interpretive processor sample applications, include <code>xalansamples.jar</code> on the system classpath (all these jar files are 
      distributed with Xalan-Java binary distribution). To run Javascript extensions, include <code>bsf.jar</code> (from Apache Commons Bean Scripting Framework), <code>rhino-1.7.14.jar</code> (JavaScript implementation, from Mozilla Foundation) and 
-     <code>commons-logging-1.2.jar</code> (from Apache Commons Logging) on system classpath (all these jar files are distributed with Xalan-Java src distribution). 
+     <code>commons-logging-1.2.jar</code> (from Apache Commons Logging) on the system classpath (all these jar files are distributed with Xalan-Java src distribution). 
      For extensions implemented in other scripting language, see <a href="extensions.html#supported-lang"> extensions language requirements</a> 
      to identify any additional jar files you must place on the classpath and where you can get them.</p>