blob: 065373c85fc5d5f435d55b6b5887372246d4d97f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!ENTITY xslt4j "Xalan-Java">
<!ENTITY xslt4j2 "Xalan-Java 2">
<!ENTITY xslt4j-dist "xalan-j_2_2_D14">
<!ENTITY xslt4j-dist-bin "&xslt4j-dist;-bin">
<!ENTITY xslt4j-dist-src "&xslt4j-dist;-src">
<!ENTITY xslt4j-current "&xslt4j; version 2.2.D14">
<!ENTITY xslt4j-distdir "">
<!ENTITY xml4j "Xerces-Java">
<!ENTITY xml4j2 "Xerces-Java 2">
<!ENTITY xml4j-used "&xml4j; version 1.4.3">
<!ENTITY xslt4c "Xalan-C++">
<!ENTITY xml4c "Xerces-C++">
<!ENTITY download "The &xslt4j-current; download from includes xerces.jar from &xml4j-used;.">
<!ENTITY xsltcwhatsnewhead '<li><link anchor="xsltc">XSLTC</link></li>'>
<!ENTITY xsltcwhatsnew '<anchor name="xsltc"/><s2 title="XSLTC">
<p>In April 2001, Sun donated XSLTC to the Xalan project. XSLTC compiles stylesheets into translets and
provides a runtime environment for using translets to transform XML documents. Initially, XSLTC is
available in a separate JAR. Over time, we plan to integrate the two codebases. For more information,
see <link idref="xsltc_usage">Using XSLTC</link>, <link idref="readme" anchor="xsltcreleasenotes">XSLTC
Release Notes</link>, and <jump href="xsltc/index.html">XSLTC Design</link>.</p>
<!ENTITY xsltcreleasenotesentry '<li><link anchor="xsltcreleasenotes">XSLTC Release Notes</link></li>'>
<!ENTITY xsltcsampleshead '<li><link anchor="translets">translets</link></li>'>
<!ENTITY xsltcsamples '<anchor name="translets"/><s2 title="Translets">
<li><link anchor="xsltc1">JAXPTransletOneTransformation</link></li>
<li><link anchor="xsltc2">JAXPTransletMultipleTransformations</link></li>
<p>See also: <link idref="readme" anchor="xsltcdemos">XSLTC demos</link>.</p><anchor name="xsltc1"/>
<p>You can use the TrAX/JAXP 1.1 interfaces to compile and run translets. For this release, you must still
use StreamSource objects for the XSL stylesheet and XML input document, and a StreamResult object for the
transformation output. For an overview of the usage patterns these samples illustrate, see
<link idref="xsltc_usage" anchor="api">Calling XSLTC with the TrAX/JAXP API</link>.</p>
<anchor name="xsltcprepare"/>
<p><em>Important:</em> To run these samples, you must compile the sample class files and adjust the
system classpath.</p>
<li>To compile the samples, you can run the Ant build from the root directory as follows:<br/><br/>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;build xsltc.samples</code><br/><br/></li>
<li>Add xsltc.jar, runtime.jar, BCEL.jar, java_cup.jar, and the samples/translets subdirectory to
the classpath</li>
<note>The JAR files listed above are in the bin directory.
The samples/translets directory contains the sample class files as well as the translet class file that is
generated at tun time (todo.class from the todo.xsl stylesheet).</note>
<anchor name="xsltc1"/>
<s3 title="JAXPTransletOneTransformation">
<p>What it does: Uses the XSLTC TransformerFactory to compile a translet and use
the translet to transform the XSLTC to-do list from XML into HTML.</p>
<p>Complete the <link anchor="xsltcprepare">steps detailed above</link>, and run this sample
from the translets subdirectory with</p>
<p><code>java JAXPTransletOneTransformation</code></p>
<p>View the result in todo-xsltc.html.</p>
</s3><anchor name="xsltc2"/>
<s3 title="JAXPTransletMultipleTransformations">
<p>What it does: Uses the XSLTC TransformerFactory to compile a translet and use
the Templates object associated with the translet to transform the XSLTC and Xalan to-do lists from XML
into HTML.</p>
<p>Complete the <link anchor="xsltcprepare">steps detailed above</link>, and run this sample
from the translets subdirectory with</p>
<p><code>java JAXPTransletOneTransformation</code></p>
<p>View the results in todo-xsltc.html and todo-xalan.html.</p>