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<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "../../style/dtd/document.dtd">
* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<!-- $Id$ -->
<!-- apologies in advance for the brief writing style! -sc -->
<s1 title="&xslt4j; Builds">
<li><link anchor="intro">Introduction</link></li>
<li><link anchor="developers">Developer Guidelines</link></li>
<li><link anchor="gump">Nightly GUMP builds</link></li>
<li><link anchor="builds">Running Product Builds - Overview</link></li>
<li><link anchor="builds2">Running Product Builds - Details</link></li>
<note>The product build related sections of this document are still
quite thin - they're mainly bullet points almost in checklist style.
If you don't fully understand the procedures in this document, then
you probably should ask for help first!</note>
<anchor name="intro"/>
<s2 title="Introduction">
<p>A selection of brief checklists for committers and developers
about build procedures for the &xslt4j; community. Community input
is appreciated; if you have questions, please ask on xalan-dev.</p>
<anchor name="developers"/>
<s2 title="Developer Guidelines">
<note>This section is meant to become a set of guidelines for all &xslt4j;
committers and developers who wish to submit patches. It's still in progress;
suggestions to appreciated.</note>
<p>The project's technical mailing list for all committers and developers
interested in the API and inner workings is
<jump href=""></jump>;
it's a good idea to subscribe if you plan to work on &xslt4j;. Logs of all CVS
commits are automatically sent to <jump href=""></jump>, although
discussions should happen on xalan-dev. You can read more <jump href="">about mailing lists.</jump></p>
<p>&xslt4j; is a fairly mature project; one where most committers and many
users expect that the daily build will be mostly functional. Very risky changes
or major architecture updates should be discussed ahead of time or committed onto
<p>Developers should always run the Smoketest before checking in files or
submitting patches to the list. If the Smoketest does not pass, you should
either fix whatever you broke or get consensus from xalan-dev that
it's OK to break the Smoketest temporarily. The Smoketest is a selection of
API functionality tests and a pass through a wide variety of XSLT conformance
tests that ensure basic functionality. You can also read a full set of
<jump href="">documentation about the tests</jump>.</p>
(Smoketest doc is TBD!)
<source>cvs co xml-xalan/java xml-xalan/test
cd xml-xalan/java
build smoketest
# Ant build will fail if smoketest fails.
<anchor name="gump"/>
<s2 title="Nightly GUMP builds">
<p>GUMP is... there really is no easy way to define 'GUMP'. It's basically
a meta-build system designed to do CVS updates and Ant builds of multiple
projects simultaneously. Luckily, GUMP is a subproject of jakarta-alexandria that
includes a complete set of <jump href="">GUMP documentation</jump>.</p>
<p>Some committers at jakarta also provide a GUMP service, which runs actual
builds nightly of nearly all xml and jakarta projects. The
<jump href="">results of nightly builds</jump>
are posted daily, and the actual
<jump href="">&xslt4j; nightly build</jump> is also posted (when it succeeds).</p>
<p>Discussions about GUMP itself happen on the mailing list.
Note: nightly builds are just that - automated builds run nightly, without human intervention.
Use them at your own risk!</p>
<anchor name="builds"/>
<s2 title="Running Product Builds - Overview">
<p>Official builds of &xslt4j; require a few more steps than simply doing
'build fulldist'. This is a quick checklist of the steps; if you are
not comfortable following this list, then please seek help on xalan-dev.</p>
<s3 title="Release Types">
<p>Official builds come in several flavors:</p>
<li>Major version releases: when significant new or changed functionality comes out,
we bump up the major build number; i.e. from 2.3 to 3.0. This is fairly rare;
anyone reading xalan-dev will know when this is happening.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Minor version releases happen when we fix bugs or make moderate improvements to
the product. These are moving from 2.3 to 2.4; they should be planned out.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Maintenance point releases are when we find bugs in an existing version and fix them without
adding new functionality; these go from 2.3 to 2.3.1. They should be done on a
branch if the mainline development has already moved forward; the point is to
make critical bugfixes for existing customers who want to stay on the stable release.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Developer releases are very ad hoc; they represent a chunk of progress along the
HEAD of our CVS tree towards a new major or minor release. The developer release
versions would be going from 2.3 to a new 2.4.D1 - the developer release is somewhat
like a 'beta' towards a new 2.4 minor version release. Quality standards for developer
releases are much less stringent than other releases.<br/><br/></li>
<s3 title="Condensed Build Checklist">
<p>A very brief list of stages in running a build.</p>
<li>Email xalan-dev with build plan.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Verify all code changes are checked in.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Verify any doc updates for code changes are in.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Update build numbers in doc, code, and build scripts.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Do a clean checkout and tag the sources.<br/><br/></li>
<li>build fulldist -logfile ..\fulldist.log<br/><br/></li>
<li>build fulldist-separatejars -logfile ..\fulldist-separatejars.log<br/><br/></li>
<li>Run the smoketest for Xalan Interpretive and XSLTC.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Verify smoketest passed; check docs built with new build numbers.<br/><br/></li>
<li>PGP/GPG sign all .zip/.tar.gz distribution files (distros).<br/><br/></li>
<li>Copy distros up to the website.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Update website documentation set.<br/><br/></li>
<li>Email xalan-dev with build notice!<br/><br/></li>
<anchor name="builds2"/>
<s2 title="Running Product Builds - Details">
<p>This section is still in progress, but should have all the basics.
You should already have read the <link anchor="builds">build overview</link> above and you should already be
familiar with our build.xml script and development processes.</p>
<s3 title="Pre-Build Steps">
<p>Preparation before you run a build.</p>
<ul><!-- I'd prefer to use ol's, but the start="num" attr isn't supported in Stylebook -->
<li>Email xalan-dev with build plan.</li>
<p>Apache projects are communities: you should always let the community know what
the plans for builds are. The xalan-dev mailing list is the primary communication
mechanisim for committers and developers working on &xslt4j;; you may also wish
to cc: the xalan-j-users list to let other users and folks know what's coming.
For major releases you may also want to cc: the list so that
other projects know our plans, although this is not required.</p>
<li>Verify all code changes are checked in.</li>
<p>Ensure that any code changes you're planning to have in this release are actually
checked in; make sure any open work by other committers is in a stable state.
You should also review any other projects we're dependent on and make sure
that (when possible) we've updated to the latest version of their .jar files:
like xercesImpl.jar, ant.jar, etc. Note that occasionally we will have a specific
development need to stay with a different version of these projects.</p>
<s3 title="Updating Doc And Version Numbers">
<p>Getting documentation and version numbers in sync.</p>
<li>Verify any doc updates for code changes are in.</li>
<p>Check that the documentation is up to date. Make sure that any new
features or major functionality changes are properly documented.</p>
<p>Update the commits list and the 'what was done' list in xdocs/sources/xalan/readme.xml
and whatsnew.xml. Note that currently some of the status information for the
&xslt4jc-short; portion of &xslt4j; is stored separately in xsltc_history.xml and XSLTCDONE
<p>Check in all your work!</p>
<li>Update build numbers in doc, code, and build scripts.</li>
<p>Currently the actual version number is stored in several places in
the CVS tree - we hope to improve this in the future by using the Ant
build system's filtering capabilities.</p>
<p>Once you know what the version number should be, you'll need to update
it in a number of places - both for the product itself, for the build
system, and for the documentation. If you don't understand how to update
any of these files, then please get help - <b>don't</b> just try to wing it.</p>
<note> should replace; we just haven't
gotten around to doing it yet... -Shane</note>
<li>src/org/apache/xalan/ (The NEW 2.2+ actual code version of the processor - currently just a wrapper for XSLProcessorVersion, which is deprecated and will be removed after 2.2 gold ships in favor of the simpler Version class, which uses static accessor methods instead of static strings)<br/><br/></li>
<li>src/org/apache/xalan/processor/ (The old 2.2 and earlier actual code version of the processor)
Update the int format VERSION, RELEASE, MAINTENANCE, and DEVELOPMENT numbers, each as an integer. The version string will be automagically built from these.<br/><br/></li>
Update the following lines for each version field:<br/>
&lt;property name="version.VERSION" value="2"/><br/>
&lt;property name="version.RELEASE" value="4"/><br/>
&lt;property name="version.DEVELOPER" value="D"/>&lt;!-- Set this to "D" if a developer release; blank "" if maintenance point release -->
&lt;property name="version.MINOR" value="1"/>&lt;!-- EITHER the developer release number, or a maintenance point release number -->
Update the version number.<br/><br/></li> -->
<li>xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/entities.ent (xslt4j-current, xslt4j-dist) documentation updates. The xsl4j-dist is used to construct links to the actual distribution units, and must be coordinated with whatever xml-xalan/java/build.xml uses for ${version}.<br/><br/></li>
<li>If you updated xercesImpl.jar or any other dependent .jar files,
make sure you update the documentation to reflect this. xml-xalan\java\xdocs\sources\entities.ent (xml4j-used)<br/><br/></li>
<li>xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan-jsite (document id="index" label="Xalan-Java x.x")<br/><br/></li>
<p>I did remind you to check in all your work, didn't I?</p>
<s3 title="Run A Candidate Distribution Build">
<p>Get clean sources and build a distribution and (at least) the smoketest.</p>
<li>Do a clean checkout and tag the sources.</li>
<p>Of course, you checked in all your earlier work to the CVS repository, right?</p>
<p>The safest way to perform a build for distribution is to check out a fresh
new copy of the repository from CVS. This avoids any potential problems with
uncommitted changes or extra files on your local machine.</p>
<p>Check out a new copy of both xml-xalan/java and xml-xalan/test repositories
to a blank directory on your local machine. You then need to tag the files in
the repository with a marker noting that these versions are the actual ones
being used in the build (you could actually do this after running the build below).
Use the CVS tag command to add the tag to both repositories (/java and /test).
The tag name should be something like 'xalan-j_2_4'; look at the log of any file
to see the exact format of previous builds.</p>
<li>build fulldist site -logfile ..\fulldist.log</li>
<p>The above command will build the binary and source distribution .zip/.tar.gz
files, in which the Xalan Interpretive and Xalan Compiled (XSLTC) processors
are combined into the xalan.jar file. All the samples and the documentation
are built as well. The log of the build is saved in ..\fulldist.log. Note
that this will take up a moderate amount of space, especially when building
the .tar.gz files, so ensure you have plenty of disk space first.</p>
<p>Review the fulldist.log file quickly to ensure there were no build errors.
Note that you can ignore any 'warnings' from the javadoc target; however any
'error's in the documentation must be fixed.</p>
<li>build fulldist-separatejars site -logfile ..\fulldist-separatejars.log</li>
<p>Before running this command, rename the generated <strong>./build</strong> directory from
the 'fulldist' command above to another name, for example, build-combinedjar. The
'fulldist-separatejars' command will build the binary and source distribution
.zip/.tar.gz files, in which the Xalan Interpretive and Xalan Compiled (XSLTC) processors
are built into separate jars; xalan.jar and xsltc.jar respectively. All the samples and
the documentation are built as well. The log of the build is saved in ..\fulldist-separatejars.log.
Note that this will take up a moderate amount of space, especially when building the .tar.gz
files, so ensure you have plenty of disk space first.</p>
<p>Review the fulldist-separatejars.log file quickly to ensure there were no build errors.
Note that you can ignore any 'warnings' from the javadoc target; however any
'error's in the documentation must be fixed.</p>
<p>The results of the build will be
placed in the ./build directory. Rename the and xalan-j_2_x_x-bin.tar.gz
files to and xalan-j_2_x_x-bin-2jars.tar.gz respectively so that
this binary distribution can be distinguished from the binary distributions created by the
'fulldist' target. The source distributions, and xalan-j_2_x_x-src.tar.gz
are duplicates of those created by the 'fulldist' target.</p>
<li>Run the smoketest for Xalan Interpretive and XSLTC.</li>
<p>Change to the xml-xalan\test directory and build the test harness by entering
"build jar -logfile jar.log". Run the smoketest for the Xalan Interpretive processor by
entering "build smoketest -logfile smoketest.log". Run the smoketest for the XSLTC by
entering "build smoketest.xsltc -logfile smoketest.xsltc.log".
<li>Verify smoketest passed; check docs built with new build numbers.</li>
<p>Review the smoketest.log and smoketest.xsltc.log files. If they do not say
that the Smoketest passed, then you must fix the test results before
posting the build. Even for developer's builds, we must ensure that at least
the Smoketest passes. For major or minor releases, we should also perform more
testing to ensure stability. More detailed log files for the Smoketest can
be found in the xml-xalan/test/smoketest/ directory.</p>
<p>You should also test that the documentation built properly, and that it
has the proper build or release number that you edited above.</p>
<p>IMPORTANT: if you changed any files at all, be sure to check in your work
and re-start this process!</p>
<s3 title="Code Signing and Posting">
<p>Sign the distribution units so end-users can trust them, then copy to the website.</p>
<li>PGP/GPG sign all .zip/.tar.gz distribution files (distros).</li>
<p>As a security measure, all projects must sign or otherwise
ensure the integrity of their public distributions. This is most commonly done
by signing the actual .zip/.tar.gz files with your personal PGP or GPG key.
Note that you must sign the files before copying them up to the website.</p>
<p>The Xalan Java distributions consist of: the source distribution files
( and xalan-j_x_x_x-src.tar.gz) and the two binary distributions
files ( and xalan-j_x_x_x-bin.tar.gz, and
and xalan-j_x_x_x-bin-2jars.tar.gz).</p>
<p>Two prerequisites to signing the distribution are: 1) you must have a
personal PGP or GPG key, and 2) the public half of your key must be in the
appropriate KEYS file before you begin a build. If you hadn't previously checked
in your public key to the KEYS file before beginning this whole process, you'll
have to go back and start again.</p>
<note>We need some good links on getting <jump href="">PGP</jump>
and <jump href="">GPG</jump>, and on actually
code signing and verifying signatures. Jakarta has some, but they're
scattered. This would be a good volunteer project for someone.</note>
<p>Sign every .zip and .tar.gz file with your personal key, and make a detached
text file with the signature - this will usually create a or file for each file you sign.</p>
<li>Copy distros up to the website.</li>
<p>You'll need to copy all of the distros plus all of your
detached signature files to the website so people can download them. Note
that machines generally do not allow inbound ftp, so you'll need to
either scp them or login to the apache machines and use scp or pftp from there
outbound to some server that you've copied them to.</p>
<p>(Subject to change as gets ready for mirroring)
You'll need to log on to (which is a separate machine
from and upload the files to /www/</p>
<p>You should also update the distribution directory's html files
to note the new build numbers. Carefully edit the .htaccess file
to update the 'Latest Stable Build' and 'Latest Developers Build' lines
as needed. If you don't understand the format of this file, ask for help.</p>
<s3 title="Post-Build Docs and Email">
<p>Update the live website doc and let the community know you're done!</p>
<li>Update website documentation set.</li>
<p>Now that the distribution is available for downloading, you should also
update the static copy of the documentation that's posted to
<li>Email xalan-dev with build notice!</li>
<p>After everything is posted, you need to let the community know that
a new build is available. Write up a short email announcing this with just
a couple of the highlights of the new build, and a link to the
distribution area.</p>
<p>Make the subject something like: [ANN] Xalan-J 2.x Point/Developers/Whatever Release posted to
and send your email to:,, Note
that for developers releases, you can omit the address if you
don't think it will be of interest to the larger audience.