blob: 1d5f92b9eae54e64c36ff8376442e919f37dd562 [file] [log] [blame]
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This file primarily, contains instructions to the person(s) who shall be making a XalanJ release
for distribution, along with the instructions about how to test XalanJ release before recommending
the release for distribution.
(1) Steps to build the XalanJ release
1) Do a git clone, of the relevant XalanJ branches:
git clone --single-branch -b xalan-j_2_7_1_maint
git clone
This creates two folders: xalan-java and xalan-test
2) Set JAVA_HOME environment variable, for example:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.352.8-hotspot\
3) Run the command, "build clean fulldist" from folder xalan-java. This shall produce the following jars,
relevant for testing the XalanJ build : xalan.jar, serializer.jar. [1]
(2) Steps to run the XalanJ tests, on XalanJ implementation
1) Go to the XalanJ tests repos:
cd ..\xalan-test
2) Run the command "build clean jar" from folder xalan-test. This produces
the file testxsl.jar within folder xalan-test/java/build.
3) Create a folder xalanjrelease_jardir somewhere on file system.
Copy the jar file testxsl.jar produced within the previous step, to the folder
xalanjrelease_jardir. Copy the jars xalan.jar, serializer.jar [1] to this
folder. From the folder xalan-java/lib/endorsed, copy jars xercesImpl.jar,
xml-apis.jar to the folder xalanjrelease_jardir. Copy the jar Tidy.jar
from folder xalan-test/tools to the folder xalanjrelease_jardir. Now
the folder xalanjrelease_jardir, has the XalanJ jar xalan.jar that
needs to be tested, and all the supporting jars needed for testing.
For example, on Windows, from xalan-test:
copy /Y java\build\testxsl.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y tools\Tidy.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\build\xalan.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\build\serializer.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\bsf.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\commons-logging-1.2.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\regexp.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\rhino-1.7.14.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\endorsed\xercesImpl.jar "%JARDIR%"
copy /Y ..\xalan-java\lib\endorsed\xml-apis.jar "%JARDIR%"
4) Set JARDIR environment variable, pointing to the folder "xalanjrelease_jardir".
5) Run the necessary XalanJ tests as follows,
The tests described below within points 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 need to be run from folder xalan-test.
5.1 Run the ant target "smoketest", using following command
build smoketest
The output of this should be following, and without any other build errors,
[echo] [minitest] CONGRATULATIONS! The Smoketest passed!
5.2 Run the ant target "smoketest.xsltc", using following three commands in sequence shown below
build conf.xsltc
build accept.xsltc
build smoketest.xsltc
The output of the command "build smoketest.xsltc" should be following, and without any other build errors,
[echo] [minitest] CONGRATULATIONS! The Smoketest passed!
5.3 Run the ant target "", using following two commands in sequence shown below
build extensions
The output of the command "build" should be following, and without any other build errors,
[echo] [minitest] CONGRATULATIONS! The Smoketest passed!
5.4 From folder xalan-test/tests/xsltc_integer_truncation, run the batch file
xsltc_int_truncation_test.bat (provided for Windows platform) to run test for,
"XalanJ integer truncation bug fix, when using XSLTC".