blob: a6b39107a84e618027b654f324a749b9a8e40e35 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm.XNI2DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm.DTM2XNI;
import org.apache.xpath.XPathContext;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
/** Temporary extension function, prototyping proposed XSLT2
* <xsl:import-schema [namespace="uri-reference"] [schema-location="uri-reference"]/>
* Per xslt20.30apr02.html#import-schema:
* The xsl:import-schema declaration is used to identify schema components (that is,
* definitions of types) which need to be available statically, that is, before any source
* document is available. Every type name used statically within the stylesheet (including
* type names used within XPath expressions) must be defined in an imported schema.
* The declaration imports the element and attribute declarations and type definitions
* from the schema, and maps them to types in the XPath data model according to rules
* defined in [].
* Ed. Note: Whether or not the locally declared elements and attributes of a
* schema are imported is an open issue.
* The namespace and schema-location attributes are both optional. At least one of them
* must be present, and it is permissible to supply both.
* The namespace attribute indicates that a schema for the given namespace is required
* by the stylesheet. This information may be enough on its own to enable an
* implementation to locate the required schema components.
* The schema-location attribute gives the URI of a location where a schema document
* or other resource containing the required definitions may be found. An XSLT
* processor must have the capability to process an XML Schema that exists at this
* location in the form of a source XML document; implementations may also be able to
* access equivalent information held in other forms, for example a compiled XML
* Schema, or type information expressed using some other schema language.
* [ERR016] It is a static error if the processor is not able to locate a schema using the
* namespace and/or schema-location attributes , or if the document that it locates is
* neither a valid XML Schema nor any other resource that the implementation can
* process.
* [ERR017] It is a static error if two xsl:import-schema declarations yield multiple
* definitions for the same named type, even if the definitions are consistent with each
* other.
* The use of a namespace in an xsl:import-schema declaration does not by itself make
* the namespace available for use in the stylesheet. If names from the namespace are
* used within the stylesheet, a prefix must be associated with the namespace by means
* of a namespace declaration, in the normal way.
* The precise way in which an implementation uses the namespace and/or
* schema-location attributes to locate schema definitions is implementation-defined.
* */
public class ElemImportSchema {
private static final boolean JJK_DISABLE_VALIDATOR=false; // debugging hook
public static String eval(org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExpressionContext expressionContext,
String schemaNamespace, String schemaLocation)
// This happens to work in current code. It isn't really
// documented. Future versions expect to expose it more elegantly,
// according to Don Leslie. But since this extension is just
// temporary, let's use the cheat... We know it's going to be a
// particular inner class, which has an accessor to retrieve its
// associated XPathContext, so we reach in and ask it to reach back.
XPathContext xctxt = ((XPathContext.XPathExpressionContext)expressionContext).getXPathContext();
// Looking up a schema by namespace is still an ill-defined operation
// at best, pending the Semantic Web (which as far as I know is still
// naught but a vision held by Tim Berners-Lee). It will probably have
// to be handled by a plug-in resolver of some kind until that settles.
// For now, the simplest answer seems to be to make whoever does entity
// resolution deal with it, calling the namespace a public ID.
return ""; // Bogus, just required because this is temporarily a function