blob: 0b9d15e1906e1c93597ba7b0b43c2118a294c2a6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.xpath.parser;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.xpath.functions.Function;
import org.apache.xpath.operations.Variable;
public class PathExpr extends NonExecutableExpression
public PathExpr(XPath parser)
* Tell if this node is part of a PathExpr chain. For instance:
* <pre>
* |UnaryExpr
* | PathExpr
* | StepExpr
* | AxisChild child::
* | NodeTest
* | NameTest
* | QName foo
* | Predicates *
* </pre><br/>
* In this example, UnaryExpr, PathExpr, and StepExpr should all return true.
public boolean isPathExpr()
return true;
// public void jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
// {
// n = fixupPrimarys(n);
// if(null == m_exprs)
// m_exprs = new Vector();
// if(i >= m_exprs.size())
// {
// m_exprs.setSize(i+1);
// }
// m_exprs.setElementAt(n, i);
// }
public void jjtClose()
int size = m_exprs.size();
for(int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode)m_exprs.elementAt(i);
if(node instanceof SlashOrSlashSlash)
boolean isSlashSlash = ((SlashOrSlashSlash)node).getisSlashSlash();
node = new StepExpr(m_parser);
PatternAxis patAxis = new PatternAxis(org.apache.xml.dtm.Axis.DESCENDANTORSELF, m_parser);
patAxis.m_value = "descendant-or-self::"; // for diagnostics
NodeTest nt = new NodeTest(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMFilter.SHOW_ALL, m_parser);
Predicates preds = new Predicates(m_parser);
node.jjtAddChild(patAxis, 0);
node.jjtAddChild(nt, 1);
node.jjtAddChild(preds, 2);
m_exprs.setElementAt(node, i);
// i--;
Node child;
if((jjtGetNumChildren() == 1)
&& (child = jjtGetChild(0)) instanceof StepExpr)
if(child.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2)
StepExpr stepExpr = (StepExpr)child;
if(stepExpr.getPredicates().jjtGetNumChildren() == 0)
Node varOrFunc = stepExpr.jjtGetChild(0);
if(varOrFunc instanceof Variable
|| varOrFunc instanceof Function
|| varOrFunc instanceof org.apache.xpath.patterns.FunctionPattern)
m_exprs.setElementAt(varOrFunc, 0);
varOrFunc.jjtSetParent(this); // parent will continue to reduce.
* @see org.apache.xpath.parser.Node#jjtAddChild(Node, int)
public void jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
if (n instanceof StepExpr && n.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof Variable)
if (null == m_exprs)
m_exprs = new Vector();
if (i >= m_exprs.size())
m_exprs.setSize(i + 1);
m_exprs.setElementAt(n, i);
super.jjtAddChild(n, i);