blob: bbbd1cce988f7691e4f9bd5e728b3c6ad4f197ae [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<todo title="Things To Do" project="Xalan" major-version="2">
<!-- in alphabetical order, by last name -->
<person name="Scott Boag" email="" id="SB"/>
<person name="Shane Curcuru" email="" id="SC"/>
<person name="Joseph Kesselman" email="" id="JK"/>
<person name="Donald Leslie" email="" id="DL"/>
<person name="Costin Manolache" email="" id="CM"/>
<person name="Myriam Midy" email="" id="MM"/>
<person name="Gary L Peskin" email="" id="GP"/>
<actions priority="high" release-for="1/5/01">
<!-- Move to completed section when done. -->
<action context="code" category="performance">
When using STree for the input, use STree for the document() and
result tree fragments.
<action context="code" packages="serialize" who="SB" category="feature">
Implement DOMSerializer on FormatterToXML.
<action context="code" who="SB" packages="xpath.axes" category="performance">
implement faster itterators for "foo" and "//foo" patterns.
<action context="code" category="performance">
optimize xsl:key and key() stuff.
<action context="code" category="code-cleanup">
Clean up treatment of null namespaces, re "" vs. null.
<action context="code" category="conformance">
Check relative URL resolution with notations and unparsed entities.
Not sure if there is a bug here. See note from Thomal Maesing on
10/24/2000, titled "Antwort: Re:".
<action context="code" category="code-cleanup">
Move org.apache.xalan.utils package to org.apache.xml.utils.
remove resource dependencies on xalan and/or xpath package.
<action context="code" packages="templates" category="conformance">
Catch multiple definitions of a variable with the same name and scope.
<action context="code">
<actions priority="medium" release-for="1/5/01">
<!-- Move to completed section when done. -->
<action context="code" category="feature">
Don published a list of proposed extensions a while ago.
I would really like to get these implemented. This is a good
area for part-time contributers, as the extensions have limited scope.
<action context="code" category="performance">
Joe could use help with the stylesheet compiler stuff.
Lots of work to be done there. In particular, I would like to
figure out how to inline some simple itterator operations,
like select="node()" and select="foo". Also, we need to figure
out how to analyze a particular stylesheet's dependencies, and
be able to package just those classes in a jar, along with the
compiled classes.
<action context="code">
<action context="code">
<action context="code">
<action context="code">
<actions priority="long-term" >
<!-- Move to completed section when done. -->
<action context="code" category="feature">
XPointer built on the XPath package.
<action context="code" packages="xpath.axes" category="performance">
Schema-savy itterators.
This is hard because there is no standard API for schemas yet.
<action context="code" id="stylesheet-analysis" packages="processor" category="performance">
Stylesheet analysis module. When I call a template, where is it likely to walk in the tree?
Can I be sure that it will not walk up again?
<action context="code" packages="stree" category="performance">
Related to stylesheet-analysis, the ability to throw away parts of the tree that have been processed,
and we know we won't reuse, based on the stylesheet analysis.
<action context="code" packages="processor" category="performance">
Sub-expression elimination. When I call a series of
xsl:when tests, are there common subexpressions that can be
executed once and then shared?
<action context="code">
<!-- Move action sections to here when completed, and date them. -->
<action context="code" completed-date="10/31/00">
Make this todo list.
<action context="code" who="SB" category="trax" completed-date="11/06/00">
implement javax.trax interfaces.