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* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
* if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software developed by the
* Apache Software Foundation ("
* Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
* if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
* 4. The names "Xalan" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
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* ====================================================================
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
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* originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, Lotus
* Development Corporation., For more
* information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
* <>.
package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.*;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory;
import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources;
import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLMessages;
* This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.
public abstract class DTMDefaultBaseTraversers extends DTMDefaultBase
* Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
* @param mgr The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
* @param domSource the DOM source that this DTM will wrap.
* @param source The object that is used to specify the construction source.
* @param dtmIdentity The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
* @param whiteSpaceFilter The white space filter for this DTM, which may
* be null.
* @param xstringfactory The factory to use for creating XMLStrings.
* @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use
* indexing schemes.
public DTMDefaultBaseTraversers(DTMManager mgr, Source source,
int dtmIdentity,
DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
boolean doIndexing)
super(mgr, source, dtmIdentity, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringfactory,
* This returns a stateless "traverser", that can navigate
* over an XPath axis, though perhaps not in document order.
* @param axis One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
* @return A DTMAxisTraverser, or null if the given axis isn't supported.
public DTMAxisTraverser getAxisTraverser(final int axis)
DTMAxisTraverser traverser;
if (null == m_traversers) // Cache of stateless traversers for this DTM
m_traversers = new DTMAxisTraverser[Axis.names.length];
traverser = null;
traverser = m_traversers[axis]; // Share/reuse existing traverser
if (traverser != null)
return traverser;
switch (axis) // Generate new traverser
case Axis.ANCESTOR :
traverser = new AncestorTraverser();
traverser = new AncestorOrSelfTraverser();
case Axis.ATTRIBUTE :
traverser = new AttributeTraverser();
case Axis.CHILD :
traverser = new ChildTraverser();
case Axis.DESCENDANT :
traverser = new DescendantTraverser();
traverser = new DescendantOrSelfTraverser();
case Axis.FOLLOWING :
traverser = new FollowingTraverser();
traverser = new FollowingSiblingTraverser();
case Axis.NAMESPACE :
traverser = new NamespaceTraverser();
traverser = new NamespaceDeclsTraverser();
case Axis.PARENT :
traverser = new ParentTraverser();
case Axis.PRECEDING :
traverser = new PrecedingTraverser();
traverser = new PrecedingSiblingTraverser();
case Axis.SELF :
traverser = new SelfTraverser();
case Axis.ALL :
traverser = new AllFromRootTraverser();
traverser = new AllFromNodeTraverser();
traverser = new PrecedingAndAncestorTraverser();
traverser = new DescendantFromRootTraverser();
traverser = new DescendantOrSelfFromRootTraverser();
case Axis.ROOT :
traverser = new RootTraverser();
return null; // Don't want to throw an exception for this one.
default :
throw new DTMException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_UNKNOWN_AXIS_TYPE, new Object[]{Integer.toString(axis)})); //"Unknown axis traversal type: "+axis);
if (null == traverser)
throw new DTMException("Axis traverser not supported: "
+ Axis.names[axis]);
m_traversers[axis] = traverser;
return traverser;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class AncestorTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node if this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return m_parent.elementAt(current & m_mask) | m_dtmIdent;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
current = current & m_mask;
while (DTM.NULL != (current = m_parent.elementAt(current)))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current | m_dtmIdent;
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class AncestorOrSelfTraverser extends AncestorTraverser
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. To see if
* the self node should be processed, use this function.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return context;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. To see if
* the self node should be processed, use this function. If the context
* node does not match the extended type ID, this function will return
* false.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
return (m_exptype.elementAt(context & m_mask) == extendedTypeID)
? context : next(context, context, extendedTypeID);
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class AttributeTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return (context == current)
? getFirstAttribute(context) : getNextAttribute(current);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
current = (context == current)
? getFirstAttribute(context) : getNextAttribute(current);
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current;
while (DTM.NULL != (current = getNextAttribute(current)));
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class ChildTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Get the next indexed node that matches the extended type ID. Before
* calling this function, one should first call
* {@link #isIndexed(int) isIndexed} to make sure that the index can
* contain nodes that match the given extended type ID.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @param nextPotential The node found must match or occur after this node.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID for the request.
* @return The node or NULL if not found.
protected int getNextIndexed(int axisRoot, int nextPotential,
int extendedTypeID)
int nsIndex = m_expandedNameTable.getNamespaceID(extendedTypeID);
int lnIndex = m_expandedNameTable.getLocalNameID(extendedTypeID);
for (; ; )
int next = findElementFromIndex(nsIndex, lnIndex, nextPotential);
if (NOTPROCESSED != next)
int parent = m_parent.elementAt(next);
// Is it a child?
if(parent == axisRoot)
return next;
// If the parent occured before the subtree root, then
// we know it is past the child axis.
if(parent < axisRoot)
return NULL;
// Otherwise, it could be a descendant below the subtree root
// children, or it could be after the subtree root. So we have
// to climb up until the parent is less than the subtree root, in
// which case we return NULL, or until it is equal to the subtree
// root, in which case we continue to look.
parent = m_parent.elementAt(parent);
if(parent < axisRoot)
return NULL;
while(parent > axisRoot);
// System.out.println("Found node via index: "+first);
nextPotential = next+1;
if(!(m_nextsib.elementAt(axisRoot) == NOTPROCESSED))
return DTM.NULL;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. So to traverse
* an axis, the first function must be used to get the first node.
* <p>This method needs to be overloaded only by those axis that process
* the self node. <\p>
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* that the traversal starts from.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return _firstch(context & m_mask) | m_dtmIdent;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. So to traverse
* an axis, the first function must be used to get the first node.
* <p>This method needs to be overloaded only by those axis that process
* the self node. <\p>
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* of origin for the traversal -- its "root node" or starting point.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
int identity = context & m_mask;
int firstMatch = getNextIndexed(identity, _firstch(identity),
return firstMatch | m_dtmIdent;
for (int current = _firstch(context & m_mask);
DTM.NULL != current;
current = _nextsib(current))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current | m_dtmIdent;
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return _nextsib(current & m_mask) | m_dtmIdent;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
for (current = _nextsib(current & m_mask);
DTM.NULL != current;
current = _nextsib(current))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current | m_dtmIdent;
return NULL;
* Super class for derived classes that want a convenient way to access
* the indexing mechanism.
private abstract class IndexedDTMAxisTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Tell if the indexing is on and the given extended type ID matches
* what is in the indexes. Derived classes should call this before
* calling {@link #getNextIndexed(int, int, int) getNextIndexed} method.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID being requested.
* @return true if it is OK to call the
* {@link #getNextIndexed(int, int, int) getNextIndexed} method.
protected final boolean isIndexed(int extendedTypeID)
return (m_indexing
&& ExpandedNameTable.ELEMENT
== (extendedTypeID & ExpandedNameTable.MASK_NODETYPE));
* Tell if a node is outside the axis being traversed. This method must be
* implemented by derived classes, and must be robust enough to handle any
* node that occurs after the axis root.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @param identity The node in question.
* @return true if the given node falls outside the axis being traversed.
protected abstract boolean isAfterAxis(int axisRoot, int identity);
* Tell if the axis has been fully processed to tell if a the wait for
* an arriving node should terminate. This method must be implemented
* be a derived class.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @return true if the axis has been fully processed.
protected abstract boolean axisHasBeenProcessed(int axisRoot);
* Get the next indexed node that matches the extended type ID. Before
* calling this function, one should first call
* {@link #isIndexed(int) isIndexed} to make sure that the index can
* contain nodes that match the given extended type ID.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @param nextPotential The node found must match or occur after this node.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID for the request.
* @return The node or NULL if not found.
protected int getNextIndexed(int axisRoot, int nextPotential,
int extendedTypeID)
int nsIndex = m_expandedNameTable.getNamespaceID(extendedTypeID);
int lnIndex = m_expandedNameTable.getLocalNameID(extendedTypeID);
int next = findElementFromIndex(nsIndex, lnIndex, nextPotential);
if (NOTPROCESSED != next)
if (isAfterAxis(axisRoot, next))
return NULL;
// System.out.println("Found node via index: "+first);
return next;
else if(axisHasBeenProcessed(axisRoot))
return DTM.NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class DescendantTraverser extends IndexedDTMAxisTraverser
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned. This should
* be overridded by classes that need to return the self node.
* @param identity The node identity of the root context of the traversal.
* @return The first potential node that can be in the traversal.
protected int getFirstPotential(int identity)
return identity + 1;
* Tell if the axis has been fully processed to tell if a the wait for
* an arriving node should terminate.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @return true if the axis has been fully processed.
protected boolean axisHasBeenProcessed(int axisRoot)
return !(m_nextsib.elementAt(axisRoot) == NOTPROCESSED);
* Get the subtree root identity from the handle that was passed in by
* the caller. Derived classes may override this to change the root
* context of the traversal.
* @param handle handle to the root context.
* @return identity of the root of the subtree.
protected int getSubtreeRoot(int handle)
return handle & m_mask;
* Tell if this node identity is a descendant. Assumes that
* the node info for the element has already been obtained.
* %REVIEW% This is really parentFollowsRootInDocumentOrder ...
* which fails if the parent starts after the root ends.
* May be sufficient for this class's logic, but misleadingly named!
* @param subtreeRootIdentity The root context of the subtree in question.
* @param identity The index number of the node in question.
* @return true if the index is a descendant of _startNode.
protected boolean isDescendant(int subtreeRootIdentity, int identity)
return _parent(identity) >= subtreeRootIdentity;
* Tell if a node is outside the axis being traversed. This method must be
* implemented by derived classes, and must be robust enough to handle any
* node that occurs after the axis root.
* @param axisRoot The root identity of the axis.
* @param identity The node in question.
* @return true if the given node falls outside the axis being traversed.
protected boolean isAfterAxis(int axisRoot, int identity)
// %REVIEW% Is there *any* cheaper way to do this?
if(identity == axisRoot)
return false;
identity = m_parent.elementAt(identity);
while(identity >= axisRoot);
return true;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. So to traverse
* an axis, the first function must be used to get the first node.
* <p>This method needs to be overloaded only by those axis that process
* the self node. <\p>
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* of origin for the traversal -- its "root node" or starting point.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
if (isIndexed(extendedTypeID))
int identity = getSubtreeRoot(context);
int firstPotential = getFirstPotential(identity);
return getNextIndexed(identity, firstPotential, extendedTypeID)|m_dtmIdent;
return next(context, context, extendedTypeID);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
int subtreeRootIdent = getSubtreeRoot(context);
for (current = (current & m_mask) + 1; ; current++)
int type = _type(current); // may call nextNode()
if (!isDescendant(subtreeRootIdent, current))
return NULL;
if (ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type || NAMESPACE_NODE == type)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
int subtreeRootIdent = getSubtreeRoot(context);
current = (current & m_mask) + 1;
if (isIndexed(extendedTypeID))
return getNextIndexed(subtreeRootIdent, current, extendedTypeID)|m_dtmIdent;
for (; ; current++)
int exptype = _exptype(current); // may call nextNode()
if (!isDescendant(subtreeRootIdent, current))
return NULL;
if (exptype != extendedTypeID)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class DescendantOrSelfTraverser extends DescendantTraverser
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned, which is the
* axis context, in this case.
* @param identity The node identity of the root context of the traversal.
* @return The axis context.
protected int getFirstPotential(int identity)
return identity;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. To see if
* the self node should be processed, use this function.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return context;
* Implements traversal of the entire subtree, including the root node.
private class AllFromNodeTraverser extends DescendantOrSelfTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) + 1; ; current++)
// Trickological code: _exptype() has the side-effect of
// running nextNode until the specified node has been loaded,
// and thus can be used to ensure that incremental construction of
// the DTM has gotten this far. Using it just for that side-effect
// is a bit of a kluge...
_exptype(current); // make sure it's here.
if (!isDescendant(subtreeRootIdent, current))
return NULL;
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Implements traversal of the following access, in document order.
private class FollowingTraverser extends DescendantTraverser
* Get the first of the following.
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* that the traversal starts from.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
int first;
int type = _type(context);
if ((DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type) || (DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE == type))
context = getParent(context);
first = getFirstChild(context);
if (NULL != first)
return first;
first = getNextSibling(context);
if (NULL == first)
context = getParent(context);
while (NULL == first && NULL != context);
return first;
* Get the first of the following.
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* of origin for the traversal -- its "root node" or starting point.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
int first;
int type = _type(context);
if ((DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type) || (DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE == type))
context = getParent(context);
first = getFirstChild(context);
if (NULL != first)
if (_exptype(first) == extendedTypeID)
return first;
return next(context, first, extendedTypeID);
first = getNextSibling(context);
if (NULL == first)
context = getParent(context);
if (_exptype(first) == extendedTypeID)
return first;
return next(context, first, extendedTypeID);
while (NULL == first && NULL != context);
return first;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
while (true)
int type = _type(current); // may call nextNode()
if (NULL == type)
return NULL;
if (ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type || NAMESPACE_NODE == type)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
while (true)
int etype = _exptype(current); // may call nextNode()
if (NULL == etype)
return NULL;
if (etype != extendedTypeID)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class FollowingSiblingTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return getNextSibling(current);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
while (DTM.NULL != (current = getNextSibling(current)))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current & m_mask) == extendedTypeID)
return current;
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class NamespaceDeclsTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return (context == current)
? getFirstNamespaceNode(context, false)
: getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, false);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
current = (context == current)
? getFirstNamespaceNode(context, false)
: getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, false);
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current;
while (DTM.NULL
!= (current = getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, false)));
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class NamespaceTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return (context == current)
? getFirstNamespaceNode(context, true)
: getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, true);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
current = (context == current)
? getFirstNamespaceNode(context, true)
: getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, true);
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return current;
while (DTM.NULL
!= (current = getNextNamespaceNode(context, current, true)));
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class ParentTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. So to traverse
* an axis, the first function must be used to get the first node.
* <p>This method needs to be overloaded only by those axis that process
* the self node. <\p>
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* that the traversal starts from.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return m_parent.elementAt(context & m_mask) | m_dtmIdent;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. So to traverse
* an axis, the first function must be used to get the first node.
* <p>This method needs to be overloaded only by those axis that process
* the self node. <\p>
* @param context The context node of this traversal. This is the point
* of origin for the traversal -- its "root node" or starting point.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int current, int extendedTypeID)
current = current & m_mask;
while (NULL != (current = m_parent.elementAt(current)))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current) == extendedTypeID)
return (current | m_dtmIdent);
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class PrecedingTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Tell if the current identity is an ancestor of the context identity.
* This is an expensive operation, made worse by the stateless traversal.
* But the preceding axis is used fairly infrequently.
* @param contextIdent The context node of the axis traversal.
* @param currentIdent The node in question.
* @return true if the currentIdent node is an ancestor of contextIdent.
protected boolean isAncestor(int contextIdent, int currentIdent)
for (contextIdent = m_parent.elementAt(contextIdent); DTM.NULL != contextIdent;
contextIdent = m_parent.elementAt(contextIdent))
if (contextIdent == currentIdent)
return true;
return false;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) - 1; current >= 0; current--)
int exptype = m_exptype.elementAt(current);
short type = ExpandedNameTable.getType(exptype);
if (ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type || NAMESPACE_NODE == type
|| isAncestor(subtreeRootIdent, current))
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) - 1; current >= 0; current--)
int exptype = m_exptype.elementAt(current);
short type = ExpandedNameTable.getType(exptype);
if (exptype != extendedTypeID
|| isAncestor(subtreeRootIdent, current))
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor and the Preceding axis,
* in reverse document order.
private class PrecedingAndAncestorTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) - 1; current >= 0; current--)
int exptype = m_exptype.elementAt(current);
short type = ExpandedNameTable.getType(exptype);
if (ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type || NAMESPACE_NODE == type)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) - 1; current >= 0; current--)
int exptype = m_exptype.elementAt(current);
short type = ExpandedNameTable.getType(exptype);
if (exptype != extendedTypeID)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class PrecedingSiblingTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
return getPreviousSibling(current);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
while (DTM.NULL != (current = getPreviousSibling(current)))
if (m_exptype.elementAt(current & m_mask) == extendedTypeID)
return current;
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Self axis.
private class SelfTraverser extends DTMAxisTraverser
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. To see if
* the self node should be processed, use this function.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return context;
* By the nature of the stateless traversal, the context node can not be
* returned or the iteration will go into an infinate loop. To see if
* the self node should be processed, use this function. If the context
* node does not match the extended type ID, this function will return
* false.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
return (m_exptype.elementAt(context & m_mask) == extendedTypeID) ? context : NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return Always return NULL for this axis.
public int next(int context, int current)
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
return NULL;
* Implements traversal of the Ancestor access, in reverse document order.
private class AllFromRootTraverser extends AllFromNodeTraverser
* Return the root.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return getDocument();
* Return the root if it matches the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context, int extendedTypeID)
return (m_exptype.elementAt(getDocument() & m_mask) == extendedTypeID)
? context : next(context, context, extendedTypeID);
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) + 1; ; current++)
int type = _type(current); // may call nextNode()
if (type == NULL)
return NULL;
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
int subtreeRootIdent = context & m_mask;
for (current = (current & m_mask) + 1; ; current++)
int exptype = _exptype(current); // may call nextNode()
if (exptype == NULL)
return NULL;
if (exptype != extendedTypeID)
return (current | m_dtmIdent); // make handle.
* Implements traversal of the Self axis.
private class RootTraverser extends AllFromRootTraverser
* Traverse to the next node after the current node.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @return Always return NULL for this axis.
public int next(int context, int current)
return NULL;
* Traverse to the next node after the current node that is matched
* by the extended type ID.
* @param context The context node of this iteration.
* @param current The current node of the iteration.
* @param extendedTypeID The extended type ID that must match.
* @return the next node in the iteration, or DTM.NULL.
public int next(int context, int current, int extendedTypeID)
return NULL;
* A non-xpath axis, returns all nodes that aren't namespaces or attributes,
* from and including the root.
private class DescendantOrSelfFromRootTraverser extends DescendantTraverser
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned, which is the axis
* root context in this case.
* @param identity The node identity of the root context of the traversal.
* @return The identity argument.
protected int getFirstPotential(int identity)
return identity;
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned.
* @param handle handle to the root context.
* @return identity of the root of the subtree.
protected int getSubtreeRoot(int handle)
return getDocument() & m_mask;
* Return the root.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return getDocument();
* A non-xpath axis, returns all nodes that aren't namespaces or attributes,
* from but not including the root.
private class DescendantFromRootTraverser extends DescendantTraverser
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned, which is the axis
* root context in this case.
* @param identity The node identity of the root context of the traversal.
* @return The identity argument.
protected int getFirstPotential(int identity)
return _firstch(0);
* Get the first potential identity that can be returned.
* @param handle handle to the root context.
* @return identity of the root of the subtree.
protected int getSubtreeRoot(int handle)
return 0;
* Return the root.
* @param context The context node of this traversal.
* @return the first node in the traversal.
public int first(int context)
return _firstch(0) | m_dtmIdent;