blob: 6812327069273751ee9806832184f5c14179fa99 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm.XNI2DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.xni2dtm.DTM2XNI;
/** Basic test driver: Run a DTM through DTM2XNI and back into an instance
* of XNI2DTM.
* */
public class FuncValidate {
public static Node eval(org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExpressionContext context,
Node root)
return eval(context,root,null);
public static Node eval(org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExpressionContext context,
Node root, String contextPath)
// The casts are highly dependent on exact usage. We
// really want to get the xctxt, get DTMManager from that,
// and ask it to map the node to a DTM/handle. Extensions
// apparently can't do that; fix when we move this internal.
DTMNodeProxy proxy=(DTMNodeProxy) root;
DTM sourceDTM=proxy.getDTM();
int sourceHandle=proxy.getDTMNodeNumber();
DTMManager dtmmgr=((DTMDefaultBase)sourceDTM).getManager();
// Set up an XNI scanner to read from the source DTM,
// run that through validation (operates as a filter?),
// and pass that into Xalan to produce a new document
// %REVIEW% system ID???
DTM2XNI d2x=new DTM2XNI(sourceDTM,sourceHandle);
// Sandy Gao recommends "create a customized parser configuration,
// which contains an XNI event source, a validator, and (optionally)
// a document handler." See "pipelines" in the XNI docs.
XNISource xsrc=new XNISource(d2x,null);
DTM newDTM=dtmmgr.getDTM(xsrc,
true, // unique
null, // whitespace filter
true, // incremental -- not supported at this writing
false // doIndexing -- open to debate
return newDTM.getNode(newDTM.getDocument());