blob: 1cc7cabb004fc7b69ead89505df54d09d11b9182 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Base include file. Must be first.
#include "XSLTDefinitions.hpp"
#include "Stylesheet.hpp"
#include <xalanc/Include/XalanMap.hpp>
#include <xalanc/Include/STLHelper.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XalanDOM/XalanDOMString.hpp>
#include <xalanc/PlatformSupport/FormatterListener.hpp>
class ElemAttributeSet;
class StylesheetConstructionContext;
class XalanText;
class XSLTResultTarget;
typedef XalanVector<ElemAttributeSet*> AttributeSetVectorTypeDecl;
* This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet
* tree, and holds values that are shared by all
* stylesheets in the tree.
class XALAN_XSLT_EXPORT StylesheetRoot : public Stylesheet
typedef XalanVector<const XalanQName*> XalanQNameVectorType;
typedef AttributeSetVectorTypeDecl AttributeSetVectorType;
typedef XalanMap<const XalanQName*,
AttributeSetVectorType> AttributeSetMapType;
* Construct a Stylesheet from a Document.
* @param baseIdentifier document identifier
* @param constructionContext context for construction of object
const XalanDOMString& baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
static StylesheetRoot*
MemoryManager& theManager,
const XalanDOMString& baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
return m_version.getMemoryManager();
* Called after construction is completed.
virtual void
postConstruction(StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.
* @param inputSource The input source
* @param outputTarget The output result target
* @param constructionContext context for construction of object
XalanNode* sourceTree,
XSLTResultTarget& outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext) const;
* Have the stylesheet create the appropriate FormatterListener,
* based on the XSLTResultTarget provided. setupFormatterListener
* also calls setFormatterListener() on the execution context
* instance. setupFormatterListener() is done automatically by
* process(), but this is provided as an escape, to allow for
* changing the FormatterListener on-the-fly.
* @param outputTarget The output source tree
* @param constructionContext context for construction of object
* @return a pointer to the new FormatterListener instance.
XSLTResultTarget& outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext) const;
* Return the output method that was specified in the stylesheet.
* The returned value is one of FormatterLister::eFormat values.
* @return value of output method
getOutputMethod() const
return m_outputMethod;
isOutputMethodSet() const
return getOutputMethod() == FormatterListener::OUTPUT_METHOD_NONE ? false : true;
* Get the output version string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return output version string
getOutputVersion(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Determine if output indenting was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return true to indent
getOutputIndent() const
return m_indentResult == eIndentNoImplicit ||
m_indentResult == eIndentNoExplicit ? false : true;
* Determine if output indenting should be
* enabled for HTML output. Semantically,
* this implies the output method is implicit,
* not explicit, but we don't really check that.
* @return true to indent
getHTMLOutputIndent() const
return m_indentResult == eIndentNoExplicit ? false : true;
* Get the output encoding string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return encoding string
getOutputEncoding(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Get the media-type string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return media type string
getOutputMediaType(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Get the doctype-system-id string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return document type string
XalanDOMString &
getOutputDoctypeSystem(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Get the doctype-public-id string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element
* @return document type public id string
getOutputDoctypePublic(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Determine whether to output XML declarations.
* @return true to output declarations
getOmitOutputXMLDecl() const
return m_omitxmlDecl;
* Get the standalone string that was specified in the
* xsl:output element.(either "yes" or "no")
* @return standalone string
getOutputStandalone(XalanDOMString& theResult) const
return theResult;
* Get the template representing the default rule for text.
* @return pointer to template rule for text
getDefaultTextRule() const
return m_defaultTextRule;
* Get the template representing the default rule.
* @return pointer to default template rule
getDefaultRule() const
return m_defaultRule;
* Get the template representing the default root rule.
* @return pointer to default root template rule
getDefaultRootRule() const
return m_defaultRootRule;
* Process the "xsl:output" element.
* @param name name of element
* @param atts attribute list for element
* @param constructionContext context for construction of object
const XalanDOMChar* name,
const AttributeListType& atts,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.
* @return stack of URIs for stylesheets
return m_importStack;
* Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.
* @return const stack of URIs for stylesheets
const URLStackType&
getImportStack() const
return m_importStack;
* Change the value of the flag for indenting results.
* @param bIndent true to indent results
setIndentResult(bool bIndent)
m_indentResult = bIndent == true ? eIndentYesExplicit : eIndentNoExplicit;
* Change the value of the output method, one of the
* FormatterListener::eFormat values.
* @param meth new method number
setOutputMethod(FormatterListener::eFormat meth)
m_outputMethod = meth;
hasCDATASectionElements() const
assert((m_hasCDATASectionElems == false && m_cdataSectionElems.empty() == true ) ||
( m_hasCDATASectionElems == true && m_cdataSectionElems.empty() == false));
return m_hasCDATASectionElems;
* Determine if a QName is in the list of CDATA section
* element QNames.
* @param theQName The QName of the element to check.
* @return true or false
isCDATASectionElementName(const XalanQName& theQName) const;
* Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.
* @param context context node
* @param qname qname of the key, which must match the 'name'
* attribute on xsl:key
* @param ref value that must match the value found by the
* 'match' attribute on xsl:key
* @param resolver resolver for namespace resolution
* @param nodelist A node list to contain the nodes found
* @param executionContext The current execution context
* @param theKeysTable The table of keys to search.
XalanNode* context,
const XalanQName& qname,
const XalanDOMString& ref,
const PrefixResolver& resolver,
MutableNodeRefList& nodelist,
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext,
const Locator* locator,
KeyTablesTableType& theKeysTable) const;
unsigned long
return m_elemNumberNextID++;
unsigned long
getElemNumberCount() const
return m_elemNumberNextID;
hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements() const
return m_hasStripOrPreserveSpace;
* Check to see if a whitespace text node should be stripped from
* the source tree.
* @param theNode The text node to check.
shouldStripSourceNode(const XalanText& theNode) const
if (hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements() == true &&
theNode.isWhitespace() == true)
return internalShouldStripSourceNode(theNode);
return false;
addAttributeSet(ElemAttributeSet& theAttributeSet);
* Get the nth attribute set with the specified name.
* @param execution context for executing this stylesheet
* @param theQName the name of the attribute set
* @param matchingIndex index of the attribute set with the specified name
* @param theLocator the locator
* @returns a pointer to the attribute, 0 if no matching attribute set
const ElemAttributeSet*
StylesheetExecutionContext& theExecutionContext,
const XalanQName& theQName,
size_type matchingIndex,
const Locator* theLocator) const;
StylesheetExecutionContext& theExecutionContext,
const XalanQName& theQName,
const Locator* theLocator) const;
* Choose the encoding to use.
* @param outputTarget The output result target
* @return The chosen encoding
const XalanDOMString&
getEncoding(const XSLTResultTarget& outputTarget) const;
* Create the default rule if needed.
* @param constructionContext context for construction of object
initDefaultRule(StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Check to see if a whitespace text node should be stripped from
* the source tree.
* @param theNode The text node to check.
internalShouldStripSourceNode(const XalanText& theNode) const;
* The version tells the version of XML to be used for outputting the result tree,
* as specified in xsl:output.
XalanDOMString m_version;
enum eIndentType { eIndentNoImplicit, eIndentNoExplicit, eIndentYesImplicit, eIndentYesExplicit };
* indent-result is by default no, which means an XSL processor must not
* change the whitespace on output.
eIndentType m_indentResult;
* The encoding attribute specifies the preferred encoding to use
* for outputting the result tree.
XalanDOMString m_encoding;
* The media-type attribute is applicable for the xml output method.
* The default value for the media-type attribute is text/xml.
XalanDOMString m_mediatype;
* If the doctype-system-id attribute is specified, the xml output method should
* output a document type declaration immediately before the first element.
* The name following <!DOCTYPE should be the name of the first element.
XalanDOMString m_doctypeSystem;
* If doctype-public-id attribute is also specified, then the xml output
* method should output PUBLIC followed by the public identifier and then
* the system identifier; otherwise, it should output SYSTEM followed by
* the system identifier. The internal subset should be empty. The
* doctype-public-id attribute should be ignored unless the doctype-system-id
* attribute is specified.
XalanDOMString m_doctypePublic;
* Tells whether or not to output an XML declaration.
bool m_omitxmlDecl;
* Tells what the xmldecl should specify for the standalone value.
XalanDOMString m_standalone;
* The URL that belongs to the result namespace.
* @serial
XalanDOMString m_resultNameSpaceURL;
* The output method as specified in xsl:output.
FormatterListener::eFormat m_outputMethod;
* Vector of qnames that specifies elements that should be formatted
* as CDATA.
XalanQNameVectorType m_cdataSectionElems;
bool m_hasCDATASectionElems;
* A stack of who's importing whom is needed in order to detect
* a recursive include or import, which is an error.
URLStackType m_importStack;
* The default template to use for text nodes if we don't find
* anything else. This is initialized in initDefaultRule().
ElemTemplateElement* m_defaultTextRule;
* The default template to use if we don't find anything
* else. This is initialized in initDefaultRule().
ElemTemplateElement* m_defaultRule;
* The default template to use for the root if we don't find
* anything else. This is initialized in initDefaultRule().
ElemTemplateElement* m_defaultRootRule;
* This is set to true if an xsl:key directive is found.
bool m_needToBuildKeysTable;
* This is set to true if URLs should be escaped in HTML output (the default)
bool m_outputEscapeURLs;
* The amount to indent. The default is -1, which indicates not to indent.
int m_indentAmount;
* This is set to true if we should omit the META tag in HTML output (the default is false)
bool m_omitMETATag;
* This is set to true if we should omit the META tag in HTML output (the default is false)
unsigned long m_elemNumberNextID;
* A lookup table of all attribute sets.
AttributeSetMapType m_attributeSetsMap;
* true if there are any whitespace strip or preserve
* elements.
bool m_hasStripOrPreserveSpace;
// Not implemented...
StylesheetRoot(const StylesheetRoot&);
operator=(const StylesheetRoot&);
operator==(const StylesheetRoot&) const;