blob: 8b78db890d3fe67c648ce8233232f0e6f1b22650 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Base include file. Must be first.
#include "XSLTDefinitions.hpp"
#include <xalanc/XalanDOM/XalanNode.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XalanDOM/XalanDOMString.hpp>
#include <xalanc/Include/XalanVector.hpp>
#include <xalanc/Include/XalanMap.hpp>
#include <xalanc/PlatformSupport/PrefixResolver.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XPath/NameSpace.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XPath/XalanQNameByReference.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XPath/XPath.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XSLT/NamespacesHandler.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XSLT/KeyDeclaration.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XSLT/StylesheetConstructionContext.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XSLT/StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XSLT/XalanSpaceNodeTester.hpp>
class ExtensionNSHandler;
class XalanDecimalFormatSymbols;
class ElemDecimalFormat;
class ElemTemplate;
class ElemTemplateElement;
class ElemVariable;
class KeyTable;
class NodeRefListBase;
class PrefixResolver;
class StylesheetConstructionContext;
class StylesheetRoot;
class XalanMatchPatternData;
class XalanQName;
class XObject;
class StylesheetExecutionContext;
typedef XalanVector<const XalanMatchPatternData*> PatternTableVectorTypeDecl;
* This class represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet.
* "include" stylesheets are combined with the including stylesheet.
class XALAN_XSLT_EXPORT Stylesheet : public PrefixResolver
typedef StylesheetExecutionContext::ParamVectorType ParamVectorType;
typedef XalanQName::NamespaceVectorType NamespaceVectorType;
typedef XalanQName::NamespacesStackType NamespacesStackType;
typedef XalanVector<ElemVariable*> ElemVariableVectorType;
typedef XalanVector<KeyDeclaration> KeyDeclarationVectorType;
typedef XalanVector<Stylesheet*> StylesheetVectorType;
typedef XalanVector<XalanDOMString> URLStackType;
typedef XalanVector<ElemDecimalFormat*> ElemDecimalFormatVectorType;
typedef XalanVector<XalanSpaceNodeTester> WhitespaceElementsVectorType;
typedef PatternTableVectorTypeDecl PatternTableVectorType;
typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, ExtensionNSHandler*> ExtensionNamespacesMapType;
typedef XalanMap<XalanQNameByReference,
const ElemTemplate* > ElemTemplateMapType;
typedef XalanMap<const XalanNode*, KeyTable* > KeyTablesTableType;
typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, PatternTableVectorType> PatternTableMapType;
typedef StylesheetConstructionContext::GetCachedString GetCachedString;
* Constructor for a Stylesheet needs a Document.
* @exception XSLProcessorException thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide
* the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.
StylesheetRoot& root,
const XalanDOMString& baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
static Stylesheet*
create(MemoryManager& theManager,
StylesheetRoot& root,
const XalanDOMString& baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
return m_elementPatternTable.getMemoryManager();
* Retrieve XSLT version number
* @return number representing XSLT version
getXSLTVerDeclared() const
return m_XSLTVerDeclared;
* Set XSLT version number
* @param ver number representing XSLT version
setXSLTVerDeclared(double ver)
m_XSLTVerDeclared = ver;
* Retrieve the root stylesheet object
* @return const reference to the stylesheet object
const StylesheetRoot&
getStylesheetRoot() const
return m_stylesheetRoot;
* Retrieve the root stylesheet object
* @return reference to the stylesheet object
return m_stylesheetRoot;
* Retrieve the stack of namespace lists
* @return vector of namespace vectors
const NamespacesStackType&
getNamespaces() const
return m_namespaces;
* Retrieve the stack of namespace lists
* @return vector of namespace vectors
return m_namespaces;
const NamespacesHandler&
getNamespacesHandler() const
return m_namespacesHandler;
return m_namespacesHandler;
* Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect
* @return vector of namespace vectors
const NamespaceVectorType&
getNamespaceDecls() const
return m_namespaceDecls;
* Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect
* @return vector of namespace vectors
return m_namespaceDecls;
* Set the list of namespace declarations currently in effect
* @param ns vector of namespace vectors
setNamespaceDecls(const NamespaceVectorType& ns)
m_namespaceDecls = ns;
* Push the namespace declarations from the current attribute
* list onto the namespace stack.
* @param atts attribute list constaining namespaces
pushNamespaces(const AttributeListType& atts);
* Pop a namespace declaration from the namespace stack.
assert(m_namespaces.empty() == false);
addWhitespaceElement(const XalanSpaceNodeTester& theTester);
* Called after construction is completed.
virtual void
postConstruction(StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* See if this is a xmlns attribute, and, if so, process it.
* @param attrName qualified name of attribute
* @param atts attribute list where the element comes from (not used at
* this time)
* @param which index into the attribute list (not used at this time)
* @return true if this is a namespace name
const XalanDOMChar* attrName,
const AttributeListType& atts,
XalanSize_t which,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext) const;
* Get the namespace from a qualified name.
* @param nodeName name of node
* @return namespace string for node, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
const XalanDOMString& nodeName,
XalanDOMString& theBuffer) const
return getNamespaceFromStack(nodeName.c_str(), theBuffer);
* Get the namespace from a qualified name.
* @param nodeName name of node
* @return namespace string for node, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
const XalanDOMChar* nodeName,
XalanDOMString& theBuffer) const;
* Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace
* lists.
* @param prefix prefix to search
* @return namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
getNamespaceForPrefixFromStack(const XalanDOMString& prefix) const
return XalanQName::getNamespaceForPrefix(m_namespaces, prefix);
* Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace
* lists.
* @param prefix prefix to search
* @return namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
getNamespaceForPrefixFromStack(const XalanDOMChar* prefix) const
assert(prefix != 0);
return XalanQName::getNamespaceForPrefix(m_namespaces, (const XalanDOMChar*)prefix);
* Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found.
* @param prefix prefix to search
* @param constructionContext The current construction context
* @return namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
const XalanDOMString& prefix,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext) const;
* Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found.
* @param prefix prefix to search
* @param constructionContext The current construction context
* @return namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.
const XalanDOMString*
const XalanDOMChar* prefix,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext) const;
* See if a namespace should be excluded.
* @param theConstructionContext the current construction context.
* @param theValue the prefix of the namespace.
* @return
StylesheetConstructionContext& theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMChar* theValue)
* Add a template to the list of names templates
* @param theTemplate template to add
* @param constructionContext context for construction
ElemTemplate* theTemplate,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Process an attribute that has the value of 'yes' or 'no'.
* @param aname name of attribute
* @param val value
* @param constructionContext context for construction
* @return true if value equals string constant for "yes," false otherwise
const XalanDOMChar* aname,
const XalanDOMChar* val,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext) const;
* Retrieve the base identifier with which this stylesheet is associated.
* @return string for base identifier
const XalanDOMString&
getBaseIdentifier() const
return m_baseIdent;
* Retrieve the base identifier for the most recently
* included stylesheet. This will return the same value
* as getBaseIdentifier(), if no include is being
* processed.
* @return string for base identifier
const XalanDOMString&
getCurrentIncludeBaseIdentifier() const
return m_includeStack.empty() == true ? getBaseIdentifier() : m_includeStack.back();
* Process an xsl:namespace-alias element.
* @param name the element name.
* @param attrs the current attribute list
* @param constructionContext the active construction context
const XalanDOMChar* name,
const AttributeListType& atts,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Process an xsl:decimal-format element.
* @param elemDecimalFormat the element
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext,
const AttributeListType& atts,
const Locator* locator = 0);
* Retrieve the XalanDecimalFormatSymbols instance associated with
* the QName.
* @param theQName the QName for the lookup
* @return a pointer to the matching instance, or 0 if none was found
const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols*
getDecimalFormatSymbols(const XalanQName& theQName) const;
* Add an imported stylesheet.
* @param theStylesheet The stylesheet to add.
addImport(Stylesheet* theStylesheet)
m_imports.insert(m_imports.begin(), theStylesheet);
* whether there is a wrapper template
* @return true is there is a wrapper
isWrapperless() const
return m_isWrapperless;
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext,
const Locator* locator);
* Retrieve the stack of who's including who
* @return stack of includes
return m_includeStack;
* Process the xsl:key element.
* @param nsContext The PrefixResolver instance for namespace prefixes.
* @param atts The attribute list for element.
* #param locator The Locator instance for error reporting, if any. May be 0.
* @param constructionContext The current construction context.
const PrefixResolver& nsContext,
const AttributeListType& atts,
const Locator* locator,
StylesheetConstructionContext& constructionContext);
* Locate a template via the "name" attribute.
* @param name qualified name of template
* @return pointer to template found or 0 if none found
const ElemTemplate*
findNamedTemplate(const XalanQName& qname) const;
* Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given
* XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.
* @param executionContext current execution context
* @param targetNode element that needs a rule
* @return pointer to rule that best matches targetNode
const ElemTemplate*
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext,
XalanNode* targetNode) const
assert(targetNode != 0);
return findTemplate(
* Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given
* XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.
* @param executionContext current execution context
* @param targetNode node that needs a rule
* @param targetNodeType the type of targetNode
* @param mode string indicating the mode
* @param onlyUseImports only use imports, do not use any templates from the stylesheet itself
* @return pointer to rule that best matches targetElem
const ElemTemplate*
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext,
XalanNode* targetNode,
XalanNode::NodeType targetNodeType,
const XalanQName& mode,
bool onlyUseImports) const;
* Add object to vector of match patterns if not already there.
* @param thePattern pattern to add
* @param theVector vector of patterns to add to
static void
const XalanMatchPatternData* thePattern,
PatternTableVectorType& theVector);
* Add object to array of match patterns if not already there.
* theArraySize size will be incremented if the pattern was
* added.
* @param thePattern pattern to add
* @param theArray vector of patterns to add to
* @param theArraySize The size of the array
static void
const XalanMatchPatternData* thePattern,
const XalanMatchPatternData* theArray[],
XalanSize_t& theArraySize);
* Given a name, locate the start of a list of
* possible templates that match that name. If
* none match, then use the default list.
* @param theName The name to match
const PatternTableVectorType*
locateElementMatchPatternDataList(const XalanDOMString& theName) const;
* Given a name, locate the start of a list of
* possible templates that match that name. If
* none match, then use the default list.
* @param theName The name to match
const PatternTableVectorType*
locateAttributeMatchPatternDataList(const XalanDOMString& theName) const;
* Given a XalanNode, locate the start of a list of
* possible templates that match it.
* @param XalanNode The node to match
const PatternTableVectorType*
const XalanNode& theNode,
XalanNode::NodeType targetNodeType) const;
* Add an extension namespace handler. This provides methods for calling
* an element extension as well as for function calls (which is passed
* on to XPath).
* @param constructionContext The current construction context.
* @param uri The namespace URI of the extension.
StylesheetConstructionContext& theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMString& uri);
* Return the handler for a given extension namespace.
* @param uri the URI of the extension namespace.
* @return pointer to extension handler
lookupExtensionNSHandler(const XalanDOMString& uri) const
const ExtensionNamespacesMapType::const_iterator it =
return it == m_extensionNamespaces.end() ? 0 : (*it).second;
* Set a top level variable.
* @param var top-level variable declared with "xsl:variable" or
* xsl:param-variable.
setTopLevelVariable(ElemVariable* var)
* Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context
* stylesheet.
* @param executionContext current execution context
* @param topLevelParams list of top level parameters
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext,
const ParamVectorType& topLevelParams) const;
// These interfaces are inherited from PrefixResolver...
virtual const XalanDOMString*
getNamespaceForPrefix(const XalanDOMString& prefix) const;
virtual const XalanDOMString&
getURI() const;
const XalanDOMString&
getXSLTNamespaceURI() const
return m_XSLTNamespaceURI;
setXSLTNamespaceURI(const XalanDOMString& theURI)
m_XSLTNamespaceURI = theURI;
const ElemTemplate*
getFirstTemplate() const
return m_firstTemplate;
* The root of the stylesheet tree.
StylesheetRoot& m_stylesheetRoot;
* The base URL of the XSL document.
XalanDOMString m_baseIdent;
* Table of KeyDeclaration objects, which are set by the
* xsl:key element.
KeyDeclarationVectorType m_keyDeclarations;
WhitespaceElementsVectorType m_whitespaceElements;
static const XalanQNameByReference s_emptyQName;
// Not defined...
Stylesheet(const Stylesheet&);
operator=(const Stylesheet&);
operator==(const Stylesheet&) const;
StylesheetConstructionContext& theContext,
XalanMessages::Codes theErrorCode,
const Locator* theLocator,
const XalanDOMChar* theParam1 = 0,
const XalanDOMChar* theParam2 = 0,
const XalanDOMChar* theParam3 = 0) const;
* Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given
* stylesheet, using only imports
* @param executionContext current execution context
* @param targetNode node that needs a rule
* @param targetNodeType the type of targetNode
* @param mode string indicating the mode
* @return pointer to rule that best matches targetElem
const ElemTemplate*
StylesheetExecutionContext& executionContext,
XalanNode* targetNode,
XalanNode::NodeType targetNodeType,
const XalanQName& mode) const;
* The full XSLT Namespace URI. To be replaced by the one actually
* found.
XalanDOMString m_XSLTNamespaceURI;
* A vector of the -imported- XSL Stylesheets.
StylesheetVectorType m_imports;
StylesheetVectorType::size_type m_importsSize;
* A stack to keep track of the result tree namespaces.
NamespacesStackType m_namespaces;
* A list of namespace declarations,
* for mapping from prefix to namespace URI.
NamespaceVectorType m_namespaceDecls;
* Tells if the stylesheet is without an xsl:stylesheet and xsl:template
* wrapper.
bool m_isWrapperless;
* The table of extension namespaces.
ExtensionNamespacesMapType m_extensionNamespaces;
* The first template of the template children.
ElemTemplate* m_firstTemplate;
* A stack of who's including who is needed in order to support "It is an
* error if a stylesheet directly or indirectly includes itself."
URLStackType m_includeStack;
* Keyed on string macro names, and holding values that are macro elements
* in the XSL DOM tree. Initialized in initMacroLookupTable, and used in
* findNamedTemplate.
ElemTemplateMapType m_namedTemplates;
* Table for defined constants, keyed on the names.
ElemVariableVectorType m_topLevelVariables;
* The version of XSL that was declared.
double m_XSLTVerDeclared;
* This table is keyed on the target elements of patterns, and contains linked
* lists of the actual patterns that match the target element to some degree
* of specifity.
PatternTableMapType m_elementPatternTable;
const PatternTableMapType::const_iterator m_elementPatternTableEnd;
PatternTableVectorType m_elementAnyPatternList;
* This table is keyed on the target attributes of patterns, and contains linked
* lists of the actual patterns that match the target attribute to some degree
* of specifity.
PatternTableMapType m_attributePatternTable;
const PatternTableMapType::const_iterator m_attributePatternTableEnd;
PatternTableVectorType m_attributeAnyPatternList;
* These tables are for text, comment, root, and PI node templates.
PatternTableVectorType m_textPatternList;
PatternTableVectorType m_commentPatternList;
PatternTableVectorType m_rootPatternList;
PatternTableVectorType m_piPatternList;
* This table is for patterns that match "node()".
PatternTableVectorType m_nodePatternList;
size_type m_patternCount;
ElemDecimalFormatVectorType m_elemDecimalFormats;
NamespacesHandler m_namespacesHandler;
static const XalanDOMString s_emptyString;
static const PatternTableVectorType s_emptyTemplateList;