blob: f6f48eedce66df39a71165ed03228724042ae060 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
"../xliff.dtd" >
<xliff version="1.1">
<file source-language="en_US" target-language="en_US" datatype="cpp" original="XalanC source files" product-name="XalanC" product-version="1.10.0">
<trans-unit id="SystemErrorCode_1Param">
<source>The system error code (errno) is {0}.</source>
<target>The system error code (errno) is {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnsupportedEncoding_1Param">
<source>The encoding '{0}' is not supported.</source>
<target>The encoding '{0}' is not supported.</target>
<trans-unit id="CreateTranscoderError_2Param">
<source>The error code '{0}' was returned when creating a transcoder for the encoding '{1}'.</source>
<target>The error code '{0}' was returned when creating a transcoder for the encoding '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownErrorOccurredWhileTranscodingToEncoding_1Param">
<source>An unknown error occurred while transcoding to '{0}'.</source>
<target>An unknown error occurred while transcoding to '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="AnErrorOccurredWhileTranscoding">
<source>An error occurred while transcoding.</source>
<target>An error occurred while transcoding.</target>
<trans-unit id="MessageErrorCodeWas_1Param">
<source>The error code is '{0}'.</source>
<target>The error code is '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionRequiresNonNullContextNode_1Param">
<source>Internal error: The function '{0}' requires a non-null context node.</source>
<target>Internal error: The function '{0}' requires a non-null context node.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionTakesTwoArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' requires two arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' requires two arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionTakesZeroOrOneArg_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' requires zero or one arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' requires zero or one arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionTakesTwoOrThreeArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' requires two or three arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' requires two or three arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionTakesThreeArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' requires three arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' requires three arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotConvertTypetoType_2Param">
<source>Cannot convert '{0}' to '{1}'.</source>
<target>Cannot convert '{0}' to '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="ExpressionDoesNotEvaluateToNodeSet">
<source>The expression does not evaluate to a node-set.</source>
<target>The expression does not evaluate to a node-set.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownAxis_1Param">
<source>Internal error: An unknown axis '{0}' was detected.</source>
<target>Internal error: An unknown axis '{0}' was detected.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotEvaluateXPathExpressionAsMatchPattern">
<source>Internal error: An XPath expression cannot be evaluated as match pattern.</source>
<target>Internal error: An XPath expression cannot be evaluated as match pattern.</target>
<trans-unit id="ArgLengthNodeTestIsIncorrect_1Param">
<source>Internal error: The argument count of '{0}' was detected in a node test.</source>
<target>Internal error: The argument count of '{0}' was detected in a node test.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidOpcodeWasDetected_1Param">
<source>Internal error: An invalid op code '{0}' was detected.</source>
<target>Internal error: An invalid op code '{0}' was detected.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidNumberOfArgsWasDetected_3Param">
<source>Internal error: An invalid number of arguments for op code '{0}' was detected. The required number of arguments is '{1}', but '{2}' argument(s) were supplied.</source>
<target>Internal error: An invalid number of arguments for op code '{0}' was detected. The required number of arguments is '{1}', but '{2}' argument(s) were supplied.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidNumberOfArgsWasSupplied_2Param">
<source>Internal error: An invalid number of arguments '{0}' was supplied for op code '{1}'.</source>
<target>Internal error: An invalid number of arguments '{0}' was supplied for op code '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="RemainingTokens">
<source> Remaining tokens are: </source>
<target> Remaining tokens are: </target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionIsNotImplemented_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' is not implemented.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' is not implemented.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionNumberIsNotAvailable_1Param">
<source>The function number '{0}' is not available.</source>
<target>The function number '{0}' is not available.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionIsNotSupported_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' is not a known XPath function.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' is not a known XPath function.</target>
<trans-unit id="ExtraIllegalTokens">
<source>Extra illegal token.</source>
<target>Extra illegal token.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnterminatedStringLiteral">
<source>A string literal is not terminated. A '"' or "'" is missing.</source>
<target>A string literal is not terminated. A '"' or "'" is missing.</target>
<trans-unit id="EmptyExpression">
<source>The expression is empty.</source>
<target>The expression is empty.</target>
<trans-unit id="NotValidNCName_1Param">
<source>'{0}' is not a valid NCName.</source>
<target>'{0}' is not a valid NCName.</target>
<trans-unit id="PrefixIsBoundToZeroLengthURI_1Param">
<source>The prefix '{0}' is bound to a zero-length URI.</source>
<target>The prefix '{0}' is bound to a zero-length URI.</target>
<trans-unit id="PrefixIsNotDeclared_1Param">
<source>The prefix '{0}' is not declared.</source>
<target>The prefix '{0}' is not declared.</target>
<trans-unit id="NotFoundWhatExpected_2Param">
<source>Expected '{0}', but found '{1}' instead.</source>
<target>Expected '{0}', but found '{1}' instead.</target>
<trans-unit id="LiteralArgumentIsRequired">
<source>A literal argument is required.</source>
<target>A literal argument is required.</target>
<trans-unit id="NoPrecedingArgument">
<source>Found ',' but no preceding argument.</source>
<target>Found ',' but no preceding argument.</target>
<trans-unit id="NoFollowingArgument">
<source>Found ',' but no following argument.</source>
<target>Found ',' but no following argument.</target>
<trans-unit id="CouldNotFindFunction_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' was not found.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' was not found.</target>
On<trans-unit id="FunctionDoesNotAcceptAnyArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' does not accept any arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' does not accept any arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="IllegalSyntaxOfPredicatesSelf">
<source>Use 'self::node()[predicate]' instead of '.[predicate]'.</source>
<target>Use 'self::node()[predicate]' instead of '.[predicate]'.</target>
<trans-unit id="IllegalSyntaxOfPredicatesParent">
<source>Use 'parent::node()[predicate]' instead of '..[predicate]'.</source>
<target>Use 'parent::node()[predicate]' instead of '..[predicate]'.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnexpectedTokenFound_1Param">
<source>The token '{0}' was unexpected.</source>
<target>The token '{0}' was unexpected.</target>
<trans-unit id="ExpectedAxis">
<source>An axis or node test was expected.</source>
<target>An axis or node test was expected.</target>
<trans-unit id="IllegalAxisName_1Param">
<source>'{0}' is not a valid axis.</source>
<target>'{0}' is not a valid axis.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownNodeType_1Param">
<source>'{0}' is an unknown node type.</source>
<target>'{0}' is an unknown node type.</target>
<trans-unit id="ExpectedNodeTest">
<source>A node test was expected.</source>
<target>A node test was expected.</target>
<trans-unit id="OnlyChildAndAttributeAxesAreAllowed">
<source>Only 'child' and 'attribute' axes are allowed in match patterns.</source>
<target>Only 'child' and 'attribute' axes are allowed in match patterns.</target>
<trans-unit id="VariableReferenceNotAllowed">
<source>A variable reference is allowed in a match pattern or expression in this context.</source>
<target>A variable reference is allowed in a match pattern or expression in this context.</target>
<trans-unit id="KeyFunctionNotAllowed">
<source>The value of either the 'use' attribute or the 'match' attribute of xsl:key cannot contain a call to the key() function.</source>
<target>The value of either the 'use' attribute or the 'match' attribute of xsl:key cannot contain a call to the key() function.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionTakes2ArgsAtLeast_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' requires two or more arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' requires two or more arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="PatternIs_1Param">
<source>pattern = '{0}'</source>
<target>pattern = '{0}'</target>
<trans-unit id="ExpressionIs_1Param">
<source>expression = '{0}'</source>
<target>expression = '{0}'</target>
<trans-unit id="SpecifiedFuncIsNotAvailable_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' is not available.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' is not available.</target>
<trans-unit id="AttributesCannotBeAdded">
<source>xsl:attribute cannot create an attribute if no element node is open, or if a child node exists.</source>
<target>xsl:attribute cannot create an attribute if no element node is open, or if a child node exists.</target>
<trans-unit id="IllegalElementName_1Param">
<source>xsl:element cannot create an element because '{0}' is not a a legal name.</source>
<target>xsl:element cannot create an element because '{0}' is not a a legal name.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanHandleExtensions">
<source>The processor does not support extension elements.</source>
<target>The processor does not support extension elements.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotResolveURIInDocumentFunction">
<source>Cannot resolve a relative URI when the node-set provided as the second argument to the 'document' function is empty.</source>
<target>Cannot resolve a relative URI when the node-set provided as the second argument to the 'document' function is empty.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownXSLElement_1Param">
<source>The element {0} is an unknown XSLT element.</source>
<target>The element {0} is an unknown XSLT element.</target>
<trans-unit id="NameIs_1Param">
<source> name="{0}" </source>
<target> name="{0}" </target>
<trans-unit id="AttributeCannotBeAdded">
<source>An attribute cannot be added to the result tree when there is no open element. The attribute will be ignored.</source>
<target>An attribute cannot be added to the result tree when there is no open element. The attribute will be ignored.</target>
<trans-unit id="CantCreateItemInResultTree">
<source>Cannot create an item in result tree.</source>
<target>Cannot create an item in result tree.</target>
<trans-unit id="LeftBraceCannotAppearWithinExpression">
<source>The brace '{' cannot appear within an expression.</source>
<target>The brace '{' cannot appear within an expression.</target>
<trans-unit id="AttributeValueTemplateHasMissing">
<source>The attribute value template is missing a '}' brace.</source>
<target>The attribute value template is missing a '}' brace.</target>
<trans-unit id="NoCurrentTemplate">
<source>There is no current template.</source>
<target>There is no current template.</target>
<trans-unit id="AttributeNameNotValidQName_1Param">
<source>The attribute name '{0}' is not a valid QName.</source>
<target>The attribute name '{0}' is not a valid QName.</target>
<trans-unit id="IsNotValidQName_1Param">
<source>The name '{0}' is not a valid QName.</source>
<target>The name '{0}' is not a valid QName.</target>
<trans-unit id="IsNotValidNCName_1Param">
<source>The name '{0}' is not a valid NCName.</source>
<target>The name '{0}' is not a valid NCName.</target>
<trans-unit id="AttributeValueNotValidQName_2Param">
<source>The attribute '{0}' has a value '{1}' which is not a valid QName.</source>
<target>The attribute '{0}' has a value '{1}' which is not a valid QName.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementMustHaveAttribute_2Param">
<source>The element '{0}' must have a '{1}' attribute.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' must have a '{1}' attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotFindNamedTemplate">
<source>The template name specified in the 'xsl:call-template' instruction was not found.</source>
<target>The template name specified in the 'xsl:call-template' instruction was not found.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementHasIllegalAttributeValue_3Param">
<source>The element '{0}' has an attribute '{1}' with an illegal value of '{2}'.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' has an attribute '{1}' with an illegal value of '{2}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="DuplicateDefinitions_1Param">
<source>Duplicate definition of {0} element.</source>
<target>Duplicate definition of {0} element.</target>
<trans-unit id="MustBeOrPrefixedName">
<source>The xsl:sort 'data-type' attribute must evaluate to 'text', 'number' or a prefixed name.</source>
<target>The xsl:sort 'data-type' attribute must evaluate to 'text', 'number' or a prefixed name.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownDataType">
<source>The xsl:sort 'data-type' attribute evaluates to an unknown data-type. The data-type will be 'text'.</source>
<target>The xsl:sort 'data-type' attribute evaluates to an unknown data-type. The data-type will be 'text'.</target>
<trans-unit id="GroupingSeparatorValueMustBeOneCharacterLength">
<source>The grouping-separator value must be one character in length.</source>
<target>The grouping-separator value must be one character in length.</target>
<trans-unit id="NumberingFormatNotSupported_1Param">
<source>The numbering format '{0}' is not yet supported.</source>
<target>The numbering format '{0}' is not yet supported.</target>
<trans-unit id="PINameInvalid_1Param">
<source>The processing instruction name '{0}' is invalid.</source>
<target>The processing instruction name '{0}' is invalid.</target>
<trans-unit id="NameMustBeValidNCName">
<source>A processing instruction name must be a valid NCName.</source>
<target>A processing instruction name must be a valid NCName.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementRequiresEitherNameOrMatchAttribute_1Param">
<source>The element '{0}' requires either a 'name' or 'match' attribute.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' requires either a 'name' or 'match' attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementHasIllegalAttribute_2Param">
<source>'{0}' has an invalid '{1}' attribute.</source>
<target>'{0}' has an invalid '{1}' attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementIsNotAllowedAtThisPosition_1Param">
<source>The element '{0}' is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElemVariableInstanceAddedToWrongStylesheet">
<source>The xsl:variable instance was added to the wrong stylesheet.</source>
<target>The xsl:variable instance was added to the wrong stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="ElemVariableInstanceIsAlreadyParented">
<source>The xsl:variable instance already has a parent and cannot be a top-level element.</source>
<target>The xsl:variable instance already has a parent and cannot be a top-level element.</target>
<trans-unit id="SecondArgumentToFunctionMustBeNode_set_1Param">
<source>The second argument to the function '{0}' must be a node-set.</source>
<target>The second argument to the function '{0}' must be a node-set.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionAcceptsOneTwoArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' accepts one or two arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' accepts one or two arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="Decimal_formatElementNotFound_1Param">
<source>The decimal-format element '{0}' was not found.</source>
<target>The decimal-format element '{0}' was not found.</target>
<trans-unit id="PropertyIsNotValidQName_1Param">
<source>The property '{0}' is not a valid QName.</source>
<target>The property '{0}' is not a valid QName.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidArgumentType_1Param">
<source>Invalid argument type in the EXSLT function '{0}'.</source>
<target>Invalid argument type in the EXSLT function '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionAcceptsOneArgument_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' accepts one argument.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' accepts one argument.</target>
<trans-unit id="XSLTError">
<source>XSLT error</source>
<target>XSLT error</target>
<trans-unit id="XSLTWarning">
<source>XSLT warning</source>
<target>XSLT warning</target>
<trans-unit id="XSLTMessage">
<source>XSLT message</source>
<target>XSLT message</target>
<trans-unit id="XMLError">
<source>XML error</source>
<target>XML error</target>
<trans-unit id="XMLWarning">
<source>XML warning</source>
<target>XML warning</target>
<trans-unit id="XMLMessage">
<source>XML message</source>
<target>XML message</target>
<trans-unit id="XPathError">
<source>XPath error</source>
<target>XPath error</target>
<trans-unit id="XPathWarning">
<source>XPath warning</source>
<target>XPath warning</target>
<trans-unit id="XPathMessage">
<source>XPath message</source>
<target>XPath message</target>
<trans-unit id="StyleTreeNode_1Param">
<source>Style tree node: {0}.</source>
<target>Style tree node: {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="SourceTreeNode_1Param">
<source>Source tree node: {0}.</source>
<target>Source tree node: {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="LineNumberColumnNumber_2Params">
<source>line {0}, column {1}.</source>
<target>line {0}, column {1}.</target>
<trans-unit id="HasInvalidAttribute_2Param">
<source>'{0}' has an invalid '{1}' attribute.</source>
<target>'{0}' has an invalid '{1}' attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="AttributeMustBe_3Params">
<source>The value of the attribute '{0}' must be '{1}' or '{2}'.</source>
<target>The value of the attribute '{0}' must be '{1}' or '{2}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="StylesheetHasWrapperlessTemplate">
<source>The stylesheet already has a literal result element template.</source>
<target>The stylesheet already has a literal result element template.</target>
<trans-unit id="StylesheetHasDuplicateNamedTemplate_1Param">
<source>The stylesheet already has a template with the expanded name '{0}'.</source>
<target>The stylesheet already has a template with the expanded name '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownXSLTToken_1Param">
<source>The token '{0}' is an unknown XSLT token value.</source>
<target>The token '{0}' is an unknown XSLT token value.</target>
<trans-unit id="InfiniteRecursion_1Param">
<source>Infinite recursion was detected for element '{0}'.</source>
<target>Infinite recursion was detected for element '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="VariableIsNotDefined_1Param">
<source>The variable '{0}' is not defined.</source>
<target>The variable '{0}' is not defined.</target>
<trans-unit id="IsNotAllowedInThisPosition_1Param">
<source>The element '{0}' is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="NotParentedBy_2Param">
<source>Element '{0}' not parented by '{1}'.</source>
<target>Element '{0}' not parented by '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="IsNotAllowedInsideTemplate_1Param">
<source>The element '{0}' is not allowed inside a template.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' is not allowed inside a template.</target>
<trans-unit id="StylesheetAttribDidNotSpecifyVersionAttrib">
<source>The stylesheet element did not specify a version attribute.</source>
<target>The stylesheet element did not specify a version attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="VariableHasBeenDeclared">
<source>A global variable or parameter with this name has already been declared.</source>
<target>A global variable or parameter with this name has already been declared.</target>
<trans-unit id="VariableHasBeenDeclaredInThisTemplate">
<source>A variable or parameter with this name has already been declared in this template.</source>
<target>A variable or parameter with this name has already been declared in this template.</target>
<trans-unit id="ImportCanOnlyOccur">
<source>Imports can only occur as the first elements in the stylesheet.</source>
<target>Imports can only occur as the first elements in the stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="ImportingItself_1Param">
<source>{0} is directly or indirectly importing itself.</source>
<target>{0} is directly or indirectly importing itself.</target>
<trans-unit id="IncludingItself_1Param">
<source>{0} is directly or indirectly including itself.</source>
<target>{0} is directly or indirectly including itself.</target>
<trans-unit id="CharIsNotAllowedInStylesheet">
<source>Character data is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</source>
<target>Character data is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="Transform">
<source> transform </source>
<target> transform </target>
<trans-unit id="NoValidResultTarget">
<source>There is no valid result target </source>
<target>There is no valid result target </target>
<trans-unit id="OutputHasAnUnknownMethod_1Param">
<source>xsl:output has an unknown method '{1}'.</source>
<target>xsl:output has an unknown method '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnsupportedXalanSpecificAttribute_1Param">
<source>'{0}' is an unsupported Xalan-specific attribute.</source>
<target>'{0}' is an unsupported Xalan-specific attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="HasIllegalAttribute_2Param">
<source>The element '{0}' has an illegal attribute '{1}'.</source>
<target>The element '{0}' has an illegal attribute '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="TextAndColumnNumber_2Param">
<source>Line {0}, Column {0},</source>
<target>Line {0}, Column {0},</target>
<trans-unit id="MatchIs_1Param">
<source> match='{0}' </source>
<target> match='{0}' </target>
<trans-unit id="Warning2">
<source>Warning: </source>
<target>Warning: </target>
<trans-unit id="FatalError">
<source>Fatal Error: </source>
<target>Fatal Error: </target>
<trans-unit id="FormatNumberFailed">
<source>The call to 'format-number()' failed.</source>
<target>The call to 'format-number()' failed.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownMatchOpCode_1Param">
<source>Internal error: An invalid match op code '{0}' was detected.</source>
<target>Internal error: An invalid match op code '{0}' was detected.</target>
<trans-unit id="InEntity_1Param">
<source>Occurred in entity '{0}', at an unknown location.</source>
<target>Occurred in entity '{0}', at an unknown location.</target>
<trans-unit id="InEntity_3Param">
<source>Occurred in entity '{0}', at line {1}, column {2}.</source>
<target>Occurred in entity '{0}', at line {1}, column {2}.</target>
<trans-unit id="InUnknownEntity_2Param">
<source>Occurred in an unknown entity, at line {0}, column {1}.</source>
<target>Occurred in an unknown entity, at line {0}, column {1}.</target>
<trans-unit id="InUnknownEntity">
<source>Occurred in an unknown entity, at an unknown location.</source>
<target>Occurred in an unknown entity, at an unknown location.</target>
<trans-unit id="EmptyNodeList">
<source>Empty node list</source>
<target>Empty node list</target>
<trans-unit id="DefaultRootRule_1Param">
<source>Default {0} rule.</source>
<target>Default {0} rule.</target>
<trans-unit id="DefaultRootRule">
<source>Default root rule.</source>
<target>Default root rule.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidStackContext">
<source>Invalid stack context </source>
<target>Invalid stack context </target>
<trans-unit id="FailedToProcessStylesheet">
<source>Failed to process stylesheet.</source>
<target>Failed to process stylesheet.</target>
<trans-unit id="TotalTime">
<source>Total time </source>
<target>Total time </target>
<trans-unit id="NoStylesheet">
<source>No stylesheet is available to process.</source>
<target>No stylesheet is available to process.</target>
<trans-unit id="CompilingDOMStylesheetReqDocument">
<source>Compiling a stylesheet from a DOM instance requires a Document or Element node.</source>
<target>Compiling a stylesheet from a DOM instance requires a Document or Element node.</target>
<trans-unit id="CantIdentifyFragment_1Param">
<source>Could not identify the fragment '{0}'.</source>
<target>Could not identify the fragment '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="CantFindFragment_1Param">
<source>The fragment '{0}' was not found.</source>
<target>The fragment '{0}' was not found.</target>
<trans-unit id="NodePointedByFragment_1Param">
<source>The node pointed to by the fragment identifier '{0}' was not an Element.</source>
<target>The node pointed to by the fragment identifier '{0}' was not an Element.</target>
<trans-unit id="OnlyTextNodesCanBeCopied">
<source>Only text nodes can be copied in this context. The node is ignored.</source>
<target>Only text nodes can be copied in this context. The node is ignored.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnmatchedWasFound">
<source>An unmatched '}' was found.</source>
<target>An unmatched '}' was found.</target>
<trans-unit id="CantLoadReqDocument_1Param">
<source>The document '{0}' could not be loaded.</source>
<target>The document '{0}' could not be loaded.</target>
<trans-unit id="CantLoadReqDocument_2Param">
<source>The document '{0}' could not be loaded. (Base URI: '{1}')</source>
<target>The document '{0}' could not be loaded. (Base URI: '{1}')</target>
<trans-unit id="ElementRequiresAttribute_2Param">
<source>'{0}' requires a '{1}' attribute.</source>
<target>'{0}' requires a '{1}' attribute.</target>
<trans-unit id="InputXSL">
<source>Input XSL</source>
<target>Input XSL</target>
<trans-unit id="ConflictsFound">
<source>More than one matching template was found. The last found in stylesheet will be used.</source>
<target>More than one matching template was found. The last found in stylesheet will be used.</target>
<trans-unit id="CircularVariableDefWasDetected">
<source>A circular variable definition was detected.</source>
<target>A circular variable definition was detected.</target>
<trans-unit id="FunctionAcceptsTwoArguments_1Param">
<source>The function '{0}' accepts two arguments.</source>
<target>The function '{0}' accepts two arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="NoPrefixResolverAvailable">
<source>No PrefixResolver is available in the function 'evaluate()'.</source>
<target>No PrefixResolver is available in the function 'evaluate()'.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidArgumentTypeFunction_1Param">
<source>Invalid argument type in the function '{0}'.</source>
<target>Invalid argument type in the function '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="ErrorCopyingNamespaceNodeForDefault">
<source>A namespace node for the default namespace already exists in the result tree.</source>
<target>A namespace node for the default namespace already exists in the result tree.</target>
<trans-unit id="ErrorCopyingNamespaceNode_1Param">
<source>A namespace node with the name '{0}' already exists in the result tree.</source>
<target>A namespace node with the name '{0}' already exists in the result tree.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidHighSurrogate_1Param">
<source>Invalid UTF-16 high surrogate detected: {0}.</source>
<target>Invalid UTF-16 high surrogate detected: {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidSurrogatePair_2Param">
<source>Invalid UTF-16 surrogate pair detected: {0}:{0}.</source>
<target>Invalid UTF-16 surrogate pair detected: {0}:{0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="EXSLTFunctionAcceptsOneArgument_1Param">
<source>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts one argument.</source>
<target>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts one argument.</target>
<trans-unit id="EXSLTFunctionAcceptsNoArgument_1Param">
<source>The EXSLT function '{0}' does not accept any arguments.</source>
<target>The EXSLT function '{0}' does not accept any arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="EXSLTFunctionAcceptsTwoArguments_1Param">
<source>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts two arguments.</source>
<target>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts two arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="EXSLTFunctionAcceptsTwoOrThreeArguments_1Param">
<source>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts two or three arguments.</source>
<target>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts two or three arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="EXSLTFunctionAccepts1Or2Argument_1Param">
<source>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts one or two arguments.</source>
<target>The EXSLT function '{0}' accepts one or two arguments.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanDOMExceptionCaught_1Param">
<source>XalanDOMException caught. The code is '{0}'.</source>
<target>XalanDOMException caught. The code is '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidCompiledStylesheetProvided">
<source>An invalid compiled stylesheet was provided.</source>
<target>An invalid compiled stylesheet was provided.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidParsedSourceProvided">
<source>An invalid parsed source was provided.</source>
<target>An invalid parsed source was provided.</target>
<trans-unit id="NumberBytesWrittenDoesNotEqual">
<source>Number of bytes written does not equal number of bytes sent.</source>
<target>Number of bytes written does not equal number of bytes sent.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenuXalanVersion_1Param">
<source>Xalan version {0}.</source>
<target>Xalan version {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenuXercesVersion_1Param">
<source>Xerces version {0}.</source>
<target>Xerces version {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source>Usage: Xalan [options] source stylesheet</source>
<target>Usage: Xalan [options] source stylesheet</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu0">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu1">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -a Use xml-stylesheet PI, not the 'stylesheet' argument</source>
<target> -a Use xml-stylesheet PI, not the 'stylesheet' argument</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu2">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -e encoding Force the specified encoding for the output.</source>
<target> -e encoding Force the specified encoding for the output.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu3">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -i integer Indent the specified amount.</source>
<target> -i integer Indent the specified amount.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu4">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -m Omit the META tag in HTML output.</source>
<target> -m Omit the META tag in HTML output.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu5">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -o filename Write output to the specified file.</source>
<target> -o filename Write output to the specified file.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu6">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -p name expression Sets a stylesheet parameter.</source>
<target> -p name expression Sets a stylesheet parameter.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu7">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -t Display timing information.</source>
<target> -t Display timing information.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu8">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -u Disable escaping of URLs in HTML output.</source>
<target> -u Disable escaping of URLs in HTML output.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu9">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -? Display this message.</source>
<target> -? Display this message.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu10">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> -v Validates source documents.</source>
<target> -v Validates source documents.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu11">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> - A dash as the 'source' argument reads from stdin.</source>
<target> - A dash as the 'source' argument reads from stdin.</target>
<trans-unit id="XalanExeHelpMenu12">
<note> Messages XalanExeHelpMenu - XalanExeHelpMenu10 are messages for the one menu. Don't change the order and don't add in the middle other messages</note>
<source> ('-' cannot be used for both arguments.)</source>
<target> ('-' cannot be used for both arguments.)</target>
<trans-unit id="ElemOrLTIsNotAllowed_1Param">
<source>The element {0} or literal text is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet</source>
<target>The element {0} or literal text is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet</target>
<trans-unit id="ElemIsNotAllowed_1Param">
<source>The element {0} is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet</source>
<target>The element {0} is not allowed at this position in the stylesheet</target>
<trans-unit id="ErrorWritingFile_1Param">
<source>Error writing file: {0}.</source>
<target>Error writing file: {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="ErrorOpeningFile_1Param">
<source>Error opening file: {0}.</source>
<target>Error opening file: {0}.</target>
<trans-unit id="Error2">
<source>Error </source>
<target>Error </target>
<trans-unit id="ErrorWritingToStdStream">
<source>Error writing to standard stream.</source>
<target>Error writing to standard stream.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnrepresentableCharacter_2Param">
<source>The Unicode code point U+{0} cannot be represented in the encoding '{1}'.</source>
<target>The Unicode code point U+{0} cannot be represented in the encoding '{1}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidScalar_1Param">
<source>'{0}' is an invalid Unicode scalar value.</source>
<target>'{0}' is an invalid Unicode scalar value.</target>
<trans-unit id="PrefixOfLengthZeroDetected">
<source>A zero-length prefix was detected</source>
<target>A zero-length prefix was detected.</target>
<trans-unit id="SortMustBeAscendOrDescend">
<source>The xsl:sort 'order' value must be 'ascending' or 'descending'.</source>
<target>The xsl:sort 'order' value must be 'ascending' or 'descending'.</target>
<trans-unit id="SortDataTypeMustBe">
<source>The xsl:sort attribute 'data-type' value must be 'text', 'number' or a prefixed name.</source>
<target>The xsl:sort attribute 'data-type' value must be 'text', 'number' or a prefixed name.</target>
<trans-unit id="SortHasUnknownDataType">
<source>The xsl:sort element has an unknown value in an attribute 'data-type'. The data-type will be 'text'</source>
<target>The xsl:sort element has an unknown value in an attribute 'data-type'. The data-type will be 'text'</target>
<trans-unit id="SortCaseOrderMustBe">
<source>The xsl:sort attribute 'case-order' value must be 'upper-first' or 'lower-first'.</source>
<target>The xsl:sort attribute 'case-order' value must be 'upper-first' or 'lower-first'.</target>
<trans-unit id="LegalValuesForLetterValue">
<source>The legal values for letter-value are 'alphabetic' and 'traditional'.</source>
<target>The legal values for letter-value are 'alphabetic' and 'traditional'.</target>
<trans-unit id="InvalidURI">
<source>Invalid URI.</source>
<target>Invalid URI.</target>
<trans-unit id="ExpectedToken">
<source>Expected a token but reached the end of the expression instead.</source>
<target>Expected a token but reached the end of the expression instead.</target>
<trans-unit id="ForbiddenXMLCharacter_2Param">
<source>The Unicode code point '{0}' is not a legal XML {1} character.</source>
<target>The Unicode code point '{0}' is not a legal XML {1} character.</target>
<trans-unit id="UnknownKey_1Param">
<source>There is no xsl:key instruction with the expanded name '{0}'.</source>
<target>There is no xsl:key instruction with the expanded name '{0}'.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotSwitchToHTMLOutputMethod">
<source>The processor cannot use the HTML output method because the current extension output method does not support it.</source>
<target>The processor cannot use the HTML output method because the current extension output method does not support it.</target>
<trans-unit id="CannotFindFragment_2Param">
<source>The fragment '{0}' was not found in the document '{1}'.</source>
<target>The fragment '{0}' was not found in the document '{1}'.</target>