Xalan-C faq page sources update
diff --git a/xdocs/sources/xalan/faq.xml b/xdocs/sources/xalan/faq.xml
index acfad6f..34e5c5b 100644
--- a/xdocs/sources/xalan/faq.xml
+++ b/xdocs/sources/xalan/faq.xml
@@ -222,7 +222,25 @@
 <faq title="Submitting Patches">
 <q>Who do I submit patches to?</q>
-<a><p>Your contributions are much appreciated! Please e-mail your patches to <human-resource-ref idref="xalandev"/>.</p></a>
+<a><p>Your contributions are much appreciated! You can e-mail your patches to 
+      <human-resource-ref idref="xalandev"/> or raise an issue on the 
+      <jump href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANC">Jira issue tracking system</jump>.</p>
+   <p>The Xalan projects use Jira as the issue tracking system.  Any significant bug or feature request is
+      posted to this system.  You must subscribe to the system in order to submit patches and raise
+      issues.</p>
+<li>Subscribe to Jira at: 
+    <jump href="https://issues.apache.org/jira">https://issues.apache.org/jira</jump>
+<li>Browse the issues at: 
+    <jump href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANC">https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANC</jump>
+    <p>Issues posted to the project on Jira at XALANC are automatically posted to the
+       <human-resource-ref idref="xalandev"/></p>
+    <p>Our mailing lists are moderated.  You should subscribe to the mailing list in order to
+      post a message, otherwise message delivery requires manual intervention or may be dropped.</p>
 <faq title="Transformation Output Methods">
@@ -341,6 +359,8 @@
    <p>On Windows, the LocalMsgIndex.hpp header is generated by the Localization project.  By building any project that has a 
       dependency on the Localization project, will trigger the Message Localization component to built and the LocalMsgIndex.hpp 
       to be generated.</p>
+   <p>On Windows binary distributions, the LocalMsgIndex.hpp file is a member of the "<code>Include</code>" directory.</p>
+   <p>On Unix binary distributions, the LocalMsgIndex.hpp file is a member of the "<code>include/xalanc/PlatformSupport</code>" directory.</p>