blob: bb93bd3162cdfb7d94361a15ada7be3df1a46097 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- SECTION: ApacheCon miscellaneous history (for Concom planning) -->
<event title="ACEU 2000 CFP" start="05/12/2000" end="06/16/2000" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2000 CFP" >Acceptance notification by: 3 July 2000</event>
<event title="ACEU 2000 Registration" start="07/31/2000" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2000 Registration" >We have scheduled 42 sessions -- 63 hours</event>
<event title="ACEU 2000 Early Bird Ends" start="09/15/2000" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2000 Early Bird Ends" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2001 CFP" start="12/21/2000" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2001 CFP" >Had >150 submissions.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2001 Early Bird Ends" start="03/09/2001" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2001 Early Bird Ends" >Notable early bird savings.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2001 CFP" start="05/01/2001" end="06/02/2001" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2001 CFP" >This conference was later cancelled.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2001 CANCELLED" start="07/17/2001" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2001 CANCELLED" >Due to financial/producer issues, the ACEU2001 conference was cancelled for Dublin. CFPs were collected.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2002 CFP" start="05/01/2002" end="05/31/2002" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2002 CFP" >Begin date is approximate!</event>
<event title="ACUS 2002 Registration" start="09/17/2002" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2002 Registration" >Early bird discounts featured.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2002 Early Bird Ends" start="10/04/2002" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2002 Early Bird Ends" >Was extended by</event>
<event title="ACUS 2003 Registration" start="09/15/2003" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2003 Registration" >Early bird was featured.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2003 Hyper Early Bird Ends" start="09/30/2003" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2003 Hyper Early Bird Ends" >There were multiple levels of early bird pricing with various discounts.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2004 Logo Contest" start="09/01/2004" end="09/15/2004" isDuration="true" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2004 Logo Contest" >Logo contest held; winner gets discounted pass to the Fabulous Alexis Park Hotel!</event>
<event title="ACEU 2005 CFP" start="03/04/2005" end="03/12/2005" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2005 CFP" >Deadline extended.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2005 Registration" start="05/06/2005" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2005 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2005 Early Bird Ends" start="06/17/2005" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2005 Early Bird Ends" >Early bird savings were significant.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2005 Registration" start="10/13/2005" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2005 Registration" >Super Early Bird discount ended on 23-Oct.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2005 Early Bird Ends" start="11/20/2005" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2005 Early Bird Ends" >Various levels of early bird discounts offered.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2006 CFP" start="02/21/2006" end="03/27/2006" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2006 CFP" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2006 Registration" start="05/11/2006" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2006 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2006 Early Bird Ends" start="06/06/2006" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2006 Early Bird Ends" >Early bird savings were significant.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon Asia 2006 CFP" start="06/16/2006" end="07/09/2006" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#FF0000" caption="ApacheCon Asia 2006 CFP" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2006 Registration" start="09/01/2006" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2006 Registration" >Early Bird savings ended 15-Sep.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2006 Early Bird Ends" start="09/15/2006" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2006 Early Bird Ends" >Notable early bird savings.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2007 CFP" start="12/01/2006" end="01/12/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2007 CFP" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2007 Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" start="03/21/2007" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2007 Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" >Email sent 21-March with deadline extended to 27-March</event>
<event title="OSSummit 2007 CFP" start="07/12/2007" end="07/14/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#FF0000" caption="OSSummit 2007 CFP" >Started earlier than 12-July... need to confirm open date.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2006 CFP" start="06/06/2006" end="06/28/2006" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2006 CFP" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2005 CFP" start="07/01/2005" end="07/29/2005" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2005 CFP" >CFP held for ACUS05. Speakers to be notified 26 August.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2007 Registration" start="02/02/2007" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2007 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2007 Early Bird Ends" start="03/27/2007" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2007 Early Bird Ends" >Early bird savings were notable.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2008 CFP" start="09/27/2007" end="11/02/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2008 CFP" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2007 Early Bird Ends" start="09/22/2007" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2007 Early Bird Ends" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 1999 CFP" start="10/01/1999" end="10/22/1999" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 1999 CFP" >Estimated start date.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2000 Registration" start="11/22/1999" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2000 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2003 CFP" start="07/21/2003" end="08/25/2003" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2003 CFP" >Estimated end date.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2004 CFP" start="06/24/2004" end="08/02/2004" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2004 CFP" >End date extended at last minute from original 23-July deadline.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2007 CFP" start="04/16/2007" end="04/30/2007" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2007 CFP" >Yes, this was an incredibly short CFP. I can't believe it all worked out anyway!</event>
<event title="OSSummit 2007 Registration" start="09/26/2007" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#FF0000" caption="OSSummit 2007 Registration" >Early bird was supposed to end 12-Oct, but was extended.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon Asia 2006 Registration" start="07/21/2006" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#FF0000" caption="ApacheCon Asia 2006 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2007 Registration Early Bird Extension [ANN:a.c]" start="09/06/2007" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2007 Registration Early Bird Extension [ANN:a.c]" >Early bird was extended to 22-Sep with this email.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 CFP" start="03/01/2008" end="04/03/2008" isDuration="true" image="ac-cfp.png" caption="ACUS 2008 CFP" >This short CFP was needed to ensure all submissions were in before our planning meeting at ApacheCon Europe 2008.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2009 CFP" start="10/02/2008" end="10/24/2008" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac-cfp.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2009 CFP" >This short CFP was needed to ensure all submissions were in before our planning meeting at ApacheCon US 2008.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Early Bird Ends" start="10/03/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Early Bird Ends" >Committer rate price bump was minimized.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Registration" start="07/31/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Registration" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2008 Early Bird Ends" start="02/15/2008" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2008 Early Bird Ends" >Was extended one week</event>
<event title="ACEU 2008 Keynotes Announced" start="03/25/2008" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2008 Keynotes Announced" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2009 Registration Opens [ANN:a.c]" start="01/27/2009" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2009 Registration Opens [ANN:a.c]" ></event>
<event title="ACEU 2009 Early Bird Reminder/Extension [ANN:a.c]" start="02/09/2009" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2009 Early Bird Reminder/Extension [ANN:a.c]" ></event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Hotel Room Rate Extended [ANN:a.c]" start="10/15/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Hotel Room Rate Extended [ANN:a.c]" >Extended until 17-Oct.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" start="09/26/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" >Email sent on 26-Sep, expired on 3-Oct.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Super Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" start="08/20/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Super Early Bird Ends [ANN:a.c]" >Email sent on 20-Aug, expired on 29-Aug.</event>
<event title="ACUS 2008 Super Early Bird Reminder [ANN:a.c]" start="08/08/2008" isDuration="false" image="ac-reg.png" caption="ACUS 2008 Super Early Bird Reminder [ANN:a.c]" >Email sent on 8-Aug, expired (originally) on 15-Aug.</event>
<event title="ACEU 2008 Registration Opens [ANN:a.c]" start="01/22/2008" isDuration="false" icon="" image="ac-reg.png" color="#008000" caption="ACEU 2008 Registration Opens [ANN:a.c]" >Early bird planned to expire 7-Feb.</event>
<!-- SECTION: ApacheCon conference history -->
<event title="ApacheCon 1998" start="10/14/1998" end="10/16/1998" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon 1998!" >Produced by C2Net in San Francisco, with 53 speakers this was very strongly attended for a first show.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon 1999 (not held)" start="11/01/1999" end="10/16/1998" isDuration="false" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon 1999 (not held)" >No ApacheCon was run in 1999 due to the effort required to plan a conference; instead, we planned US and European conferences for 2000.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2000" start="03/08/2000" end="03/10/2000" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2000" link="">Produced by Camelot Communications in Orlando, FL, this event 4 tracks of technical talks and included training classes. Keynote speakers included Wil Wheaton, Cory Doctorow, Tim Bray, and Jaron Lanier. Notable sponsors include, Covalent, IBM, and Sun, names seen frequently at ApacheCon.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2000" start="10/23/2000" end="10/25/2000" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2000" link="">Produced by Camelot Communications in London, UK, this was a highly memorable conference. There were 3 tracks of technical talks and simultaneous BOF tracks available. Keynote speakers included Douglas Adams.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2001" start="04/04/2001" end="04/06/2001" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2001" link="">Produced by Camelot Communications in Santa Clara, CA, with 3 tracks of technical talks and simultaneous BOFs. Keynote speakers included Jon 'maddog' Hall and David Brin.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2002" start="11/18/2002" end="11/21/2002" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2002" link="">Produced by Security Travel in Las Vegas, NV at the fabulous Alexis Park Hotel with 4 technical tracks, with BOFs in the evenings. This began the short-lived tradition of having ApacheCon the same week as COMDEX. Keynote speakers included Tim O'Reilly and Richard Thieme.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2003" start="11/16/2003" end="11/19/2003" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2003" link="">Produced by Security Travel in Las Vegas, NV continuing at the fabulous Alexis Park Hotel, with 4 technical tracks, and BOFs in evenings. The ApacheCon Wiki began. Keynote speakers included Chris Pirillo and Doc Searls.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2004" start="11/13/2004" end="11/17/2004" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2004" link="">Produced by Security Travel in Las Vegas, NV we returned once again to the even more fabulous Alexis Park Hotel, with 4 technical tracks, with BOFs in the evenings. Keynote speakers included Miguel De Icaza and Doc Searls. The ever popular Lightning Talks began!</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2005" start="07/18/2005" end="07/22/2005" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2005" link="">Produced by Software &amp; Support Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany, with 4 technical tracks, with BOFs in the evenings. Keynote speakers included Dr. Horst Zuse, Danese Cooper, and Jan Wildeboer.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2005" start="12/10/2005" end="12/14/2005" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2005" link="">Produced by FCP in San Diego, CA, with 4 technical tracks, with BOFs in the evenings. Keynote speakers included Cory Doctorow, Jaron Lanier, and Tim Bray. World premier screening of "FUD", a documentary movie about open source.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2006" start="06/26/2006" end="06/30/2006" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2006" link="">Produced by Software &amp; Support Verlag in Dublin, Ireland, June 26-30, with 4 tracks including a special Business track, with BOFs in the evenings. Keynote speakers included Robert Burke and Mark Shuttleworth.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon Asia 2006" start="08/14/2006" end="08/17/2006" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#FF0000" caption="ApacheCon Asia 2006" link="">Co-produced by the Lanka Software Foundation,, and The Linux Center in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This first ApacheCon in Asia featured 2 tracks, BOFs, and Lightning Talks, with Ken Coar as keynote speaker.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2006" start="10/09/2006" end="10/13/2006" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2006" link="">Produced by SCP in Austin, TX, with a record number of speakers. There were 5 tracks plus BOFs, premiering the Business Track and the Open Source Legal and Licensing track. Keynote speakers included Dr. Cliff Stoll, Dr. Patrick Ball, and Howard Tayler.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2007" start="05/01/2007" end="05/04/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2007" link="">Produced by SCP in Amsterdam, with 4 tracks, BOFs, and the first Fast Feather track ever. Keynote speakers included Steven Pemberton, Dr. Margo Seltzer, </event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2007" start="11/12/2007" end="11/16/2007" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2007" link="">Produced by SCP in Atlanta, GA, featuring 4 tracks plus a multi-day Business track and the Fast Feather track. Keynote speakers included Doc Searls, Jim Gettys, Ora Lassila</event>
<event title="OS Summit 2007" start="11/26/2007" end="11/30/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#FF0000" caption="OS Summit 2007" >Produced by OS Summit LLC in Hong Kong, this joint conference with the Eclipse Foundation was cancelled due to unfortunate circumstances.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2008" start="04/07/2008" end="04/11/2008" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2008" link="">Produced by SCP in Amsterdam again with 3 tracks, and Keynotes from Cliff Schmidt, Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Roy Fielding. Now with Crowdvine social networking.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2008" start="11/03/2008" end="11/07/2008" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2008" link="">Produced by SCP in New Orleans with 5 full tracks, a live jazz band, and Keynotes from Sam Ramji, David Recordon, Shahani Weerawarana.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2009" start="03/23/2009" end="03/27/2009" isDuration="true" icon="" image="ac.png" color="#008000" caption="ApacheCon EU 2009" link="">Produced by SCP in Amsterdam with 4 tracks and Keynotes from Raghu Ramakrishnan, James Governor, and The ASF Founder's Panel. Crowdvine continues.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon US 2009" start="11/02/2009" end="11/06/2009" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2009" link="">Held in Oakland, CA, this featured bigger and better events than ever before.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2010" start="11/01/2010" end="11/05/2010" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon US 2010" link="" >Coming to Atlanta, GA, with PMCs helping drive track selection.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2011" start="11/07/2011" end="11/11/2011" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon NA 2011" link="">Held in Vancouver BC, Canada, with 5 tracks and great attendance.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2012" start="11/05/2012" end="11/08/2012" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon EU 2012" link="">Held in Sinsheim, Germany.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2013" start="02/24/2013" end="03/02/2013" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon NA 2013" link="">Held in Portland, OR.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2014" start="04/07/2014" end="04/09/2014" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon NA 2014" link="">Held in Denver, CO.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2014" start="11/17/2014" end="11/21/2014" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon EU 2014" link="">Held in Budapest, Hungary.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2015" start="04/13/2015" end="04/15/2015" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon NA 2015" link="">Held in Austin, TX.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2015" start="10/01/2015" end="10/02/2015" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon EU 2015" link="">Held in Budapest, Hungary.</event>
<event title="Apache BigData EU 2015" start="09/28/2015" end="09/30/2015" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="Apache BigData EU 2015" link="">Held in Budapest, Hungary.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon NA 2016" start="05/11/2016" end="05/13/2016" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon NA 2016" link="">Held in Vancouver, BC.</event>
<event title="Apache BigData NA 2016" start="05/11/2016" end="05/13/2016" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="Apache BigData NA 2016" link="">Held in Vancouver, BC.</event>
<event title="ApacheCon EU 2016" start="11/16/2016" end="11/18/2016" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="ApacheCon EU 2016" link="">Held in Seville, Spain.</event>
<event title="Apache BigData EU 2016" start="11/14/2016" end="11/16/2016" isDuration="true" image="ac.png" caption="Apache BigData EU 2016" link="">Held in Seville, Spain.</event>
<!-- SECTION: board history -->
<event title="Board: BL, BH, BB, KC, DW, RF, JJ, RT, SP" start="04/13/1999" end="03/10/2000" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="Board: BL, BH, BB, KC, DW, RF, JJ, RT, SP" >The first Board comprised: ben, bhyde, brian, coar, dirkx, fielding, jim, randy, sameer</event>
<event title="BL, BB, KC, DW, DM, RF, JJ, RT, RL" start="03/11/2000" end="04/02/2001" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BL, BB, KC, DW, DM, RF, JJ, RT, RL" >The second Board comprised: ben, brian, coar, dirkx, dougm, fielding, jim, randy, rasmus</event>
<event title="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, RT, BS" start="04/03/2001" end="05/20/2002" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, RT, BS" >The third Board comprised: ben, brian, coar, dirkx, fielding, gstein, jim, randy, stoddard and there were many other nominees in the election.</event>
<event title="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, RT, SR" start="05/21/2002" end="06/17/2003" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, RT, SR" >The fourth Board comprised: ben, brian, coar, dirkx, fielding, gstein, jim, randy, rubys</event>
<event title="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, MC, SR" start="06/18/2003" end="05/17/2004" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BL, BB, KC, DW, RF, GS, JJ, MC, SR" >The fifth Board comprised: ben, brian, coar, dirkx, fielding, gstein, jim, mjc, rubys</event>
<event title="BB, KC, DW, GM, GS, JJ, SR, SM, SS" start="05/18/2004" end="05/23/2005" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BB, KC, DW, GM, GS, JJ, SR, SM, SS" >The sixth Board comprised: brian, coar, dirkx, geirm, gstein, jim, rubys, stefano, striker</event>
<event title="BL, KC, DW, GS, JE, JJ, SR, SM, SS" start="05/24/2005" end="06/12/2006" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BL, KC, DW, GS, JE, JJ, SR, SM, SS" >The seventh Board comprised: ben, coar, dirkx, gstein, jerenkrantz, jim, rubys, stefano, striker</event>
<event title="HY, CS, KC, DW, GS, JE, JJ, SR, SS" start="06/13/2006" end="06/04/2007" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="HY, CS, KC, DW, GS, JE, JJ, SR, SS" >The eighth Board comprised: bayard, cliffs, coar, dirkx, gstein, jerenkrantz, jim, rubys, striker, and there were many other nominees (some of whom declined the nomination)</event>
<event title="HY, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" start="06/05/2007" end="06/02/2008" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="HY, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The tenth Board comprised: bayard, farra, geirm, gstein, henning, jerenkrantz, jim, rubys, wrowe</event>
<event title="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" start="06/03/2008" end="07/08/2009" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The eleventh Board comprised: bdelacretaz, farra, geirm, gstein, henning, jerenkrantz, jim, rubys, wrowe</event>
<event title="SC, DC, JE, RF, JJ, GM, BM, BP, GS" start="07/09/2009" end="07/08/2010" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The twelveth Board comprised: curcuru, cutting, brianm, brett, fielding, geirm, gstein, jerenkrantz, jim</event>
<event title="SC, DC, RF, JJ, GS, HY, BD, NS, SR" start="07/09/2010" end="08/18/2010" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The thirteenth Board comprised (briefly): bayard, bdelacretaz, curcuru, cutting, gstein, fielding, jim, noirin, rubys</event>
<event title="SC, DC, RF, JJ, GS, GM, BD, NS, SR" start="08/18/2010" end="07/09/2011" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The thirteenth Board comprised (for remainder of year, after Henri resigned): bdelacretaz, curcuru, cutting, geirm, gstein, fielding, jim, noirin, rubys</event>
<event title="SC, DC, RF, JJ, GS, LR, BD, BP, SR" start="07/10/2011" end="03/21/2012" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The fourteenth Board comprised (at start): bdelacretaz, brett, curcuru, cutting, gstein, fielding, jim, lrosen, rubys</event>
<event title="SC, DC, RF, JJ, GS, DK, BD, BP, SR" start="03/21/2012" end="05/22/2012" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The fourteenth Board comprised, (dkulp appointed after lrosen's resignation): bdelacretaz, brett, curcuru, cutting, dkulp, gstein, fielding, jim, rubys</event>
<event title="DC, RF, JJ, GS, BD, BP, SR, RG, RCB" start="05/22/2011" end="05/22/2012" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The fifteenth Board comprised: bdelacretaz, brett, cutting, gstein, fielding, jim, rbowen, rgardler, rubys</event>
<event title="DC, RF, JJ, GS, BD, BP, SR, CM, SC" start="05/22/2012" end="05/22/2013" isDuration="true" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="BD, JF, GM, GS, HS, JE, JJ, SR, WR" >The sixteenth Board comprised: bdelacretaz, brett, curcuru, cutting, gstein, fielding, jim, mattmann, rubys</event>
<!-- SECTION: Selected historical events and PMC creations (manually selected)
This section could be auto-generated from committers/board/board-meeting-history.csv
<event title="HTTP and Concom PMCs created" start="04/13/1999" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="HTTP and Concom PMCs created" >Teleconference held by Roy to report on incorporation, approve bylaws, elect officers, and created the Apache Conference Committee, or "Concom" and HTTP Server.</event>
<event title="ASF is officially incorporated" start="06/01/1999" isDuration="false" icon="" image="script_edit.png" color="#C0C0C0" textcolor="#C0C0C0" caption="ASF is officially incorporated" link="" >6. Special Orders
A. Effective date of incorporation
By general consent, it was agreed that the official effective
date of incorporation for the Apache Software Foundation is
to be set as June 1, 1999.
<event title="Jakarta and XML PMCs created" start="09/16/1999" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="Jakarta and XML PMCs created" >James Davidson appointed VP, Jakarta; Dirk-Willem van Gulik appointed VP, XML.</event>
<event title="Perl-Apache PMC created" start="03/10/2000" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="Perl-Apache PMC created" >Doug MacEachern appointed VP, Perl-Apache</event>
<event title="PHP and TCL PMCs created" start="07/24/2000" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="PHP and TCL PMCs created" ></event>
<event title="APR PMC created" start="12/20/2000" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="APR PMC created" ></event>
<event title="JCP Resolution passed (only implement free specs)" start="03/20/2002" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="JCP Resolution passed (only implement free specs)" >...
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Apache Software
Foundation will no longer participate in the development of
implementations or interface standards that cannot be completely
implemented and distributed as open source software, without
royalties or fees of any kind, by nonprofit and educational
organizations; and be it further
<event title="DB and Fund-Raising PMCs created" start="07/17/2002" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="DB and Fund-Raising PMCs created" ></event>
<event title="Commons PMCs created" start="09/18/2002" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="Commons PMCs created" ></event>
<event title="Security Team created as board cmmte" start="10/09/2002" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="Security Team created as board cmmte" >Ben Laurie and Mark Cox are original members.</event>
<event title="Incubator PMC created" start="10/16/2002" isDuration="false" icon="" image="chart_line.png" color="#800080" textcolor="#800080" caption="Incubator PMC created" >Jim Jagielski appointed VP, and members include: Aaron Bannert, Nicola Ken Barozzi, Ken Coar, Roy T. Fielding, B. W. Fitzpatrick, Greg Stein, Sander Striker</event>