Typo (#364)

diff --git a/content/foundation/board/reporting.md b/content/foundation/board/reporting.md
index 742b5f5..4505daa 100644
--- a/content/foundation/board/reporting.md
+++ b/content/foundation/board/reporting.md
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
  - Do not use non-Apache URL shorteners.
-      If you have a long URL you wish to include in your report, **only** use the `https://s.apache.org/` URL shortener (Apache login required) to provide a shorter link. Apache cannot control how long an external URL shorterner will exist, or will maintain a given shortened URL.   
+      If you have a long URL you wish to include in your report, **only** use the `https://s.apache.org/` URL shortener (Apache login required) to provide a shorter link. Apache cannot control how long an external URL shortener will exist, or will maintain a given shortened URL.   
 - There's no need to include details about committer affiliations in a report, unless the information points to an issue around diversity which may be included privately.