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<div class="container"> <h1 id="targeted-sponsorship-policy">Targeted Sponsorship Policy<a class="headerlink" href="#targeted-sponsorship-policy" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h1>
<h2 id="what-is-a-targeted-sponsor">What is a Targeted Sponsor?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-a-targeted-sponsor" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Targeted sponsors support the foundation by helping specific parts of the foundation.
For example, targeted sponsors today donate cloud services, fund project hackathons,
and provide committer resources. It&rsquo;s our way of encouraging and recognizing the
sponsors that we rely on everyday outside of and often in addition to funding our general
<h2 id="who-can-be-a-targeted-sponsor">Who Can Be a Targeted Sponsor?<a class="headerlink" href="#who-can-be-a-targeted-sponsor" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The policy available as <a href="/foundation/sponsorship.html#who-can-sponsor-the-asf">&ldquo;Who Can Sponsor The ASF&rdquo;</a>
also applies to targeted sponsors as will the same sponsor agreement
template and intake process.</p>
<h2 id="changes-to-thanks-page">Changes to Thanks Page<a class="headerlink" href="#changes-to-thanks-page" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The main ASF Sponsor Thanks Page is now split into two sections, &ldquo;Normal&rdquo;,
non-targeted Sponsors and &ldquo;Targeted&rdquo; Sponsors.</p>
<p>The previous Infrastructure sponsorship section on the Thanks page was removed and
carefully audited with Infra to integrate Infrastructure sponsors as simply one type of
targeted sponsorship.</p>
<h2 id="more-details">More Details<a class="headerlink" href="#more-details" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Committees and projects can choose to set up a project thanks area of their TLP site
that also recognizes the sponsor in sync with the foundation page as noted at
the <a href="/foundation/marks/linking">Apache&reg; Project Corporate Recognition Best Practices</a>.
<strong>Any additional recognition on committee or project page(s) must be approved by VP Fundraising and VP Brand Management.</strong></p>
<p>Sponsors &amp; Targeted Sponsors can provide cash and/or in-kind services. In some
cases, a mixture of the two may be approved at the discretion of the VP Fundraising
especially in cases where the ASF&rsquo;s Infrastructure team or a specific Apache PMC has a
need of the services.</p>
<p>"Normal" Sponsors provide sponsorship that are used to support the entire operation of
the foundation. Targeted Sponsors provide support for a specific pre-agreed upon goal.</p>
<p>A Non-Targeted Sponsor donates $100 to a NPO charity baseball team. The
team can spend the $100 to buy whatever they want with it.</p>
<p>A Targeted Sponsor is contacted and asked how they can help, the team says
&ldquo;we need bats&rdquo;. VP Fundraising approves the batty request, Targeted Sponsor
donates $100 to the same team with a target to use it to buy bats. $15 of the
donation goes to general operations to handle accounting/bat counts/bat
polish/bat storage/bat caves/etc., $85 goes to buy new bats and everyone is
<p>The goal of this policy is to allow the foundation and project committees more flexibility to
work with sponsors to deliver additional services and improve our community.</p>
<p>The value of in-kind services for the purpose of determining the sponsorship level,
Targeted or otherwise, shall be determined by the VP Fundraising with input from the
fundraising committee. It is intended that it be valued at 100% of the fair market value of
the in-kind service. Please note, <strong>the foundation will only accept in-kind services that
are needed with a concrete purpose identified prior to the sponsorship</strong>. This
document supersedes all previous methods of calculating value.</p>
<p>Targeted Sponsors will be split into the same levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold &amp; Platinum)
with the same benefits as non-targeted sponsors.</p>
<p>The Targeted sponsor level will be based on the closest match monetarily to the normal
sponsor amounts and may be subject to the discretion of the VP Fundraising.</p>
<p>A single sponsor can be both a Sponsor and a Targeted Sponsor as well as multiple
levels of Targeted Sponsors in some cases. For example, Microsoft is a platinum
sponsor and could be listed as a bronze targeted sponsor for Azure and a platinum
targeted sponsor for Visual Studio donations.</p>
<p>Targeted Sponsors can provide services or cash to fulfill needs as identified by the
foundation, project or committees that are approved by the VP Fundraising and in
meeting the Apache Way.</p>
<p>Targeted Sponsors, the VP Fundraising and the specific committee in question (project
PMC, Legal, Infrastructure, Travel Assistance, Conferences, etc.) to identify the goal for
the services or funds prior to accepting the donation.</p>
<p>All donations will be tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.</p>
<p>All targeted sponsorships must be pre-approved by the VP Fundraising and coordinated
with the fundraising committee with the sole exception that Infrastructure shall continue
to work to also handle sponsors on their own with all communication communicated to
the fundraising or fundraising-private mailing lists either through cc, minutes or
contemporaneous notes.</p>
<p><strong>The ASF does not allow endorsements, official quotes, blogs, press releases, and
similar public statements regarding sponsorship in any manner except as
specified as official benefits of the sponsorship program</strong>. Existing blogs and
endorsements are hereby grandfathered as of August 2018. All statements for
sponsorship shall continue to be vetted and approved by VP Press &amp; Media before
<p>Targeted sponsorships with cash grants will be limited to 12 months. All funds should be
intended for complete use within this period. Any remaining funds at end of 12 months
MAY revert to use for ASF general operations at the ASF&rsquo;s sole discretion.</p>
<p>All Targeted sponsorships must be consistent with with the Apache Way as well as the
ASF Policies and Practices. In the absence of clear policies, the approval of the VP
Fundraising will be required.</p>
<p>Any proposals must be consistent with and not jeopardize the ASF 501(c)(3) IRS
determination status.</p>
<p>Targeted cash-based sponsorships are not refundable even if a Project leaves the ASF,
retires, or fails to use funds.</p>
<p>A minimum of 15% of targeted, cash-based sponsorships will be used to provide general
ASF services to support the agreed targeted sponsorship goal. If there is an additional
demand on ASF services, this may be higher at the ASF&rsquo;s sole discretion.</p>
<p>It is the responsibility of the VP Fundraising, President and any applicable Committees to
work together to ensure there is clarity about what is and is not possible for sponsors
and seeking Board guidance as deemed necessary.</p>
<h2 id="examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-can-be-requested-and-approved">Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that can be Requested and Approved<a class="headerlink" href="#examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-can-be-requested-and-approved" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<li>Google Summer of Code / Google Code-In</li>
<li>Subversion Project Hackathon</li>
<li>Donations of any services we are currently paying for already</li>
<li>Visual Studio for Committers</li>
<li>Microsoft Azure Credits</li>
<li>AWS Credits</li>
<li>Software and SaaS such as G Suite, Hopsie, Atlassian, Virtru &amp; Microsoft.</li>
<li>DNS &amp; Data Mirrors</li>
<li>Graphics Design</li>
<li>Media Support</li>
<h2 id="examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-are-possible">Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that are Possible<a class="headerlink" href="#examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-are-possible" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>These are examples that have been discussed and have merit to be discussed further. See the
section below on discussion for these items:</p>
<li>Pluralsight free membership to members</li>
<li>Huawei Cloud Credits</li>
<li>Sponsorship of the ASF Annual Board / Officer Face to Face (F2F) with a dinner keynote</li>
<li>Bug bounties (making this different than coding will require discussion. Ideas like this
have merit though to be recognized by the foundation if run completely outside our
umbrella: <a href="">More details</a>)</li>
<li>Promoting best practice in legal oversight of open source and related marks.</li>
<li>Technical Case Studies</li>
<li>Marketing and Publicity</li>
<li>Recording of training &amp; videography</li>
<li>Certification of IT Talent in specific technologies</li>
<li>Writing Documentation</li>
<li>Legal &amp; Trademarks Assistance</li>
<li>Specific project resources</li>
<li>Specific administrative help</li>
<li>Travel Assistance (w/additional human interest stories about who they sponsored)</li>
<li>Travel Assistance for Speakers</li>
<li>Paying for specific hardware rental from vendors such as Solaris for Apache QPID</li>
<li>Licensing the use of the ASF marks for events.</li>
<li>Help getting talent: Thoughts: Must be an ASF member or PMC member to ensure talent
quality. 20% donation of 1st year salary as finder&rsquo;s fee/sponsorship.Ross &amp; Sander also
mentioned that perhaps Sponsors might want more metrics and notification of new
<li>Paying Release Managers</li>
<li>Continuous Integration</li>
<li>Infrastructure Contract Help</li>
<li>Videography for Events</li>
<li>Sponsoring Events, Speaker Dinners, Meetups, Booths</li>
<h2 id="examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-are-highly-unlikely">Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that are Highly Unlikely<a class="headerlink" href="#examples-of-targeted-sponsorships-that-are-highly-unlikely" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<li>Developing code</li>
<li>Adding a donate button to a project page</li>
<li>Certification of products or companies</li>
<h2 id="key-differences-from-2015-targeted-sponsorship-proposal">Key Differences from 2015 targeted sponsorship proposal<a class="headerlink" href="#key-differences-from-2015-targeted-sponsorship-proposal" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The original idea was proposed by Ross Gardler at
<a href="">Board Meeting Minutes, January 21, 2015</a>:</p>
<li>This is not a proof of concept.</li>
<li>We are aligning in-kind Infrastructure Sponsorship with Targeted Sponsorship. As such,
the minimum of 50K will not be relevant.</li>
<li>Listing in Annual &amp; Quarterly reports will be handled the same as the non-targeted
sponsors based on their sponsorship level at the discretion of Media and Publicity.</li>
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