blob: 17d2a31263cd7fcf0bf4734593b1e88899f92866 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Board of Directors
# {{title}}
The [[]Board of Directors](../index.html#board-members) of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is responsible for
management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in
accordance with the [[]Bylaws](../bylaws.html). This includes managing corporate assets (funds, intellectual property, trademarks, and support
equipment), appointing a President and corporate officers to manage
the core operations of the ASF, and allocating corporate resources for the benefit of Apache projects.
Importantly, the ASF assigns [[]technical decision-making authority](../governance/#technical) for every
Apache project the project's independent Project Management Committee (PMC). Participants in each project provide its direction, not the board.
The [[]ASF membership](../members.html) elects to board annually.
Board meetings and minutes are published on the [[]board
calendar](calendar.html). Many other [[]public records](../records/) of our
corporation are publicly available. Information about Apache [[]corporate governance and
organization](../governance/) and [[]how board meetings work](meeting) are also available.
The current board of directors is:
[for board]
- []
A listing of [[]all officers of the ASF][[]1] is also published, along with a
[[]history of past directors][[]2].
[[]1]: /foundation/#who-runs-the-asf
[[]2]: /history/directors.html