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<div class="container"> <h1 id="apache-product-name-usage-guide">Apache Product Name Usage Guide<a class="headerlink" href="#apache-product-name-usage-guide" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h1>
<p>The Apache&reg; brand is shared amongst all 200+ Apache Software Foundation (ASF) project
communities and is an important part of our mission of providing
software for the public good. This identity usage guide provides
examples for how to refer to Apache&reg; software projects and products.</p>
<p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> Following this guide is <strong>required</strong> if you are requesting
permission to use Apache trademarks in domain names, events, or services.</p>
<p><strong>Terminology:</strong> <em>Projects</em> are the organizational committees (PMC) at the
ASF that manage and create software. <em>Products</em> are the software code
and downloads provided to the public. In most cases, the Apache project
name is the same as the software product name, and follows the format of "Apache <em>Projectname</em>".</p>
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<p>See Also: <a href="/foundation/marks/resources">Trademark Resources Site Map</a>.</p>
<div id="toc"><ul><li><a class="toc-href" href="#introduction" title="About the Apache Brand">About the Apache Brand</a></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#naming" title="How To Refer To Apache Projects And Products">How To Refer To Apache Projects And Products</a><ul><li><a class="toc-href" href="#howoften" title="Using Apache Hadoop Versus Hadoop">Using Apache Hadoop Versus Hadoop</a></li></ul></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#logos" title="How To Use Apache Project Logos">How To Use Apache Project Logos</a></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#poweredby" title="How To Use Apache Powered By Project Logos">How To Use Apache Powered By Project Logos</a></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#feather" title="How To Use The Apache Feather Logo">How To Use The Apache Feather Logo</a></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#other" title="Other Trademark Guidelines">Other Trademark Guidelines</a></li><li><a class="toc-href" href="#notes" title="Important Note">Important Note</a></li></ul></div>
<h2 id="introduction">About the Apache Brand<a class="headerlink" href="#introduction" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The Apache brand and our feather logo stand for the Apache Way process
by which we build software. Some of the elements of the Apache Way
include having collaborative, consensus driven communities of volunteers
who are performing the work providing the governance for the project. It
also means having a vendor-neutral and independent governance, welcoming
all productive contributions regardless of employer. Apache branded
projects are hosted at the ASF, and must be <a href="">governed independently</a>.</p>
<p>As a non-profit public charity, the Board and Membership of the ASF
serve as a truly <a href="/foundation/governance/">independent governing body</a> that oversees the operations
of the many Apache project communities. Having this layer of oversight
ensures that Apache projects act in the best interests of the entire user
community, and can serve as innovation accelerators by providing a
neutral collaboration space where various vendors can collaborate together.</p>
<p>To ensure that Apache volunteer communities get the credit they deserve
for providing Apache software, and to preserve the independent governance
image of the ASF and Apache projects, there are some specific ways that
you should refer to Apache projects and products.</p>
<h2 id="naming">How To Refer To Apache Projects And Products<a class="headerlink" href="#naming" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Apache projects are always named in the form of "Apache Hadoop". While
we use the Hadoop&reg; project here as an example, these guidelines apply
for all Apache projects. Ensuring you consistently refer to "Apache Hadoop"
ensures that all Apache projects share the tie to the non-profit that hosts them.</p>
<h3 id="howoften">Using Apache Hadoop Versus Hadoop<a class="headerlink" href="#howoften" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>The first and most prominent mentions <strong>must</strong> use the <em>full form</em>: "Apache
Hadoop&reg;" of the name for any individual usage (webpage, handout, slides, etc.)
Depending on the context and writing style, you should use the full form of
the name sufficiently often to ensure that readers clearly understand the association
of both the Hadoop project and the Hadoop software product to the ASF
as the parent organization.</p>
<p>Later in each specific document you may use the <em>bare form</em> of the name,
i.e. just Hadoop, as best suits your writing style.</p>
<p><strong>More specifically:</strong></p>
<p>For use by <strong>software vendors or software-related service providers</strong>,
or when organizations or organization-branded pages are discussing
Hadoop (or any other Apache brand) in relation to any non-Apache provided software products or
services, extra care is required to maintain the independent and
vendor-neutral reputation of the Apache brand.</p>
<p>The full form of the name must be used in <em>at least</em> these cases:</p>
<p>Titles or subtitles, including web page title or description metadata.</p>
<p>The first and most prominent header elements within any
major document section.</p>
<p>The first and most prominent callout, sidebar, or other types of
highlighted blocks of content displayed to the user.</p>
<p>The first and most prominent uses in running or body
text within the document.</p>
<p>For graphics headers or diagrams, the full form of the name
must be clear in the graphic itself where practical; if not, the
full form of the name must be used in a prominent caption
header, or accompanying explanation of the graphic.</p>
<p>For video content, in the title and first uses, as well as the last
use or any use in credits, must be the full form of the name.</p>
<p><a href="/foundation/marks/faq/#attribution">Proper trademark attributions</a> must also be provided, either in
page footers, or in a clearly marked Terms, Legal, Trademarks,
or other commonly-named secondary page within a website.</p>
<p>For use by <strong>other kinds of users</strong> (i.e. organizations or individuals <em>not</em> primarily
providing software products or services somehow related to the
Apache software product being discussed):</p>
<p>For scholarly or academic work: Use the full form in titles, subtitles,
the first and most prominent references in headers, callouts, or other
highlighted sections, and the first and most prominent references
in running or body text. Use of the bare form afterwards is permitted.</p>
<p>For regularly published media (books, magazines, journalists): ensure
the full form is used titles or subtitles,
the first and most prominent references in headers, callouts, or other
highlighted sections, and the first and most prominent references
in running or body text. Otherwise, follow your normal publisher's
guidelines for referring to software product names.</p>
<p>For personal bloggers or individuals: We appreciate the use of the
full form of the name in titles and the first and most prominent uses
in running or body text.</p>
<p>Uses of Apache brands in <a href="/foundation/marks/domains">domain names</a> or <a href="/foundation/marks/events">event names and brands</a> are covered in their own policies.</p>
<h2 id="logos">How To Use Apache Project Logos<a class="headerlink" href="#logos" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The most important points are to use the unmodified logo from the
Apache project itself, and to ensure that logos are not used in conjunction
with other corporate logos. Viewers of Apache project logos should
always have a clear understanding that the logo refers to the actual
Apache project (community) or software product (actual download),
and not to some third party organization or product.</p>
<h2 id="poweredby">How To Use Apache Powered By Project Logos<a class="headerlink" href="#poweredby" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>To enable the many organizations that build solutions atop Apache software
to properly showcase their relationship, the ASF provides a line of
<a href="/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby">"Powered By" graphic logos to download</a>
for all Apache projects. Powered By logos may be used more freely and
in more contexts than the official project logos, including in ways that
directly show the relationship between the Apache software product and
various third party products and services.</p>
<h2 id="feather">How To Use The Apache Feather Logo<a class="headerlink" href="#feather" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The Apache feather logo is an important brand to the ASF as a whole, as well
as to every Apache project. As a vendor-neutral public charity, the feather should
only be used to refer to the ASF itself as an independent organization, and must never
be used in contexts that appear to endorse or be affiliated with any
other organization. The feather logo must never be modified except when necessary
to accommodate limited printing technologies in physical contexts. The feather
logo must never be used in direct conjunction with other organization
logos or images.</p>
<p>The ASF Press team maintains the <a href="/foundation/press/kit/#policy">official Apache feather logos</a>.</p>
<h2 id="other">Other Trademark Guidelines<a class="headerlink" href="#other" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Please see our <a href="/foundation/marks/">formal Trademark Policy</a>
and our <a href="/foundation/marks/resources">site map of Trademark resources</a>.</p>
<h2 id="notes">Important Note<a class="headerlink" href="#notes" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p><strong>Nothing in this ASF policy statement shall be interpreted to allow any
third party to claim any association with the Apache Software Foundation or
any of its projects or to imply any approval or support by ASF for any
third party products, services, or events.</strong></p>
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