Update process.md
diff --git a/docs/process.md b/docs/process.md
index 69e520b..82c52fd 100644
--- a/docs/process.md
+++ b/docs/process.md
@@ -319,19 +319,19 @@
 We use the `asfgenid` plugin to perform modifications on the generated content that mimics the markdown extensions in the Apache CMS.
 Many of these ASF-specific enhancements are controlled in [pelican settings][configure] in the `ASF_GENID` dictionary.
-| step | ASF_GENID key | default | process | page override |
-| 1    |  -          | -           | fix up some HTML tags that the GFM autofilter extension marks as unsafe | |
-| 2    |  -          | -           | convert HTML into beautiful soup    | |
-| 3    | metadata    | True        | `{{ metadata }}` include data in the HTML | |
-| 4    |  -          | True        | inventory of all ID attributes; duplicates are invalid | |
-| 5    | elements    | True        | find all `{#id}` and `{.class}` texts and assign attributes | |
-| 6    | headings    | True        | assign IDs to all headings w/o IDs already present or assigned with `{#id}` text | asf_headings |
-|      | headings_re | `r'^h[1-6]'` | regex for finding headings that require IDs | |
-| 7    | tables      | True        | tables with a class attribute are assgned `class=table` | |
-| 8    | toc         | True        | generate a table of contents if [TOC] is found. If this is set to False then the `toc.py` plugin may used. | |
-|      | toc_headers | `r'h[1-6]'` | headings to include in the [TOC] | |
-| 9    |  -          | -           | convert beautiful soup back into HTML | |
+| ASF_GENID key | default | process | page override |
+|  -          | -           | fix up some HTML tags that the GFM autofilter extension marks as unsafe | |
+|  -          | -           | convert HTML into beautiful soup    | |
+| metadata    | True        | `{{ metadata }}` include data in the HTML | |
+|  -          | True        | inventory of all ID attributes; duplicates are invalid | |
+| elements    | True        | find all `{#id}` and `{.class}` texts and assign attributes | |
+| headings    | True        | assign IDs to all headings w/o IDs already present or assigned with `{#id}` text | asf_headings |
+| headings_re | `r'^h[1-6]'` | regex for finding headings that require IDs | |
+| tables      | True        | tables with a class attribute are assgned `class=table` | |
+| toc         | True        | generate a table of contents if [TOC] is found. If this is set to False then the `toc.py` plugin may used. | |
+| toc_headers | `r'h[1-6]'` | headings to include in the [TOC] | |
+|  -          | -           | convert beautiful soup back into HTML | |
 # Configure the asfgenid plugin